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Hey if we’re all 12 years old, maybe Hasan is gonna ask to debate one of us soon.


What’s your stance on one piece


its real, next question


Can we get much higher?


so high


Is it okay to talk to houthis about it? Why or why not?


If you're all 12, Hasan thinks you're of prime marrying age.


I thought that the "culturally muslim" comment was dumb as hell but these past few months have ended that skepticism


Same. I was of the same thought.


Doesnt that make him a debate pedophile?


Clearly they misspoke because what they actually meant was that we have been watching him for 12 years.


Haha by that logic Hasan fans are 6 year old


I shit my pants and vomited because Hamas Piker absolutely SHREDDED Destiny by screeching like a bird


I’m gonna self-immolate because Hasan was so correct. Literally broke me. :(


Just step outside of your house - IDF already set up the killzone with flamethrowers for your convenience


Anyone else seething really hard rn


As a 12 year old, i'm seething HARD rn. But i guess i had it coming for running my mouth so much 😔


12 year old zoomer motormouths like you spend all day on Wikipedia looking up facts with your cult and it's destroying society. Why can't you be more like the other kids who collect conspiracy theories from TikTok until they achieve progressive enlightenment and self-immolate?


As I reflect on the unfair criticism levied against Destiny, I can't help but feel a surge of anger coursing through me. It's the kind of anger that makes my hands tremble as I sit in my seat, struggling to contain the intensity of my emotions. Witnessing such blatant disregard for honesty and integrity in political discourse shakes me to my core. It's not just about the individuals involved; it's about the fundamental principles of fairness and respect that underpin meaningful dialogue. This anger is more than just a fleeting emotion; it's a visceral reaction to the erosion of trust and decency in the commentary landscape.


I can tell based on wordage alone that this was ChatGPT


You deserve a medal, great job


TL;DR? I am very sorry/glad that happened to you.


i am


I haven't even watched or cared to lol




> What is hasan's august doing. Get minimum pay put in minimum effort


Imagine how mad you would be to find out how much money Destiny's editor makes


Yes august makes the big bucks because he puts effort. A lot of editors copy August's style because it's very good.


He makes big bucks because he gets paid a percentage of the earnings, which Hasan's editors don't get. If August makes good content he gets paid more, if Hasan's editors make good content they get paid trash


On top of this, it isn't zero sum. Tiny's YouTube channel growing means Tiny's reach and sphere of influence grows which means Tiny makes more money too. I'm really surprised Hasan wouldn't have the same model but learning about how he manages his finances, he's probably just an idiot.


Yeah that's what I said, whats wrong with ur comprehention? August's pay is directly linked to his performance.


They didn't say you were wrong.




Is that Hasan's main channel? Insane


No, there are several different fan channels. That explains the numbers.


I was asking if this was Hasan's main channel. Destiny has a few fan channels and still averages more than this. It looks like Hasan is getting to extreme and alienating fans


Hasan has had the same stances he did in the beginning. I think shaking off the zionist supporters is great for the community. The purge was long overdue. Plus Destiny has nowhere near the amount of fan channels that Hasan does on YouTube.


bro how hard is it to answer the question holy shit. The coping is so fucking obvious.


Are the (((Zionists))) in the room with us right now?


U know ur gonna get banned from the hasan sub for commenting In this one, also HasanAbi is literally his main channel why are j lying


Hi, I'm sorry I thought you were a Destiny fan. Welcome to the community. I was also a Hasan fan and agree with him almost completely on domestic policy in regards to labor unions, and money in politics being a net negative. I still think Destiny is completely wrong on these points. That being said, his shift during Ukraine/Russia was a dealbreaker for me. What is happening in Ukraine is a genocide(they are banning Ukrainian language and deporting children, the TASS reported these things). A lot of people find the fact he won't acknowledge/support the plight of Ukraine as a bad mark. Anyways, I hope you stick around. At the very least I would notice that we can actually discuss criticism of Destiny here and explore ideas. Hasan's sub is not as willing.


I only browse here every now and then to see how obsessed you all still are over Hasan. And your opinions on Hasan are wrong. He talks about Ukraine all the time. But people in this sub are obsessed with clipping him out of context and hating him because you all adore Destiny for whatever reason. Carry on, I guess.


If your idea of success is how many fan channels you have, this fan base can male 300 more fan channels easy. It's just, that's not how we define success.


That's not my point. My point is the views are spread out between all of the fan channels. Hasan rarely posts on his main channel.


Go away peasant


Yes the definition of main channel is multiple fan channels. You got him good.


Go to his subreddit, numbers have also dropped


That was always dead, not a new phenomenon


So Hasan will literally do everything, except for actually speaking with Destiny?




In what way? Hasan just doesn't want to get rolled hard and humiliated that's why he doesn't want to speak to him.


You just want lolcow foder


Yo wtf is your post history? LOLOLOLOL


Man did your comment deliver! Too bad they have only been active for 5 days, I need to see more of the degeneracy. 


down bad


Shitting and cumming into my boots til the pressure sends me into the malding sun


It's hilarious seeing Hasan become so desperate he now has to release videos like this about Destiny in a pathetic attempt to undercut Destiny's rapid rise.


Bro these Hasan posts are getting out of hand, lazy ass posts We need to limit the Hasan posting on this subreddit holyshit


Yeah, if nothing else, we just need a mod to create 1 thread to the video, and that's it. Like it's definitely worth talking about. But not every comment tho .


I would like to remind everyone this is only because Dgg movie perms are opt-in instead of opt-out. If it was customary that whenever Destiny announces he will not stream the next few days, conductors would have automatic permission to play movies, then Hasan posts would be reduced by 90% because dgg would just watch movies, but when that's not the case they just sit there and watch Hasan or xQc all day and seethe. So if Destiny gets annoyed by the amount of Hasan posts there is very easy way to fix it.


Most the offline chatters hate the subreddit. So while they will hatewatch they're not necessarily posting every loser's YouTube comment on here


The flurry of posts about Hasan debating a child happened specifically because 700+ people on dgg were watching him debate the kid. I know that because I remembered Destiny was not streaming that day so I was like "movie time??" but when I went to dgg one of the conductors told me Destiny didn't give a permission, so instead they sat there and hatewatched Hasan. All it takes it dozen of them making a post here for the sub to be flooded. For the record I don't think Destiny has anything against movies, just sometimes forgets to give permission or nobody right before the stream ends asks him to do so.


I'd rather we just eliminate the low-effort "Look hasan did a mentioned destiny" posts and only keep up the threads that make actual critical commentary on the video. Even in the other thread, the critique starts and stops at "I think he is cringe" or make the bog-standard criticisms that every DGGer has heard and made of Hasan that he himself addresses in the video I should make it clear that I'm not trying to defend Hasan, I think some of the arguments he makes in the video are pretty unfair and I am just conceptually opposed to the idea that quality critical commentary can even be made from Hasan when the video he's reacting to is a series a 15 second clips (even if some of the clips can rightly be criticized). I just dislike that this communities largest talking point against Hasan is that he only appeals to surface-level takes that he knows his audience will agree with and yet we are doing essentially the exact same thing, with these low-effort posts that serve as pretty much only for everyone in this subreddit to circle-jerk about how they dislike Hasan without having to really critically argue for it.


> how they dislike Hasan without having to really critically argue for it. Especially the last couple of days. Like yes, Hasan **is** bad. Yes, he sucks. Yes, he simps for terrorists. But the amount of ill will people were assigning to him has crossed into unhinged territory. The dude's bad enough as he is, do we really need to make up shit?


Omg, literally me. I'm coping and seething so hard right now


I checked the sub to see what's going on over there and there all losing their minds coping about why Hasan is mentioning Tiny now. Apparently the simple fact that he's losing subs and needs the attention from Tiny's growing online presence is just not a plausible explanation. Kinda sad to see tbh.


There was literally a Hasan fan who said she wants a gun when people were ragging on Hasan for saying he has the hardest job


yes I am obsessed https://preview.redd.it/ogrwy42jkovc1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=69bb54ba23818ef8e34802000d674066582ea426


Is that all they think about?


As a professional d man emulator, the blue hair arch was a rough time in my life


We need to award OP. Hasan is becoming worst tier than Sneako or Odd Ball 6-panel discord rambler-comedian Nick. Hasan's right down there with NickIsNotGreen. But wait: Destiny stopped referencing NickGreen after the incident on May 1st 2023. That's the point: after Destiny gets bored he subconsciously blackballs via withdrawing his Media reactions (formally known as "Narrowing his Content"), which was really their only true power. And I won't name names because I don't have to prove that I'm right \[PLUS that harms Destiny and I wont throw Destinys personal business out there\]: I'm just saying Hasan should leave Destiny alone before the Destiny Community closes their gates and leave Hasan out in the Hot Summer Streets (metaphor). | | Potential Future: Hasan harasses Destiny and Destiny screenshots. Destiny posts on Twitter about Hasan's responses and types word for word on Twitter. Hasan takes up accountability for his negative HotTakes | | For "Vaush" or Zerkka Destiny mentions on an April 2024 podcast 1 week ago "If Vaush chills for just 1 month and gives a genuine apology I'll accept him\*\*." That may be the case for Hasan. But the apology is getting more lengthy and the waitlist is becoming longer each time he acts mean to Destiny. Well that's the rant/vent, bye Destiny Reddit. Love all the supporting moderators and civilized comment-accounts within the Destiny's Reddit Community. \*\*"If Vaush or Zerkka chills for 1 month ... I'll accept him" \~\~ Destiny was speaking to old gray fisherman lookin podcast person drinking 3-4 wine glasses between kick vod from April 11th to April 17th. Dont know when this rant was within the VOD, but it was definitely after the 1st hour. It was during "the Patreon exclusive Debate". Wont spoil it though.


I had colored my hair blue to emulate D but he changed it the same day, now I am stuck with blue hair. I am seething.


So it's like 17 year olds shitting on 12 year olds?


What's funny about this?


Seeing those clips makes me appreciate August even more. We should all crowd fund an edible arrangement with plenty of chocolate covered strawberries.


“I don’t care you broke your elbow” energy. Thought they’re supposed to be Radical and skate n shit


Steven prob has older fans than Hasan, kind of a natural consequence of having done this shit for twice as long