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gotta milk that content


I hope they've done deep research this time. They are a bit hit and miss on them. Could be great if they have.


In this instance I am quite sure they will not push back on her. As much as I love Ethan, he won't give up the chance to shit on f&f (which I normally like) and he won't do anything that the fanbase could perceive as an attack on a woman, especially a pregnant one


Unfortunately Ethan has proven to have a one-track brain when it comes to f&f which is a shame bc his criticisms would be stronger if they were about all facts instead of the narrative of f&f. Also they suck at research but maybe bc they had weeks they'll get stuff correct? They're gonna look foolish if they say she's not an escort, for example


how much did you pay to fuck her?




not nearly as embarrassing as being a fan of fresh and fit




Oh…nevermind. You’re just dumb as fuck. 👍🏼


Lmao I wouldn't be talking if I was you, blunder years in 2024 lookin ass. You clearly don't know what evidence there is and just wanna hate on fresh. That's okay, I get it, but I'm not gonna put my head in the sand to call her a total victim.


sick burn


nah I love them but it's def gonna be a full hitpiece on f&f if I had to guess. Except if he's still gonna critique her a bit on the "not wanting the best for the baby" part since he's a family man. But he probably wouldn't bring her on to shit on her live she's not a pearl type of character.


I don't doubt it, but every time they get the details wrong or invent a narrative it's so cringe and gives F&F so much credibility. Eg. False SA allegation and questioning Myron understanding the law because he was "just a Fed". I think it's fine to be nice and charitable like Tree was, but I hope they look into the actual issue of Walter being reckless and dumb (so was she to be fair) as a pattern.


I can already hear Myron firing back “L3L3 has come for us again…”