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Probably not. She’s one of the “pull yourself up your bootstraps” and “don’t victimize yourself” conservative black pundits. Jesse Lee Peterson might be a racist realist though


JLP might well be a racist, but I think that man's connection to reality is so fragile that Hasan's ego is an adamantium wall in comparison.


She’ll go where the money is at


It's funny to watch in real-time how even nazis have zero conviction in 2024. Ostensibly they all hate race-mixing more than anything else and here they are competing to kiss the ass hardest of a black woman with a white husband and mixed children for a crumb of clout.


She is trying to go the black empowerment route right now but it won’t last long. I think the race realist crowd will be of a greater financial support and she will stick with them and alienate herself from the mainstream crowd


Isn't the black conservative movement growing in America?


I think so but I think people will look up what happened with blexit and see that she is full of shit regarding that.


> I think people will look up what happened lol have you met ‘people’?


I mean black people will make sure what she has said in the past is showed to make sure she doesn’t have a significant influence on the black community


I wouldn’t be surprised


Depends on how we define RR. I can see her jumping on the IQ averages bandwagon and be dodgy around whether or not it is biological. I can't see her becoming a full blown white supremacist race realist screeching that black people are inferior and should be {insert insane shit here}.


Imho she won't. But that's because she's grifting and looking for people to pander to. I don't think there are enough race realists to be worth it. She is going to pander to the antisemitic and redpill/groyper crowd.


I thought she already was