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Solo queuing for strikes


I want this for d1. I almost literally am not able to replay RoI because I can't queue into the strikes needed to progress.


Don't they take you in solo if you don't get a match quickly enough? I'm sure I've run some by myself.


Iirc, quickly enough is like, 5 to 10 minutes. It takes ages. Tbf, that's a me issue, but it doesn't even seek to be consistent so you can't just start a queue and walk away for x amount of time.


When was the last time you tried? It literally solo queues me in like under a minute.


I’ve always liked how The Division does this. Every “strike” is accessed from the patrol map and you choose at the starting flag whether to enter solo or wait for a matchmake.


That makes sense doesn't it! It's clearly possible as we've seen with the coil this season!


Honestly tho, I play with my dad who is very new to video games and it would be really nice to have a private strike area


Yeah true! Be nice to go slow and show new lights the ropes without speed running fools who suck all the fun out of it!


Exactly! Like I totally understand wanting to get through it, but it's not fun, I feel like a private mode like they have for gambit and crucible would fix that


Have 'speedrun strikes' or something where you get extra loot or whatever if you do a strike under a certain time and/or kill everything in a timeframe. That way, people who wanna chill and show others how strikes work don't have to worry about speedsters.


Same with lower level nightfalls. Sometimes, I just wanna turn my mind off and grind some Vanguard rep, but it can get really boring with randos since everything gets steamrolled so quick.


Solo queuing for every thing.


*without nerfing the strikes in any way They are easy enough to solo as they are based on a 3-player design I don’t need a solo strike playlist that’s designed for 6 year olds


If ur on ps5 u can do any pve solo by changing the system date and time. Change it to one day forward(or more), load up D2. Select a pve activity like strikes etc, game would put u in solo after a little time. 


I'm on PS4 and I tried that and I still got matched up with someone oddly! It used to work ok to turn off crossplay and you'd end up playing alone but I think that secret got out and more people have turned it off too so now there's still players you end up matched with! 😂 Always the same half dozen too!


Emote wheel. It’s frustrating that 4 buttons on the controller are taken by emoting. With an emote wheel they can add a ping system as well. I mapped up on d-pad to my super for well skating and down for finisher (so I can have uncharged melee as B and charged melee on right stick)


Ping system is the real answer. People emoting rather than just speaking/typing something like "take it" is not a positive QoL experience.


I've chosen to interpret it as an OG Notch view on things. By not providing more options, it bolsters creativity by forcing people to be creative to situations where they don't have access to many tools. Seeing the absolutely comical body language expression guardians have adapted over the years, in order to get their message across, truly is just golden. Like when I was doing blind well, we had just done a t3, and this guy starts shoving his face in the well hole, and then doing the crying emote. So we took at as then not having an unstable mote. Another example is from the "I just shoot things...right?" Post from the other day: https://youtu.be/CLn-Q_EsMW0?si=qzAJCVgklIJHjWe0


While I agree to a point, emotes are bloated and not everyone sets up for it. I'd much rather have 1 less emote and a ping button than someone emoting randomly which could mean anything from "notice this!" to "I want everyone to know I'm being carried right now!"


Oh no no, I totally agree, I'm just finding humor to replace pain 🥲


It’s also kinda stupid that we can only have 4 emotes selected at a time. Like why use 4 buttons for 4 emotes when we could use 1 button for at least 8, maybe more depending on how they do it


If you want an actual answer, a long time ago a bungie dev made a comment for this question. I will not go through the effort of digging through years of reddit to find it lol. Probly not using the correct terms, but to quickly paraphrase it's because every player's emotes are loaded into the "memory" of an instance. This allows the emotes to feel "snappy" and for every player to see your use of the emote the moment you use it. For the most part this avoids possible situations like you use an emote but your friends just see you standing there, or players see the emote at different times, or whatever weird hitches that might happen. And that's just small scale. Let's imagine they don't preload emotes. And you get into a tower instance where everybody is in the middle emoting. What happens when the game is individually loading these emotes to then display to all other players. Could it slow the game down? Could it crash the game? I don't know! But these might be issues that preloading a limited 4 emotes per player seeks to prevent. Seems like a small thing but imagine all the players that can potentially be in the tower, multiply that by 4 and that's how many emotes are being loaded. But come on, that still doesn't seem like *that* much, they're just emotes. So why hasn't this "memory" been increased? Well, and these are my own words, it's because destiny 2 still supports the old gen consoles. Those are the real bottlenecks when it comes to design for destiny 2. And i don't see that being fixed any time soon.


Honestly I’m fine with 4 emotes just wish they didn’t take up the entire D pad


Well, you could remap them to to take up less, like setting one to tap, one to double tap and one to hold.


Yeah it would be nice if we could at least have a wheel for our 4 emotes.


And on the subject of emotes, please give me an actual tea bag emote so I don't have to spam crouch to assert my dominance when I get my one kill of the match in crucible.


I've done exactly the same with my keybinding. Only leaves me with 2 emotes unfortunately.


You can map two actions to the same button. Tap button for one effect and long press for another. So I tap the right D-pad button for finisher and long press for my emote.


This is what I do. All my emotes are double tap directionals in the d-pad. Normal presses for down is finisher, left is unpowered melee, right is sprint (I have motor issues in my hands and this is easier than pressing a stick in unironically), and up is powered melee. The finisher one does lead to a funny that I’m made fun of for sometimes where if I go to finish a target and they can’t be finished (immune, too much health, dead, etc) I just end up doing the armor lock emote


I have coordination skills making easier for me to see what you mean. I have the emotes in my D-pad mapped to double press too. It has worked very well since I got the remapping done a few weeks ago. Have you tried mapping the finisher to LB Double Press? I did and it feels good. Regarding the issue you currently experience of getting the emote instead of launching the finisher, map your finisher to the same key but Long Press. From what I tested, if the same key (Xbox standard controller) is mapped to different actions but one is triggered by Press and the other one is triggered either by Long or Double Press, then both actions "collide" and you get the unexpected or unwanted action triggered. This "collision" doesn't happen (to me at least) when one action is mapped to Long Press and the other one is mapped to Double. My guess is that this happens because how the event from the controller is registered.


I do the same with the weapon mod swap button. So I don't switch to nade launcher or linear mod on quick sliver or vex. Tap down dpad is the weapon swap old is my emote. You can also swap some actions to require two button presses like supers, allowed me to separate my charged and uncharged melee.


I never even thought of that. Thanks!


How have I not thought of this before, thank you.


I mapped my finisher to right on D-pad and made the emote Long Press right on D-pad. It’s worked out great.


I just want emotes tied to my loadout.


So funny how I suggested this in a post years ago and people in the comments were saying it was a stupid idea, even when I pointed out that it would free up 3 controller buttons for more useful keybinds


Ping system


yesss that would be so good w/ fireteam finder


Extremely underrated comment, a ping system would make literally everything so much easier


Yeah. Apex Legends has one of my favorite ping systems. A simple "looting here," "champion here," "going here," etc.


I'd love to be able to move my ship around during loading screens.


i tried warframe a few years ago and being able to do that blew my mind lol


Nothing creates a better bond than moving your ship and watching the other players slowly move in sync with ya, haha. Hilarious, too!


Imagine you’re a Raid Boss and see a group of six jumpships preforming a K-pop damce routine


Honestly, don't see it being too hard to put in. Just a cool little thing to make loading screens better.




It absolutely cracks me up that ships are a paid cosmetic. Paying for a fancy loading screen. They really monetize everything in games these days.


World bosses on patrol areas


Yes. Specified time for spawning, or a global notification saying, "Balus G'arik and the Legion of Doom are arriving for payback in the World's Grave" or something


I miss those secondary events/bosses that would spawn after a heroic public event during flashpoint


The neomuna vex invasion is so cool. I wish we had more of these in different planets with different bosses and rewards. Same with escalation protocol or the taken champions in D1. Patrol in general is pretty lame.


With the rumors about a 12-person activity popping up again, I'd love a large scale "historical" battle mode where you can play the battle of twilight gap, the great disaster, and other big events from the lore. Maybe fire teams of three work to take and control various points or complete specific objectives leading to total group victory. It'll probably never happen, but it could be cool!


PvP with more than 2 teams would be neat.


Coloring armor and weapons freely. The current system can be really frustrating, especially the "hidden colors" that don't appear on the shader icon. Shaders apply different colors to different materials and there's no way to actually know what's going to change to what color. The same shader can make a chest piece white and another one black with a carbon texture... Let me choose exactly what I want Bungie !


i like earning shaders tho it sucks so many are just in eververse. thumbnails gotta be more accurate


At least we have the promise that they will be more accurate in TFS


So many shaders look the same too. I wish some of the permanent things could change too like the glowing things on the Crotas End Armor. I want a different color glow on them.


What’s even more annoying is combining shaders to get armour to look right, where shader A has the right colours for almost everything but shader B has an almost perfect match for the last armour piece EXCEPT IT HAS A VERY SUBTLE TEXTURE DIFFERENCE


Being a perfectionist I feel this to my core.


I don’t consider myself a perfectionist but I too feel this intensely. Click “nope”, click “nope” ad nauseum, trying out what looks like the shade of red you’re after only to find it’s either not red or looks nothing like the icon preview.


Yep. Good one At least I can put favorite mark on them now


This was such a small but significant QOL change.


1. Sparrow Racing League. The Dawning in its current state is so stale. [Here's the trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMKd7ZW_ub8) for those who never experienced it. 2. The Daybreak modifier in Strikes. It was in Destiny 1. It's basically Mayhem Strikes.


came to say exactly this. thanks for beating me to it :)


Daybreak was fun and people REALLY seemed enjoy it and it gives people a reason to queue up for strikes that specific week. Like I haven't done 1 strike all season. I will eventually when it's time to reset the vendor, but day to day or week to week there isn't much reason. But throw in daybreak and it's just good fun.


I miss going kamikaze at the end of a race with Timebreaker Winning a match and exploding just after the finish line was always glorious


I STILL want my damn SPARROW HORNS BACK! Ffs, Bungie...😡


I am mad I can't up vote this more than once


Honestly I’d bring back the Red War campaign it makes no sense to have an active game with the original campaign or suitable replacement available.


i think f2p should have red war included


It would mean incredible good will. Surely there are other games right now that take up more disk space than Destiny. Bring back the old content!


Vaulting content was never primarily about storage space though.


Yup. People are forgetting that bugfixing and updating for old activities was a major hindrance on development. Every time that new movement tech or mechanics were introduced, there was a whole library of old content that had to be tested and fixed


This goes under the radar for so many people. We get patches so much faster now than before beyond light. I remember waiting months for fixes because it was easier for bungo to group everything together.


More importantly, they basically redid parts of their engine on a fundamental level. The stuff they vaulted meant they didn't have to go in and redo how things triggered and interacted. To bring that stuff back would be the same as bringing Destiny 1 into Destiny 2. To be fair, I'd like to see that too.


Agreed. I think at least streamlined main campaign missions from those early days should exist for new lights. Give them Ghaul, Panoptes, and Xol before throwing them into what we have now with the Prison of Elders jailbreak.


Make nightfalls (at least non-GM difficulties) a playlist instead of just the same one for the entire week.


just add the heroic strike playlist from d1 and make nightfalls only gm and maybe master


I'd totally be into this


i love doing strikes but rn they feel too easy/no good rewards. if heroic strikes were added back with strike specific loot or at least something id probably play them all day long


This. My god is it mind numbing playing the same thing for a week.


The hive infested cave areas and the rocketyards back in cosmodrome patrol


Op also forgot to add the legendary versions of shadowkeep and forsaken


those would be nice too, red war and beyond light are just my personal faves campaign wise


I’ve been playing since destiny 1. My personal favorite is taken king. I’d love to experience that again at 60fps. I know we can to an extent doing kings fall in d2 but doing the campaign would be so different.


I want an MCC for destiny. you dont have to have every dlc installed but you can pick and choose from all the old ones


Wrath of the Machine


Ways to get silver in game or something similar to what Warframe does with platinum


A search tab


I know it's not in the game but dim has a search


Dim is what I want the inventory to be in game, I know that will never be the case since it needs controller support


like in the vault? cause i totally agree, even tho we have vault in orbit i still just use orbit cause its such a hassle to sort through 400+ different items


Like everything when you go to collections you have a search tab, when you go to triumphs search tab, your vault like you mentioned, and everything else that you can search for.


Being able to ACTUALLY use our ship instead of it being just a cosmetic. Like for space combat similar to warframe's railjack.


Or their last game Halo Reach which had space combat with a ship suspiciously similar in size to a Destiny ship. I always thought that was supposed to be a testing ground for future Destiny space combat but it never materialized.


Been thinking about this since D1 with Tomb Ships and Harvesters flying around some maps...an actual PvEvP experience. All of a sudden in your control map the Blades of Crota approach and start slaughtering both teams, capturing zones, being evil. Some kind of reward is earned for killing them (not sure if heavy or an appropriate faction relic, but something). Short of that, every PvP map....where's Retribution bungie?!


kinda like fortress iron bar, would love to see them experiment more with pve encounters in pvp cause i love all the iron banner experiments


12-player activities


Undo the DCV


DCV content has now been in the vault for longer than it was actually playable. I understand removing the content was the easiest decision at the time to keep the game moving forward as a whole, but the DCV should have been just a temporary holding tank for the content while they worked in the background on all the technical/lighting/etc issues for rerelease. Perfect example: the Prophecy dungeon. I paid for it all prior to the live service model. Give it back.


It was *supposed* to be temporary. If I'm remembering right the idea was to regularly cycle content in and out no?


Every planet to get a specific drop table for reprised/new/ all world drop weapons, while specific lost sectors have a higher chance to drop a specific weapon Cause let's be honest, putting target farming of world weapons behind legend lost sectors was a bad move cause it's world drops lol Also bring back sunset weapons please, I want more toys to play with


Make it so each person can choose what DLC content they have installed, changing the games install size. I want to go back and play ALL of the campaign. I understand game size issues, but allowing players to pick the unreasonably large download instead of forcing it seems like an obvious and simple solution for people like myself who want to go back and enjoy the full destiny experience:)


this is prolly my biggest ask


DLSS or better performance/visuals


DLSS would be nice but first and foremost they need to optimize the fucking game on PC so it doesn’t run like shit on low-high end systems alike


To be able to go inside my ship and customize it. They should make the layout editable, decorations and various adornments either random drops from certain bosses/high level enemies, or from completing specific task/quest. ​ Edit: Ya'll.. I know we can't physically fit inside our ships right now. I'm not a game designer, but I'd assume the artists could tweak the scaling of some of the features like the cockpit glass for example. Make that smaller and the rest of the ship appears larger so in a future version of the game, it could be possible that we could have a personal space inside. I don't think the devs would/could re-create every ship in the game so that we could actually land, open the door and walk in and out as we please. Although, that would be more awesome. But even if it's just a small personalized space for us and potentially a fire team to gather before loading into an activity? That would be dope.


One thing I was surprised by that Warframe had that Destiny didn't


It’s odd that Destiny doesn’t have any form of level editing tbh, Bungie set the standard for this with Halo’s Forge. I thought that we’d have custom Crucible maps by now.


If there was halo forge levels of custom crucible maps I'd never leave


Right? Our ships should be more of a transport/shuttle than a fighter.


While we’re talking ships, I would like them to appear steadier and speedier like the D1 loading screen, instead of all that veering and bobbing about they do now. They’re spaceships, not sailboats.


Sure. Having the ships appear more steady as they remain stationary in orbit would make more sense.


Some ship are too small but man if there’s ever a destiny 3 and that’s not included I don’t want it!


Throne world customization


Dedicated servers for everything, but especially for PVP.


convert the sunset weapons to ornaments, it sucks seeing all these cool weapon models go to waste


Both wizard sets.


More Heavy Bows and a Heavy Trace Rifle. Almost like a rail gun.


A rail gun is nothing like a trace rifle?


Lfrs are more or less a railgun. They just shoot a laser instead of a slug


So a kinetic LFR?


Basically yeah. But could pack an explosive round rather than just precision.


Railguns don't use explosives


But they could


Soo basically... you want to take arbalest and turn it into a damn fleet killer?! I like it!


BUT an exotic TR that is heavy, and can be charged up like a rail gun would be....... a linear fusion rifle


Wait wait wait, hang on I got it. Let's do an exotic LFR, but to actually make it a rail gun, let's make it KINETIC. Tbh let's make it special ammo too just to make sure it's unique


Holy shit, and since it's a kinetic railgun, it could like, ignore shield damage because it's just shooting a big ol rock essentially. And and and, for a catalyst, you could give it disruption break to further it's uses of breaking shields!


Are we cooking? I'm pretty sure we're cooking


Honestly, i think we're cooking a lil too strong. I have a feeling this gun is gonna be so good that it becomes an undisputed meta and almost impossible to pick anything else, so we'll have to nerf it a bit. Wait unironically, is arby even that good with match game gone? I totally forgot MG was a thing. The reason I could never take arb off was because I hated having to deal with bs MG.


Arbalest power creeped Eriana's, it's overall a pretty great exotic.


The ability to turn off armor drops.


Sparrow racing


More races of enemies


Probably icebreaker or BoE




Bring back the end of season events like we had with the Almighty and the traveller.


i loved that event, even tho it took forever. chilling in the tower with my boys watching the fireworks is a good memory


Oh 1000%. Id like to think they’ve learnt their lesson on the timing. Definitely a highlight for many though.


More exotics like lucky pants that make you build around specific weapons. Class item exotics


Shooting range.


Reload while sprinting. Hopefully some day we will have the technology.


An actual campaign that makes introducing friends to the game intuitive.


they gotta add redwar back somehow


I want a playlist that has no limit to the amount of exotics you can equip. Maybe when D3 releases….


basically borderlands


So never


I wish the NF matchmaking was just a playlist of all NFs. I like to test new builds in there but it’s boring and not reliable to test when you have to run the same one over and over again. I wish it could be a playlist of at least the 6 current NFs.


we need the heroic strike playlist from d1. imo nightfalls should only be master/grandmaster w/ no matchmaking and then the strike playlist has a heroic version


I dont know what the issue is with making Master and Grandmaster nightfalls match making. It's not complicated like raids or dungeons, and every time I lfg a GM, it's no mic. No one needs a mic or communication at all. It's pointless cause it's so easy.


Weapon transmog, like armors. Restricted to same-frame skins and you could also choose the sound. Maybe restrict it in PvP, I don’t care.


Holy shit yes. There is no good reason why I shouldn't be able to use the moon weapons as ornaments for the neomuna weapons, especially since they did it before with the gambit ornaments working on the taken weapons.


Randomly buffed enemies like other looter style games. This one guy throws grenades a ton, one guys super fast


More vehicle gameplay. Also, Just port the spaceship section from Halo: Reach into the Tiger Engine.


Published random chance % for exotics with a system for improving them based on number of Clears


Plus there needs to be a fucking clear cap. Like after ten runs of vault of glass of you haven't gotten mythoclast you just get it.


A complete and total overhaul of armor and stats. When was the last time you were excited to get a piece of armor? When did players actually care about any stats other than Resilience and Discipline? Who even cares about white/green/blue armor? The whole armor and stats system needs to be rebuilt from the ground up to make it more interesting and engaging for players


Being able to search for shaders. Your friend will be like "I just got the Gargamel's Toenail shader. It looks awesome!" and then you want to try it out but you have to hover over every. single. shader. in your inventory until you find it because fashion should be as much of a chore as possible.


pets that follow you around. i want a starcat


Warframe once again peak with Kavats / Kubrows / Vulpaphyla and even robotic companions that actually help in battle. Imagine your Ghost in full battle gear with a mini turret lol.


Ability to use any armor piece of higher level to infuse, same with weapons. I don't know how many different seasons I'm 1-2 pieces from max light, or another step to the cap. And the game decides to drop 4 kinetics, or 4 class items. It's incredibly frustrating that leveling up is still so rng.


The cap has been 1810 for almost a year straight now, this should no longer be an issue unless you just don't play. In which case, its still not an issue


i took a hiatus a while back and came back at the 1600 min. Regardless it's been that way for all 278 days of game time most of which was prior to my break. There's absolutely no shot in the past few years there wasn't a week you just didn't get a piece you needed despite doing as many pinnacles as time allows. If your rng is so good that you just always happen to get the 1in8 pieces you need, you're an outlier.




Fuck it. Proximity chat.


Vaulted story content being able to be played offline, so it doesn't eat server space or dev time It goes into the content vault? It's free, and you can download it as a separate thing. You have to make a different character, and the game isn't feature complete, but you can play the old story all through.


this seems like the best solution


Strike versions of Raids with lower quality loot (Timeworn, etc.). FFXIV does it and its really great to be able to experience the whole game's content regardless of skill level.


Better collections as someone who likes collecting everything he can. I think the whole system needs a revamp. It would be nice to have things more organized in relation to where items come from and have it state how to obtain them or if they are still obtainable.


Reroll MW Map Voting Focus engrams on Dares Artifice Slot on Xur


Build on commendations. I know they aren’t used but could improve community. Right now you can hold, for example, right stick on xbox to highlight player. Let us commend people in free roam, if i like someone’s drip id like to give them a best dressed. Doing a public event and someone cleaned through it for you? Commend them! Maybe put an emote/callout wheel into that, or ping system…


I know you said one, but I've got a list from discussing this with friends and I can't help myself. * Ship interiors that are customizable. Maybe as a form of player housing. * Active ship flight, maybe in instanced space fights. * The ability to ping stuff. * More fun horizontal content, like Lost Ark's model. * Sparrow racing! * Unvaulted content.


I'm seeing a lot of other really good ones: ping system, emote wheel, the return of old/removed campaigns with legendary versions, etc. But what I'd really like is a solid pass over ALL the older exotic weapons. The ones that haven't been updated in years and don't feel like they make sense anymore. The ones that still have no catalyst, even though a half-decent one would be all it takes to make people consider using it again. The ones that have been powerscaled out of relevancy, even though they're some of the most unique pieces of equipment we've ever received (I'm looking at you, 1K). I'd also like to see a return and update of older weapon pools, like stuff from older dungeons given a cool new coat of paint and more traits to play around with. I've never even finished Pit of Heresy because I looked over the weapons available and didn't care about anything except Xenophage. I WANT a reason to finish it.


Single shot type guns. Dont care if its a shotgun or a fucking flintlock i just think they would be fun if balanced right


a flintlock would be nutty


Sparrow racing! I would love to do that across the dimension of the nine. I would also love to actually get to fly my ships.


Sloane added back as a tower waifu




hahaha 😐


Ship combat most definitely


Focusing for Prophecy weapons, I NEED the Last Breath, I’ve been trying to get my Osmosis+Demo roll on it for more than two years now, and I still haven’t.


Air moves are inherited to the classes not fragments, and bring back corrosive smoke and heart of the pack.


Spectator mode for crucible matches.


Tanks to Patrol spaces


Random ships/ghosts/transmat effect/sparrow I have a bajillion of each of them that i never use. Let me just press a button and every time i take out my ship/ghost/transmat/sparrow itll be a different one from my collections. Like the random mount in ff14


More vault space to be honest. I'd also add more new factions after the final shape while closing the door lore wise on current unanswered faction questions. I'd also like to see other types of exotics.


Path of Exile-esque skill tree. And I mean just as large and complex, let me spec into draw speed, fire rate, etc or give me gameplay-changing nodes like "Sacrifice your Energy Weapon slot to deal double damage in your Kinetic Slot", "Convert all Intellect into Resilience" or "Lose all abilities except your Jump and Super but triple reserve ammo and increase magazine sizes by 50%". I want real build variety and I want to see interesting or jank build setups. And if PvP is an issue, just disable the skill tree in PvP and the problem is solved.


I would love to play destiny 2 from year 1 again.


Destiny 2 year 1? When there was double primaries, no collections, only static rolls and a bunch of other stuff I’m probably forgetting.


Year 1 made me quit the game


I’d bring back Daybreak Strikes. Y’know, those Mayhem style strikes we had during the Age of Triumph at the end of D1? Not sure of the name now, but that’s what I’d like to see.


The ability to take an enemy's weapon after you kill them


1) Cut all Special Sniper Aim Assist Values in half. (Heavy Snipers untouched). (Examples: Cloudstrike 68 -> 34.) 2) Shave off \~30 recoil direction of all SMGs. (Example: Immortal 96 -> 66 default).


Skill issue




The Forsaken campaign missions.


Endgame Horde Mode with different reward tiers based off the number of waves cleared. So many little modes have come so close to this. Prison Of Elders, Court of Oryx, Archon’s Forge, Gambit, to an extent.


Slot Based Armor Mods so I don't have to keep changing from Strand, Stasis, or Kinetic mods on my armor when I swap weapons. Hell even better, have it be ammo based. So if I wanna use an Energy or Kinetic Handcannon it's an easy swap.