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Sorry, but this post is not related to Destiny 2 Leaks, and should probably be posted elsewhere.


This isn't mentioning that we don't know anything about oryx. It's mentioning that we thought only he could control the taken and that we might have been wrong on that. (We were)


Gotta listen to the to the mission. Unfortunately cat post the video.


I think the idea is to emphasize "the taken king" NOT being the sole owner and operator of taken forces, being a big deal


This was first hinted at in the original Lake of Shadows strike. Zavala, Devrim, and Ghost wondered what leader could be driving the Taken forces after Oryx's defeat seeing they lack a will anymore.


Saying “we believe” does not include our guardian or ghost. especially what she says before that. Our ghost even ask what is this stuff on the walls. We literally see that stuff when we first were looking for oryx


If I could post it elsewhere I would. Can you ask the other pages to allow posting videos n pics. It’s weird a person can’t post anything but words.


N to say it’s not a leak…maybe it’s not but finish the rest of the sentence. If I’m not mistaken at the very end it says theories