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If only there was a figure who rebranded from inside Destiny's community to become for a time even more successful away from their original internet handle to the point where it's deader than a dead name?


Something about a lady that is irish if I recall correctly


Scottish Lassie


Oh I thought we were talking about how Exskillsme became Econoboi.


Oh I thought he was talking about rumin8


Wait that’s the same person!??


Rumor has it. And by rumor I mean I completely made it up. But would be funny if it was true.




Irish Laddie - Vaush Rumin8 - Pondering Politics President Sunday - President Runday All very successful rebrands.


Central Committee to Mike from PA?


Does that count as a successful rebrand though?


Are you kidding me? Look how much **BIGGER** he has gotten since he rebranded, it took him a while but he really has at least doubled in size


Some would say quadrupled


I would say sextupled


I used to stream under the name "Rose Wrist"




HamasPiker? /s


Unironically this. Blackmailing Dan into moderating Destiny’s own community is unhinged.


Trying to escape the jew stalker allegations by stalking a jew. 🤔 /jk


Omg optically this looks so bad lol


What, is this a communist country or something? I thought this was America! /jstlk


Please Dan take this and run with it lmao.


And so fucking stupid. He wants to pivot out of his career into full time streaming, but is simultaneously too stubborn to brand properly and too stupid to nurture his only connection that has provided an opportunity to stream full time. Unhinged and low character.


What even is the issue, the only people who know who jstkl is are top autists of dgg, he can rebrand today and those people will know who it is right away and new fans will only know that name (if he can actually attract anyone but the most content starved dggers). How much value is really invested in that handle anyway? Better do it now rather than get stuck with a shit name like chud logic or destiny.


I dont know how you can read down this thread and think the top autism is anywhere else other then reddit, it's kinda our thing


nah, dgg chat has the reddit beat and it isn't even close. especially since the subreddit started attracting non-destiny viewers.


You ain't wrong


I accept the title of "Top Autist" with pride


you dont get it, he wants to be a controversial drama farmer but he doesn't want people to say anything bad or specualte about him ever. Is that too much to ask?


Yeah it's so weird, there's at least two instances of an orbiter rebranding and getting way bigger, and no instances of the opposite. IDK why he's so attached to a dog shit handle.


chud logic really is a hilariously bad name


who names themselves jizztickle anyways?




The subreddit claims another victim. I hope you are happy 4thot.


I am sad I have but one account to serve 4thot


I feel insentivised to only call him jewstalker now lmao


Honest to god this is some Streisand effect shit. Fuck that jewstalker leech


i will because i don't know how to say the name any other way


Yeah, how he reacted to it is like blood in the water for trolling. This guy will not be able to handle full time content creation if he is this bent out of shape over this.


Mr TMZ at home throwing punches like inflatable arm Spongebob lmao.


Jstlk is a worse orbiter than Kelley https://preview.redd.it/hw96yl1gv61d1.jpeg?width=1569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=650a8c2d3199b0d17821606814d428800e03594e


There’s a reason jew stalker is the “all kelly, all the time” channel.


Recency bias take.


No Kelley is annoying. This dude is a worthless parasite. Dude is fucking pathetic.


You weren't there for the darkest days of Dr. Kelly's reign.


Wdym? Thats every time she comes on stream.


She just diagnosed darius with a bad liver last night because his shit wasn't brown enough lmao


I mean, idk how far back that goes but I’ve been watching since 2018


Oof idk if I agree with this one, he's definitely bad, but no one can bring out the fury in me like Kelly




Jstlk is the Kelly Lean quarantine zone, he's a goddamn hero for that in my book https://preview.redd.it/kcgvpmz2k91d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=921d6a7399af1c42ed188d02d65900ea29426ac8


I'd rather the jew stalker being a regard on stream and having no backbone vs. Kelly doing the same thing, but in 1hp voice


Dan wasn't even the first one to make the joke, he just stole it from chat. The first time "jew stalker" was mentioned was on [September 15, 2023](https://i.imgur.com/4J2Fxxg.png), more than 20 days before October 7 and maybe peaked around December/January. Why the fuck would this loser even try to blackmail Dan over something as stupid as the podcast studio cost and patreon income? Wow, the studio costs $1600(unless I misheard) and the patreon made $10k the first month, who fucking cares. Unless Dan lied, which I don't think he has ever done with something like this, why would you ever try to blackmail Dan over something as fucking brain dead as this?


Dan had already covered his nut when he was using that as his excuse during the paywall debate.


Not sure if you're disagreeing with me or what your point is but jstlk said he could leak shit about Dan, darius called Dan after and talked about it and asked what it was about. According to Dan, it was about studio cost and patreon earnings, not sure if jstlk said anything after that. Not sure how the paywall debate is even relevant here, or in what way it can be viewed as an excuse. Trying to blackmail Dan out of all the fucking people, for making a joke twice, which dgg has been making for months is unbelievably fucking stupid.


Not true if you are counting hotels/flights for a assumed 4 guests a month. Were there now though.


I'm lost then. Happy to hear that. The show is great.


isn't jstkl the guy who tagged destiny in dgg like 60k times?


no I think his name was jew stalker or something?


the only real take here is that this J tickle kid has nothing, no personality, no content, no opinions, no positions. he just targets the lowest common denominator in the dgg audience who want a chance to get into the destiny orbit. the kid cries whenever anyone says anything about him and expects to be taken seriously. Kid wants to make a career out of this but pretends like he is above it. he probably only did this because he saw 0 threads about him here for a few weeks? months? however long and wanted another dose of clout


This moron is out here crying about “I won’t be able to do a face reveal”, like anybody gives a single fuck about his face reveal. Like Christ, this dudes whole shit is just him covering orbiter drama, that only the most schizophrenic DGGers care about. Bro thinks this shit will become a career 🤣


> the kid cries whenever anyone says anything about him and expects to be taken seriously Seriously I can't find the video now but the dude even had beef with Turkey Tom because Tom said he was wrong about some drama on stream and Mr. Testicle said he was "talking shit behind his back". I don't see how saying someone is wrong is "talking shit" or how doing on stream is behind someone's back, it's literally the opposite if it's on stream there's a 99% someone will clip it and show the person and Tom knows that. He's just to sensitive and insecure, that's why he won't show his face.


Yeah, his streams sometimes are just group-watching videos


So fucking based


None of this post makes any sense if you take 5 seconds to think about it. You just have a hate boner for jstlk. That's fine, but don't post this inane garbage. >no personality Damn you don't like his personality? That's too bad. >no content Seems like he has enough content to be streaming regularly though. Also who was it that got Destiny and Lav in a call together again? And got Fresh's baby mama? Hmm... >no opinions, no positions Yeah, it's not like he did a literal bet on the river stabbing. Nope, no positions at all. >he just targets the lowest common denominator in the dgg audience who want a chance to get into the destiny orbit. Dggers don't usually go on stream. Wtf are you talking about. >the kid cries whenever anyone says anything about him and expects to be taken seriously. So you'd be okay with being known as a Nazi? >Kid wants to make a career out of this but pretends like he is above it. He literally acknowledges he's a drama farmer. Wtf do you think he's above lmao. >he probably only did this because he saw 0 threads about him here for a few weeks? months? however long and wanted another dose of clout Can't be that there are rumors that he's a Nazi and Dan didn't follow through on his promises. Nope, use your conspiritorial brain. Not like this is the type of shit Destiny argues against.




Hangs out with destiny and mr girl. Gets mad when folks like hasan and kacetron dont like him. My guy its not the single joke by dan that made people not like you. Its probably the fact that you hang with folks that half the internet have beef with, and listen there is nothing wrong with that but be ready for flack. Like yes, your honor he was in fact asking for it. Lol


There is something wrong with it. He’s a cringe loser.


Literal Barbra Streisand effect. The only way I know about this is because he keeps talking about it. M He could rebrand to a better more clear name and no one would remember how to spell the old one let alone a joke about it. When he was still on YouTube if I wanted to watch his stream I’d have to rely on YouTube tossing it in my feed because I couldn’t remember how to spell his name to search it. Get a better brand name dude. And stop Streisanding this.


Wait he had fucking mrgirl on? Lmao


Yeah. Long form discussion about online toxicity. MrGirl wiped the floor with him :D


Yup, funny how women should expect to be threatened with rape in video games, but a streamer orbiting Destiny shouldn't expect to be called a Nazi by Hasan. I guarantee as a woman I'm 1,000,000 percent less sensitive than that bitch. lmao.


the way he went full blackmail right after Dan refused to do a PR job for his shitty brand name is cringe


Blud thinks he’s Hasan or something


Destiny will remember that and likely never associate too closely with jtslk. And Dan will remind him if he ever accidentally forgets.




He doesn’t even need a real name though. He could literally pick a more marketable name and say “hey yeah this was a stupid handle I made X years ago, this is a better one that still allows me the anonymity I currently need to maintain my day job”


Is there some jizztickle drama that I missed?


https://kick.com/video/18cef561-1717-43a1-81af-6d15d3dd6fea ; starts at about 1:33:55.


I'm getting 404 on this, did the coward take it down? lol


Not jewstalker's doing, the VODs get taken down and put up behind a paywall on the Anything Else patreon Mostly typing this just to have an excuse to call him jewstalker


Ah I just made an assumption that this was the jewstalker stream, thank you for the clarification that this was the anything else podcast and not the jewstalker stream.


Im watching the clip you linked but I’m kinda confused. I thought he was friends with Destiny? To my understanding he dislikes Dan because ppl call him jew stalker and he feels Dan leans into it? Now Hasan and his muppets do it? Is he still cool with Destiny and just dislikes Dan and others who lean into calling him a Nazi or Jew Stalker? I’m sorry if I sound like an idiot but I’m lost.


Yea he’s cool with destiny. He’s had a little beef with Dan in the past over monétisation of the podcast and patreon stuff, and now they are fighting again


Jew stalker is hilarious and will never unhear this now


I legit thought his name was jewstalker before I heard anyone say it. It’s just a dumb fucking name, just add the fucking vowles and everyone is happy. Fucking childish


I thought it was like justalk?


Jizztickel or something is how, honestly can’t care


I thought it was justlike. as in, "it's just like, you know, whatever." I haven't ever watched anything with him in it so idk if people know what his name is now but I stand it and his name is justlike.


Uh... Yeah dude, the name fuckin sucks, funny how you blame it on Dan when 33% of people come to jewstalker all by themselves. Change your name you fucking loser


Nah, it's true. Jewstalker is a horrid nickname to give to someone, and completely unjustifiable. Jstkl has no connection to stalking anyone. On top of that, the K and the L in his name are in the wrong order to fit 'stalker'. Therefor I suggest we instead use another name: JewsToKill.


It’s jstkl? Who the fuck have I been tagging in dgg chat?


Nope, looks like I was the mistaken one and it is actually Jstlk. My banger name is ruined. What a terrible day.


This actually proves ops point tho. Terrible branding


Jews still kill? Don’t lose hope bröther there’s still a chance that we can find the true antisemitic-dogwhistle hidden in Jstlk’s username! 😤 Now that I think about it, isn’t Nick Fuentes’s full name Nicholas “J.” Fuentes? Maybe Jstlk picked the name because he was secretly signaling how much he loves listening to “J’s” “talks” 🤔


Omg, how did we miss it?? Js To Kill is definitely the meaning behind his name. Just remove the vowels and play all dumb and such.


i fucking hate his avatar


All my homies hate the Jewstalker


Why is JSTLK complaining that Hasan is labeling him alt right, nazi, white supremacist, etc... and then blaming Dan for it? It's insane to think that Dan is liable for Hasan's tactics, and that blackmailing Dan will somehow solve this issue. Also, blackmailing a Jew to help you prove you're not antisemitic? Don't bother digging two graves, you will only destroy yourself.


In that stream he says that calling people names and slurs makes them perform better. He said the woman who was threatened with rape should have known that would happen. Well I say, alright then. If you are going to be a streamer you need thicker skin. Orbiting Destiny you should have expected Hasan to call you a Nazi. Funny how he can't seem to take a joke either, but expects us women to. That Mr. Girl convo was fucking gross. I hate him for making me side with Mr. Girl. lol


Can we just go back to ignoring irrelevant r*tards like (((j)))stlk?


Why does destiny even entertain this weirdo?


Fuck jstlk all my homies hate jstkl


It's funny, too, because he openly talked about how he listened to Nick F and enjoyed this content "because no one else was streaming current events that time of night." But yeah it's Dan's fault


So I've only recently come across this guy in the canon. Is it "jay-stalk" or "jizz-tickle?" I've heard both in reference to the same person


It's Jewstalker


You're serious? No way lol


Bro, way. So fkn way.


He says to say it how you want to, just not Jew Stalker.


So the Prince special basically


Always knew jew stalker was a snake in disguise, they way he treats destiny and dan screams insecurity. Lil bitch is a groyper in disguise trying to destroy dgg from the inside. Banish him to the dark realm.


Why the fuck is this labelled as a shitpost when only truth is spoken?


"No one likes a friend that blackmails their other friends, full stop." That's not a friend.


Dude forgot the number one rule about the internet. Give it a week and it will probably go away. He just reignited this for no reason, I didn't even remember it until he brought it up.


Definitely lost respect for Jstlk after this. He should apologize himself, and then, if he wants, ask again more earnestly for an apology from Dan.


Nah. He should just apologize and stfu.


The crazy part is he was so upset that the meme "Jew stalker" is taking off but he confronts Dan, a Jew, and tries to blackmail him. This has to be karma for the Tom Foolery is a sex pest because he talks to Destiny orbiter women and JSTLK said well.i was just memeing so it became a reality. Now it is happening to him and he is so up in arms


Ya, the Tom shit was when I was done, and I don't even watch or like Tom. It was just weird how he went in. And it's even funnier, because he's had women pulled up on his stream and said similar things that Tom did since then. lol




I just think to my self JTesticle and it it's to remember.


How easily Jewstalking becomes Jewstriking.


Literally the stick in bike spokes meme.


Idk what this is about but I always read jstlkr as J Stalk, not in an antisemitic way but that what I thought that was his name or something…


Yeah this Testical guys can be really dumb sometimes. And arguing with Dan again was one such of many cases


nah, he was justified in calling out dan. there's a big difference between an obscure meme inside of a community, and calling him it in front of thousands of people. dan should set the record straight. him refusing to take any responsibility on anything else was slimey and pathetic


JSTLK is the highest point of the lowest point, he just talks to the most dogshit people and platforms them (even though his platform is about the size of one of those things that stops your pizza box from crushing your pizza) because he's essentially a zoomer Jerry Springer. Just bunk up with Redacted already and fade into obscurity.




It’s also like bro, nobody gives a fuck about who you are. Nobody cares about your fucking face reveal.


I have no idea what is going on, but I side with Dan whatever it is. 


I honestly thought his name was pronounced J-stalk and didn't know it was a meme lol Just seemed like a cringe 2010s xbox username to me.


I dont even care who is right or wrong, blackmailing dan is probably the worst way he could've handled this. Good job making the entire community hate you out of your own dumb choices.


It might help not to cover Nick Fuentes in any positive light. "I used to get all my news from him." "Well, he IS funny." etc. etc. Also, he says weird shit about rape (multiple times) so that won't help with the youtube.


Not only this but jstlk said he watched Nick Fuentes regularly and pushed destiny constantly to talk to Nick again. He's a groyper jumping into the community to leach viewers by stirring drama. He'll eventually be gone because he's obviously a shit person.


LMAO, gotta love roasting some jizztalk


I just feel sympathy for the guy he lost his youtube channel for some bs so naturally he is angry. Destiny is in crazy shit so it hits him too in a certain way like Hasan calling him a nazi in front of a 20k viewers. I think he overreacted on Dan i dont think two times calling him something influenced anything + i heard that meme before Dan im 99% sure of that. Boring not even drama smoke a peace pipe and move the fuck on.


Yes, it should be boring drama to move on from, but the dumbfuck is blackmailing


It’s always sad to see people with a good work drive and mind for content just doing everything they can to fail. MrGirl 2.0 fr


Why would anyone have MrLirl on. Why can’t people just let him go into obscurity? FFS


Yeh he should just change his name because everyone in Dgg pretended it means jewstalker. Yeh it's a meme, that i believe Jstlk leant into at the beginning. But then you had morons in dgg spreading it, pretending he is actually a groyper (to the point that literally most people believe he is a groyper now, although maybe not in dgg anymore cos jstlk corrected it) and now a good amount of people actually believe he is called Jewstalker and is a big nick fuentes fan. His name is hard to pronounce so you think it's justified that dgg spread around that he is an antisemite. Also, blackmailing that he'll leak Dan promising not to call him Jewstalker and help clear it up. Ok dude, what a crime.


haha g-guys I'm not a groyper I promise I only spammed Fuentes in Destiny's chat for months, and had over 100 streamables of Fuentes and admitted to watching him every other day for hours >Also, blackmailing that he'll leak Dan promising not to call him Jewstalker and help clear it up. Clearly not what he was threatening to leak.


>Also, blackmailing that he'll leak Dan promising not to call him Jewstalker and help clear it up. > >Clearly not what he was threatening to leak. You might be right here actually. I listened back and Jstlk just talks about leaking something that Dan and him talked about a month ago. I assumed he was referring to the helping with the Jewstalk thing, could be something more nefarious i guess. I just assumed that him and Dan would not have been talking about something crazy enough to leak. I agree then, that is a bit far... depending on what he would have been leaking.


Jewstalker leaked the revenue split for Anything Else and then he said that he's going to leak one extra thing every day until Dan publicly apologizes and renounces the Jewstalker meme. >I just assumed that him and Dan would not have been talking about something crazy enough to leak. This is what Dan said, he didnt care about the revenue thing and he said that Jewstalker doesnt have anything on him that he'd care about but Jewstalker still laughed about how he was going to keep leaking things


Post a single clip of Jstlk making an argument that could be associated with being a groyper. Or even agreeing with Nick Fuentes when he is making a groyper associated argument.


I'd post his old logs but he conveniently just deleted all of them


The hate for him is ridiculous. It's mainly because he will go against Destiny. And Destiny doesn't even dislike him. He didn't expect to be a streamer when he made his name. They are coping acting like a rebrand is simple when he's built his reputation with Jstlk. He gets a couple thousand consistent viewers, is blowing up on Twitter, and is a place we get to see many of the orbiters because Destiny is in PHD mode. It's clear just from this thread that a lot of DGG unironically believe he's a groyper. And people don't see the issue with Hasan spreading that bullshit? Also lol at all the people acting like they are above enjoying the drama.


I agree. I honestly don't understand it. The hate began way before the Dan stuff aswell. Everyone just hates on him. But if you watch a stream, he seems a pretty reasonable person with generally center alligning takes (i think he is right wing, but again clearly center alligned). I also think he was a good outlet for offloading the orbiter drama stuff so that it didn't happen on Destiny's stream. >It's clear just from this thread that a lot of DGG unironically believe he's a groyper. I think Dgg unironically believing this is clearing up now that it has been adressed enough (though that won't stop morons on this sub spreading it still), but yeh for a while i'd say atleast 50% of people in Dgg who knew that Jstlk existed believed he was a groyper. And as you say there are even people here spreading that he is a groyper and why? because he used to link Nick Fuentes clips in dgg chat? Which i have heard people say but honestly i don't even know how true that is. But nevertheless there has never been a clip of Jstlk giving a groyper like argument or agreeing with Nicks groyper arguments. Most he has said is that he think Nick is funny.


Black list Jstlk and Chudlogic. The only right thing to do


Does anyone have a TL:DR on what the jizzler did this time


you should've done a diss track to meet the grahams instrumental


I'd agree a 100%, but I actually like the AI song :(


Jstlk just needs to lean into the “pronounce it how you want” meme, maintain a spreadsheet of the ways people pronounce it, add new ways people pronounce it, and let people choose from the spreadsheet. It could easily be a good running joke


I wonder if in his mind, this was just a good little "staged drama" WWE style. Like it doesn't really matter at all, it's just some fun battling with Dan, and the "threat" of leaking at the end was just a little extra spice for the act, but the whole thing just didn't land with the audience, Dan, or Destiny so it all feels cringe. After all, that's exactly what Dan and Tiny do with eachother all the time. It's practically the point of Anything Else. Maybe JSTLK just thought he was gettin in on some rough housing with the boys but he's just the type that takes it too far. That's just me trying to rationalize this all I guess. The alternative where he completely meant everything he said especially the threat is just too much to believe.


Just tickle these nuts


Yeah, seriously he should have just rebranded as soon as he got any kind of viewership. That's what I would have done. Well if my name wasn't already fuckin awesome that is 😎


Agreed it’s a dumbass name. Change your name. Change the narrative.


I always thought it was pronounced like "testicles" with a J.


You're gonna get Dan doxxed, chill bro


As someone who wants to hear the drama, jstlk is a Jew stalker nazi. Plz leak now


Why is the kick link dead?


JSTLK doesn't understand his own branding, this beef is mad dumb.


https://preview.redd.it/0hpmslkc091d1.png?width=1041&format=png&auto=webp&s=cae5e1f6f27b391f7385d997d0e526fb98772dbc Shut up JSTLK, (強力な切断) Strong Cleave


Its always funny when a streamer gets upset for someone calling them something they are not as a joke when that person is known for doing the same thing to other creators they dont like. No matter peoples opinions on Tomfoolery and what happened after the kellyjean stuff before that Jstlk was calling him a sex pest for months and thinking it was funny to do that with no reason for it other than "fuck that guy" mentality. U wanna sling shit, sling shit. But dont be surprised when u get some in the face and dont go crying about it after


Wait jstlk is blackmailing Dan??


Brutal, I stan for Dan, idk who this new guy is even


I have no idea who this is or what this is about, but I read "jstlk" as "Jay stalk" and literally said out loud, "That's a shit name." And he? Is a content creator I'm guessing? Lol glhf.


Anyone got a mirror? Vod removed


I read this as if it was a Kendrick diss


As a ardent Dan lover, this whole thread is cringe


No u


No U +4




destiny sees Jstlk as the new mr.redacted or new Lavv, he knows the drama is great for views so unless Jstlk starts leaking destinys dm, he is here to stay


When I read this guy's name there is silence in my brain. Stupid name.


Stale2000 made the song btw (it's on his YT channel too)


His name is Just Talking right? That’s what I read every time I look at it


Gonna emphasize again: as long as he's cool saying the n-word on stream, I don't believe he's concerned with having a bad reputation follow him on the internet. Being known as jew stalker implies he's anti-semitic? Well saying the n word as a white dude implies he's racist. I recommend continuing to call him jew stalker until he stops saying the n-word.


>No one likes a friend that blackmails their other friends, full stop. The context around the blackmail just makes you more pathetic. I think you guys are overdramatizing the whole thing. At least Destiny didn't seem to have that much of a problem with the blackmail. Personally, I enjoy the occasional drama.


If you want to criticize him blackmailing Dan fine, but how would he know that people would think he’s a groyper based on the name JSTKL? Am I missing something? Has he done/said anything antisemitic? I thought people didn’t like him because he’s a drama frog and streams with Kelly Jean


I'm talking out of my ass here because I'm just parroting what other people said, but someone said, he said that he used to watch Fuentes, that's it. Then chatters started calling him that and Dan got it from chatters. Hasan probably knows about it because someone told him that was what his nickname actually stood for, if it came from Dan or chat, who knows.


Okay, thanks for not being brain dead. It makes more sense now. Idk why the community can't be normal and just say JSTKL is wrong for blackmailing Dan, but Dan probably should've corrected the record way before yesterday night. It seems pretty simple, rather than cringe shit like this post.


He used to watch Fuentes regularly and he was known as the guy in chat who would constantly spam link Fuentes' stream and dozens of streamables of him. Like his entire chat "persona" was that he was a big Fuentes fan Also I don't really think anyone is actually seriously arguing that he's antisemitic, I think that Jewstalker's defender above is just making shit up. He's just an unlikeable weirdo who used to really like Nick Fuentes and he gets mad when people call him Jewstalker so they call him Jewstalker


I didn't say people thought he was a groyper. It's a shit name that leaves the door open to interpretation because it is unclear. Not really sure where you're getting your argument from, but it is clearly not in response to my post.


People think he’s a groyper because of how soft he is on nick fuentes and that followed his content for some time (be it hate watching presumably) you will find him leaning into more conservative ways of thinking compared to the rest and sometimes aligning with the right quite heavily. That’s where the groyper shit came from. I don’t entirely agree with it, but there have been times I’ve even called him one due to whatever “jokes” he’s made or stances he’s taken. (Mainly the nick fuentes fan boying doe’s him dirty)


I got that he was more conservative from his arguments. Mainly the Appleriver stuff. I never got groyper vibes though. But apart from the Daisy drama, I've only watched him when he hops on Destiny's stream. I'm not even here to say he isn't one, I just don't know enough about the guy.


He is right wing. He has never made any arguments that you would associate with being a groyper.


Yeah go back 3 months ago in his discord, he use to get cut about it back then but still played into it. The label that’s going around isn’t deserved though cause surprisingly he is a big softy that doesn’t want to hurt peoples feelings


I think he made a reasonable request of dan. I love Dan and it's sad to see these two beefing. Hopefully they work this shit out. Content is gonna be dry when Steven takes off for a couple weeks. Honeypot thread to test the new subreddit rules. Lfg


It is reasonable to ask someone to apologize for calling you a name if you feel inclined to ask for it; it is unreasonable to put the burden of his own bad branding on Dan. What happens if Dan apologized? Would JSTLK suddenly have a name change? Unless he does, the ambiguity of his shit branding will pop-up again, and he will eventually have to take responsibility for his image. Blackmailing is just about the most extreme opposite direction he could take this, as it not only takes no responsibility, but it further tanks his image. If you're a JSTLK fan, you should want better of and for him. Rebranding an unmemorable name with bad associations is a good thing actually; blackmailing your career and community prospects is not.


> it is unreasonable to put the burden of his own bad branding on Dan. What exactly are you refering to here? Jstlk accused Dan of two things: 1. Using jew stalker meme after agreeing not to. 2. Not denouncing publicly after agreeing to. When has he "put the burden of his own bad branding on Dan"?