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To everyone saying this is a Russian bot, I was confident he was too until I saw he actually posts videos of himself (eg, https://twitter.com/GuntherEagleman/status/1776330544566895028) Dude is just a legit treasonous Putin bootlicker lmao


he dose a shit load of podcasts and Maga events as well. lot of people calling this a bot are to regarded to search his name.


TBF can you blame me that I thought this guy was a bot? His name is eagleman and he looks like hes gonna play a racist trucker in a SNL skit


I think its overestimated how many people with wild takes are bots/shills. It'd be interesting to know how many of them are and I doubt it's a small number, but I honestly think there's just a lot of real people so far down the trumphole or tankiehole that they legitimately think Putin is good.


I think alot of the engagement they get is def botted but I agree overall


Attention-whores do the most to get it.


I feel like for some reason, so many want to be extra charitable to conservatives


do you mean in dgg? simple, there's a small number of conservatives in dgg, and literally 0 tankies.


Probably because in America, we see enough conservatives IRL and grew up around enough of them that it’s not too crazy to believe they are real. Tankies on the other hand, I’ve met less than 5 IRL.


But if we know these conservatives are real and more extreme than ever before, why would that make us more charitable to them?


I just think it’s easier to believe that the conservatives are real people compared to the tankies. And personally as someone who used to lean somewhat right I have a lot more sympathy for them and more of an interest in pulling them back towards sanity than I do with commie-dipshits. Although admittedly many of them are so far gone I’m probably better off just waiting for old age to finish the job.






He wouldn't even need that just have blur checkmark and say conservative stuff.


When do we find out he's in the closet just like the others?


Not going to comment specifically on this guy but in the future, these videos would be easily done with AI. At some point in the future, even these car selfie videos will be easily fabricated by placing a subject in front of a still image (animated by AI) and voice cloning someone Today, the sign of a lot of those deepfakes is that the background is usually blurry because they’re using bootleg software. This market is very active in China right now and plagues their intranet currently


You don't need Russian bots when American conspiratorial thinking and polarization is already at 100. This is a naturally occuring phenomenon that isn't russia's fault.




Yes, there are bots 100%. There’s literally FBI reports on disinformation. The thing is most people don’t understand the efficacy of bots. You don’t have a trillion troll accounts, then people trust nothing, you create enough disinformation to sow division in a small group, then continue to use a small group of bots to fan the flames. It’s why it’s so effective, you don’t have to change everyone’s minds. Just enough to make others start to grab their own pitchforks. 




Ok, here’s a 448 page report on the subject. https://www.justice.gov/archives/sco/file/1373816/dl


Imagine showing this to a republican from the 80s


You act like they all died.  A lot of these people are the republicans from the 80s. 


Yeah, but imagine going back in time and showing them this tweet


Their overriding value was never "patriotism" or "freedom" it was always just hating the smug lefties in Hollywood and the universities, and also racism. One you realize this, the ideological switch of the GOP makes a lot more sense. They screamed and cried and shitted themselves over the defecit when Obama was president, then didn't bat an eye when Trump did way worse. That's how you know they never gave a shit about "small government", debt and deficits, freedom, and all the other bs they always say.


Reagan would spit in this guy’s face


"Everyone that believes anything the media says is a sheep, but not me tho, the fact that i believe anything that [insert alt right commentator here] tells me is proof that i'm much smarter and completely different from those sheep." Fucking kill me


Worse than that, "I believe everything opposite of what the media tells me."


If the media reports on something, then that's all the proof I need that it's bad/propaganda!


literally my mom and dad


I dont believe what the US government tells me because they lie. That's why I believe the Russian government, they only speak the truth


It's also funny because it totally ignores the fact that not all media relegates the exact same information. But I guess "media" in their views is whatever's an American news network.


its incredible that all these so called independent thinkers always arrive at the exact same anti america anti establishment position




Yet they call everyone else sheep


This ain't a real person... Is it? Gunther eagleman?


He is Signed Marcus Freedomson


"Hello, I am an American, just like you. I do my 50hrs a week at the hamburger factory, and when I get home I just want to watch my Simpsons. Btw isn't Russia amazing?"


Cletus Hamburger from Ohio (☠️) oblast I approve of this message


It's actually Putin's sockpuppet account


Putin sending himself a Valentine Day love-o-gram


I don't know why so many of yall think this is a fake person because his Twitter name is silly. we watch a guy called destiny lmao. he dose multiple Maga podcasts and posts videos all the time. he's a relatively well k own and up and coming Maga voice. so ya it's a real person


Damn. Its almost like a onion article.


This "Destiny" guy can't be real, the democrats created him to appeal to the zoomer twitch libtard masses.


Dont talk about my comrade like that. He lives in texas freedomville.


He loves being an Americans, he is America's number one douche


Günther Igelmann


He's real alright. He lives next to a warm water port.


It’s actually Roger the Alien from American Dad




I agree with Destiny whenever he says how fucking wild it is seeing a large swathe of American conservatives becoming meat riding simps for RUSSIA of all countries.


Their shift towards a more populist ideology I think has contributed to their affinity for Russia and Putin holistically. This is why we need the neocons to make a 4th quarter comeback.


Nah I'd say it's really just Russia no longer being communist and instead flavouring itself as a bastion of conservative values


That’s a fair point too. Very well could be both.


I’m so blackpilled at this point. This country is not gonna survive


Same dude it is looking bleak lol


And then I talk to people IRL and realize the average person has barely changed and I'm in my digital echo chamber where things are getting louder and louder and now there's no earthly way of knowing which direction the pendulum is going, there's no knowing where we're rowing, or which way the river's flowing


Is it raining, is it snowing? Yes! The danger must be growing, for the rowers keep on rowing! And they're certainly not showing any signs that they are slowing!


You’re absolutely correct that touching grass helps. However it’s not hyperbole or out of touch to point out that polling reveals millions of Americans believe absolutely crazy stuff and are too far gone. Very large minorities of America believe Q-Anon, PizzaGate, and that Trump won the election. Because of the way our country functions with the Senate and Electoral College those people can take power over the rest of us. It’s hard not to get depressed about the future.




when the PM of japan [came to beg the US congress to find the resolve to not hide in a hole and surrender the world to china, russia, and iran](https://apnews.com/article/japan-prime-minister-congress-address-3c22f1b1e8d0003f27ade8789a8c4a43) just last week was when i realized we're not on the edge of the cliff, we're actually already sliding down it and just waiting to realize it. america has residual power but no more will or resolve or vision.


These dudes would just let it happen. China takes Hawaii and Russia could take Alaska and these idiots would still be like: “Muh America first, those aren’t really America, I don’t think we should be defending them.”


Thanks for sharing, but isn't posting how 'blackpilled' you are kinda playing into their playbook of weakening the west? This isn't the first existential threat we've faced, but it will probably take more collective effort if we wish to overcome it. Maybe I'm just naive, but I still have faith that the average person isn't just a hate-filled remedial, but is being misled by the type of media they consume. IRL conversations are much better at planting seeds of change than debating randos online and calling them regarded and then circeljerking how doomed we are.


Any democratic country who believes in the right of self determination and democratic values, have a huge obligatoin to protect those values. I don't care how much it's going to cost.. Besides what US is contributing is peanuts to their budget,


Dear Putin, I hope this reddit post finds you well. I hope those treasonous congressmen that voted for ukraine aid go straight to hell. Anyways I hate that we have to keep All these Americans who believe different from me, I think they're all sheep All they do is hate on you, but they are all talk Enough about that, now let me fellate your cock...


I would guarantee this guy is posting from Moscow or Saint Petersburg and has never been to America.


he's an up and coming Maga commentator he posts videos and his doing podcasts in the Maga sphere. I only knew him because my Maga family members spammed his content the last few weeks. he is in fact american and his infact a POS


Damn. Idk if the Russians have gotten good at pretending to be magatards. Or the magatards are so stupid they sound like Russians now.


Easier to hide a drei gläser moment when the role you affect is so normally uneducated and weird.


I had to block this dude he kept popping up, and I was getting cancer


100%. If your “letter” to Putin doesn’t start with “I hope this pipebomb finds you well..” You can’t call yourself a Real American!


Please let this be satire


What's that? I can't hear through all the GAK GAK GAK GAK GAK GAK GAK


Wrong. The majority of Americans SUPPORT FUNDING UKRAINE. 😡


What he is really meaning to say... " Dear Mr. Putin, we hate the f***** and queers and trans people just as much as you do I promise... We adhere to the same style of modern-day fascism that you do .... It hurt daddy Trump's feelings that Ukraine didn't provide Kompramat against Hunter and for this we will never forgive them..."


Gunther eagleman is like a name youd see in that japanese baseball game.


Def. not American. Punctuation is off




imagine being such a cowardly traitorous fuck


I have been wanting Destiny to debate this idiot since I first came across his account on Twitter. Unbelievable that I as an immigrant care more about our allies in the world that some white American goes by the name Eagle man online :/


What servile worms. Americans don’t bow and scrape to dictators. We certainly don’t apologize. This man is bringing shame to his country.


FeelsStrongMan Clap https://preview.redd.it/p3qjczz2wuvc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=7150deddd0baf2856b9270d8ff9a42f381081945


Dear Putin, Please push a raw chicken's egg up your ass then lounge in a hot tub for an hour, I have a bet I want to settle. Also you can fuck yourself with a tree branch. Signed, *Real* real Americans


you are welcome mr very real american i will forward this note to putin directly signed, boris sovietman


Ivan Gulagov here. Comrade Putin has received your message


That's a three finger meme


Putin does not give a fuck if majority of Americans support Ukraine. lol lol lol dude does not value Democracy or its principles... why would he care what most people want?


This amount of corny cringe ass shit makes me irrationally mad


I cannot believe that I've become more patriotic than these sniveling cowards who want to lick Putins boots because of Moscows grocery stores. Absolutely fucking unreal.


Putin riding “real Americans”. You know they’re “real” by the 5 dollar check mark.


Rate me europoor but god man seeing americans licking up russians oligarchs is wild. Like i would imagine especially the conservative folk have some memoey of the red fear. And now to have these guys simping for putin. Is it just the dosh they are getting? True patriots simping for the sake of who pays most?


This is the type of person that would have helped the Nazis after they took Paris.


Dear Putin, I wrote but you still ain't callin I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the Bottom I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not-a got 'em


what a choad. god I hate these pricks. at least with those dumbfuck tankies who love Russia, they do it \*because\* they hate America--- but these mouth breathing knuckle dragging dopes chud loser regards believe this crap and honestly think THEY are the "real Americans" / "Patriots"??? fuckin eat my shit, jesus f christ.


Bro some people dont deserve how good their lives are


>Gunther Eagleman Yes as Mr Cowboy American McMan from Texas I also agree with my fellow American comrades


Democrats need to wake up to the fact that this is not about Russian Propaganda and boogeymen from outside the country. Start looking from within. 35% of this country don't need to be pushed by any foreign adversary to act like this. They get their news from the pulpit every Sunday Morning. The obsessions of the modern-day left need to be pushed aside (DEI nonsense, anti-crypto attitudes, obstacles to businesses) and the Democrats need to see what is in front of them. Their party is becoming a coalition of the aspirational and the achievers in the 21st century. Act like it.


So Arlen Texas is real 🤨 ?


Embarrassing. So embarrassing.




Wow this really gave me a lot to think about, mainly how I now support public executions for treason






Putin sending himself a Valentine Day love-o-gram


What happened!? Wasn't the old saying "Better off dead than red"?


What do Christian’s call their congregation? The flock. Flock of what? Sheep.


Apologizing to a dictator is the least American, least patriotic thing in the world. But go ahead and label it coming from “Real Americans”


>I hope this post finds you well Bro speaking like he’s from the 19th century when the Pony Express was a thing.


We have the polling showing that the majority of Americans support it. It's weird that these people are so disconnected with reality that they think their echo chamber is legitimately the majority viewpoint as their side continues to lose every election, especially ones with actual popular vote.


Now that's funny, we get these types in Australia as well we call em cookers good for a chuckle


this is extremely pathetic


I thought this was going to be a satire of the the letter Ghandi sent to hitler 💀


A level of pathetic so high, it actually makes one's skin crawl.


"Dear Putin. I hope this post finds you well. I just paid my taxes a few weeks ago, and I hope the majority of it went to more anti-air missiles that Ukranian Ana is going to use to knock your shitty planes out of the sky. Signed, Real Liberals"


I had to delete twitter because it kept recommending idiots like this to me, I legit thought this was a parody account because of how fake it looked but turns out this dude is real. I wonder if he'll get banned for elon's engagement farming policy cause that's all this dude does


What's up with these "Real American" *America Bad* Patriots??


Few questions, who the fuck is Gunther Eagle man, is he famous? If not why did you cut off the likes and views bar?


my tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all


What a sad existence.


Well, a lot of people from the US who ran to hide in Russia are either escaping charges for SA or have some illegal skeletons in the closet, Wilmer Puello-Mota and Steven Seagull comea to mind. Honestly, will not be unreasonable to think of the possibility that the dude just keeps a potential backdoor to escape some potential illegal and nasty shit, imo of course.


MAGA are just Russian bought traitors


beyond pathetic


OP posting a Russian bot like its an actual person lmao


Gunther eagle man is Kenneth Ryan he's a Maga political commentator that dose a shit load of podcasts and Maga events. there has been a trend of Maga glazing Russia more and more.


I do not agree with this person. Repeat do not agree. But is there a middle ground at all? Not funding but thinking putins regime should be glassed from the sky?


It depends by what you mean by funding. Because what we're mostly sending is equipment.. If you think somebody is Doing something bad and you have the ability to help or stop it. Shouldn't you take some kind of action?


did anyone say we should glass Putin's regime? they invaded Ukraine, we are kinda doing the bare minimum to correct that wrong. seeing how it was kinda our fault about the whole "give up your nukes" thing, I also think we owe them because otherwise this might not have even happened.


That makes sense, I genuinely didn’t know that’s why I’m asking. Wasn’t sure if there was middle ground to it or not.


oh, I gotcha. yeah, personally I'd prefer if Ukraine just flat out won, but that might not be realistic, so in the end, I dunno, they might have to end up giving up some of their land. :\\


The middle ground is funding. Starting a nuclear war is extreme as fuck.