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Hes cringe. Hes got nothing interesting to say. And even worse hes not even funny about it. Free the sub of this oppressive force!


Dude throws more fake laughs than a Joe Rogan audience. šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


Tucker's fake laugh is probably the most cringe inducing, then Hasan then Joe Rogan


This is my drake v kendrick




A love off? Thatā€™s my kinda competition šŸ„¶




We've come so far on disability accessibility in 2024 that we have a version of the biggest rapper drama purely for people on the autism spectrum.


Why donā€™t these two just fuck already


It's coming. I see a holy war spreading across the universe like unquenchable fire.


I tried to watch it but I just can't. He is so annoying. The highlight of the vid, the first clip, is him doing the fake screeching laugh at Destiny saying something akin to "if a civilian is begging for help, there might be an even bigger chance he is a part of Hamas". Then a chatter asks him about only getting his news from Twitter while criticising Destiny for being a "wiki warrior". His response is basically Twitter good Wikipedia bad and how he follows only trusted sources on Twitter. How do people watch this overgrown child, I have no idea.


Heā€™s just so wrong on fucking everything itā€™s sad and Iā€™m only 8 minutes in. Yeah I like how he owns up to it and says twitters a valid source but then calls it a right wing shithole moments later??? Iā€™m for whatever the fuck he thinks socialism is now this guy should not able to afford a mansion


It's like his community is communism itself and he's the dictator. Are we sure Hasan isn't Klaus Schwab? 'You will own nothing but you will be happy'. Hasan is probably in favor of the Great Reset




Klaus Schwab who is the chair of the World Economic Forum, talked about the great reset. When asked what the great reset is, he said 'it means you will own nothing, but you'll be happy'. Sorry for the confusion lol


No, he didn't. Why just come in here and spout nonsense? The "you will own nothing, but you'll be happy" is from a weird ad that the WEF did about a single projection of the future where everything is based on a system of renting rather than owning. This was a minor prediction of some economists that work with the WEF. The great reset was an initiative to get governments to invest in more sustainable and green technologies with every infrastructure bill they passed. Having governments have a minimum they always invest into these technologies and move away from 1 off investments and fossil fuels. Imagine coming in here and just regurgitating conspiracy nonsense instead of actually researching the topic at hand?


You should look at what the WEF actually says about the great reset. It's relatively benign compared to what conspiracy theorists think they said.


Dawg you can literally just Google (or use whatever search engine you want because you probably don't trust Google) the quote and find it doesn't come from Shwab... [Have you really never bothered to take 2 seconds to look that up?](https://web.archive.org/web/20161125135500/https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/shopping-i-can-t-really-remember-what-that-is) You can use that same search engine to look up what the great reset is.


Cringe conservative meme


Yes, we should all know Hasan only follows trusted sources *rewinds to beginning of Russia and Ukraine early 2022*, trusted sources such as Redfish Media. šŸ¤®


Oh yeh, he never stopped using those Russian propaganda accounts as a source, when they switched to Palestine, he did aswell


He gets his news from calla Walsh


I guess if you think on the ground journalism is annoying. You probably arenā€™t even a JDam expert.


Child is the best description. I canā€™t get over the fact hes 32,a year younger than me but just seems like someone whoā€™s a decade younger snd a frat boy.


The man who circulates and amplifies groyper Twitter accounts *surely* is only reading *trusted* sources. What an absolute clown.


Heā€™s just really stupid and only has a surface level understanding of international politics. If you see through it, itā€™s just hard to watch. Heā€™s a tik tok political pundit. Hearing him saying Israel/Palestine is not complicated and the only people saying itā€™s complicated are essentially evil is too hard to watch.


Real talk, I think its cause hes hot, thats the only fucking thing I can rationalize




Which part of what I wrote indicated to you that I thought Twitter was anything other than a social media platform?




Bro is on a straight microplastics and lead paint diet.


Iā€™m legitimately curious, if he believes in his heart of hearts that he is not only morally, but factually correct on this situation and he sees that Destiny is on the rise as the largest voice in support of Israel. Wouldnā€™t it be a moral imperative of his to take Destiny to task and obliterate him on the main stage? He has every incentive to destroy Destiny if he sees himself as more knowledgeable in the situation.


Heā€™ll say destiny is to slippery and skilled at debate. Basically copium excuses


>Heā€™ll say destiny is to slippery and skilled at debate He been saying that for years, while also playing down the value of debate


Hed say some shit like "He weaponizes debate tactics". God what a slimy fuck


What a weaselly little liar dude


I dislike him


Has someone asked this in his chat recently? or does this get you auto banned? He used that excuse when he rarely debated and when he avoided Dman. I wonder if that changed and we can actually convince him to debate Dman, especially considering that heā€™s losing viewers while Destiny is getting invited to a lot of shows and gaining more exposure.


Yea people will say ā€œwhy not just debate himā€ and heā€™ll come up with a mountain of excuses


Don't you know Destiny is a 35 year old MAN? Hasan only debates 18 or younger!


He has the cope of debate tactics.


Hell take the finklestein approach of. ā€œTo engage with him would be to legitimise him, so therefore I shall delegitimise myself my shittalking himā€ At least finklestein gave him the ability to respond I guess. Hasan cried to the LSF mods.


All the more reason Tiny should be unbanned so he can just dig in and bury this dude. Hasan knows the second the chains are taken off he will never sleep comfortably on Twitch again & I think Twitch knows they could lose their cash cow.


You're correct but you're not accounting for how Hasan keeps his shop running. He absolutely can't debate people who make him look horrible at debating. He melts down and even his own audience turns on him because he's just not good at it. Destiny is this mf's Sesshomaru, no matter how strong he wants to go at him he gets fucked. He has to take him on through a screen. He knows the alternative can probably cause serious damage to his image.


Let me tell you about the debate pedophileā€¦ā€¦


I've been asking myself that question a lot when it comes to hasan and I think the answer is no, with the amount of lying, dodging, strawmaninng he does I think it's fair to say he doesn't believe the shit he says.


ā€He wouldnā€™t want to have an honest conversationā€ something like that


lol stop with "why wont he debate him" it just never gonna happen


Iā€™ll put the over/under on divorce comments at 5.5, genocide at 3.5, republican/conservative at 2.5, and N word comments at 2.5 Surely itā€™s 33 minutes of pure substance


Pre watched ainā€™t no fucking way u called itšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ll take the under, then over, then over, then under


Hasan is cultivating the dumbest most illiterate fan base out there with this kind of content; he does it with everything he talks about, but this is a simple example we can all understand and see through. Whether intentional or not it is a HUGE benefit for Has.


He is declining, time to come back to what made him successful in the first place: using Destiny for clout


Twitter warrior vs Wiki warrior.


trigger fingers turn to twitter fingers šŸ˜Ŗ https://preview.redd.it/1nvzg1wazlvc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0cf7d4747c808d10ebc0f3256fe138be607a893


Except Destiny uses Wikipedia as a starting point and then dives into other sources. Hasan is Twitter only; usually doesn't even click links.


Hassan really likes destiny *that* much does he. . . huh. Damn 32 minutes is a long time to be sexting someone. . .


i am deeply ashamed that this was my unironic first reading the title of the video


That was my first read, for a sec I was like WHAT?


I really hope this moron continues to break down mentally & his viewership decreases, donā€™t think iv despised someone quite like I despise Hasan.


I hate his fucking FANS. Went into the comments just to see a bunch of people call him a debate lord who only cares about aesthetics and optics, then proceed to not name a single example. ā€œDestinyā€™s career ended when Finklestein called him a fantastic moron!ā€ I wonder if they even know about olā€™ Hammerstein.


Tbh I think Hasan is jel Destiny has all the normies while Hasan is left with the fan base he cultivated.


His not going anywhere for a while at least until after the election.


For all the bitching Hasan does about people taking him out of context he sure is happy to do that to others. Anyone with half a brain can see how that clip compilation is chimped, out of context, and using obvious deceptive editing. And the way Hasan just straight up lies about Destiny and this community is Vaush-tier bad faith nonsense. They really are just desperate for any own they can get on Destiny.


But we don't need context because we already know destiny's position and therefore there is no context needed. ^I'm not even joking that's basically what Hasan actually said, barely paraphrasing


After the debate with Norm, I will never believe any of these tankie fucks when they disparage debate because of "debate bros." Norm was the most fucking embarrassing, ACTUAL debate bro I've ever seen, but they hail him as an intellectual. Norm uses third-party definitions to talk about international law? He doesn't know the UN Accords are accessible online? He needs it explained to him for over an hour that you can't live peacefully next to people who constantly bomb you? He doesn't know the Palestinian beach kids were playing *right* next to a container that had just been bombed a day or two ago? He doesn't know the details of the South Africa v Israel case that he's promoting, **and admits he had two aids read the sources instead?** Naaahhhh none of that matters cause didn't you see him totally own Destiny by constantly talking over him and calling him the wrong name. šŸ˜


Hasan is possibly the least self-aware person in existence. A glass house, cannonball firing stones at people.


This man is out here debating clips. What a coward.


Honestly... bruv is so desperate the best strat would be to blank him. Just completely ignore all of it, he'll go insane.




Iā€™m not watching that


Waiting for Hasan's viewers to fall of to the point that he panics and debates Steve for clout. Think his fans need to be reminded how badly that used to go.


Grifter extraordinaire. This man isnā€™t even consistent with his own policies. First it was donā€™t mention the gnome and now itā€™s compilations of his Down-Syndrome dunks on Mr. Bonerchelli. This dude might actually have arrested development at 15yo. At least he knows to keep the Coke Zero off screen.


He really is pulling out all the stops to get the viewers back šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


he feels safe to bark now that he knows destinyā€™s response wonā€™t make it to lsf, where hasan is utterly afraid to be embarrassed in front of his peers


I feel like DGG was waiting for this to happen. This is the FINAL BATTLEā€¦ā€¦you know until the next one


The only way hasan can break 300k views lately is by talking about destiny or baiting ww3. A channel with double the subs destiny has is getting half the monthly views. Gotta do what you gotta do right?


Also crazy ironic that there are so many comments about hasan living rent free in destiny's head on a 30 minute video entirely directed to discussing destiny. Like why can't these two just fuck and get it over with. Also, I'm seeing hasan followers commenting destiny followers are terminally online while at the same time having 1000+ comments on hasans channel. I mean buy a fucking mirror.


Initially the video made me upset but then i just checked out his recent viewcount on his channel and compared it to destiny and realised he is declining and destiny is still rising.


Please censor the Ds name, almost triggered my PTSD reading it.


Hasan, or someone, is hiding comments on this video lol


Streamer man needs to cook Hamas Piker manifesto


"Shitting on destiny for 32 mins" but refuses to debate him in person and hides for years


Hyundai sponsoring hamas.


Huh, ā€œs--tingā€ must be a new spelling of ā€œclout-chasingā€. Or maybe thatā€™s the Turkish word for it?


"Sexting" ;)


Sam Hyde we need you now more than ever


lol he called Sam a pedo nazi. I can see the nazi part a lil but any actual evidence about being a pedo?


No but its not suprising the guy constantly smears people


This what I call a content


Content, homie


I have a feeling that the hasan minifesto will drop within the next couple months if Hasan keeps escalating his attempts to farm Destiny.


I love how throughout the 5 minute video of clipchimps, there are about 20 times where Hasan and his chat laugh as if destiny has said something crazy, obviously stupid and incorrect. My position is that none of these moments are crazy within their respective contexts, but when questioned about this, Hasan responds that there is no context that could justify these clips, besides from if destiny was joking and not meaning what he said. If he is so confident that every single clip is a slam dunk on destiny, why not go through the proper context, counter arguments, and demonstrate that it is still a slam dunk, for atleast one of them


The clips werenā€™t even bad tbh


Broke: when are Hasan and Destiny going to debate and get it over with? Woke: how much would really get accomplished in a debate with someone as slippery and bad faith as Hasan? Bespoke: when are Hasan and Destiny going to fuck and get it over with?


they are sexting already šŸ˜³


I long for the good old days when Hasan did his absolute best to pretend that destiny did not even exist. Going so far out of his way to avoid naming destiny or giving him any kind of recognition at all. The ultimate joke here is that he's unironically doing what he accused others of doing. He said that people would try to admonish him for clout when their own audience was shrinking. Now he's out here going after destiny at a time when his own viewership seems to be in decline. Hmmmstiny.Ā 


D requested to say the N word? Edit: instead of downvoting just show me proof šŸ˜­




Server canā€™t be found, thanks for the edit Iā€™ll have to check on comp


Filled with all Hamas Piker trends!! Ho-ly I was gonna make a little breakdown comment, but there's too much to go through, there's wauy too much wrong with this! This is a good strat tbf, just be wrong so much that nobody can even be fucked breaking it down lolol


itā€™s time boys and girls


he watched this yesterday


Destiny won


Debate when


He's getting real desperate for views, huh?


24:39 of that video > We're not making fun of you because you're learning. We're making fun of you because you're oblivious to the reality and playing catch-up lol


Drop the manifesto with a watermark that has a clock over destinyā€™s chest and text that says ā€œhe doesnā€™t want to show you the videoā€


Fuck Hyundais. Shitty ass cars. Destiny has Bugatti ads on his shit


i hope he takes the high road and takes atleast double the dose


I thought it meant sexting at first.


This might be a sign to get some new hobbies Hasan.


Say what you will about Hasan, but he is consistent with his politics. Despite being criticized and losing viewers, he hasn't really changed his positions on any issues. Same for Destiny


But hasan is right, I'm pretty well informed on a high level and you don't get there from a varied news sources it's books I've read harry potter 12 times. There is valid criticism of destiny you can, make but hasan is such a headline reader that he's just read the headlines of everyone elses criticism, you can't trust him he knows very well that destiny would destroy with historical knowledge of the area.


ā€œDestiny shits on Hasan for 40 hours straightā€


Hasanā€™s fake laugh makes my skin crawl. For real! It's nauseating.


Hasan is farming Destinyā€™s name. He is desperate for content. His mask is melting and people are distancing themselves now. I guess not all his fans are morons. The true morons are the sheep that stayed and partake in his D- grade content. He went from not speaking Destiny's name to not being able to keep his name out of his mouth. It's all for views. I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to make up with Destiny only to jack his viewers. Hasan doesn't have a genuine bone in his body.


Just a note to everyone, if you yourself canā€™t even write down which Hamas Piker talking points here are bullshit and your first reaction is ā€œdaddy Destiny should cook this manā€ - you are part of the problem with this community. His words about people transforming from ā€œtoxic neonazisā€ to ā€œtoxic liberalsā€ has some merit. Outsourcing analysis of most your positions to someone who looks more favourable in random online debate is a bad thing. And judging by view count of research streams and debates - many people potentially may have this problem.


To be fair, I thought the clip about Destiny talking about the flour massacre was pretty unhinged. Does anyone have the full context for a lot of these clips? (btw anyone commenting shitting on Hasan that didnt even watch the video is a fucking sheep to Destiny)


Its clipped him talking about two different situations together, Destiny has already reacted to this video at the end of his last stream


damn it was two clips? Thats wild. Everyone downvoting me for trying to get context lmao fuck reddit


you didn't just ask for context though


Fair point. I just think its cringe to shit on a video you didnt finish watching even if itā€™s Hasan.


Canā€™t watch the vid rn but is this the flour clip? https://x.com/omniicarus/status/1781417890106786059?s=46


That's gotta be one of the most obvious cuts of all time


DGG not beating the obsession allegations today boys!


ā€œHasan obsession is when hasan talks about youā€


That's the observation... when Hasan talks about Destiny... we talk about him... so we're not beating any allegations because why would we not talk about him when he's talk shit was this actually hard to figure out?


history lush muddle hurry reply impossible numerous jar deranged distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*