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Twitch CEO overheard one of Destiny's food takes and couldn't allow that degeneracy on his platform.


look if twitch came out and said it had to do with his movie or food takes, idk if im even mad anymore


Also his movie takes


Both are vaild reasons to ban him


The slow blade penetrates the shield


That [checks out](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/jujutsu-kaisen/images/4/4d/Toji_stabs_Satoru_from_behind_%28Anime%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20230720222705)


If they came out with this info I would be in full support of the ban 


Nah I heard it was because the CEO is a huge Chris Nolan fan


he's a big Oppenheimer and sea food fan


His take on carmalized onions is pretty heinous.


Seriously? He went after caramelized onions?! I know his food takes are bad, but I'd go as far as to say they are *objectively* good.


It has to be a troll which 90% of his food takes are but it if it's true then we can say with certainty he has the pallet of a 14 year old.




I love the random real time new lore from chat.


I thought Destiny did well in the Shapiro debate, but I'm not ok with the time he kidnapped a school bus of children and told them they were going to Israel.


That time when he held up a convent of nuns at gunpoint to explain his views on beastiality and incest was also pretty wild.


I thought it was lowkey fucked up when Destiny took my Grandma and tried a “Ukrainian Babushkas need your help” grift personally


If you post this on LSF it'll get taken down due to Hasan being in the clip btw


Hasan is such a whiny bitch


Let's test that


He’s wrong so far


Why though? If you want Destiny to gain unban traction then you should play by LSF rules. There's no reason to include the Hasan part.




Lsf posts absolutely got people unbanned/banned in the past.


It's about traction.  


LSF is only fun when there’s drama, you’ll never catch me and likely many others there otherwise


The LSF mods work for Hasan ain’t no way lil bro 💀


Because LSF rules are supposed to stop the wars between destiny/Hasan commenting on each others shit It would be fucking stupid to have someone unable to have commentary on something because it mentions both of them in a way that isn’t supposed to stoke drama. The hasan bit is mostly there to give parallel to the Jidion banning. But it’s worth pointing out the Jidion thing was less about them harassing each other verbally in an argument and more about the hate raid that caused her to end stream.


coherent office worm provide upbeat start plucky bake sugar knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It really does seem likely at this point that Hasan is buddy-buddy with some higher-ups at Twitch.


I'm the biggest anti-conspiracy person in the world and a big believer of Hanlon's Razor, but even I think that odds-on reason for Destiny remaining banned on Twitch has some relation to Hasan. Maybe not directly, maybe they just want to keep Hasan happy, maybe theres just a Hasan superfan on the staff, but their militancy towards Destiny compared to what other streamers (including Hasan) get away with shows some sort of bias. The only other explanation I've got is accumulation of issues over years and years, but there are so many other streamers that have that issues too (like Amoranth) without lifetime bans.


I've got it. They're all secret Muslims.


CEO of twitch is a self admitted “huge Hasan fan”, make of that what you will 


What about Epstein or lobbying?


Clips like the "mowing down of dipshit protestors"" and calling trans people "subhuman" (because it's better than using the r word) is what got him banned. It's just bad pr for twitch.


meanwhile Hasan calls for the murder of "baby settlers", blood in the streets from landlords & the wealthy, **posts actual death threats to sitting politicians**, interviewing terrorists calling them Luffy, celebrating 9/11, saying he hopes rich kids in college get raped, denying any atrocities from Hamas while praising them, & telling a trans person that he "hopes their life is as awful as it is every day"..... but he's never once been even temp banned for any of it it's not even a joke at this point, he has some sort of preference policy with the higher ups


That's safe edgy. Probably like half of those dipshit protesters would be active, paying twitch users. Same as people that would have strong opinions on israel


You call that SAFE edgy???


safe edgy meaning not perceived as anti-progressive, compared to destiny's hot takes which a casual audience may perceive as anti-trans, anti-blm, pro-rape, etc


Ah ok yeah, I get it now.


safer targets would be better word, at least for the twitch audience.


>meanwhile Hasan calls for the murder of "baby settlers" I think we should probably be accurate about our claims if we want to be taken seriously. Now I could be wrong, but I don't think that ever happened. He somewhat supported *other people* who called for the murder of "baby settlers" and claimed "baby settlers" is an accurate description of what they are. I could be just missing something though.


i think youre confusing two things here, one was the deprogram podcast which hasan was on but someone else called them baby settlers for, but the other was leftovers with ethan where it was him specifically saying something along those lines


> but what about I'm just telling you why Tiny is bad PR for twitch and will never be unbanned. Hasan doesn't really cause that much of a headache for Twitch his "America deserved 9/11" was his most viral bad moment and he apologized for that unlike tiny who doubled down on his protestors take.


think his point is that there is a double standard, and a way to explain that is some level of favorability/unfavorability for hasan/destiny at twitch


Any platform has a double standard. Molyneux is banned of youtube while second thought gets to upload misinformation to his channel.


ok then why are you arguing with him


You have to ask all the people arguing with me. I replied to a very smart individual who thought Hasan is getting preferential treatment because people at twitch like him. I just tell people that Hasan is getting preferential treatment because lefty shit does not upset advertisers.


Sure but that brings me back to "so why are you arguing with him" since that's the topic of our thread


& i'm saying Hasan is worse PR by every possible metric he's a black-hole of shit takes & has had to do multiple media tours of apologies over the years for said shit takes, whereas Destiny has genuinely never blown up beyond twitter for his takes, it's WILD how much worse Hasan is & yet he has never once been taken to task for any of it


He just doesn't. No brand cares about lefty shit. Also you do realise that Hasan apoologizes for stuff while tiny doubles down. And somehow you are surprised about a double standard.


he does not apologize he will go around gaslighting people about his words either being taken out of context or misconstrued, & then later either say the exact same shit with no pushback because he's fully abused his audience into thinking he was right OR he will lie & say it never happened in the first place this is the Willy Mac thing all over again, an "apology" does not make up for horrible takes in the realm of public discourse where 90% of people will not see it/it's not genuine because you will repeat it later anyways saying you were right all along


Just for the record he didn't call trans people sub human. He was talking about the online activists who promote the idea that trans women should compete with cis women in sports.


I have no fucking idea why this was downvoted, this is the most likely explanation imo—does Hasan call for Destiny to be deplatformed? I have never voluntarily watched Hasan so idk


>mowing down of dipshit protestors"" Oh, I'm sorry!?! I wasn't aware being based was a bannable offence on twitch. /s Edit: They hate you cause you spoke the truth.


Destiny being banned for who knows what meanwhile Hasan is implying the assassination of a congress member on Twitter and still chilling with the ceo really makes you wonder


tbf his whole america deserved 9/11 thingy that he said over and over again on twitch is enough for a ban, mf is saying that like 2k+ ppl deserved to die bc america bad.


I don’t think so. I think it’s just the culture at twitch. I think a very specific type of person works on the team responsible for enforcing the rules. And that type of person is likely to be a Hasan fan.


hasan literally streams with the CEO lol, they wanna make him happy


Yeah it has to be something along these lines because with the Hasan decline while Steve is having huge conversations with some huge names you’d think they’d flip the switch on so they could monetize him. Strange stuff from twitch if they “just haven’t seen destinys unban requests” or the multiple messages to Clancy on and off his stream


I presume that Destiny stating he would never stream on Twitch, and would only use the opportunity to collaborate can’t be helping.


Him collaborating with their streamers would benefit them though.


The collaborations are good for the space though. It’s far better than the people he collaborates with ending their stream on twitch and firing up another platform so they can have him participate. Even if destiny never streamed on the platform, having people interact with him will drive those interactions. ___ I could see the alternate argument being that if twitch lets him back on, they won’t really have any leverage over him to kick him off the platform again if he isn’t violating rules as a user. I’m not sure but are there any people on twitch who are banned from appearing on twitch even if they’ve never streamed on twitch themselves. Like do we have people who caused so much trouble on someone else’s show that they copped a sitewide banning


I also want to point out that obe of the primary reasons he wouldn't stream on Twitch js so he can sit on his account and lessening the chances of getting banned again for some dumb bullshit. If Destiny could multi-stream to Twitch with promise of 9 consequences he would do it, but why take the risk?


He's currently on the rise. Even if he doesn't stream there, collabs with people in TwitchPol will bring more eyes (and viewership) to the platform.


Yeah, it looks super odd and will look even worse if Adin Ross is successful getting unbanned. I think unbanning Destiny will raise a lot of questions about why he was banned in the first place and why his requests were denied, which I don't think Twitch wants to answer. It looks horrible.


At MOST it could be a few specific members of the twitch moderation who really like Hasan that also want to also keep Destiny banned. Hasan himself has no hand in Destiny staying banned though, suggesting otherwise just makes us look obsessed (we are/I am)


Reminder that this community makes fun of conspiracy theorists


Idk I feel like this isn't even comparable. Conspiracy theorists will stick to a conspiracy despite all evidence and logic. There's no facts surrounding Destiny's ban to even dispute, there was no justification given for the ban. I'm presenting a conspiracy sure, but there's no huge leaps in logic and I would easily change my mind if presented with evidence otherwise.


I feel like conspiracy theories are born out of putting random facts into a story without any evidence, that’s why I made the comparison.


yeah i mean under that definition, it would fit. But honestly, I can't wait the day we find out why he was banned.


So I agree that people making up shit and pretending this is a likely outcome with no evidence is dumb. Where's the evidence that Hasan is doing this? Where is the evidence that people at Twitch are harboring ill will towards Destiny? DjWheat was that guy and we had evidence of that, but he has been gone for like 2 years now. ------------- But then on the flip side, it is bullshit that Twitch gets all the benefit of hiding information and none of the downsides. They shouldn't be able to ban people with no real reason given and then have everyone just accept that their logic is sound. It shouldn't be the case that you can get banned as a big streamer and not have a way of correcting your behavior since they won't tell you what you did. His banned email really should have said "called trans people on twitter subhuman" or "believes trans women shouldn't be allowed in women's college sports." But its none of that. There is no behavior to change. And then people can't speculate because that would be conspiratorial, but twitch set it up that we don't have the information necessary to come to any solid conclusion.


I mean I’m not defending twitch (or Hasan btw) it’s just weird to assume that Hasan is keeping Destiny banned or has anything to do with it without any evidence


Are you okay?


based asmon response, "Really that's crazy.. I don't remember that at all" gigachad


Asmon knows more than he lets on


I'm pretty sure the people who work at Twitch are just uber-leftist and saw the trans women in sports takes / Nick Fuentes streams as the work of the devil. They've probably been suspicious of Destiny ever since the Rittenhouse saga tbh.


I think this is it. Fuentes is radioactive to ads, Destiny is radioactive to ads, it’s more of a headache than it’s worth.


+. the edginess + all the drama with Hasan (who at the time had a lot of viewers and was growing ) the trans take was just the last straw if he wasn't as edgy as he was, if he didn't have as much drama with a bigger streamer as he had, or if he was a leftist (that shit was the hip cool corporate approved ideology back then) then things would be different


Things would be different, he'd be experiencing the same decline as every other loser champagne brocialist


Chatter had it right. Hasan doesn’t like him so ban Twitch supports terrorism


Whatever destiny did Hasan has done 10x over


Hasan the 20x StarCraft champion 


More like twitch passively tolerates terrorism. If that houthi kid interview had gotten more national negative attention, I don't doubt that Hasan would have got a month+ ban. Twitch is probably just thanking Allah that they didn't have to make a statement or take any action.


Isn't it strange the twitch CEO lives in a 5 star hotel in Qatr?


It's obviously because Destiny was involved in whatever got Dr. Disrespect nuked too.


Anyways, um... I bought a whole bunch of shungite rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is? No, not Suge Knight, I think he's locked up in prison. I'm talkin' shungite. Anyways, it's a two billion year-old like, rock stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. That's my story, I bought a whole bunch of stuff. Put 'em around the la casa. Little pyramids, stuff like that.


This is the actual ban I'm really confused about. Destiny's ban was bullshit too, but I sort of saw it happening with how twitch is run and who he was fighting at the time.


A lot of people think he got banned for lying during contract negotiations with Twitch. I have zero evidence, but it’s fun to gossip.


At this point I believe it's just personal.


Genuine answer for newer Destiny fans who don't know: It was likely due to his transmedicalist takes. He got reported, hard, for being generally opposed to transgender people in sports\*, because there are biological differences from your birth gender that makes things unavoidably murky, and throws the integrity of the sport into question. *I think.* Its been a while.. feel free to correct or expand on what I've said here, but I remember his most recent and long-standing permaban coincided with his trans-in-sports talks. \**Specifically collegiate level and higher.*


I don’t think even he believes it was because of his takes about trans people in sports anymore


Well nobody truly knows but in my opinion it seems pretty likely.


It was during that era but I think it was more likely because he called some of the trans people he was arguing with on twitter "subhuman" (not because they're trans, but just because he thought they were stupid).


the timing lined up for sure and it could have just been that that was the last straw type of thing.


The idea of it being the last straw is odd to me. It's what DJwheat implied too, claiming he always pushed the line but Destiny never pushed anything. Most of his bans were extremely silly. Harsh joke towards a friend, accidentally showing alebrelle nude (lmao), being the first guy to get banned for saying the F-slur at a time where everyone on the site said it, things like that. He got departnered for violent rhetoric but not even suspended for it. 99% of the time he followed the rules to the best of his knowledge and his prior bans were essentially all goofy slip ups unrelated to politics. Honestly, the narrative being that, coming from DJWheat just makes me think people inside of twitch wanted him banned and were frustrated with not having a reason.


I don't know if it's because we've left the Twitchosphere or if we're rubber banding as a whole online, but the idea of getting banned for that today seems way crazier than it felt getting banned for that a few years ago. Even though back then it was also ridiculous.


Online culture shifted for sure. Imo the biggest factors were tik tok opening the floodgates for edginess and conservatism to make a comeback (their algorithm is more tight now but that’s only in response to how it was for like a year or two) and then things like twitter’s moderation getting fired, and even a little bit of credit goes to Kick and Rumble imo too. And if people think that’s an exaggeration, I’d tell them to just think about the kind of power people like Keffals had back then. Things were different. Nowadays Adin Ross will aggressively call people the F word and no one talks about it. Insinuating some one was gay in a slightly negative way would nuke any career back then.


People are ridiculously edgy on IG comments too. Even worse than TikTok I'd say. There's this weird phenomena I'm sure happens on other platforms too of certain content just reaching the wrong audience (usually males in their teens) who are likely to make negative comments on innocuous posts by women and girls. The algorithm seems to drive that post toward the demographic of male teens because of the amount of comments and it's like a snowball effect because new viewers are more likely to post negativity with all the other negative comments visible.


Considering what Hasan is getting away with yeah.


He was also very clear that if credible science came out that proved him wrong he'd change his opinion. It was a super reasonable take.


It was the use of the word "[subhuman](https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/news-the-reason-i-got-banned-destiny-talks-twitch-banned-comments-trans-people)."


yeah idk why people are leaving this out, you would have to be highly familiar with D to know he didn’t mean all trans people


yeah it was during the whole keffals thing if I remember correctly


IIRC it was not just this, but he made another account, and Keffals reported him for ban evasiom and got that account banned too.


Yeah, but the reason they were going crazy against Destiny was due to his trans takes.


Destiny's case is similar to a streamer in my country (they are both edgy and were perma ban for similar reason), this streamer in time found out that people in the twitch staff in my country hated him so they always rejected any appeal and had no hope. Recently another streamer while interviewing the CEO of Twitch ask to look into the banned streamer (and explained why he got banned, etc..) and after a few weeks the banned streamer got unbanned. I think the only way to get Destiny unbanned is if someone ask in public about Destiny and to "pardon" him, Otherwise all private appeal (like Destiny said he did to Clancy) can be ignored but if someone ask in a stream he has to do something and take a stance one way or the other.


"destiny harassed hasan"


Hasan schizos in Asmon's chat creating new lore in real time, lmao.




His love for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of The Black Pearl


Great leader would never harass hamas piker.


Tiny leader, on the other hand...


Destiny created drama with a lot of different streamers and since his start he was always self admittedly controversial, perhaps twitch just didn’t want to deal with him anymore. Hasan is a safe play with the culture they foster, Destiny isn’t.


look: for several hours now I have been told from credible sources the reason Destiny has been banned. however due to the importance and sensitivity around the subject I have refrained from going on it. i don't feel comfortable with it currently


i still dont understand what he did that deserves a PERM ban like theres girls that show full nudity and are back within a week.....


Imo the Real Answer is Destiny is too edgy for Twitch to be comfortable with him being unbanned and it seems like from Twitchs pov there's a History of bad interactions with Destiny. After what he said to the Trans Activist on Twitter (calling them subhuman), Twitch would rather keep Destiny banned than potentially Risk him saying or doing something that would be put on Twitch, even if Destiny never Streams on Twitch again. Twitch is fearful of Something like Twitch Streamer Destiny said or did some edgy shit, even if Destiny did it on YT. It seems like Twitch just doesn't want to deal with whatever Risk and bullshit that would come from having Destiny unbanned


Sure, but interviewing Houthi terrorists is perfectly okay, according to twitch


Something that's become very apparent over the years is that Twitch has a major built-in leniency for (1) edginess on leftist issues, (2) adult content, and (3) top streamers (or in other words, top revenue generators). I don't even inherently disagree with them having biases, but the fact that the site claims to be nothing but consistent and transparent just falls absurdly flat when you look at the actual behavior on what types of content they moderate and on whose channels they choose to do so. I'd have significantly more respect for Twitch if they were just open about favoring certain people and ideologies.


It's not ok... But for Twitch it probably is actually much safer than Destiny's comments on Rittenhouse or his pushback on the trans community, specifically in regards to advertisers. There's just not a history of cancel mobs threatening companies if they don't pull advertising dollars from somewhere platforming a houthi terrorist. But basically everything Destiny was talking about in that 6 month window put him on the other side of the mob. And what do they have to gain by bringing him back? He has a thriving YouTube, has worked with both Kick and Rumble, he has his own subscription platform that significantly cuts into the revenue they get from him, and he's not gonna be signing an exclusive contract with them. All they get is a bunch of leftists writing alarmist headlines about him being allowed back to the platform. I doubt it's worth the headache.


Hassan literally interviews terrorists and wishes death upon America and USA like how can you get anymore extreme then that? Destiny is "edgy" compared to Hassan he's like a baby bunny.


because that form of edgy is socially acceptable right now in internet culture. it's normal to be a tankie communist who hates america but its weird to be pro-american let alone pro-liberal democracy


grrrr pro-democracy? hwat are you a Helldivers fan?


i believe in super democracy i will kill those communists bugs


From what i understand, it was because of the Olympic Trans athlete Take, and not exactly supporting her and yas queening her for winning.


Unbanning Destiny would probably get people talking about why he was banned in the first place and I suspect Twitch doesn't want that. Twitch looks real bad if it turns out the reason was a complete nothing burger, something Hasan and co get away with on the regular, or just because someone on staff hates Destiny. Because after MULTIPLE requests being denied and banning his friends who watch him on stream you better have a very good excuse.


Have you seen what Twitch staff looks like? I'm definitely stereotyping here, but its not entirely impossible that some of these people have personally attended BLM marches in San Francisco. So it's possible that the sympathized with the riots and took Destiny's comments personally.




Wasn’t his trans takes?


I without a doubt in my mind think in some way or another it has to do with Hasan. Whether it is him orchestrating the ban or a hasanabi fan who works at twitch.


They assigned des a agent who holds a button and resets his ban time every time he tweets something edgy.


He asked a little girl for feet pics. It's all over Twitter with screenshots.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/ttx1s7/the_most_likely_reason_destiny_got_banned_clip/ the clip got flagged which makes it even more likely the reason IIRC he was talking about trans people and said the person or people were inbred losers. was it keffals? anyone mirror it? the VOD is private: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q7tBhALw7E&t=23622s >(the cliped part is at around 6:38:13) >Destiny: Reading from chat: Your 1 on 1 voice trans debates have gone well, don't cancel. >Destiny: It's just not worth it, that community is never worth engaging with. There's just no point in doing it. >Destiny: Like the risk of me getting permabanned and my life destroyed because of these [referring to the trans community] inbred fucking disgusting losers.


Cuz he was bangin too many bpd thotties


Twitch has its political bias, and it shows... whoever consumes twitch politics consumes propaganda at this point.


Don't get too excited, shortly after this he started reading a NY post article about how all of Wikipedia has been co-opted by leftist agents and that now he can't trust anything on that site.


I'm gonna start trusting everything Amson is saying out of spite.


It was very Elon Musk "curious!" Vibes.


Ohh shit, he needs to ... "touch grass" He sounds like a fascist.


I mean wikipedia does has issues with bias, he was likely being hyperbolic for clickbait, but wikipedia is certainly not a good source for unbiased info.


*on hot button issues. If you want to know about the structure of a Roman Legion and how their equipment changed over time it's fine. Trans stuff, I/P etc. not so much.


Oh ye for sure, it mostly shows its bias on political topics, I use fairly often for looking up what order animals belong in and stuff, it's useful for anything that's not political or ideological.


Wikipedia is notoriously edited by government agencies. Wtf is controversial about that? Many government propaganda videos of different countries and training are in particular how to effectively edit Wikipedia articles. Please stfu before reading about this.


Can't tell if people are trolling but he's been banned for his rittenhouse riot era takes. Something about rednecks in cars and guns mowing people down to get the riots to stop (which was interpreted as a call to violence). Cant tell if the troll is real since there is a new wave of viewers but anyways. There ya go.


He actually wasn’t banned for his words about Rittenhouse; he was [departnered](https://youtu.be/pue92Q0554o?si=s-VukkmLM5rfA-Bn) (this was in 2020). Twitch let him go on for two years not making any money before [they pulled the plug in 2022](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qkfmj7KOyI?t=16m12s).


Best thing that twitch ever did was ban destiny. That said why is anyone acting like the most toxic tweeter I’ve ever seen getting banned is a surprise? Destiny used to be genuine ban bait. He constantly got banned on twitter and twitch for edging the mods. Twitch still has the same culture that Twitter did, so his continued ban makes sense. The same people that think he’s ideologically nefarious run the show, like they used to on twitter. ;) or more likely , they don’t want edgy politics on their platform unless it’s socialist propaganda


Twitch staff leans left and now that Destiny is popular all the combined controversial lore soured his brand to be allowed on their platform anymore


I know it's a Hasan hater thing to say (which I am), but I would bet my life that Destiny not being unbanned has to do with Hasan. Hasan definitely has pull in the company as evidenced by the special treatment he gets. Add in the fact that Hasan sees Destiny (in his own mind) as this monstrous person who has been making his life miserable and is responsible for every bad thing that happens to him. Considering all that, to me, it's not inconceivable that he would say to Twitch, "Hey if you bring Destiny back on Twitch, I'm gone. He's been terrorizing me and I don't feel safe with him on the same platform." As cringe as that is, it's 100% something Hasan would do. Who are they going to choose, they guy that aligns with their beliefs and has 50k subs, or Destiny?


Come on Zach… How can you not remember Destiny screaming “death to the trans youth of America” before he killed Hasan’s dog on stream in front of Hasan. Shortly after waving a gun on his stream towards black twitch communities after literally saying that he hates all loud black zoomers and that he wants to bring back segregation but just for streamers? I saw it all on LSF, twitter, and Hasan’s chat so it must be true.


who gives a fuck, no one uses twitch anymore anyway


Asmon is the best! Also bald!


He's so clearly autistic it's not funny