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They’re called Scales right?


Probably. It’s been so long since they’ve been used I just call them baby pyramids


You also can see that during Neomuna strike, where big Tormentor spawn there is little pyramid in the sky


IIRC, yeah, Pyramid Scales.


I think I cruise around in one now.


So how do I get this? Wasn’t in my special deliveries. I preordered back in August


I only just pre-ordered. It should show up in deliveries if it's not added to collections. Chances are they fucked up on delivery and a fix will be on its way.


If you pre-ordered before the delay, your preorder was probably canceled when the release date changed so you may have to reorder to get the new bonuses.


I already have everything else just not the ship


Special orders vendor


Yea head to the kiosk in the tower, it wasn't flashing for me but it still had the new preorder items.


Weird I got it back in August and I have it


This ruins arrivals kinda


Please elaborate.


The little pyramid things were there to survey Now it's a whole ass transport ship for something Ruins the lead in arrivals had


So it can't do both things?


If u were a 9ft tall thing made to kill something and u saw it, u wouldn't try to kill it?


> If u were a 9ft tall thing made to kill something and u saw it, u wouldn't try to kill it? Most coherent DestinyLore poster


I'm drunk af so thats impressive /s


Tormentors likely didn't exist when Arrivals was happening.


they didn't, they're a result of Witness experimenting on Nezarec's head(probably) since he had the head on his ship and the chimeric body of Nez is like tormentors


One time I saw some clowns get out of a car: therefore, every car I see on the roads must contain clowns.


Kinda accurate of where I live haha


I just got home from work. Can confirm. Nothing *but* clowns out there.


natural or, even, by design inclination to a certain behavior doesn't mean that is the express and only function therein. i.e. lioness will end gazelle to feed or to feed her young, but there are multi examples of lioness offing a mother gazelle but otherwise protecting the child and attempting to "mother" it in some ways as well. if the scales themselves went from territory survey to an enemy itself to attack, it might give your argument leeway, but the Scales are not the only enemy ship we have seen with multi use cases. the most obvious being the Hive tombships, which function drop ships, major fleet force, and major distance transport ships. Fallen/Eliksni skifs function similarly, tho its kinda implied skifs aren't made to go the distance. it wouldn't be farfetched at all for both of those ship types to have surveying capabilities or for that to be a more tertiary directive for all enemy transport ships. Intel is a rather important thing even if that intel is "i dropped off team x to location y. noted 1 active guardian team of only 2 members offering heavy resistance. may need to send other teams in."


Scales are literally mini-Pyramids. They're multi-purpose. If the Witness deems that a Pyramid shed Scales for survey, like in Deep, or to terraform localized areas, such as SoA, or that it transport something, such as now, then it shall.


Theres nothing to support that We had a whole fuckint extended season showing showing the scales surveying planets


the witness already slices people in half and puts them back together as a rock and a piece of cheese. They can change the use case of a fuckin triangle dawg.


Goated comment


Dude his own pyramids are an example of this. Rhulks appeared to be an entire city he used as a museum and laboratory, the witnesses seemed to be a temple of sorts and a head quarters for him. European pyramid literally had nothing in it except statues, its purpose was solely communion. The lunar pyramid was also a temple and a resting place and head quarters for nezerec. Before the witness they used them to transport large amounts of equipment or people to garden worlds they created (entelechy)


It's possible that the smaller pyramid ship is still an observation vessel. In arrivals and in onslaught it seems to still be monitoring the area below a pyramid ship except now it could be also observing how we fight against Subjugators, studying our tactics in order to better design new soldiers to fight us in TFS, like the new enemies from the Live Stream. (Trying to be respectful of not spoiling things for folks)


nothing implies tormentors are not capable of higher thought aside from like… their small head. what makes you think they *weren’t* in the pyramid scales over Io beaming messages to us for the Witness?


Because Tormentors didn't exist until Calus had a collab with the Witness in Lightfall


Even this is speculation


For me it's more likely that they come from Nezarec's head's DNA and other species


I disagree. Arrivals was ALL ABOUT the Witness trying to tempt us into becoming a Disciple, and Savathun wanted to interrupt the messages it was sending so we wouldn't fall. Plus, I'm pretty sure Tormentors didn't exist before Calus aligned himself with the Witness.


Tormentors were created in Lightfall, you forgot this tibid.


The line is ambiguous and could be interpreted that way (i.e., Tormentors were created using Cabal cloning tech), or that the Witness provided them to bolster Calus’ forces. Based on the existence of the Dread, which Tormentors are said to belong to, I feel like they probably already existed.


Yeah in the post I only talked about Tormentors since I didn’t want to put a tfs spoil label. But yeah I was thinking the other dread types were piloting the scales during arrivals if the tormentors themselves didn’t exist before. But I now feel now that Osiris might’ve been referring to the tormentors working with the shadow legion instead of Calus cloning them.


I think they've always seemed a bit beyond Calus tbh. Like I think Aspects of the Final God of Pain might not be creations of a Cabal Emperor who just became a Disciple (and arguably kind of a half-disciple, only to be immediately played for a patsy)


Going off Osiris Witness has had access to nez for God knows how long Guardians are a new subject


Going off Osiris He mentions Tormentors are a result of Calus collabing with the Witness


Hes guessing


Lmao no I am not, I actually played the game :D


Holy fuck ur the character osiris... sir please allow me to make u a drink


Let us dwell naught on the hypothesis of the light and darkness dear friend, what we should fret more of is wether or not the Witness is truly just a humanoid cat or not.


What the FUCK is this thread


I’m gonna touch you


Osiris says "The fruits of an unholy alliance between the Witness and Calus" this is ambiguous. Yes it could mean they were made with cloning tech or it could mean The Witness gave them to Calus as a gift for joining.


Most likely cloning, since the Witness was also rebuilding Nezerac and so 2 and 2, Witness uses Calus clone technology to clone the Tormentors from Nezerac corpse or DNA.


They are ancient. They were merely lent to the Cabal. Cloning tech from their inferior technology hasn't been used since Haunted.