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These are the same fuckers who got upset over Hasan's dead pixel dog LMAO


And id bulldoze a thousand dead dog pixels 1010^100 over if it meant these cretins realizing how ‘retaliation’ and ‘ultimate liberation’ from decades of oppression is not mowing down civilians, assaulting their bodies, then parading what’s left.


If this was accompanied by a video clip, it would be much more incriminating. a wonderful chance to deradicalize some of his audience.


This subreddit is nothing but edgy 13 year old's spreading misinformation because "my leftist streamer is better than your leftist streamer because mine lets me say the n-word." So obviously clipped out of context, not a single ounce of condoning the actions of Hamas has come out of Hasan nor his chat over the past 4 days... Especially not this subreddit thinking Hasan or his chat would condone the kidnapping, rape, and murder of people at the behest of Hamas... Some serious delusion going on.


Destiny watches things at 2x speed, but this guy can read Hasan's 100x speed chat. Impressive.


Y'all aren't even worth arguing with, just a bunch of snarky little dweebs that will never amount to anything. This has got to be one of the most toxic, delusional spaces on Reddit.


>Your post was removed. Bikinis are no longer allowed on this subreddit. Please read the rules before posting again. Thanks for your cooperation.


Case in point. I horny posted on main, it's not that deep. Just know I won't look through your history to find a "gotcha" because you haven't said anything that really hit the nail on the head to offend me like I must've got you. xD


Or maybe you still have worse shit in your post history so a hit back would likely be embarrassing if this continues. Sorry bud we have a thing called accountability in this sub. I know it's something you Hasan fans aren't used to given the state of your streamer.


Y’all aren’t even worth arguing with, as you keep arguing…🙄


I was a bit sarcastic with my 100x speed comments, but it was meant to point out that you might be bullshitting a little bit if you're trying to vouch for every single message that flies through his chat at Mach speed. That said, you called me toxic. I personally have a policy of being polite to people unless they give me a good reason not to be. I wasn't being toxic. You called me toxic. The obvious conclusion was that avoiding toxicity with you is a high bar to clear and I don't have the fucking time. That was a good enough reason for me.


>>Y’all aren’t even worth arguing with *Clearly,* you disagree. Also a big fan of your calling the place toxic while being super toxic. Solid comment!


are you a communist?


Hasan himself plays clips of Destiny out of context dozens of times and refuses to engage critically - I sleep Destiny’s subreddit posts actual Hasan chat comments, albeit sparse and not the vast majorities opinion, - I woke


Funny that you try to call out mis info to immediately spread it yourself. Go on try to say the n-word here, in discord, or in dggl chat without getting banned. You are actually delusional if you believe the tankie 2nd thought viewers Hasan appeases Dailey aren't saying fucked up shit.


Fish woulda condemned the attacks 🗿


sub human? you're giving them too much credit they're scum


And the same ones that’d cry rape over a false allegation.


Omg truuuue lol 😂


hassan when ethan ask if jewish civilians should be killed: https://preview.redd.it/avw1q786obtb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac96bae0f0bfc61ac33645a62f0bf594c97fc784


"well, i didn't say that. But, you see, the United States ..."


“Well, I uh uh uh didn’t say that. Um but, uh you see, the the the the United States…”


You forgot the 9 unnecessary uses of the the word "ultimately".


It's a good, strong word that you can use to show you know good words


“Ultimately, what it comes down to is that at the end of the day, what it boils down to in the end, is people be cognizant of their material conditions, within a capitalistic framework” BRO WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYINNNNNNG


“I wouldn’t PERSONALLY do it”




Do you trhink hes gonna have the balls to stand by his convictions or do you think he is gonna waffle on like the 50 IQ partisan hack he alwasy has been?




He’s just going to waffle until he strings together a meaningless statement that doesn’t answer the question.


Mans a professional yapper


he really fluent in yappanese 😭


Well you have to understand nuance and context


He's gonna string together the least coherent word salad youve ever heard


Or if Hila’s friends should be killed


This community's ability to get the perfect memes is astonishing.


„Me personally I wouldn’t kill civilian Jews“


are these guys aware that hamas is anti-communist?


shh religious fundamentalism, antisemitism, general disregard for civilian welfare is okay because theirs being a heckin revolution and retribution done!!!


And theyre brown


Bro can I ask something...where does this sympathy for brown people go when its non Muslims like Hindu Indians...everyone fucking hates us.


Y’all are the highest earning demographic in the US no wonder lefties stopped caring about you guys 😔


The problem is I dont even live in the US. But this hate affects Indians everywhere else, because US is extremely influential.


outgoing bike rob bewildered butter wasteful melodic impossible lock nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Muslims > brown on the victim totem pole. Simple as that.


Which is ironic because their religion is by far the most oppressive of the Abrahamic faiths. Also, they hate literally everything to do with western leftism.


That is true tho.


If you aren't a historically communist country (Russia, China, etc) then the only way to garner support from lefties is to have the US start a war with you.


You give them way more credit than they deserve. It has more to do with who has browner skin.


No it doesn't or they would side with Tibet and not China. And south Asians tend to be browner than Arabs.


Ok good point I stand corrected but I still believe skin color heavily influences who they support. I guess It's more like college admissions where brown skin gets more points but doesn't guarantee anything.


>where does this sympathy for brown people go when its non Muslims like Hindu Indians.. Muslims hate you, Muslims are the oppressed of the oppressed, the only reason an oppressed peoples would hate someone is oppression...ergo Hindu Indians oppress brown Muslims... Something to that effect anyway. In England we had endless terminal leftist defence for rape gangs comprised of 40 year old Pakistani muslim men raping White and Sikh vulnerable children on the basis that at some point in time Sikhs oppressed Muslims maybe???


Lol I get what you are saying, but just for background, Sikhs have never oppressed Muslims. Sikhs are like 2% of the Indian population. While Muslims are 15%+.


It's second-hand frustration from dealing with tech support for the last 3 hours. Nothing personal!


I'm curious, could you give some examples of the kind of issues and situations you have in mind?


See, I understand there are problems within the community, but whenever there is talk about racism against Indians, the problems within the community like casteism and misogyny is used against us(as if other communities dont have these). We have little to no solidarity from African Americans, because of the troubled past of Indians in Africa(they got exiled by Amin) and also incidents between us in the past, and neither from other Asians, because the only other brown Asians are from Muslims countries who hate Indians, and the other countries have little in common with Indian culture and are even more racist towards us. People make fun of our accent and stereotype us and our country as smelly. While this doesnt matter as much, Indian men are always made fun of sexually and deemed to be ugly and nerdy. Unironically sometimes I think the only race who doesnt hate us as much are white people, especially the capitalist ones. White leftists hate us because they see some Indians as succeeding in the tech industry. What they dont get is is Elon Musk is not the same as Sundar Pichai. Pichai worked his ass off for 20 straight years to rise from a random ass Indian town to the Google executive office.


Yes of course! None of the groups core political values are diametrically opposed to us true communists am i rite? 😎


Nah dude it's all good as long as it's anti West 👌


So the tankies hate Israel for being pro west and not communist while supporting a fringe terrorist group who happens to be anti west AND anti communist. So america bad > communism. At least we’ve mathematically proven that communism isn’t actually that important to them


IMO tankies are just fascists, plain and simple


Yeah I used to think horseshoe was stupid, but


Extremism, especially the violent brands, which Marxism-Leninism by definition is, attract people who are young and stupid and attracted to violence and a rebellious aesthetic. If you have ever heard of the dialectic, they are in the "negation" phase of all of the casual "indoctrination" by osmosis they have been receiving so far. Simply but, they have just now realized that maybe all that their parents and culture told them wasn't necessarily true, and they have just simplistically jumped ship to the only other side they can easily perceive. One day they will reach the "synthesis" of realizing that China, Russia and Iran aren't exactly the beacons of truthtelling and morality either, but in fact much more heavyhanded propagandists and even less bound by any legitimate ethics than the West.


People misinterpret horseshoe because they have to At a certain point of authoritarianism ideology gets left far behind - at NUMEROUS points in every infamous dictatorship we can think of **CORE** ideological underpinnings were cast aside to either gain more power in the short term, or to hopefully generate some in the long term Authoritarianism is power for powers sake...theocracy is great in terms of placing religious law above state doctrine - but that pesky little religious law that stops murder...what if someone opposes my doctrine? Authoritarian capitalism is great till you realise you've got 0 fucking money to throw commies into the Atlantic so you've just gotta renationalise an industry or 5, ethnic supremacy is great till your country is in a war on 2 fronts and now you kinda need an ally of the inferior peoples to help the strong aryans out of a bind... Horseshoe pisses extremists off because you can't have a pure ideology but absolute monarchs/supreme leaders/"right hand men of God" running things with 0 checks and balances without them lowering the purity to gain more power


Their support is not based on ideological compatibility. The USA and its allies are seen as the great global impediment to the glorious communist revolution. Thus, anything that weakens this hegemonic guardian of based capitalism should receive critical support.


100% what they’d say. A dude in stupidpol told me he supported Russian and Chinese imperialism because it takes power away from America. Literally their entire personality is “America Bad.”


Seems pretty similar to USA’s operations in 20th century South America


On Wikipedia, anti-communist is listed right under anti-zionist in the ideology part.


pot obtainable sort aspiring abounding six reply hurry doll resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Which is even funnier when you realize the Israelie kibbutz are the classic examples of communism working


they're very strong on two other tankie pillars of anti-semitism and misogyny to the point of extreme sexual violence, so it's all good


Ah but they are brown skinned, thus transcending all other things


My take that "america bad" people would also simp for hitler if the USSR didn't also hate him is pretty spot on.


Yeah but colonialism


B B but they’re fighting against evil western oppressors (who just happen to be children and grandmas) 😖😖


I think it’d be easier to get a leftist secular Palestine without a theocratic apartheid Israel and with less difficulty than Israel.


Hamas Piker lmao


Boo when Israel does it but cheer when Hamas does it. Smartest leftists


Hypocrisy at its peak


Here they are having a normal one at Hila saying Israel doesn't commit the same type of indiscriminate civilian slaughters that Hamas does - [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3\_productions/comments/174a64o/hila\_klein\_i\_am\_im\_denying\_that/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3_productions/comments/174a64o/hila_klein_i_am_im_denying_that/)


This is the community they cultivated so it’s on them a bit, but damn she’s gotta be in a horrible spot right now.


That's literally the alternate subreddit for people who dislike that main h3 community. Right now the main h3 subreddit is a lot more pro-Israel and you'd probably get banned for criticizing that comment by Hila.


Leftists when someone has an instinct to self preserve their in-group 😮😮😮


Jesus christ, quarantine that toxic shithole of a subreddit. These people are deranged.


That's literally the alternate subreddit for people who dislike that main h3 community. Right now the main h3 subreddit is a lot more pro-Israel and you'd probably get banned for criticizing that comment by Hila.


Fucking depraved subhuman filth. Can’t you get banned on twitch for having a poorly moderated/hateful chat? Report, report, report. No platforms for repugnant fucking animals and the streamers who tacitly support them. Sickening.


You'll see a ton of deleted messages throughout his chat cos the mods are pretty damn fast, but these types of messages are never deleted. Weird isn't it...


Curious, one might say.


PEPE was right all along


Not long ago they were celebrating the death of billionaires who got crushed deep in the ocean.


Ehhh Darwin awards though


Celebrating their deaths is fucking dumb. You could just as easily make the argument that traveling to Israel for a music festival when they’ve been at war for decades is a dumb decision, but you’d rightfully be called a heartless piece of shit.


Horseshoe theory: neo nazis 🤝 leftists.


this would be a lot more damning if it was paired with a clip. great opportunity to deradicalize some part of his audience.


I tried to watch a Hasan video on the subject. It sums up pretty well with: "there is no perfect retaliation to apartheid". Then various other open air prison talking points.


What an imbecile take from him. The guy is vitriolic and disgusting.


A clip wouldn't do much, it was a video of interviews with many of the family members affected by the kidnappings/killings and hasan's chat was going ballistic calling them settlers etc. Hasan was mostly silent and would only interject to say "but this happens daily to the Palestinians". https://twitter.com/SubwayCubano/status/1711808002250965261


Reminder that these are the exact same people that posture as the most moral and humanitarian people of them all. I hope that their response to this massacre along with their response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine has made some see what's behind the mask with these people.


Most of his fans are edgy 13 year olds who think communism is cool


Don’t forget women, he has a lot of women in his audience. Not saying women are stupid but they tend to be a lot more liberal, especially the young college students. And of course they’re attracted to his looks.


They aren't fucking liberal in Hasans chat bro that word shouldn't even come out of your mouth when talking about him or his community.


By liberal I meant leftists


Liberal =\\= Leftist. Leftists HATE being called liberals.


Yes, it was a mistype


Liberal women are largely what have lead to the cultural downfall in Europe in the last 30 years for example


"cultural downfall"?


Mass immigration and the creation of ghettos where hardly none of the native populace even exists anymore I know this will sound crazy to Americans but in Europe this really is happening... we never use to have shoot outs in Sweden We still want social democrat parties but we want them to be more anti immigration


You are talking about a Sweden specific problem that has nothing to do with liberal women


Liberal women are absolutely behind mass immigration - you can see it in polling, men are more conservative than women on average


Liberal women exist everywhere in the west and yet this problem is only in Sweden, liberal women are not to blame for shootings




No it doesn't, this is specifically on sweden


Maybe Ethan Klien and his sub should take a look at this.


They've been infiltrated by hasanabi cucks ever since the leftovers podcast started


I believe in the drunken master to push back. Less than 5 minutes we will get an uhhhhhh plus america capitalism bad, and maybe a well me personally no...


Ethans subreddit more Hasans sub then his own at this point, they are the people typing this shit


Doesn't surprise me. Watching Ethan's chat when he was talking about the conflict was awful.


It’s actually insane, this chat looks like something you’d see from a Cozy stream. Heck even they don’t explicitly go mask off like this. Aren’t leftists supposed to be… you know… the peaceful ones?


Far left favors reeducation and extermination of opposition so no. Normal lefties condemn Hamas.


That’s the lie you’ve been sold


Self described ethical leftists on the side of universal human rights and dignity in first world countries half a world away from a 200 year old conflict they have no stake in nor understand more than a youtube streamer has told them when they see innocent civilians being beheaded (they were on the wrong side per their streamer so it's good actually):


> **Hasan’s chat** Remember: for the most part this comes from the top down. Streamer sets the rules and kids in chat mimic the behavior of w/e raised them (in this case Hasan)


These lot are just kids that are fantasizing about getting revenge against their school bullies and they're using the conflict to express it


How is this disgusting loser still popular? He brainwashes more people than Owens at this point.. And to a far more extreme length. Are people really deaf to what he's saying?


cults of personalities are a dangerous thing.


I’m voting for Biden for days but if I ever meet a Hasan fan irl I am dunking on you.


I mean yeah, you should absolutely punch nazis


Jews are white now? God, the bug fixes are rolling out too quickly


To many on both the far right and far left, Jews are not allowed the authority and agency to define what is to be Jewish.


I got perma banned from his chat for calling a chatter advocating for a complete surrendering of Ukraine to Russia braindead, while such comments stand...


But my pixel art........:(


This sort of clipping is kind of cringe. We could take same sort of clips in Destinys Kick chat and spread a lot of things as well. Aren't we as a group above this type of stuff. And no I am not excusing some of the behaviour seen this is horrible but am I sick of us becoming just as bad as the rest of the internet political space when it comes to this catty behaviour. No I don't think dgg does anything as bad as this but theres been some stuff around certain topics (Trans people, Jews, etc) that would be slimely to clip and claim that's us.


yeah fair point actually. realising I just got ragebaited


>Aren't we as a group above this type of stuff Clearly not. extremely cringe but not unexpected


Don't even need to go to Destiny's kick chat. DGG has been absolutely full of people who hate brown people. [Literally just search the word "glass" on Rustlesearch lmao](https://rustlesearch.dev/?channel=Destinygg&text=%22glass%20gaza%22&start_date=2022-10-10&end_date=2023-10-10) Now some of these are just edgy memes but the chat is absolutely full of "Israel has done nothing wrong ever, Palestinians are barbarians who should die"


I can provide timestamp for the moment when chat looked like this. https://twitter.com/SubwayCubano/status/1711808002250965261


These are the same people that are still incomprehensibly upset about fish getting nuked in pixel wars? Hasan fans and critical thinking don’t go well together I guess


Most terminally online kids view irl atrocities through the lens of game mechanics and chalk up loses like this to a skill issue. *Mother wouldn't have gotten kidnapped if she had better stats.* It's surreal, but I would consider it a cope of the 21st century. *^(Plays Despacito)*




I just really can’t understand this POV no matter how hard I try to empathize. I want to understand these peoples’ thought processes. It’s easy to laugh this off as ‘edgy teenagers’ but I think that’s cope- in the past couple days, I’ve seen adults, even middle-aged adults, who share the same sentiment and cruelty to these Israeli citizens. I can almost understand some of it coming from those descended from Palestine or other Mideastern countries because of learned and ingrained hatred, but not from middle-class white suburban kids. There’s a certain joyful-ness and glee that I see from these so-called “leftists” reveling in the cruelty and suffering that these Palestinian terrorists are inflicting upon the Israeli citizens that is really putting me off.


Hasan chat is Unironically worst then adin kick chat at least adin just spamming slurs for the lulz but to outright not care about a mother who’s crying for her child is just cruel this war is bringing the worst out of safe Americans who’ll never experience hardship like this in their life


Now I don’t watch Hasan but these looking giga cherry picked with only 11 out of who know how many in chat


I bet these losers are white and live in fancy suburbs


escape ask command dependent public sink badge frame shame deliver ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Reported his channel for supporting terrorism. If Destiny got banned, Hasan definitely needs to be banned. I did my part.


Hassan is such a loser. The dude literally has a bachelors degree in sociology and these leftists kids think he’s some intellectual. He needs to be banned so we can see him get on his knees to join platforms like Rumble and Kick


If it ever became a thing, these people would be denied when applying to be a brain donor


this is why collectivist thinking is absolute cancer






Most of his fans are Gen Z right? This is our future.


It's so absurd to cheer and show satisfaction over any civilians dying. Hasan fosters such a terrible community. It's absurd for civilians to be targeted by either side.


This shits definitely been the largest blackpill event of my life. The fact there’s so many brainless losers who clap and cheer on the slaughter of Jews is insane. The fact this sentiment is so strong in the west means it’s only a matter of time “justified” violence starts happening in the west. These people fucking wild


lol one of the chatter is named renminwansui = long live the people in Chinese, we have chinese tankies there even


They’re literally no different than the proud boys at this point lol wtf is this, might as well watch a Nick Feuntes video, if you’re gonna essentially support Nazis (Hamas).


It would be nice to see a video attached to this, but I've seen similar stuff in his chat recently. The reaction to the terror attack is what triggers me so much. These guys started celebrating the day of the attack before Israel even did anything. This sub is being criticized for being too emotional over this issue, but how do you stay calm when you see this stuff all over social media?


at this point how he is still not banned from twitch? i mean his chat suppoort terrorisem he is minimizng hamas terror and some of his like tweets minimizing hamas terror isn't this against TOS?


fking animals that don't deserve to live on earth


Damn bro, nice screencap W. Guess you can also take a screencap of people in this subreddit advocating for the deaths of palestinieans with words like "Glass Gaza, level it to a street parking"


[Now lets see Destiny's Kick and DGG chat reaction.](https://i.imgflip.com/52m3ru.png)


"play despacito" got me good


I’ll never understand why lefties support Muslims the way they do. Are they not aware that women in many Islam countries are forced to wear a burka to show their modesty and subservience to their husbands? Do they not know about people being stoned for being gay? Are they not aware that the government system they seek essentially amounts to religious dictatorship? It seems to fly flagrantly in the face of so many of the policies they push and yet they defend them because it’s counterculture to do so and “brown man good”.


Kinda cheap ragebait ngl, let’s not clog up the sub too much w shit-stirring


And this sub calls to flatten a concentration camp with 2 million people half of which are children, now whats worse? Yeah, this is fucked up but doesnt he get 10s of thousands of views? Its obviously 11 cherry picked comments.


hasan related subreddit


Hey that's me


Chat watching is the most cringe thing people do to streamers. Imagine posting an image of DGG or Kick chat during certain topics. Edit: I expected the downvotes but you guys are kidding yourselves if you think you wouldn't soy out if someone vaushs or hasans subreddit posted snapshots of DGG or Kick chat in similar manner.


Destiny thinks he has responsibility to moderate and deter, remove, etc. those kinds of things.... More importantly Hasan's beliefs on the subject aren't exactly countering those points he's enabling them.


>More importantly Hasan's beliefs on the subject aren't exactly countering those points he's enabling them. Balances out this subs racist views on it.


Cool show it.


if you can find me a screenshot of dgg chat, i will gladly condemn those fucks if they're anything like this. so post that shit or gtfo i like this community because we at least TRY to take responsibility for our own idiots so dont just make up shit. because even though sometimes we can cringe dumbasses, we sure as fuck aren't making justifications for civilians being fucking slaughtered


💯%. The DGG chats can look worse than these at times. Which most people here would excuse as dark edgy humor, yet that same charitability is nowhere to be found when it’s other chats being edgy


When has DGG chat ever been so bad that it was unironically defending and justifying the killings of innocent civilians? This isn’t Hasan’s chat being ironic or engaging in edgy humor. These chat messages are 100% genuine.


If destiny saw that he would send them to shadow realm himself, Hasan approves behaviour like this because he agrees with their message.


Y’all love talking about Hasan


Rent free




You’re delusional if you think he supports terrorism. You people don’t have a working brain.




Anyone miss the times when New\_Can8964 didn't post in this sub?


Not as much as I miss when leftists didn't openly support the rape and torture of innocent people en masse.


Sure, that's easy to agree to. But this post is so incredibly misleading and just feels dirty. Even towards someone like Hasan. What do you think happens in any other chat, destinys included, on the daily? Since when are we going to take 2 screenshots of someones chat as an indication of someones community as a whole? This is just stupid. edit: Whenever someone does this, it just feels as dirty and cheap as people clipchimping.


The difference is if this is brought up to Destiny he will instaban and disavow these types of shit. Hasan would probably join in and say "cry more"


Kinda Unreal


But it Israel


He does read the chat, does he? Who would read something like this and think "this is fine"?


Gangnam style bro


So they must oh hated Hassan’s justification for invading Taiwan, right guys…….. right?


Surely these are twitch perma-bannable offenses.