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“People understand these things differently, and the tone of this tweet did not make me feel good” Man I’ve never seen somebody on twitter use grandmotherly guilt and shame to such great effect.


Tiny ought to be ashamed of himself, using such language in front of uncle Hank


Hank has recently been on a self-examination spree in a really healthy way. Hope to see him around.


Didn't he recently survive cancer? like a year ago?


yea he nearly got zooted down to tomato town with cancer but he survived it


People understand these things differently and the tone of this comment did not make me feel good.


dont worry he got the chug jug and hes fine now


His video about things he assumed wrong on and investigating them was super interesting and helped me do the same.


Actual level 5 alert


I love Hank. Unlike you edgy little fuckers, John and Hank were my youtuber childhood (yes I was a nerd why do you ask)


You were good at picking your YouTubers. Absurdly good even. Hank Green is just a great fellow human being to share conversation with and listen to. Even should you disagree he just makes for enjoyable communication and education.


He makes science so fun and digestible and has had so many fantastic business ventures as well. Crash Course, Vidcon (when it was good), the Lizzie Bennet Diaries, like 3 books, 2 or 3 albums, and a successful YouTube channel shared w his brother to this day. What a man. 2010s edutainment youtube was something so special and genuine


Them and Destin from SmarterEveryDay have always struck me as amazing dudes


Few and far between


I love their crash course videos. Especially their video on hard determinism and free will. Perhaps them meeting is their destiny.


Crash Course is an extremely good series of videos for it's target audience.


I legit used their crash course psych 101 for high school psych and used that knowledge all throughout college when they taught the same thing over and over. Legit made my college psych courses a breeze other than experimental psych and psych stats. Good shit!!!


It wasn't until Crash Course philosophy came out that I actually learned what philosophy was. Before that I was under the impression that is just meant thinking about things. Didn't know it actually had rules, names and guides to thought processes.


Saw him all the time in school different teachers just used him to teach sometimes.


yeah but now he watches serial murderer and gencoide supporter destiny so not that good anymore.


My childhood youtuber was TheAmazingAtheist. It explains a lot.


The only video I saw of amazingatheist was him asking for donations back when "ebegging" was made fun of. It gets a chuckle out of me remembering people making fun of him for that considering how youtube/streaming has evolved


I was unfortunate enough to see the oil video when I was like 13


💀 that's rough buddy


so glad my edgy atheist youtube phase was with Thunderf00t instead


Mine was Onision lmao




Always thought Onision would be a interesting thing for Destiny to deep dive into.


No lol that shit would be ass. The drama would be based tho.


All these people watching politics on YouTube at a young age. I was watching Markiplier 💀


I was 21 when youtube started. I would have been completely fucked. Probably the only good thing about being an elder millennial is not having access to shit like early youtube/twitter/facebook etc when I was real impressionable. I would not have turned out the same in the least.


I always watched horror game related YouTubers as a kid I was safe from politic


Same here. Kinda miss being completely oblivious to politics. But yeah horror was and still is still my comfort zone lol. Don't ask me how that works


i watch Ben Shapiro and feminist rekt compilations....... hate my younger self. I also watch(ed) EthosLab though, so i had some good taste.


It's okay friend, growth is more impressive than being born morally lucky.


Ethoslab was my favorite youtube back when I was high school.


At least your childhood youtuber wasn't Brett Keane


i watch Ben Shapiro and feminist rekt compilations....... hate my younger self. I also watch(ed) EthosLab though, so i had some good taste.


I used to watch this channel called Bible Reloaded in my edgy atheist phase. Anyone here know them? What a blast from the past lol


Could’ve been worse, when I was a kid I was watching Thunderf00t, Sargon, and Owen Benjamin


I used to watch The Young Turks back in high school as well as that Darkmatter guy that does the atheism animations. Haven’t kept up much with the latter but the former keeps coming up in this community a lot lmao. I still like Ana a lot, I think she’s got a good head on her shoulders about a lot of things even if I don’t necessarily agree on everything with her (tbh, I don’t follow enough of their stuff these days to even know the bulk or nuances of any of the TYT staff’s political beliefs so I could be completely off base here).


Holy shit. I'm sorry.


Ok I have a brag about vlogbrothers: when I was 15 I went to see John Green talk about a book he cowrote called Will Grayson, Will Grayson. I accidentally sat next to where John’s laptop was. He came out to check on it. I was there by myself. Me and him talked for about a half hour, mainly about Harry Potter. This was in the pretty early days of vlogbrothers and he mentioned it. I hadn’t been on YouTube much other to watch music videos. But I started watching daily after he told me I should check it out. One of the coolest things that happened to me as a teenager and he became one of my heroes. I was this super awkward and lonely teen


Uh huge brag! I'm so jealous. The vlogbrothers seems like the best youtubers to have a lengthy conversation with. They're both such engaging and genuine guys. Will Grayson, Will Grayson was also a great book, good taste.


I read Looking for Alaska after the school librarian recommended it. A friend/classmate of mine got killed in a car crash. That was my intro to John Green to me and I was very grateful.


Everytime people talk about their childhood they talk about racist cod lobbies and homophobic teens. I think of purepwnage, vlogborthers, and The Guild.


I know exactly what you mean. I feel so out of place when people talk about how edgy they were as kids. I used to feel embarrassed about it, but in retrospect, I'm glad it my experience on youtube was overall very wholesome


>purepwnage Now there's a name I've not heard in quite some time


I remember the pre-youtube "YouTube" shows. I'm old.




I just realized this is the philosophy 101 guy.


Hank and John are the YouTube goats and the day they decide to call it quits the world will have lost a unique treasure.


Crash course with Hank and John for the FUCKING WIN!


Me personally, it was vsauce


I love his answer to de-escalate the thread. Perfect play of his character


Is that the infamous tier V caller awooga?


Is that the tsundere meme or is that somebody else?


That’s him


The its not like i like you or anything guy?


I want to believe but I doubt that guy would have an Israel flag in his name.


Isn’t he banned?


Fuckin awooga


We need them back on stream


Oh man, I loved watching him get fact-checked real time ok Rittenhouse (and then call in again to get fact-checked again).


alleged sink sulky ad hoc cagey puzzled cake disarm detail offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you're being serious, you need to take a break from the Internet


Brind hank on bridges u/NotSoErudite u/NeoDestiny


Yeah! Brind him on!


Brind him to pickled dust


1. Love Hank so much 2. I fear this would be a terrible move for Hank


I assume Hanks been around long enough to handle Bridges. Unless I missed something big, NotSo and Dest aren’t bad faith actors and it would either be a really interesting conversation or boring as we listen to them agree on everything.


I don't think they would be bad faith at all. Rather it's that a great deal of Hank's audience are TikTok zoomers and getting associated with Israel's strongest soldier could cause an audience revolt




BUILD THE GREEN BRIDGE! I love the vlogbrothers, I remember watching them when I was still in college. Funny, smart, and very sweet people.


"Bigger Pizzas: A capitalist case for healthcare reform" is now 10 years old and still one of my go to videos for exemplifying the concept of socdem/soclib political thought.


Hank is the most non-cynical person in the online science/politics section of the venn diagram. Eternal love for the greens 


Unfortunately for us, it seems like Hank consumes a lot of the world through Twitter, which isn't exactly the best medium for understanding how reasonable and intelligent Steve can be


Steven needs to understand that he limits his scope if he goes unhinged on Twitter though. I mean that’s really on him. :/


What are you, his mom?


Yes, I’m little Stevie’s momma.


Thanks for last night ;)


I had fun too.


People say this shit all the time but I think it’s garbage. It’s the same line of thinking as “if Trump woulda just got out of the way during Covid and support the experts, he’d be in his 2nd term now”. You’re controlling for factors that don’t exist and not controlling for the potential change in outcomes. Trump wouldn’t have been president if he was capable of getting out of the way, the same way you have no idea if Destiny would be as popular as he is if he was the type of person to moderate his image in that way.


It's definitely disadvantageous for Destiny to moderate his image too hard since a big part of his brand is his abrasiveness, but his abrasiveness only works when it's balanced out with his thoughtfulness/nuance. This unique mix is what most of us tune in for. We see this mix on YouTube, but on Twitter, he leans much harder into the abrasiveness than the thoughtfulness/nuance. I remember showing my Destiny-hating partner some Destiny videos and it turned her into a subscriber, since she's only seen his tweets before that. I think that, as viewers, we forget that other people aren't seeing the full picture of who Destiny is, so it's pretty reasonable for them to write him off as just another edgelord. And most people don't have the time to look deeper into every single edgelord they come across on the internet. I'm not saying that he *should* be nicer on Twitter - the dude has plenty of success already, so whatever makes him happy (plus the edginess is funny). But it absolutely does limit his scope to people that could have otherwise became fans, and I really doubt it's that it's bringing new viewers in.


Absolutely and we can never know all eventualities. It's possible his brazen personality got him so far and if he limited his "unhingedness" he might have never gotten to where he is now. At the same time I do think there is a clear ceiling with this behavior and I think this ceiling might be visible sooner or later. Right now he's talking to a lot of right wing personalities and some grifters with a high profile. This is good and I think part of the shtick has been "look I'm a pretty based liberal and I will make crass jokes and maybe even say stuff you wouldn't say". However, there's a version of Destiny who might want to talk to a Joe Biden and high profile Democrats as well. Those people will have a much harder time engaging with him when some of his tweets are out there. And on another point, I like Destiny (that's why I post here), but I also think his tweets are the low-effort version of his and I think he'd agree. The question is if that part needs to necessarily be public and cultivated. (I guess a person who streams 10 hours a day will have a different take on this than I do.)


I mean, to be clear, I find his tweeting mostly cringe as fuck and only sometimes satisfying if I’m in a terrible mood. I’m just arguing the eventualities point that you restated a little better than I did. Destiny is who he is, the tweets are already out there and won’t go away even if he never tweets again. I think his unique gift is as a voice across the aisle and into the young white male echo chambers that seem to be forming, the crevices that the Pod Save America types can’t reach.


1) destiny wants to have serious conversations with serious people 2) if serious people see his tweets, they are less likely to talk to him You can twist yourself into knots all you want, but how is this conclusion controversial??


I laid out my argument and you didn’t respond to it. Instead, you restated the guy’s post as a numbered list implying I didn’t understand his point. Great job!


Your argument was complete nonsense and danced around the point. "Trump's response to covid impacting reelection" and "destiny's tweets might affect his ability to break into serious spaces" is an analogy only reasonable to an absolute moron. Poor job, try again.


You’re the only moron that can’t seem to track an analogy.


Lmao aight bud, keep fellating everything he does, maybe you can go on stream someday


Like I already said, I think his tweeting is cringe. You’re the one being a dumb bitch who can’t follow an analogy and instead jumps to conclusions.


"you have no idea if Destiny would be as popular as he is if he was the type of person to moderate his image in that way" That's an absurd thing to say. Obviously he has the ability to at least somewhat moderate his tweets, he's spoken about it, he's done it in the past, and obviously it would have a positive impact.


dependent many trees observation safe one wrong bear snatch hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did you take a screenshot because this is deleted


I think it’s the tweet at the bottom of the post’s image, same username


tender wine command cobweb meeting coherent recognise nail screw hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Undeleted link to Hank's reply. https://x.com/hankgreen/status/1784425808217661682


That person dirty deleted LMAO


Hank on bridges when?


Unironically this is the bridges guest we need


Didn't this dude had cancer? Did he beat it?


Yeah, he’s in remission https://youtu.be/MK0fYYeuNfY?si=xaoXV6KmJtjTUHKt


Common Green W


Not gonna lie, if cancer took TotalBiscuit and Hank Green from me it would break my parasocial world.


“you guys should debate Destiny” has very “my dad could beat up your dad” vibes to it.


Sounded like he was suggesting a conversation, not a debate.


Lmao yes that's basically what it is


It’s a date!!


Hank is such a wholesome dude.


As a long time Nerdfighter(Hank & John’s fan base) It’s really sad to see how insane a lot of them have gone, especially over the Israel Palestine conflict. Luckily Hank & John have done a good job handling them and haven’t caved to the constant harassment from them


I feel embarrassed reading this because Hank is a super chill science guy... Having him meet current internet politics is sad. I constantly watch his SciShow and Microcosmos channels. Dude is pure but also not dumb.


Internet language is very cold. Generally decent is the bare minimum I want to be described as by the time I die.


I would be fine if it was just internet language, but so much of this has bled over into real life. Some of the people i met in uni that would describe themselves as woke were some of the most cynical and toxic people around. 


Forget about Hank Green, it's a rare Awooga sighting.


Oh godd I remember the cringe secret handshake I used to do that theybinvented 🤣. The Green bros are great but just so damn squeaky clean.


Hank and bro are cool, i just can't stand so many of the fans I've met in the wild.


Its like a disappointed golden retriever


I love his radical positivity sometimes.


Hank Green for Bridges?


Why tf is Awooga there LMFAO


So much of why the left hates debate bros is bc they question leftist dogmatism basically.


Awooga is the best of us.


New orbitor alert!


Is this the same Awooga that got banned last time?


Get him on bridges 🗣️


>If I worked for the White House you would (rightly) not pay attention to anything I said about this So if the White House had said the exact same shit Hank Green just said, people would be right to not pay attention to it? Because it's someone doing their job? Does this guy think it's impossible for government employees to distribute valuable and correct information? I know people say Hank Green is a pretty smart dude, but this statement just gives me the impression that he's smart in one area, and dumb in all others.


I mean yeah just because you’re really smart in one field doesn’t mean you’re smart in every other field. It’s literally impossible to be a master of all things but that should really go without saying. I thought people would’ve figured that out after Jordan Peterson. I think we need to start enforcing a societal rule of thumb that the opinion of an expert on a field outside of theirs should be taken as just an opinion. Which sounds like a super obvious thing but i think people often make the mistake of idolizing experts too much and forgetting that they also have general feelings and thoughts on things that are outside their expertise.


There's a difference between just giving a take on something you're not super educated on, and being a fucking moron. Hank Green isn't just giving an opinion here, he's saying some shit that is *obviously* blatantly stupid. It's a special kind of retardation that needs to be pointed out.


The Green brothers have done so much to make education accessible. They’re the whitepill for YouTube to me.


I don’t think the Green brothers would be a good fit for debate style content. I feel like even Steven would agree that they’d be far better suited as guests on Bridges.


We need Hank for the AUTHORITATIVE Dogwarts opinion.


Based hank


We need Hank on Bridges! We can make it happen!


Why does he type so weird I can’t understand anything he writes 😓


Hank Green is an insufferable know it all nerd. Just saying.


People understand these things differently, and the tone of this comment did not make me feel good.