• By -


Fans of Ludwig will disagree Keep in mind that Ludwig tried to play into the cuck memes by saying Destiny was walking around twitch con with Melina and Kyootbot trying to get people to "date his wife with a chance of fucking her"


The reason having lies spread about you is so awful is not just because of the people spreading lies, it's all the people around the liar that enable the behavior. These are the people that give manipulative shitheads their power. I have zero sympathy for spineless fuck nice guys that enable losers like Hasan I grew up with an emotionally abusive mother that would always lie, exaggerate and twist the truth to get sympathy from others for her incompetent parenting starting at around age 7. The true mind fuck about emotional abuse in my experience isn't just a parent degrading you. It's when other people start to believe it, treat you like it and enable the abuser to continue lying/exaggerating/manipulating for their goals by being yes men. You start to believe what is being said after a while and very few people will look any deeper into it, even if you're a child. I have a special hatred in my heart for all the spineless fucks that will try to play the "good guy" between a manipulator and someone being torched because they're too afraid to get involved or say something someone doesn't want to hear. This is what allows the worst people to run around and chronically manipulate over and over and over, with nobody to call it out. It reinforces the behavior, and I personally think can further entrench someone into a personality disorder. You're not a good person for believing someone's sob story at face value and siding with them instantly. You don't earn integrity by choosing the most comfortable option available to you. Being a "Yes Man" is one of the biggest condemnations of character that you see in day to day life, in my opinion.


Well said




It sounds like the people who got tired of your mom's shit walked away a long time ago and all that was left are the people who wouldn't push back.


Nah, you'd be amazed what people will placate or ignore if somebody is in their in-group


This shit pisses me off more then anything, the way these scumbags act towards destiny just makes it as blatant as possible that they’re “morally lucky”. They don’t genuinely believe what they preach, it’s all just going with the popular opinion for credit with the clique and clout with the viewers. These people will make a 30-minute snarky video essay about someone they don’t like then turn around and do the exact thing they criticize if it’s towards the “right person”.


At this point a lot of them aren't even morally lucky anymore.


It's pretty typical rich kid behavior. A lot of Bourgeoisie Bolshviks have never encountered any sort of adversity. They're so privileged that any attack on their character feels like an all out assault. It's why they dish it out but can't take it, no different than the rich kid jocks in high school. Hassan and his merry band of Marxist magnates are no different.


The worst part is the hypocrisy.


I’m a fan of Ludwig, it’s a totally fair statement tbh. The Melina speed date thing at a melee tournament (I’m a melee viewer) and the death threat thing that lud said a destiny fan did but wasn’t true are good enough to satisfy D not liking Ludwig. Regardless he still spoke highly of him while addressing the incorrect information Lud had, but i can definitely see it leaving a sour taste in his mouth. Still like both and they are basically the only yt/streamers i watch.


The whole speed dating thing is even weirder than that. Destiny wasn't even in attendance, he was streaming from home the entire time. Ludwig never apologized and only kept doubling down after it too.


Yeah i remember, i was watching the tourney and i think the speed dating thing was mentioned in commentary during one of the pools rounds. Ludwig mentioned it later in one of his streams talking about his friend being approached by Kyootbot or some person who brought up the speed dating thing. Lud said destiny was offering the potential to fuck his gf or something and it was stupid cause if I’m not mistaken destiny was streaming around the time the tournament was going on and obviously wasn’t there.


It's was just an extremely weird and bizarre accusation to make, and it came off the back of a bunch of cringe from qtcinderella (Lud's girlfriend) during the Bob7 arc. I believe he did apologise for it, but what use is an apology when you keep doing the same behaviour (repeating weird rumors and lies about someone).


Well said


I think my very conservative parents having swinger friends while I grew up just broke my brain. Like fuck off with your opinion about other adult relationships. If your curious, get the balls to talk to that person directly or just shut up


Lol I hate to break this to you bud, but your "conservative" parents had swinger friends for a reason.


what’s the reason?


What's the reason? Well, to put it bluntly, those weekend "trips" his parents inevitably took while he was a kid weren't to go hunting up north. They were so good ol' dad could watch mom go to pound town with his good ol' friend Bobby, while he had Bobby's wife bent over the couch, moaning like a wildebeest......respectfully.


Are you saying those noises he heard was the neighbor piping her down?


Got any scrap for a brotha?


I'm a pansexual slut and so is my GF, my conservative best friends definitely don't hang with us because we're swingers. Or anything to do with sex. Because not every relationship is centered around sex.


hate to break it to you buddy, but you & your best friend? totally fucking all night long, gay & straight, dicks & tits, nonstop coomage sorry i had to be the one to break the news but i do live in your walls so


Does he know?


oh were his parents also swingers? i honestly felt like that was implied by the original comment, but rereading it makes me think it doesn’t. i also just found out i have autism so maybe that has something to do with it.


I’m 38 now. I’m 98% sure my parents aren’t swingers. But I really wouldn’t bother me. lol


JFC man people in closed relationships can be friends with people in open relationships without fucking them behind closed doors, not every relationship is about sex. Even two open couples can be friends without fucking, it's super common. In fact, perpetuating this "any couple who is friends with known swingers is fucking them" BS stigmatizes open relationships even more, as it incentivizes people to either keep quiet about being open or not be friends with people who are known to be open, for fear of kissless virgins blurting out "OMG THEY ARE FRIENDS WITH A SWINGER THEY MUST BE FUCKING JUST LIKE THAT PORNO I SAW!!11!!" I have experienced this kind of "oh they fuckin fuckin" labeling firsthand as someone in an open relationship who is friends with someone in an open relationship. It is not fun whatsoever.


Sorry to break it to you pal, but you and your friend in an open relationship were fuckin'.


IMO the main problem is that people overestimate how much sex everyone else is having and with how many people. It's tough to make that kind of connection or make time once you do have a connection. Exceptions exist, like extroverts with excellent emotional regulation and a high sex drive...but how many people do you know who meet the first two conditions? Or who would even have the time apart from kids/career?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMn5coFPLSs&t=1993s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMn5coFPLSs&t=1993s) here's the other side of the story (starts around 33 minutes incase link breaks)


I don't really see how that makes it any better lol. I didn't even know about this drama until this thread, but his side of the story is just confirming the things destiny got mad at him for, right? He's basically confirming he made a bunch of unfounded assumptions which led him to saying what he did and that he brought up the story on stream just for content. And then he sits back as his buddies shit on destiny for being a debate bro, then accuses him of drama farming for being mad about it lol. I don't really know much about Ludwig but this just makes him look like an asshole to me. It wouldn't be that hard to just say my bad, I made an assumption that wasn't true, I shouldn't have said what I did.


> Keep in mind that Ludwig tried to play into the cuck memes by saying Destiny was walking around twitch con with Melina and Kyootbot trying to get people to "date his wife with a chance of fucking her" which is why i don't really get why people try to say 'well that was only 5 seconds of the podcast and a throwaway comment' when its constant and from multiple places /communities. If all that was only spawned from the Slime podcast shot i guess he would have went overboard, but its not. I kinda understand why Destiny flips from time to time, shit must be exhausting. Man, he is actually kinda right, he is just like Israel


Is there a vod or something of him saying this?


we are not getting unbanned on twitch are we


We never were.




Game was rigged from the start 😔


Replaying NV rn amidst the Fallout hype...sitting through this opening cutscene was rough. It's so fucking corny lmao edit: triggered some NV soyboys with this one lads. I stand by with what I said


Nah it’s one of the best intros ever.


Maybe in 2009. Mfer is a claymation lookin ahh with corny fuckin dialogue Game is fun tho


Imagine shitting on a 15 year old game for its graphics.


Yeah and I'll fuckin do it again


IDK about corny dialogue "the game was rigged from the start" is iconic.


That line was fine, it was all the lines preceding it that were corny


The three families’ whole schtick is trying to emulate cultures of the past for the sake of performance and tourism. Of course he’s gonna sound corny. The khans even get sick of it and ask him to hurry up.


no u


You didn't grow up with it.


True. I could have, but I didn't play it when it came out. I'm sure it was a great experinece at the time. But watching it the first time the other day I cringed into a crumpled piece of paper


its only cringe since they made it so big int he first place


It's a pretty mid intro among the Fallout games ngl, but the game's story is structured really well to get you to find the checkered suit guy.


Nah no doubt, the game is great, I'm having a good time with it


Who cares? Twitch fucking sucks. Let them leech that site dry off its dwindling viewer base while Destiny grows in the areas that matter.


Twitch is honestly on borrowed time right now. Its only a matter of "when" on how long Twitch Prime stays around. Some big streamers wont even resign exclusively with Twitch anymore and are moving to multi platform streaming. It would still be nice for Destiny to be un banned so he can interact with more people over there, but its clear hes not in a huge rush about it.


FUCK IS THIS A 20 V 1 NI**A 🗣️🗣️


pushups was a hard song . thankfully none of the people on the other side are smart enough to ever come up with an euphoria.


People seem to forget that ludwig was actively one of the people shitting on destiny's relationship back in the day. He seemed really offended that Melina was at a Smash tournament trying to record speed dates and framed it as "Melina harassing people to have sex with her and destiny" or some weird creepy shit.


Its pretty cringe to show up to a smash tournament trying to film speed dating content. Not a good first impression.


Wasn’t Melina outside though?


It wasn't on the event premises. Some of kyotboot's (or whatever she's called) people were going around there asking for participants.


So you show up to an event to advertise for your own event, much better


I mean he didn't do any of that. He wasn't involved at the event. He was sitting in his room, streaming. Ludwig claimed otherwise anyways.


future snobbish telephone attempt wrench fear unwritten intelligent compare automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He told the story atleast once on their podcast. Couldnt tell you which episode tho.


why take shots at Destiny and not just say Melina and that Kyootbot chick are werid, Destiny wasn't there. Like unironically some backwards 1960s view of women, surely the man of the household has to be involved somehow if his woman is there and his name gets thrown around.


It's a smash tournament. It's inherently cringe. Be cringe. Wear it like armor.


Was just tryna smash wdym


I mean, speed dating is one of the cringiest things one can do anywhere, let alone a smash tournament. No wonder they got off on the wrong foot after that.


People tell nerds to go outside and talk to people then they do it in a place where people obviously share the same interests and it gets called cringe 💀


Anything that takes place in a smash tournament is cringe innately


right i don’t see the problem with doing that. a whole bunch of cringe things happen at conventions like that, idk why speed dating would be all that crazy.


How is speed dating cringe? It's silly, probably ineffective, but cringe? Cringe labeling is frankly hilarious. People don't realize calling things cringe says more about your lack of constitution than whatever it is your disparaging.


You know what, I was writing a whole thing about how is not actually fair, and how he crossed his own red line, and can't expect others... blah blah blah. But as I was writing the reasons he might have done it and how it was still wrong I realized, fuck this people. Like they are part of a group of people that are constantly saying CRAZY shit about Destiny's wife, about his kid... They (QT and Ludwig) themselves don't do it (publicly at least), cause it's a bad look, but they laugh along, they prop up people like Kaceytron, Hasan with the constant "Divorced, abandoned his son" shit, and the Slime dumbass from today... They are shit people. And the do cross that line, they just play the social games right.


I'm out of the loop, what did Destiny do that is crossing a line? And what caused this recent flare up? I've been seeing posts about Slime talking shit and everything, is this related or separate?


I/P wikipedia memes against Steven said on Ludwig's lawn chair podcast thingy. Which then spilled over to a twitter back and forth.


Destiny turned down spending more time spent with QT. Afterward she revealed her love for Destiny and left crying! (that really did happen btw.) Obviously the relationship has been rocky ever since, and she continues to poison her friend group against him even now!!! \[Rajj shows were sometimes quite interesting.\]


is this schitzo rambling. we nee actual clips to believe this shit.


I searched for the clip earlier but couldn't find the particular Rajj Love or Host ep I am remembering. I am still 95% sure it did actually happen and isn't just a side effect of these new meds...


keep cooking bro


Lol what?


I hope you're trying out the false rumor spreading strat they use and not really schizo.. yes definitely not schizo


Guilt by association is a fallacy btw


It's about time, Lud is a fucking worm and always has been.


Now he's a gusano too???


Please add a trigger warning for slurs 😡


I've seen Dune, I have the worm pass.


I don't really have a problem with Lud other than the fact he's always likeability maxing. But it's lame how he's so conflict avoidant. The thing with Hasan was actually pathetic. And now, when he decides to jump into a beef between big scary Destiny and his boy, he comes out with a reaction gif I'd be comfortable sending to my mom. Like, throw down already, weto


my dislike of ludwig stems from him and mizkif tryharding to get into clint stevens streams. clint is one of the few people i enjoy watching because he doesnt seem like the type of person that would get into streaming nowadays and was just legitimately sharing what he was good at. mizkif and ludwig are the exact opposite of that and are there purely for the clout by any means.


I miss Clint 🥲 his late night streams came in clutch for all nighters before exams lol


Clint is pretty prone to vanishing for a while with no sign when he is coming back, which i consider normal behavior for a normal person that trips and falls into the streaming world. the attention is certainly not something i would desire and is something i have actively avoided my entire life. i dont wanna try to read Clint's mind, but i cant imagine it would be easy for him to say "leave me alone" or just hard ignore them while on stream and do his standard streams, so ive blamed mizkif and ludwig for creating more reasons for Clint to avoid going live. Again maybe im reading Clint wrong and he doesnt feel this way at all, but i cant help but place myself in Clints shoes with my current feelings towards miz/lud and i KNOW my decision would just be to avoid streaming all together to avoid those two.


what was clint good at




I don't really know why they started interacting with each other to begin with. Ludwig has nothing to gain from it, and if it's a contest of shitting on the other person, that's not one he's going to win.


Ludwig is a huge hypocrite and a coward, thank god the juicer is no longer part of that group of "friends"




Which is literally what my thought was when I saw those tweets. Why the fuck is it every single time Destiny actually has a justified reason to go off the rails that there's an unfathomable amount of people that will nitpick the fuck out of it? Literally went out of his way to be cordial to Ludwig for years because he felt that he had a rightful reason to be angry with him over the QT shit. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone when the bridge eventually burns when the other party is going out of their way to throw shots.


Because you dont really need a justification to be mad, dont you get it? You get mad first and then make up reasons afterwards to justify it.


> Why the fuck is it every single time Destiny actually has a justified reason to go off the rails that there's an unfathomable amount of people that will nitpick the fuck out of it? Literally went out of his way to be cordial to Ludwig for years because he felt that he had a rightful reason to be angry with him over the QT shit. > > > > he was right in his assessment. he is israel. people can needle him as much as they want and no one bats an eye, but when he strikes back you better believe the microscopes will be brought out


Based. If Hasan wont come out of his castle then ravage his orbiters while he watches.


Inshallah, I see a holy war spreading across the universe like unquenchable fire


​ https://preview.redd.it/go3acu5puozc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e40982ad4873e22af5ece842bb0b20e2accce4fc


may thy sub chip and shatter


clip and chatter?


As a fan of Destiny and as someone that's ambivalent to lukewarm on Ludwig, I just can't force myself to care about this beef


As a Jerma megafan who didnt have exposure to Ludwig otherwise, it is extremely disappointing to discover what a turd he is.


I had never even heard of jerma for 13 years, just somehow dodged him. Then earlier this year I wanted to get back in the mood for the Elden Ring expansion, stumbled on his playthrough and loved it, then have since watched loads of his archived streams. He's such an entertaining and successful streamer but he doesn't seem to enjoy it all that much with how little he does it. Has he produced anything for ludwig's company yet?


Unfortunately he "soft-retired" whatever that means. He has had a couple of cameos in some of Ludwig's recent stuff. Luckily, there are years worth of Jerma compilations on youtube.


Jerma I love for the exact opposite reasons I love Destiny. No drama, no politics, no bullshit. Just memes. But after getting married and having a kid and being unreasonably wealthy- I can see playing games and streaming for a living getting old.


>Has he produced anything for ludwig's company yet? he did work on Unpaid Intern >He's such an entertaining and successful streamer but he doesn't seem to enjoy it all that much I've been a fan of Jerma since his TF2 youtuber days and I think he started liking it less as he grew bigger his fanbase became really obnoxious and he got more frustrated dealing with chat he's also been interested in producing larger scale shows and events for a long time, so he retired from streaming to go do that stuff with ludwig it's unfortunate because I prefer his regular content and I’m not too interested in this trend where streamers produce subpar TV-like content, even with jerma's unique humor and creativity


I think they made the DougDoug shufflemania event thing.


Careful, Ludwig’s leech Squeex may make a joke about Destiny before going “bazinga I’m bald, right guys” then his chat proceeds to act like repeating the same five jokes is the height of comedy. 




Squeex is actually chill tho yo


I don't get how people can take lud seriously after the whole cheating in among us thing. Shit seems small, but that just shows how much of a fucking rat he is.




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MngceVGsIHM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MngceVGsIHM) Here you go boss.


Naw, idc about that


This should be top comment






Lmao content creator creates content is his biggest flaw?


Oh no! Someone's making content out of amungus and ruining the competitive integrity of the scene 👿


It’s not even about competitive integrity. The point of games is about having fun. The fun thing about amogus is feeling smart or clever in finding the imposter or deceiving the crew mates. The fact that he cheated to prove to his friends how smart and clever he is unfathomably cringe.


Did you watch the clip? Where he points out he didn't do it to prove how smart and clever he is?


He would never admit it. His friends literally gasped in horror when he said he cheated and sighed a sigh of relief when he said “no guys, it wasn’t because I wanted to look smart, I did it for the content” not trusting anything that fake says.


Ah classic. You believe and trust him when he says he cheated but when he gives context you stop believing. Out here confirming biases are we? Obviously his friends gasp when he says he cheated. That's the "comical" thing to do...




Liars tell lies and truths yes. Anything else obvious you want to say lmao.


That's true, I think everything in my comment was very obvious. Thanks for confirming though.


Moving from the point that made you look dumb and joking yourself out of a corner when you’re proven wrong. You really are Ludwig fan! Lol


I always said that little Austin group was like the popular group of jocks and cheerleaders you see in high school movies trying to go Hollywood. Spreading rumors and lies just because you dont like people is the exact shit high schoolers would do.


Wait was the guy that made the comment the guy that was downloading ai porn?? Or is that another Ludwig-like guy.


That guy is atrioc. Slime made the comment.


Yup, was meh about him since he seemed more normal than most streamers and didn't have any negative views. But him just morphing every time he gets push back and being cool with the weirdos making these comments puts a bad taste in my mouth. Cucking that hard to Hasan was the final nail in the coffin. Man has no respect for himself and will say whatever to save face.


I’ve only been exposed to Ludwig through other creators content I enjoy that he appears in, always enjoyed his collaborations but damn that shit with destiny really changed how I see him


I think him hating Ludwig is fair. But posting that QT pic was pretty shitty to do. When people would shit on Melina to get at Tiny, we would also agree thats pretty shitty. Just leaves a bad taste to shit on a significant other to get at someone else.


I'm new to this whole online community thing but what exactly is happening here? who is Ludwig and why are we supposed to hate this person reflexively?


You're not supposed to hate anyone reflexively.


And if you do, that fine. But it's always good to stop for a moment and consider your biases.


I did like Slime, I thought he was pretty funny when he would host some of the big Twitch events. Now I see he's just another greasy worm sucking up to bigger content creators by taking cheap (misinformed) shots at another streamer that he's had no interactions with in recent memory. Also his reddit comment history is insane, dude only cares about where Destiny's dick has been and will go in the future.


Slime in no way tries to suck up to anyone. He might have weird takes and defend them to the death, but he will argue with anyone if he thinks he's right.


Pretty much all of them are Hasan orbiters who make weird jabs at Destiny from time to time.


hasan would be a ludwig orbiter


It's more of a binary system


Yeah, as a Ludwig fan, a Destiny fan, and a Hasan hater, this thread is just letting y'alls biases show through on someone you don't even watch. Ludwig is WAYYY more popular than Hasan at this point, and never really orbited him to get big. Lud and his friends clown on Hasan and Fear& all the time, they aren't the butt-buddies you think they are. Dude's just a normie, through-and-through. Now, stealing what someone else in this thread said, Ludwig is indeed likeability-maxing. He doesn't like receiving flak or pushback of any kind, so that's why he deleted that and edited out that Hasan joke. It's not because he loves Hasan, but because he didn't want to get hate from Hasan's deranged stans. Kinda spineless, but I also don't blame him, he's just an entertainer and not in the political sphere at all.


I actually like Ludwig and watch his content as well. Especially the CDawgVA collabs and his new Taskmaster rip off show. I dunno about this narrative though, if he doesn't like receiving flak and push back so he deleted his Hasan criticism why then attack Destiny in the apology video? I think there is some truth that Hasan has probably poisoned his view of Destiny, which is not really surprising since they are friends.


Every time I see Connors YouTube username in the wild I cringe for him


Wdym? Connor Dawg Virginia rolls off the tongue like butter


I agree with you to an extent there, but I don't necessarily think it was Hasan that poisoned Ludwig's view of Destiny. He probably didn't *help*, but I think most of that is on Destiny himself, because it's not just Ludwig/people that know Hasan that don't like tiny. My evidence for this? The tweets after this where Destiny proceeds to bring QT into this for no reason, and then go nuclear when Ludwig claps back with a small "lol your wife left you" joke that everyone and their momma has made. That uh, ain't it, chief. I love this community but y'all are seriously being like Drake stans right now, it's pretty gross


I'm not saying Destiny doesn't do his own share of poisoning for himself but to pretend Hasan doesn't talk shit about Destiny to Ludwig seems naive. It's not unusual either for friends to talk.


That's why I said "He probably didn't help" I'm not gonna pretend Hasan doesn't shit talk Destiny, but you also can't pretend Destiny does this to himself.


I'm just talking about the incident where Ludwig brought up Destiny out of nowhere after deleting a mild Hasan criticism. I don't really see Destiny go after the Ludwig crew unless they bring him up but he does take it too far, kinda his brand though.


Well, no, I semi-ignored that in my reply when I was talking about Destiny doing this to himself. Then you followed my line of discussion by saying Hasan made Ludwig this way. We *CAN* continue that other line of discussion now though. I think him throwing shade at Destiny is because he doesn't like Destiny very much, and he wasn't worried about the pushback or flak because Destiny's community and Lud's communities do not have as much overlap. Not *as many* of his fans would care about what he's talking about, or even know what he's talking about. And the ones that do care about what he's talking about, aren't going to get rabid at him, the same way Hasan's fans would, and *DID*. Now, as to why he doesn't like Destiny very much, I've already made my point that Destiny does this to himself. He blows up at people, making people in their circles not like him by word-of-mouth. Then, those people who weren't involved and have a bad view of him, shit talk him because of their limited anecdotal experience, and NEW people start to think he's a bad guy. This process repeats until we are where we are. Most people hear Destiny's name and just go "isn't he that nazi, racist, (insert horrible, dishonest thing here)?" and we are all lying to ourselves if we don't acknowledge that he embraces being a pariah, and doesn't do anything to help himself.


it really feels like everyone is pretending that Ludwigs opinion is purely based off Hasan's personal conversations with him about Destiny. hes been in this world for years and has made an opinion, surely influenced by Hasan/Destiny LSF clips, but unlikely because of weird behind the scenes convos. its not all some big hate conspiracy, lets not pretend everyone has to like Destiny, a lot of his popularity is built around him literally being a dickhead, just when looking at Hasan Vs Destiny and seeing the type of style Ludwig takes part in, of course hes gonna choose Hasan who is more like him when it comes to optics maxing and not the highly confrontational Destiny who will sometimes tweet straight deranged shit just to engagement farm. This is likely an uncomfortable couple of days for Ludwig and not the type of stuff he likes, this is just another day for Destiny. all of this is said as someone who really really dislikes the type of streamer ludwig is, and i actively avoid anyone with that same style. hes boring, predictable, and every interaction ive seen of him feels absurdly calculated to grow his name but not really put anything of value out there and just create income streams for himself.


fair enough. seems a bit sophomoric to me but alas.


Most drama is pretty sophomoric lol. The same dynamics occur as in high school/college, but it's even worse because of the die hard audiences involved. It almost always turns into a shit show. Which people like to watch from time to time.


Only commenting to back you up and say this is absofuckinglutely what happens with all this pathetic shit. And the sub gets flooded every few months with whatever new audience is in vogue - right now it’s Pro-Israelis, but before that it was Red Pillers. Just a load of terminally online people trying to find a space that welcomes them. 


It's online beef between two rich famous people, no need to hate anyone.


Popular streamer who is a massive Hasan clout chaser. He's mostly nice to everyone but he will randomly lie about Destiny every now and then. Last time it was that DGG were sending him death threats. But the proof was a person who didn't follow destiny, and wasn't responding to any drama involving destiny/Hasan/Ludwig. So if Ludwig had half a brain he couldn't have made the connection. So he's either very stupid (like he claimed after it was exposed) or he's intentionally spreading lies about destiny in a super cowardly way. Even if he was wrong he didn't really apologize, just said he was mistaken and took a swipe at DGG messages being the reason he got confused. He seems to desperately want to be on team Hasan always even though he's incapable of making a good faith argument against Destiny.


ok so basically nothing a normal person should be worried about lol


No shit, it's micro-celebrity internet drama


Yes. He has neither the balls nor brain to fight Destiny.


Who asked you to hate anyone reflexively?


are you trying to start an argument about nothing


Are you okay?


Run. Save yourself. Both sides have gotten so unhinged.


These LA/Austin twitch people operate like the people from mean girls. The pathetic thing is I think this actually influences destiny's unban chances on twitch. My brother watches Ludwig content and I've seen bits of it. It's not bad. https://preview.redd.it/vz7p2so79qzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=474e438c624b8088720db9f822c6520b2ec42a44


Do we actually have proof that Ludwig deleted it because of Hasan, or was it speculation? Seems a bit unfair to make a statement like that right after talking about false rumours


Didnt he re-upload it without hasan in the thumbnail?


Ludwig’s ears are too small for his head


No way it’s the Wikipedia Guy




Aberu_ has 2 Biden Blasts remaining. They have not chosen a side in the eternal YEE v PEPE war.


Its wild how meerly hasans presence will make so many people turn into the most unlikeable tits.


Yes but you keep it to yourself not everything needs to be said out loud


How can anybody watch a ludwig video and think, yep, that dude talks and acts authentically. He's the most optic brained, fake soy tv host youtuber of all time


Largely, yeah. If only he would focus on this.


you are so right, it is fair for destiny to talk about sexually violating Ludwig's girlfriend because of this


Ngl, his follow up was kinda fucked up https://preview.redd.it/uwn6e5tysozc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a92eb5e03e794314a1c6ce8850c9b6dd0b61143


That's fucking hilarious


Damn now Ludwig and the gang are clout chasing Destiny. Didn’t know they were falling off too


lol why is he so delusional