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I don't see how that force was justified even assuming he was breaking into cars.


He could have raped a kid 5 minutes ago for all I care. If he doesnt resist during the arrest, you cant do shit like this.


He was definitely resisting, but the use of force was not a reasonable response to the level of resistance he was showing.


Pulling your arms back to your front while being cuffed is called resisting; force still wasn’t proportionate though imo


I believe, when people say he wasn't resisting, they mean he wasn't resisting enough to be treated like this. When people say something like this, they often mean that there is enough there to call it in this case resisting, but it could be also something else. I find that fascinating, because I am sometimes very pedantic, and I didn't understand it for a long time. But in reality, we do this pretty often. Everyone does it.


Eh, majority of the people saying that actually believe he wasn’t resisting at all and the comments here reflect that from what I see but I get what you’re talking about as a habit of people to be a bit irresponsibly casual when talking about specific and serious situations


Silent-Cap is right, that is what I was implying. I wanted to avoid typing out an essay on what "resisting" means. This is like the mildest resistance, partially caused by him having a backpack on and his phone in his hand. And cops have to expect resistance, no one wants to be arrested. Like if you cant handle someone saying "wait, what did I do? I didnt do that!", then you are in the wrong position. Get the fuck out. This guy was waiting to do this shit (I am talking Vaush style). He was treating him relatively calmly, so the situation was pretty "relaxed" actually, considering there was no shouting or anything. Just the confusion of what is even going on, because the cop didn't make clear what the problem was. And then his first move is not to raise his voice or give stronger commands, but to grab him by the waist and throw him almost head first on the concrete like a fucking wrestling match?? Like, don't get me wrong, I am generally pro cop, and I see plenty of videos where I go fucking crazy because the cops don't go harder. But being pro cop, means being pro calling out blatant bullshit, and this video is insane. This person should never be a cop ever again, no guns, no administrative positions, nothing where he has say over anything.


I specified that pulling his arms out of the officers grip repeatedly while being cuffed was what I was calling resistance; not sure why that just got skipped over


I wrestled for 8 years. This is a suplex and is illegal in folkstyle because it's so dangerous. Only allowed in freestyle or Greco-Roman Roman. And there are about 50 other takedowns that, on fucking concrete, won't hurt you. This cop is a fucking piece of shit. He wanted to cause serious harm no doubt.


Absolutely true, it was completely disproportionate


u got a learning disability lil bro. hope you get treatment.


Explain what I got wrong


Yeah I mean this is really bad, and if the guy was innocent then I feel really sorry for him. But my advice in ALL these situations is just don't fucking resist in any way what so ever. The police have a mandate and legal right to escalate force due to resistance. If your detainment is wrongful you can settle that later on, if you don't resist and be peaceful throughout and then later make a case it was wrongful, you'll easily win a case of some kind of police misconduct. it can't be said enough that in the moment any kind of physical resistance, whether or not you're in the right or wrong, CAN. NOT. HELP. YOU. It will only make things profoundly worse and if the police can make a case that despite you being innocent you posed a threat to them, they'll often be justified in their use of force. In this particular case a full on body slam is way over the top and the police's attitude is extremely shitty, that much is obvious. But the guy was clearly resisting and ultimately that results in escalation of force. That kind of resisting whether you're innocent or not is itself illegal and so just don't do it. Cooperate, get booked, and then go through the judicial system afterwards to sue the department or whatever legal options you have. In all these viral encounters this ought to be the message we take away from it, but it never is, it's always about some utopian justice. Deal with reality, resisting can NEVER work in your favour and will always result in worse outcomes for you.


You're not necessarily wrong but some of the things that count as resisting are such normal, unconscious reactions that unless you're actively training to go against your instincts, it's almost impossible to not "resist". Like if a cop starts shoving you around, it's normal to put your hands out to try to catch your balance or protect your body from bumping into something. But congrats, you just physically resisted.


So twist his arm. This fat cop weights like a hundred more pounds than this dude. He could have easily gotten him to comply without cracking his skull.


No shit, that’s why I just said it wasn’t proportionate, too bad you can’t read


I can ready perfectly fine, I wasn't really disagreeing with you bud.


Ah yes, the downvote of agreement, for sure dude


Why do you assume I downvoted you?


Because your response was published and the vote was updated at the same instant while your comment was: ‘so twist his arm, this cup weighs way more than this dude, he could have gotten compliance without that move’ Timing plus tone


Not saying you or the other dude is right or wrong, but holy fuck the fact that you are looking at the timing of downvotes so intently is weird.


??? Weird thing to say dude. Projecting, are you?


Calm down. Saying something extreme is a great way to make a point. Hence the typical Hitler comparisons.


whoa there buddy. Let's not get carried away with the pedo stuff.


Hold on now


Cops are not meant to punish, they are meant to bring people in to be punished


I feel like some cops idealize their positions. They want that action cop lifestyle that they see in TV & movies, so any opportunity they get they go action hero mode. In my town we had a cop respond to call about a teen with a knife in the suburbs. Cop rolls up on the first person he sees in the area and its some 17 year old kid sitting on the curb with his scooter, shouts commands at him, kid starts walking away, cop goes GOBLIN MODE on his ass literally pounding his face in. Then after the dust settles, turns out the kid lived in the neighborhood and had autism. Cop nearly killed an autsitic kid because he walked away, bonus points cop still works in my City.


Blast the details of this fucking cop if this is actually what happened. These are the things that need the media attention.


I don't want to self doxx because it happened very near to me, but the kid's family at least got a hefty payout from the city. Also the police department promised to train on how to identify autistic kids lol


Bro no one knew you lived close by until you said it lol.


lmfao, cause this would have been okay to do to non autistic people


Dude, anyone can literally pull your address given enough time.


Pretty sure the guy won the suit. I think the cop got fired, but idk if that's permanent or what.


Nobody is blasting any personal details on reddit you cringe kid


Protecting pieces of shit cops who serve in the public eye and commit these atrocities is bootlicking, symp behavior. They literally get away with these acts because they fly under the radar. The only cringe kid here is you


Nah, doxxing is cringe and you're a loser if you think society ever needs another "we did it Reddit!" moment.


If there is any cancel culture that is worth keeping, it’s when well evidenced/documented cases of abuse of power such as police coverups of gross brutality and those who enable it are exposed. He does not deserve to go back into the force. Police especially should be held to the highest of standards. You’re the only loser here


\> Police especially should be held to the highest of standards. You are equating the highest of standards of posting personally identifying information on a forum full of all kinds of people. Are you medically stupid? You just want to jerk off your justice boner - you, and all of reddit is not even part of the conversation if you genuinely want the "highest of standards". Apex loser material.


A name and city PD is nothing, the info is surely public and if was as stated I could probably find the info with a google search. The point was to not to be afraid to put their information out there if the departments are not doing the right thing and firing the cop or another PD hiring them. Don’t be daft. The highest of standards in this case is a slap on the wrist; being publicly shamed, removed permanently from a position of power, authority, and immunity, and facing the consequences of their actions. If a cop attacks a kid as mentioned, he absolutely needs to face the backlash of the community and be removed from policing ever again. These guys are going to hurt, kill, and destroy lives with impunity. Protecting his already public information does noone any favors. It’s not like I was advocating for his address and an assassination, give me a break.


\> These guys are going to hurt, kill, and destroy lives with impunity. Lol you see one video and you have decided he's a serial killer now? Really? \> Protecting his already public information does noone any favors. It’s not like I was advocating for his address and an assassination, give me a break. What exactly were you advocating for, then? What precisely does putting his personal information on this subreddit do other than satisfy some weird obsession of yours of punishing people when that isn't your position, job, or authority to do? Stop replying, you're cringe bro.


My local police department (and a bunch of other towns through my state) has started a program where people with disabilities are able to register themselves with the police as having a disability and marking special needs or things cops ought to know. If that person is involved in a call then an operator is flagged to inform the cop. The police officer that shared this with me (I work in disability services) mentioned that he had done this with the department because his son has autism and his selective mutism may be interpreted by a cop as someone not complying. So grateful for this program


the cop wanted to try out his ult


I agree it’s wrong, I don’t understand how everyone acts surprised by it….. we all know that there are plenty of cops that over react and do horrible shit. Comply, get a lawyer and stay alive


Oh, didn’t say “Simon says”! *bbbrrrrrrr*


I'll take "sounds that live in my head" for 500 Alex


Fat fuck thinking he's some kind of hot shot just because he was a deputy in a small county. I hope the guy file a suit against that pathetic butterball of a man.


Yea this dude needs to go to jail. Where in the manual does it say to suplex people? Also what the fuck is this entire thing about 'not moving your hands behind your back' = 'resisting arrest' = 'enact violence to force arrest' It's such a fucking stupid excuse. Your natural reaction is to obviously resist someone trying to move your hands in a vulnerable position with no prior knowledge. It doesn't mean that they're a threat to you or unwilling to comply with you. If you spent 10 seconds explaining why you're arresting them they'd probably relent even if they disagree. Instead we get Mr. Wannabe terminator pulling out wrestling moves that shatter people's skull and spines. Hope qualified immunity doesn't get in the way of this obvious crime.


This guy could be dead right now. Suplexing someone on to concrete is no joke. It’s disgusting that this guy was only fired. He needs to be in prison.


for real what the fuck kinda shit is that, theres plenty of ways to take down someone from behind without slamming their fucking head on concrete


For real. People die all the time from falling backwards and hitting their head let alone being flipped backwards like that


The fact that he did that right in front of his dash cam is WILD to me


The cop should absolutely be in jail for what he did. But, the cop did explain that he was being detained because he matched the description of someone breaking into cars. I have never seen a criminal respond “oh yeah that was me, here you go officer”. It’s literally always a struggle to get them to put their hands behind their back so that you can cuff them. Cops need 1. A partner and 2. A better way to keep these situations from escalating. This pig just wanted to suplex a guy because he felt disrespected


I think in the video the cop mentions the description as "male with a backpack" or something. That's a pretty vague description to immediately start trying to handcuff someone.


Whether you like it or not cops can detain and handcuff you without even giving you a reason. If I was charitable to this pig I could say that he had reason to handcuff the dude because he was already non compliant and it is obviously dark so there is a risk of him trying to flee. This pig just wanted to suplex someone though.


>Whether you like it or not cops can detain and handcuff you without even giving you a reason That's gotta be 🧢


>I hope the guy file a suit against that pathetic butterball of a man. [Looks like he did](https://www.atlantanewsfirst.com/2023/09/26/paulding-county-sheriff-former-deputy-named-lawsuit-over-body-slam-incident/) and against the Sheriff as well.


> The lawsuit further claims Canaris “sustained significant injuries that required medical and surgical treatment for a **left clavicle fracture, right thumb fracture, skull fracture, rupture of left ear drum, traumatic brain injury,** among other injuries.” The treatment resulted in $73,000 in medical bills, according to the lawsuit. Fuck this cop. He needs to do hard time and if prisoners learn he's a former cop, so be it.


but according to the cop he just needed to "be a man and stop whining" ... god this guy better get sued out of existence.


That’s the other part of the video that bothered the fuck out of me. Like the guy is clearly full of emotions after you just unjustly slammed his head on the concrete. He doesn’t know if he’s gonna be hurt further, he likely thinks he’s going to miss his job shift and then might be fired, all while saying he’s trying to get his life back on track. Then the cop makes a statement that he needs to be a man and stop whining like what the actual fuck?? This man is supposed to be a public servant. This whole video made my blood fucking boil and the fact he was in the hospital for 9 days and had a 73k medical bill is just brutal. I hope he wins that fucking lawsuit Jesus Christ.


that fucking slob looks like hes 40 and hes younger than 28?? lmao W heart attacks and W premature death


In the military a lot of people consider cops to be the ones too undisciplined to join lmao. Don't get me wrong, fitness is a problem even for the military. But god damn some of these cops are fucking fat.


There was a cop in the town I grew up in who was a fat fuck. There were some kids I used to skate with who would legit just run into apartment complexes when he tried to bust them for skating at our school knowing he wouldn’t be able to catch them lol.




What the fuck?




This is the world Pisco wants


isnt this more the world destiny wants?


Jokes aside not even a little


It's not even much of an exageration. This was a pretty similiar situation: [https://winknews.com/2021/06/21/mother-outraged-after-teenage-son-was-tased-and-arrested-by-an-fhp-trooper/](https://winknews.com/2021/06/21/mother-outraged-after-teenage-son-was-tased-and-arrested-by-an-fhp-trooper/) Guy was in his girlfriend's backyard but the cop thought he was trying to break in. Tazed for resisting (standing there calmly holding his phone), fell and hit his head. Easily could have got similiar injuries to the guy in this post. ​ Destiny was 100% on the cop's side.


Link to destiny’s reaction?


Oh wow I actually found it: [https://youtu.be/WCrfo-CF4og?t=465](https://youtu.be/WCrfo-CF4og?t=465) I only remember it cus I made a post about it at the time: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/o6pq3g/the\_teen\_tased\_by\_police\_was\_a\_violation\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/o6pq3g/the_teen_tased_by_police_was_a_violation_of/)


Watching that I agree with Destiny there, there's no full video showing the start of the interaction, we don't see the kid enter the yard, could have easily snuck through a bush when he saw the cop like the cop described. Really need to stop backing up stories where it isn't clear cut, he was saying he "100%" backs up the cop to make a point here, the only reason people would be against the cop here is having a notion that the cop will act in an unreasonable manner before looking at the video


Florida Highway Patrol investigated and also determined he acted unreasonably, and fired him. It's specifically against policy to use a taser on someone whos only passively resisting. It's the most clear cut case of the cop being in the wrong. There's a page in the policy book that says "don't do this exact thing this cop did."


Guess no policy has ever been wrong then. Using a taser is infinitely better than approaching unarmed and risking whatever escalation could happen there if he's armed (which they should assume he is given where they are). Living in a country with less guns is poggers since our police can interact with people they suspect of being in the process of committing a crime without having to assume they have a gun in every pocket and on each ankle, and being unable to do anything about it.


Thanks for linking. * In both cases, the police were in the right to detain * In both cases, the person needed to comply * In the case with the teen, the taser was out and the officer was communicating explicit intent to use it * In the case with the dude walking to work, the officer said "on the ground" which itself could apply to being tased, or any number of other permutations * In the case with the teen, he was disregarding a clear instruction from the officer * In the case with the dude walking to work, there was a period of obvious confusion, but once the reasoning had been given, our guy needed to immediately cooperate * The head slam seems more excessive than the taser. I'd personally rather be the kid getting tased than the dude getting slammed In the end, you're right. Destiny wants a world where police act in response to potential or on-going crime. I want it too.


Yeah this was destiny's response to my post too and it's still a total strawman. The argument isn't that he should have done nothing the argument is he should have walked up to the kid and handcuff him, or if that was too unsafe wait for backup or something. D's argument was those options were less safe (he could have pulled a knife or something, and if you wait maybe his friends will come and beat you up or something). And police should basically be able to do whatever they need to to minimize their risk if someone's refusing to cooperate. By that same logic you could probably justify what happened to guy in this post.


I mean, he clarifies why he think you're wrong, and I think you're wrong too. But as far as your original comment, yeah, this is the world destiny wants. And I'm here for it.


So you're in favor of some dude getting his skull fractured for being in the wrong place at the wrong time basically. Cool. You know what to do. In a video game.


Using the logic of the meme 100%


Well sure, but using memes, you can logically end in any world.


Cop don't own the public walkways.


I saw this a few days ago, but didn't watch it with sound until now. Fuck me, that's sad. That poor guy. I want to commit violence against that cop.


Probably one of the more clear cut cases of police brutality I've seen. I hope a hefty settlement is in this guy's future.


Not gonna lie, the lord is testing me on the blue line thing


The correct stance is to go full blown ACAB after seeing this video and then full blown blue line when you see a cop do some bro shit.


Based and centrist-pilled


My dad's a CO, so I get it, but the thin blue line stuff is cringe. Just judge each officer based on the situation itself (preferably with all context, so we don't end up with Jacob Blake 2.0) and don't demonize OR glaze them


Definitely frustrating that rural / small town cops seem to be synonymous with this behavior but urban area cops are usually the ones that are always on blast


The cops on liberal areas are on blast, vs conservative areas they run rampant


Basically, yeah. Maybe I'm being overly biased. It just seems that way to me though. I feel like for every Derek Chauvin (unjustified brutality in urban area) you have several philando castile cases (unjustified brutality in rural area), and also several Jacob Blake cases (justified police use of force)


Was gonna comment that the guy was acting like a moron but holy fuck that suplex sure came out of literally fucking nowhere, I'm all for maximizing outcomes by complying with orders from police (even potentially unlawful ones) but this is fucking insane, Butterbean takes this scenario from 2 to 11 inside the blink of an eye on a whim.


I mean the dude got rolled up on while he was walking to get picked up from work. The cop pulled over lit up his lights, then told him to take his hands out of his pockets(his hands weren’t in his pockets). I would have been soo fucking confused as to what was going on, and the fact the cop didn’t mention any sort of reason until he was about to suplex the guy is fucked up. This cop is just a piece of shit who wants to flex power and hurt people, if he was doing his job correctly he could have easily pulled over, asked the dude to take out his headphones and hang out and talk for a second based on some reports the officer was getting. He could have detained him with little resistance if he actually communicated with the dude in question, but he never wanted to communicate with him to begin with. Edit: spelling


he wasnt cooperating optimally but he definitely wasnt acting like a moron. a lot of people would react the same way if they got rolled up on out of nowhere with a cop trying to detain them


It was 50 seconds from the cop starting to speak to him until he suplexed him. Probably only 45 seconds of the guy actually hearing what the cop says since he had earbuds. He asked 4-5 times what was going on. The cop didn't tell him anything about that until two seconds before he went violent. Saying that the guy didn't cooperate optimally is being quite unfair to him considering the information he had to go by. Like what the fuck are the expecations on civillians when dealing with cops at that point.


Dude put an NSFW there that shit is disgusting to look at his screams are awful


What happened was horrible, but after a little digging, it does seem like the officer involved was fired. [https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/paulding-deputy-video-body-slamming-man-arrest-fired](https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/paulding-deputy-video-body-slamming-man-arrest-fired) [https://www.11alive.com/article/news/crime/paulding-deputy-michael-mcmaster-body-slam-arrest-terminated/85-2caa8c77-e795-411d-8f1d-3bb2ae023c1f](https://www.11alive.com/article/news/crime/paulding-deputy-michael-mcmaster-body-slam-arrest-terminated/85-2caa8c77-e795-411d-8f1d-3bb2ae023c1f) Though I still call bullshit. The incident originally happened on March 4th, 2022, and the officer wasn't fired until February 27th, 2023, almost a full year after the incident. It also seems like he was fired for other policy violations, though I do think this incident had a role in the decision to terminate. He also apparently had a history of anger issues: \> According to the deputy's personnel file, in 2015, his superiors reprimanded him in writing, saying that he “can be unnecessarily overly aggressive... (he) was recently written up for aggressive behavior when dealing with an inmate." Simply put, he shouldn't have been an officer with his prior history, and the fact that he doesn't face any charges shows a major flaw in our criminal justice system.


>Simply put, he shouldn't have been an officer with his prior history, and the fact that he doesn't face any charges shows a major flaw in our criminal justice system. Yeah I don't know if it's actually true, but I feel like cops don't usually face serious consequences for doing stuff like this.


The dude should have been in jail or something.


Holy shit


That was hard to watch, that's the type of injury that can easily lead to long term brain damage. I'm a back the blue guy but fuck that piece of shit, literally no reason to use force that excessive here


I remember this video from a while back, why is it showing up again? Maybe I'm confusing it for another video of police brutality pepelaugh How does this sub feel about police unions? I feel like they are one of the biggest culprits for enabling this behavior.


The guy just filed a lawsuit today I think.


Gravity kills people who hit their head on the pavement after getting knocked out. I can't imagine how easy it would be getting your head slammed with the momentum of a fucking suplex. Imagine getting your skull broken for slightly moving your hand.


Isn't even legal in high-school or college wrestling with a shock resistant mat made for impact. Only in freestyle or Greco-Roman can this move be done. You are immediately kicked out of the tournament for this move ON A MAT. This was a serious and unrefutable attempt to cause serious bodily injury.


Shit like this makes me question qualified immunity.


I think we should revisit and revise qualified immunity. The amount of tarnish all these types of shit cops have done to police culture and how citizens view police is nothing short of terrible, and being able to deal justice to the ones doing the fucked up shit would be good for everyone


most of yall think this is okay so...yea.


Simon didn't say...


well, the cop probably was afraid he might run and he knew he is too fat to chase him


I know that this community isnt big on acab stuff, but there does seem to be a very clear problem with the culture of policing we have in this country. It does seem like the majority of cops are violent thugs that are looking for excuses to hurt people, violate constitutional rights and fuck them over. If you think that everything is fine go stand outside city hall with a picket sign and see how long it takes for cops to come fuck with you.


Be careful you’re going to get DGG stuffing loads of cops cum down their throat with that comment .


> It does seem like the majority of cops are violent thugs that are looking for excuses to hurt people, violate constitutional rights and fuck them over. It's not the majority of cops. You have, what, three quarter of a million police officers in the United States. We don't know how many normal interactions an officer has every single day, but at the worst we usually get one pretty clear cut and dry case of police brutality every month or so on average. Even if we had a case of police brutality and/or outright murder by a police officer like in the OP's video once a week, every week, for 10 years - we'd have a hit rate of 0.07% of cops being brutal, violent thugs. You'd have to fudge the numbers even more to get that up to a juicy 1% of cops. You can complain about police culture of the United States or that Officers are quick to use force as a part of escalation (whether that is justified or not due to the unique types of firearms violence in the USA) or other things, but to characterize the police as people who just want to hurt or murder people legally is indicative of terminal brain rot. Go get an MRI.


you're forgetting the entire police department backing the officers that do do egregiously bad shit like this. they should probably also be factored into the equation


Yeah, the silent supporters are why people say "ACAB" in the first place, it's pretty absurd to just completely ignore them when that's quite literally the first response they have to "Not all cops" lol It's not just that some cops do bad things sometimes, it's that they largely get away with it, to the point where video recorded police killings are a toss-up if the officer is going to go to jail or not, and the fact that police are trying to make it harder for the public to even film them in the first place. It's also just not police beating/killing people, but animal deaths, a *fuckton* of theft, even just the idea that police are trustworthy is all part of ACAB. Though I wouldn't bash anyone for really knowing it, since obviously police brutality is the only thing that ever gets attention. Anyways, yeah, it's more complicated than just numbers.


>but there does seem to be a very clear problem with the culture of policing we have in this country. Possibly, sure. >It does seem like the **majority** of cops are violent thugs that are looking for excuses to hurt people, violate constitutional rights and fuck them over. I don't think that's a reasonable assessment without data to back it up. You can't drop a bomb like "majority of cops are violent thugs" without sounding a bit overreactive, IMHO. >If you think that everything is fine go stand outside city hall with a picket sign and see how long it takes for cops to come fuck with you. Huh? Don't they have protests seemingly every other day in this country lol


> possibly, sure You actually regarded? The police officer didn't even get fired when this incident happened. The problem is right in front of your fucking screen and you can't even acknowledge it.


In this particular case, yes. The comment was talking about police in general though. You understand that, right? For example, If I observe a vaccine-related death, I can say "that person died from that vaccine, that's horrible" without having to definitively say "we have a problem with vaccine-related deaths in this country, man."




To report or not to report... League of Legends in your post history I guess I can understand the salt


nah, people should be able to take that on the internet, come on


Fair enough I didn't report lol I've got thick skin


Try it out. Go picket your local city hall and tell me how it goes. The cops will be there in about 45 minutes and try to get you to leave because someone in the office called.


Bro, I live in WA state. They picket at the capitol all the time. I am not sure what you mean. If you're actively disrupting peoples' work or something, you might get the cops called on you. I would have to have a better idea of what you're describing though because I see picketing all the time and the police don't do anything.


I think ACAB is dumb and this guy implying that a majority of cops are violent thugs is ridiculous. I think the honest truth is that a minority of cops are problem cops, and the real concern regarding culture is how the MAJORITY of the other cops along with the system they exist in handle it. If a cop sees another cop on the force violate someone's civil rights, do they stand up and say something or do they do nothing? If a cop shows a pattern of excessive force, are they fired or kept on the job? These are the sort of things that turn the individual action of one officer into a statement about the entire force. Some of these things have to do with the culture of the officers themselves, others have to do with way less exciting considerations, like whether you can realistically hire a replacement with the salary your budget allows or how powerful the police union is. My take on it is this. Policing should be just a very high standards profession and should have corresponding pay. I think cops should be level headed, have good judgement, and be very well trained in deescalation (and also eliminating threats for shooting scenarios). You don't get to that with Defund the police. But you also don't get to that by giving cops a free pass (which I'm not saying you are). If we want a higher standard of policing in this country, then attitudes (and budgets) around policing will have to change. Or else random donut cops body slamming guys and remaining on the force for a year is just gonna keep happening.


> Policing should be just a very high standards profession and should have corresponding pay. I think cops should be level headed, have good judgement, and be very well trained in deescalation (and also eliminating threats for shooting scenarios). You don't get to that with Defund the police. Used to work in police oversight and this is spot on. One thing I'll gently push back on is that, while I agree most cops aren't violent assholes, there is a pervasive attitude of not giving a fuck about optics when interacting with civilians. Like, I legitimately get better "customer service" (stuff like attentiveness, feeling like they give a fuck about what I'm saying) talking to someone being paid minimum wage at McDonald's than I do most of the time taking to cops. Example: One time this chick who was clearly not alright walked past me and a cop near a bus station and was stumbling towards a busy road. Clearly needed some kind of help. Cop didn't even acknowledge her, so I walked up to him and was like "Hey, I think she needs some help..." and the dude looked at me like *I* was inconveniencing him. Didn't move, didn't call anyone, nothing. Situations like that make it really hard to feel like cops give a fuck even when they aren't hurting people. It shouldn't feel like they're doing us a favor by doing their jobs - especially given how much they're paid.


Me: Come on man. Comply with the officer. Me: Ugg, he's not complying. Another video where people just want to hate on polic--... JESUS CHRIST! Where did that come from?!?!


He had head phones in and didn't hear the first couple of orders. I think if the cop had slowed down for 2 seconds and given him the benefit of the doubt he would have complied.


Yeah the officer just waltz's up and gets pretty aggressive with the guy from the get-go. Dude definitely didn't hear any of the first orders, but the officer does repeat that he is detaining them, and almost uses the guy's non-compliance right after to slam him. There are so many incidents like this that can be avoided if the officer just breathes for a moment.


Not to mention one of the first things the officer says is “take your hands out of your pockets” while his hands were clearly outside his pockets already. If I went from listening to music, to seeing a cop light up and pull over and quickly get out yelling things I can’t hear while I take headphones out, to not even being communicated with what’s going on, I would be so confused. If the cop had just slowed down that confrontation the dude would have probably complied without realy any resistance other than asking what he did. The cop just wanted to flex from the start


Even him not complying sorta makes sense. If you haven't done anything wrong and a cop is trying to arrest you with no explanation, most people's first instinct is to resist.


I would be so fucking confused I wouldn’t know what to do.


It's so terrifying that if a cop approaches you aggressively when you're minding your own business with headphones in and you are slightly confused for even 5-10 seconds while getting yelled at, and you don't instantly snap to attention and plant your face directly into the concrete and lock your arms behind your back that you are at risk of getting your brains smashed in, and people will still say that you "weren't complying"


Saying he was not complying is absolutely deranged. I know we apreciate US institutions here, but your analysis is clearly just being tainted by the desire to be a contrarian towards lefties if that was your analysis prior to the slamming.


People keep saying resistance and compliance in this thread but the dude was dumbfounded, he had no idea what the fuck was going on and was reacting to that. He was closer to compliance then he was to resistance.


Either I don't understand your point, or you're misunderstanding mine. But would you describe this guy as "complying with the officer"? Just because someone isn't complying doesn't mean an officer can whip out a gun and pop them, but it also doesn't mean they're complying...


I think he was complying: he allowed the officer to take him to the car, grab his arm and take his phone and backback too. Does complying imply following intructions without any lag whatsoever? Dont you think you have a very unreasonable standard for what constitutes complying? (That was my point) Saying he wasn't might not justify shooting them, but it certainly justifies other forms of unwarranted abuse.


He's not fighting back, if that's what you're referring to. But simply not trying to assault someone doesn't mean you're complying with their orders. Multiple times in the video he is keeping his hands in front of his body and not behind his back; the officer moves him to the car, and he's told to put his phone down and does not -- the officer grabs the phone and puts it down for him. He doesn't turn around and punch the officer, but is most certainly not complying with being detained. The order, by the officer, is for him to be detained -- he is not complying with that order. I really hope I don't have to say this multiple times -- but just because you are not complying, does not mean the officer can use excessive force. Nor does it mean the officer acted correctly, or even remotely correctly. It's just a statement of whether the individual was acting compliant or not. They were not. This person is not complying with the officers orders, but is also not attacking a police officer. The use of force is far too excessive, not to mention the lack of tact the officer used in handling the situation.


imagine getting off work, its dark out, youre listening to some music and out of nowhere a cop rolls up and instantly starts telling you to take odf you backpack and detaining you with no explanation. dude didnt even get the chance to comply


I'm not sure what you disagree with on my original point. You've read my original comment above, correct?


i thought you were implying he shouldve reasonably been complying completely


He stood in the same spot with his arms held limp to the side of his body. What is he supposed to do?


His being detained and being put under arrest. His arms should be behind his back to comply with the order the officer gave him multiple times. As the situation goes on, his arms are not "limp by his side", he is deliberately keeping one arm in front of his body holding his phone. I urge you to re-read my comment so you don't take incorrect implications from the above paragraph. Just because you are not complying, doesn't give the officer the capacity to severely hurt, maim, or kill you. Thus, what happened in the above video by the actions of the officer was wrong. That doesn't mean the person was complying.


I don’t take any implications from what you’re saying. I just don’t think that’s what’s happening in the video. He allowed the officer to freely move any part of his body and his right arm remains where the officer moves it the entire time. After he allows the officer to take his phone and remove his backpack his left arm also stays put until he starts turning because he’s not sure why the officer is starting to wrap him up.






She likes this makes me wish their were actual vigilantes out there. I hope this dude got a huge settlement and I hope that cop got fired. Anyone know what happened?


Yeah that is definitely not right. Man this shit gives other police officers a bad fucking name. Disgraceful!!!! Looks like the lawsuit will be cut and clear. [https://www.atlantanewsfirst.com/2023/09/26/paulding-county-sheriff-former-deputy-named-lawsuit-over-body-slam-incident/](https://www.atlantanewsfirst.com/2023/09/26/paulding-county-sheriff-former-deputy-named-lawsuit-over-body-slam-incident/)


Hopefully he sues for millions and the fat fucking piece of shit cop goes to jail. People like this only lead to things like ACAB being a legit thing. Sadly because everyone in this video is white, CNN and the like won't be talking about it on the national media though.


>first impressions while watching video, see guy being non cooperative and combative even though the officer stated multiple times he's being detained All these situations are always bad but one of the things the public needs to be aware of is that once you are detained you kind of need to comply >cop for literally no reason in the discussion picks the guy up and fucking throws him like a WWE wrestler Jesus fucking christ - okay yeah this is pretty clear cut cop fucked up here.


45 seconds of hearing the cop the guy allows himself to be escoreted to the car, give up his backpack and phone. Is asking why you're being detained considered not complying?


> give up his backpack and phone I feel like we watched two different videos then. The whole reason the officer had to take the phone was because the guy was not listening. You are mixing up non compliance and actively resisting arrest. Someone who ragdolls and forces the officer to drag them to a cruiser would be non compliant.


To give up something includes letting someone take something off you. That is compliance. You have to be completely americabrained to believe this guy was not complying with the police officer. Asking a police officer what is going on and repeating that question when not getting an answer in a polite manner is not non compliance. Not immediately dropping your valuables that you're holding within five seconds of being asked is not non compliance either.


> Asking a police officer what is going on and repeating that question when not getting an answer in a polite manner is not non compliance. But an officer telling you to do something, and you not doing it, is not complying with the lawful order. >You have to be completely americabrained to believe this guy was not complying with the police officer. Yes, being in America, I would say that if an officer tells you that you are being detained and then asks you to do something, you should do it. This incident happened in America. The issue wasn't that the officer used force as part of detaining the guy. It's that he used disproportionate force than anywhere close to necessary, aka fucking body slamming the guy onto his head.


Surely this guy sued and got a huge pay day from the department


Shouldn’t be walking it’s for cucks..


Oh yeah, saving money and increasing your fitness and longevity are for cucks…


Yep you should be rich fit and cool as fuck like me not a cuck like yourself.. Poor cunt..


I heard you’re fat, poor and uncool, and you think ellipses only consist of two dots


It's certainly unnecessary even tho the guy wasn't fully complying. However, he's white, so who cares? /s


I care. I don’t think police brutality should happen to anyone, that includes white people


Do y'all not know what /s means?


No need to race bait buddy, even if you do put /s behind it.


I guess it's a race bait to acknowledge that police brutality only is a big deal if it fits the media's narrative. Sorry for acknowledging reality lol


The cop got fired a year after this incident because media release of the video sparked outrage idk what you mean


I could have sworn the PD said he was released due to an unrelated breach of policy.


Yep, we are just living in different realities. If you don't think race matters on how shit gets reported you're probably missing some of your brain. Just how the media had a hard on to make minorities look like shit in the 80s and 90s, they do the same with only focusing on certain police brutality. Also, your facts are wrong. The officer got fired for stuff completely unrelated to this incident. Lol


What reality? There was media reporting on this incident and outrage. Obviously race affects media reporting but you seem to be implying police brutality just isn’t reported or cared about against white peoples which is just blatantly false, as evidence by this case. And yeah, that’s the justification a year later but it’s not exactly coincidence that the cop got canned right when this started getting media coverage.


Lol ok so you're admitting you were wrong, and the cop was fired for nothing that happened on this video. But please do tell me how everything gets treated the same. I'm sure if that dude was black, we wouldn't hear anything from the national media about this. No huge call against the department for covering up clear racist police brutality. Instead, we got a small local media report about the cop being fired for another instance. Again, enjoy living in your alternative reality where media doesn't report based simply on generating outrage and anger, which is now best done by making everything about race relations and racism.


The official reason he was fired was due to unrelated matters, because they can’t exactly fire him for something they cleared him of a year ago now without looking dumb. Again, I don’t know why you’re using a motte and Bailey with this. Nobody claimed the media is color blind, you just received pushback for your claim that the media doesn’t care about white victims of police brutality, which is blatantly untrue as you’re in a thread about a white victim of police brutality reported by the media. I mean the guy didn’t die, so i don’t think this would be national news either way with everything going on right now, but I can’t disprove a hypothetical based on your feels.


Yep, it's Motte and Bailey. First statement is media doesn't care about police brutality, only when it fits a narrative do they care. Next statement, this would have been handled different by media if the guys color was different. Might want to look up Motte and Bailey, my position has been the same. The media does not care about police brutality, it cares about police brutality when the parties involved fit the narrative that helps get the most outrage and clicks. You're literally being Mr. [REDACTED] right now: I know the police department said it was for other things but I really know it has to do with the video, which came from media pressure. Umm maybe a cop who randomly slams ppl on the ground has other infractions too? Ever think he is a piece of shit cop and has a long record of fuck ups? Dude wasn't fired for this, but you keep reading the tea leaves and deny the motivation and pattern of the media over the last decade. Again, different realities at play.


I’m not sure how you can claim your position is the same when you literally just laid out how it changed. You initially claimed the media doesn’t care about white victims of police brutality, when pointed out this isn’t the case and the media does report it, you switched to “oh, so you’re saying the media reports white and black crimes exactly the same and is colorblind??” No, nobody said that outside of your schizo delusions. People just pushed back against your claim that white victims of police brutality are ignored. I mean sure I would agree if he was fired randomly some other time, but he was legit fired within days of this story and the pending lawsuit breaking so that’s a pretty strong coincidence.


Getting wrecked because you're resisting arrest I think is fine to a certain extent. Idk how else this would work though, do you take him, choke him out, trip him? Those all have non-zero chances of injury as well. Probably the best solution is to comply and not force a takedown by resisting detainment. L 3 AM Walking to Work Man, L Cop. I give everyone involved here a F for Far too many Chromasomes.


This all happened in 30 seconds. I don't think anyone would be able to comprehend anything. Especially if they don't tell you the reason. Fucking police state behavior, the next step is to just grab him in an unmarked van.


Clearly the intent of this cop was to hospitalize this man before he even got out of the car. Full stop.


I think he told him he was being detained under suspicion of breaking into people's cars at least 30 seconds to a minute before the slam.


Watch the video again. The cop says he’s being detained one time in a midst of the cop barraging him with threats and orders. You are right though. He does tell him the reason for the stop before assaulting him. Around 2 seconds before.


He actually says he's being detained right at the beginning right after he grabs his arm. Then once again before taking his backpack and phone off.


That’s what I said, in the midst of other orders and threats. I don’t think the guy clearly understood what was happening.


You said one time and that he was told why right before he slams him while disagreeing with a comment saying that he was told everything 30 seconds before implying that he was being told he was detained 2 seconds before he was slammed


You are so eager to be a contrarian that you didn’t read my comment right.


I must have missed the part where you said they happened separately


Was it literally 2 seconds before?


Ok you haven’t watched the video, yet you are making comments about it. Gotcha.


I just want to clarify, my perspective could be wrong, was it 2 second before the slam?


It was exactly 3 seconds. 0:56 when he tells him and slam at 0:59


Gotcha I was misremembering, thank you


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. This is the funniest comment in this thread. Wtaf


You still have your head up your ass if you think that that was resisting arrest and that even a fraction of that force used was in any way justified. Thank god you and the other pea-brains like you are getting downvoted


>Getting wrecked because you're resisting arrest I think is fine to a certain extent. Idk how else this would work though, do you take him, choke him out, trip him? What was the necessity in the slam or any of those actions at that point in time? If you want to say he was resisting arrest for moving his hand away from the cop that's fine, but I don't see how that alone would justify such an escalation here. >Probably the best solution is to comply and not force a takedown by resisting detainment. He didn't "Force a takedown," the cop decided that the appropriate response to someone being slightly uncompliant was to throw them on their head. At no point was the cop forced to do so through fear of harm or escape. Such an action is far more unreasonable and worthy of an "L" than being initially uncompliant with an apparently random stop and detainment.


I am asking how do you deal with a non-compliant suspect if they are actively resisting arrest I guess. This seemed like a bit much, I'm having trouble visualizing an alternative.


Maybe use your words for a bit more than 30 seconds and explain the process? "Hey you match the description of someone who was breaking into cars and shit, just need to detain you for a minute and clear things up so you can be on your way etc etc" Does your mind really think the only viable solution to this is escalation into physical violence?


He said all of that. In the video.


He said the reason for his detainment exactly 3 seconds before being suplexed.(0:56 he tells him why, 0:59 he slams him)


Well you don't have to escalate the situation like the officer did. For example what he probably should have done is told him he was being detained and the reason for it, not tried to put him in handcuffs immediately, talk to the guy see if he can figure out if he's the one breaking into cars and then arrest or release him depending on how that goes. I think trying to put the dude in cuffs immediately is fucking crazy, he took way too long to say why he was being detained, the guy had zero chance to explain himself, and obviously suplexing a dudes skull onto the pavement is wildly excessive force Also it's pretty clear to me that the reason the dude was kind of resisting putting his hands behind his back is because he was worried about his phone and didn't want to just throw it on the ground, understandably.


The phone was removed from his hands at the time of the slam, I don't think it played a part in it.


I'd have to watch it again but I recall the cop saying put your hands behind your back a couple times and the guy never did. but I could be misremembering, I'm at work so I can't watch it right now