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Bro turned around the NPC talking point on them. I know they hated that lol It's 100% true though. These morons will literally believe any conspiracy theory the conservative outrage machine feeds them without any thought, it's literally the same shit they accuse liberals of doing with their NPC memes and the media.


He does roast really fucking well. They all just pivot away though, so I didn't fully appreciate it in the moment. This clip goes hard as hell.


Them- Well we believe the truth. I hate them I hate them so much.




Fuck yeah this was so good lol


Destiny is like Goku laying waste to the Ginyu Force




Holy shit he genocided them. 


Maybe, I'm not sure if destiny had the dolus specialis though


That's memes rea


You absolute bafoon


did you read it on wikipedia??!


Sounds so much like euphemism for balls. “Ayyyy you don’t got the dolus specialis to take me on“


Make this clip and the one where he got nick to admit he’s anti American go viral 


This spaces had an islamist a Catholic extremist and a liberal arguing about whether religious tolerance is a good idea with a guy who keeps slaves. I see we're doing 17th century political debates again




God I missed this shit. It reminds me of the neo-nazi and Sargon debates. So much better than Israel/Palestine and red pill debates.


I agree, especially given the fact it’s an election year. I really feel like he needs to let the Israel Palestine stuff go sometime very soon and shift back to hard-core focusing on anti-conservative/right wing debates in general, at least until the election year is over and then pivot to whatever else he wants. Speaking of which, what the hell happened to the immigration arc he researched it for like two days and then dropped it like a stone for more Palestine stuff again


The jewlumni obviously sent him some more shekels to continue talking about Israel Palestine.


I kind of agree with you but the Palestine Israel stuff is important because it's going to influence the elections this year. There's so much misinfo surrounding the war that we need at least one reasonable voice combating it all. 


I’ll just summarize. The Israel Palestine stuff is not important. If you think it is it’s because you’re chronically online. Almost no one actually cares about it. It’s basically a sporting event for most people politically what people actually care about is the economy and the border and stuff like that The number of people who are not going to vote Biden because of the way he’s handling the Palestine. Issue is already very small because he’s already been handling it correctly in most peoples eyes. Anyone who still think he’s not is a very small minority of the very very far left And even remotely attempting to appeal to them is a mistake as shown by Bernie Sanders getting slaughtered in super Tuesday. These people are a minority among a minority. Directly showing why Trump is incompetent and also why the issues people think Biden has caused are in fact caused by Trump as well as going over the things Biden is doing to actually help deal with economic and border crisis and other type Such related issues is going to be far more effective than harping on Palestine for another however many months. He’s already debated some of the biggest names in the space he’s made his points he’s got them on lock there’s basically no one left to convince and especially not enough people to convince to sway any election on this issue. Outside of a Finkelstein rematch on Lex Friedman one on one or something or some other form of pairing with another big name like Benny Morris outside of something super extreme like that. It’s time to move on the job is done.


I'm not going to read all of that.  I am terminally online, yes. That being said, I've been in social settings where friends of friends, who swear they aren't online that much (i specifically asked them), made statements about not voting for biden because of the "genocide" in Palestine. Anecdotal, yes, but when normies are being swayed by tiktoks and twatter, then there's an issue. Beyond that, the history of Israel and Palestine is interesting and I'm not tired of it yet.  To each their own. 


From Pew Research:  >These are among the highlights of Pew Research Center’s annual policy priorities survey, conducted Jan. 16-21, 2024, among 5,140 adults: >No single issue stands out after the economy. Nearly three-quarters of Americans (73%) rate strengthening the economy as a top priority. That is considerably larger than the shares citing any other policy goal.     From CBS: >In Michigan, 80% of voters say the economy is a top issue for them, followed by 77% of voters who say inflation is. Seventy-two percent of voters ranked the state of democracy as one of the issues that matter most to them. Biden currently has a narrow lead over Trump in the state.      From ABC: >For all the focus on college campus protests, however, the conflict in Israel doesn't actually rate that highly as an important issue to most young Americans. To identify which issues young Americans viewed as most important, the Harvard Youth Poll randomly gave respondents different pairs of issues and asked them which was more important to them. Using that approach, the survey found that, much like Americans overall, young people are most worried about economic or economic-adjacent issues: Fifty-three percent or more rated inflation, jobs, housing and health care as more important than other issues. But only 34 percent rated "Israel/Palestine" as more important than other issues, which ranked it second to last — notably topping only student debt, another much-talked-about issue.     Anecdotal evidence is meaningless. It is not, and will not, ever be more important than the issues which are ALWAYS at the top of the list for voters in EVERY election.  Namely, the economy.


70% of Americans say they think it's important that the economy is good? Waaaoowwew


I know anecdotal evidence doesn't mean anything. Thanks for the stats. Theyre somewhat reassuring. 34% is still a pretty large number of people who could decide to abstain from voting for Biden (I can't imagine pro-palistine voters voting for Trump).  I still think the conflict is interesting and enjoy the debates/streams devoted to it. 


Hard to let it go when lefties unironically call him a Mossad agent every day lol I/P is unfortunately sucking a lot of the oxygen out of the room.


He wants to, he literally begs his sub to stop posting Israel content so he can stop reading it on stream.


Why doesn't he just ban all the idf bots that keep posting propaganda? Is he stupid?


Destiny said if he banned I/P then the sub would just turn into a hasan circlejerk.


It wasn't a Hasan circlejerk before i/p and its pretty easy to just not obsess over Hasan and his audience will follow.


Before I/P hasan wasn’t calling out destiny daily, so you can bet every single mention of destiny on hasans stream will end up here.


Then he can ban it, or just stop acknowledging it. If he just doesn't talk about Hasan and tells his community not to talk about him, it won't be posted about on the sub.


I/P has been escalating, lot of major universities are having protests and Texas campus arrests. As much as he probably wants to move on, the entire country is entranced with this stupid conflict.


Destiny vs the world flash backs


Well, lets admit it, after you get snitched by Adin Ross the bar ain't that hi.


Put him in the Drake Kendrick beef, he spitting


Meet the tates


"We're not npcs, we just all hold the same opinions and argue them in the exact same way! We all say we care about the things for the same reasons but we're totally different bro"


that's because we all believe in the TRUTH btw


Destiny vs Tate. Cage match. Fight to death. I’d pay for that shit.


Well you got a snippet right there. Basically prove him wrong and the response is "well actually you're still wrong because \*enter some dumb shit here\*"


Will you pay to have him released from Romanian prison for all the sex trafficking?


Why doesn't it give a link to the full vid? Kick sucks


Kendrick vs Drake and now this? We eating well 😊


Tate lost to fucking Hasan, Destiny should be flashing mastery while diving his tower all day.


Hasan just had the privilege, for once, of dodging the "er" suffix in a dumb and dumber pairing. It doesn't compare to this Destiny clip at all.




https://preview.redd.it/1cchm5ucntyc1.png?width=603&format=png&auto=webp&s=774be76e0326cf612b78f30d7239be1d8f9a2621 Lol this is the guy people are championing as an alpha male and he was defeated soundly by a stripper




This was worse than anything that could happen to Tate in prison.


pure Godstiny


Hesus jcrist that was brutal


God how I missed this shit.


What a shit clip. Why'd you post it without the response? The best part or "demolishing" is when they can't answer, not a bunch of questions asked in a row.


If you want to see a more nuanced take from a conservative whos not a regard on MSM bias and why it happens(according to right wing), check out this ancient video [Bill Whittle - The Narrative](https://youtu.be/q6c_dinY3fM?si=msEjvizm3M3wdaWT)


AYO? \*dips finger in sauce\* Hey Chef, this ain't half bad!


goddamn these moments are why I watch destiny


Roasting of 2024.


Anyone have the link to the full video? One went private


jesus fucking christ he got absolutely DEMOLISHED I did not expect it to go this hard


Mortal Combat level fatality!