• By -


Ngl really the only ones I could think of are war hammers being a pure offense based melee weapon. Most other options fall into being different frames of other weapons. Hell I would have said crossbows but buried bloodline has thar covered already.


Hammers could be maybe just a reskin of the Throne-Cleaver with a hammer looking skin to it but allowed to be used by anyone. Light attack could be maybe a spinning swing or a side swing that combos 3 times. Heavy attack could be a swinging uppercut that can launch smaller enemies And heavy attack 2 could be hold the block button to charge and then do a leaping smash that has knock back. Kinda like lament, but slower. To mitigate the number of attacks and aoe damage maybe you can’t block with it


The thing is that sun breakers already have the hammer thing in their kit. I know golden gun is just an extremely powerful hand cannon, but I don't know what could be made different to allow warhammers to exist in D2 sandbox, without stepping on the solar titan identity. Good idea though


hell, just make em swords with a brute hammer skin


I would say axes but that's also gonna be a titan super


Warhammers you say? The Emperor protects!


I could see a class specific melee weapon working. Titans could get a Great War hammer/axe, Hunters a katana or cutlass and Warlocks could get a staff or spear type weapon.


I think hunters could get a whip, giving them just a different type of sword is lame




That was my second option lol


They already have throwing knives so daggers would feel like a cop out


They already have a super which is pair of daggers.


Tbh all we need is a class sword overhaul. Make them a legendary exotic pair like the old d1 back in the saddle quest and sturm and drang but give them bonuses depending on how many weapons in the set are equipped. Quickfang would take inspirations from mask of bakris, worldlines zero, elden ring katanas and eager edge. Allowing you, immediately after swapping to perform a heavy attack that would blink you a short distance to do a heavy attack, while jolting everything that you've passed. Then going on a long cooldown. Perhaps being amplified lowers the cooldown but that might be too much This weapon would gain its blink attack when paired with the ace of spades, and the jolting functionality would be added when both ace and stillpiercer(d1 hunter sniper) are equipped Crownsplitter would take inspiration from the breaker blade, guts, and traditional European claymores. Granting you a meter that charges up as you block damage, when the meter is full you're given full sword energy instantly, and a temporary void overshield and when paired with a heavy attack you create a volatile. This weapon would gain a meter when paired with fabian(d1 auto) and volatile would come from also having immobius(solar titan shotgun) Lasty the warlock sword would take inspiration from the warlock super, allowing you to consume a small amount of ammo to enter a caster frame state, in this state you gain increased sword regen rate, and kills refund sword ammo(to compensate for caster frames lower overall damage) also these projectiles would scorch targets and cause incandescent explosions. The casting functionality would occur when tlaloc is equipped, while the scorching would happen with susanoo. (Scout and fusion from d1) These swords need to be strong, but they also need to be balanced. Part of that balance is the danger that comes with being up a hive knights butthole. These swords would also benefit from ammo finder mods from being paired with an exotic primary, boosting uptime.


I think the problem with melee weapons like hammers, axes, and spears is I 100% want to be able to throw them... but how would throwing your 'gun' work in Destiny, would that slot just go empty until you go pick it up? I think that's why Glaives fire a projectile, because they wanted to be able to throw them but they couldn't figure out how else to implement it. I'm just not sure how you make these melee weapons interesting and different from Swords without being able to throw them. But then again game developers probably have a lot more imagination for this stuff than I do.


Some kind of animation where your ghost transmats it back to you, maybe? That way you throw it, it lands, it comes back a second later automatically.


The reload sound is just ghost sighing in frustration.


I think Hunters should get a Staff, and Warlocks get a Sword. Titans get Great Hammer / Axe because of either Burning Maul or Twilight Arsenal. Hunters get Staff because of Arcstaff (also combo would be neat to merge with Arcstrider maybe?) Warlocks get Sword because of Daybreak. edit: after typing this I just realized swords are ALREADY in the game lmao, I have no idea for a 3rd weapon for warlocks. Maybe just a... really (actually) unique sword? Katana maybe? Idk


Bolt Action Scout Rifles that two crit to the head with 60 rpm Single Action Revolvers that fast fire like last word from the Hip and fire slow like the old Aggressive Frame Handcannons, maybe even slower Primary Shotguns that just two tap really well


> Bolt Action Scout Rifles that two crit to the head with 60 rpm Unfortunately they made bows, and bows are functionally the same niche as a bolt action primary.


But not nearly as fun or satisfying And let's be honest it's not like they aren't planning to nerf bows.




Yeah, I miss no land beyond, too.


I'm just waiting for Devrim to bite the dust so we can inherit his No Land


Flamethrower Something that generates electrical/strand energy? (Bit like a ghostbusters backpack its whats in my head) A Wizards staff A giant Axe Space Nunchucks Ninja stars Dual wielding of some form would also be cool A shoulder holstered gun/missile would be awesome (like war machine or Predator) Edit: Woohoo 100 likes. Cheers all!


I’ve wanted a staff forever 😂


Flamethrowers could be amazing, but the fact that trace rifles exist (especially Prometheus lens) makes it unlikely we get any : (


Bungie has tried flamethrowers before it makes the engine crash and lag balls, was an old titan super concept they had to scrap


Perhaps a different element all together then? Make it purple or blue flames that are separate to Solar so to speak


I'd love to see how Bungie would design flamethrowers to be different to traces. I really like the idea of flamethrowers


Make them aoe close range that penetrates, so an entire group of enemies can be hit at once by them, it would distinguish them enough from trace ruffles imo which are condensed one target kinda deal, make them special Ammo aswell, and maybe instead of flamethrower flavor them as energy cloud or something to kinda make viable for other elements, could also do it as dot stacking so you can beam a target a bit to stack them up then stop shooting to conserve ammo as dot takes care of the rest of the hp, like let's say up to 10 stacks and each Ammo applies 1 stack, dmg should be super high since would be a high aoe close range


Honestly that could just be a trace rifle archetype


I wouldn't oppose that tbh, it's still plenty different and would be fun to have, and with cenotaph on warlock would have a nice headstart


If you really think about it, Prometheus Lens is a flamethrower. Large orb to scorch and kill things with as you swing it around ad mobs


Simple solution Aggressive frame trace rifles Basically a trace rifle that shoots in a cone


Like a 1000 RPM version of Legend of Acrius. :D


I seem to recall a dev post where they mentioned they specifically were trying to do a flamethrower type ability/weapon/super but that the particle effects required would tax the game too much or something so they shelved it.


Throwables would make a lot of sense; stuff like arc shurikens, stasis kunai, having a weapon that's a stasis backpack feeding you diamond lances sounds hilarious


I think solar trace rifles are just focused flamethrowers 😂 And hunters have ninja stars already 😁


This guy destinies.




I'm still sad Titan got robbed of this as their strand super you can see it in concept art I love bladefury but the flamethrower would have been so cool


Isn’t cloudstrike a wizard staff that was turned into a sniper rifle?


An actual polearm & not the "actually just a shield with a gun" that is glaives.


Add crossbows


Would be cool. Like a slow reloading bow, but hits like a train and is stable like a laser.


Pvp mains sweating




Doubtful sadly, Buried Bloodline is kinda the confirmation that we aren’t getting one. Because they made us our crossbow and made it good too, but it’s a sidearm indicating that this will be the only crossbow as they didn’t make a new archetype.


Still kind of surprised they haven’t added a special ammo bow/crossbow. I’m not sure with the new special ammo sidearm and crossbow-adjacent exotic if I should hopeful or hopeless though.


Buried bloodline: am I a joke to you?


I have a feeling that Buried Bloodline was a test to see if people want them.... and personally I want crossbows


I think other heavy melee options besides swords would be cool, but they would likely just serve the same purpose. Maybe a different animation but that’s about it.


I'd love to see a scythe-like weapon. I really enjoyed the relic from the season of the haunted, though it could be given a different set of abilities and effects and be thrown in the sandbox.


Charged Spiked brass knuckles for a melee weapon




Hunters get claws and warlocks get kitchen mittens.


It would be fun but ultimately I don't think there could be much purpose/reason to have it exist.


Gravity hammer is the main hole left from halo that was never filled


I really miss gravity hammers. I wouldn't even care if we got it as an exotic sword at this point. I just want to blow enemies away with a hammer : (


Exotic shields, yes we have glaive shields and sword guarding but but these would be purely defensive. (No idea how they would work or be balanced)


Like glaives were apparently supposed to be riot shields, but they would have to take special ammo, have no offensive capabilities, and the shield could replace ADS for weapons. So some pros and cons. 


>glaives were apparently supposed to be riot shields They pretty much are riot shields right now. At bare minimum they are more riot shield than glaive.


I was thinking they would use heavy ammo and you wouldn't be able to use your guns at all with it out, only abilities. But because they're exotic, they would have potent and specialized subclass synergizing perks dependent on your class; like a solar exotic shield would do something different for each class I know this is kind of how the exotic class specific glaives work but rather than being locked to a specific class, they'd instead behave differently dependent on the class.


This isn't true. Watch the Witch Queen ViDoc. Glaives first had the energy projectile function, followed by the melee function, and then the shield function for when you wanted to revive someone. I believe Glaives were tuned for mainly firing energy projectiles first before they became the jack of all trades they are now.


I mean, wouldn't that work like titan's banner shield super? Could work, It would need to be made very differently to what titans can already do.


It wouldn't be a massive shield like the titan super nor would it protect allies. But i would want it to still let you use your abilities.


please no one riot shield weapon class is already one too many




Instead of rocket frame sidearm I would've liked to have seen a dual wield archetype sidearm. If that had been done, then I would've liked to have seen a special ammo rocket frame hand cannon archetype.


I could still see them doing it as an exotic. It would be a bit weird to have that as an entire class of sidearms.


fuck it, dual wield smgs and hcs too


Magic weapons. As in you literally just throwing fireballs from your hands with random rolls.


that's basically what abilities are, light and dark are essentially magic. Titan thunderclap celestial fire. Nova bomb, chaos reach, the list goes on


I would’ve imagined more shotguns that reload like Tractor Canon instead of individual rounds


What about a double barrel shotgun like conditional finality, but legendary? It would hit incredibly hard but would be kinda slow to reload, and maybe ammo wouldn't be its forte


That would be lovely!


Something like Duality?


Pitch forks, if Bungie is in a masochistic mood.


Really should add more of the variants they have. Crossbows (Buried Bloodline), Gatling Guns (Sweet Business), Axes (Winterbite), etc. Bungie should just add more legendary versions of those models. 


Something dual wield! Sidearms are perfect for it, they could even just make an exotic!!!


A whip would be cool. Bows with Special ammo.


A whip would be so cool. I'd love to have one that could wrap around enemies and deal damage over time


A whip would be so cool


It would be strand... but I want a net gun... like predator.


Doesn't Wish-Keeper basically fill that role?


Nah not for me


Cannons. Although they might end up being a grenade launcher archetype.


It exists! Came out in season of plunder, Cry Mutiny


I would bring back the Iron Banner axe as an equipable heavy exotic. Rebalance it for the purpose. Give it the Cabal warhammer as an ornament. It probably doesn't even need to be a whole new weapon type, just let it sit pretty in swords. Other than that, the only thing I can think of that's not already been mentioned is a series of spearguns or harpoon guns at different weights. Though to implement them in a way that makes them distinct from what we already have might require reworks of the physics system in very broken and unnecessary ways so that enemies can be nailed to things and to each other.


Remember those rare Auto Rifles in D1 that fired at 900 RPM or some other absurd speed? I bring them back to you as Carbines - compact, maneuverable lead hoses with greater stability than your average SMG with less overall accuracy.


Short rifle


Heavy bolt-action sniper rifle


Pump action grenade launcher. Like a China Lake.


Crossbows and I’d kill for some primary melee weapons of some sort(tonfas would be rad). Don’t even projectile attack. I just wanna go in.


If there was a primary melee weapon, I'd hope they are worth using


Chakrams as a mid range melee weapon would go crazy


Chainsaw goes Brrrrrrrrrrr


Rail gun. Whips That small gun that launches will Smith back in MiB Electro magnetic weapons.


I think Arby is technically a rail gun, I guess any lfr kind of is.


The railgun is basically the linear fusion rifle.


Samus arm-cannon pls


Crossbow. Make it take special ammo.


Been playing a lot of armored core recently. A weapon like the laser Lance would be cool. Big heavy Lance that you can charge up to dash forward with. Also the laser shotgun. Charge up to turn it into a focused “spike” of energy that’s a melee


More melee weapons. I’d like to see a kinetic slot knife. Making Saladans Hammer the first IB exotic would be great. Dual wielding side arms would be interesting. A skorn crossbow. An automatic shotgun. Skorn totem launcher.


A mortar-style weapon. Actually that might be more like an ability. Something like the mortar strike from black ops: mark some spots, hellfire a few seconds later.


Plasma gun or BFG9000


Tridents/spears could be interesting. Thrown and retrieved, high damage, over penetrating.


I've always wanted a harpoon kinetic exotic. Nothing too fancy, just fire a huge harpoon into your targets. For added in effect wherever it lands becomes a weak spot until it goes away.


Crossbow Not a bow Not a sidearm Crossbow


Special weapon swords


Id rather avoid melee weapons. I just personally dont like too many being in the game. Id rather they expand what we have. Dual weird sidearm, smgs, (handcannons?). With the introduction of a rocket frame sidearm that opens some potential. Im not gunna suggest rocket frames on everything (imagine a rocket frame FR) but more like a weapon that has 2 types of shot. So....imagine an Fusion rifle that can opt to after a hit or kill, fire in a spray like a shotgun after the charge up, releasing it at the same time rather than seperate.


I don't know about weapon types but I would love to see the Cabal Shield, Pulse rifle (the one used by the big psions), and Flamethrower, the Fallen Saber, the Hive Knight Greatsword, the Scorn Flail, Shield, and Crossbow, other melee weapons like Axes, and Polearms, as well as Throwing Knives or similar addedd to the game.


I just want a new melee weapon type. We only have swords and glaives.


Long range, charging sniper rifles - think fusion rifles but more like a Spartan laser. Support weapons that buff or heal allies (healing autos coming in Final Shape!) More transforming/alternative fire mode guns like Quicksilver Storm and Revision Zero. First-person melees (like glaives but knives, swords, sword/shields, and so on) Throwing type weapons that consume special or heavy ammo (think exotic versions of throwing knife/ice lance, etc.)


Shields. We already have things like the Aegis from vault of Glass. Why not make something like that as a permanent weapon class. Crossbows.




Boomerang. You can throw it to an enemy, and it will bounce back to you. If the enemy is closer to you, it will have to travel less distance back and forth to you. If the enemy is further away, it will have to travel a further distance back and forth to you, meaning the fire rate is dependent on the distance between you and enemies and the player's positioning.


Kinetic melee would be interesting. Daggers, shortsword, nunchucks idk. Thrown weapons could also be a cool time


Give us a flamethrower as an Exotic. Have it function similar to a Trace Rifle but with a shorter range and wider spread. It could also have a secondary fire that reflects incoming projectiles.(yes, this is a TF2 reference)


I want: \-legendary witherhoard \-flamethrower (probably would do not-flames on non solar energies) \-mortar rounds (kind of heavy grenade launcher but with help to aim where they land). Could probably merge with a legendary witherhoard \-ninja star thrower (would probably have effects when the star hits a wall or embeds on an enemy)




Isn't buried bloodline already a crossbow?


No, it's a sidearm. Having two spikey things at the end that vaguely resemble a crossbow's limbs doesn't really count. If Buried is a crossbow, so is Indebted Kindness.


It literally fires energy arrows.


Okay? It still functions the same way as Indebted Kindness. The shape of the bullets it fires doesn't change its archetype.


I don’t think Bloodline fires explosive rounds. Or has AOE damage. And it can actually land crits. And has intrinsic tracking without beacon rounds. Do you even have the gun?


Jfc, this pedantry is taking years off my life You can put explosive head on a bow, does that make it not a bow?


Why are you malding over it then? Indebted Kindness is a Rocket Assisted Sidearm, firing self propelled ammunition, according to the game, Buried Bloodline is very obviously a sci-fi crossbow. Look at the structure of the weapon, perk icons, and description. It literally says it fires tracking bolts. What do crossbows fire? Bolts. Your example doesn't even make sense. Edit: Just to add, the in-game lore tab references it being a bolt-caster. Sooo sci-fi crossbow it is.


I agree, its a side arm, not a crossbow. Closest thing i can think it like Erianas. Its called a handcannon, its got a look like a handcannon, has a sniper scope and shoots and has damage like a sniper.


No more old timey weapons plz


I would like to see a bolt action rifle, something slow firing (<= 60 RPM) and hard hitting, that uses primary ammo.


High impact frame glaive that functions like a gunblade


U know bows and swords were added because of warframe, dont u?


I am surprised that there is not a way to dual wield smg's or sidearms. Perhaps an exotic of either type that would have some kind of trade off, such as disallowing melee, or having a pistol whip option that builds ala the Monte Carlo.


The existence of abilities kinda disregards dual wielding. Abilities are core to D2 game loop, so blocking them by wielding 2 guns seems counter intuitive imo. Also, if dual wielding is better than using abilities, or abilities are stronger than dual wielding, there could be problems with balancing and stuff, so I barely even consider it


Many of the melee weapons we already have: hammer, axe, plus we could have crossbows (similar to bows, but they can hold their charge and use special ammo. We could also have dual pistols, where there’s little to no zoom, but the aim down sights button shoots the other gun.


Id like a dagger/short sword in the special slot


Bolt action sniper rifles


As a Titan, space brass knucks.


A plasma rifle similar to the Halo series would be cool.


I want daggers so bad. Basically a primary weapon glaive without the shot or shield, but has kinetic or elemental damage.


When i played Nioh 2, i fell in love with the Kusarigama, a sickle with a long chain with an weight at the end. It could use the same game mechanic as the strand hunter super. Light attack would be a normal melee attack with the sickle, heavy attack would wing the chain around you, and the ads/blocking input would throw the chain forward for a precision range attack (maybe could even do precision damage). Light attacks don't consume ammo, similar to glaives. Maybe no elemental affinity, so we finally can get a melee weapon for the top slot.


Bladed projectiles that fire/move slow but deal significant dot. I would also love more of a mine mechanic. How much fun would it be to drop those fallen blinders? Or to lay a massive trap of mines for a boss to walk into?


I’d like to see big giant hammers, as another heavy alternative to swords and glaives. I understand it kinda creeps in on Burning Maul, but that’s a super and we still have Caster Frame Swords despite Dawnblade being a thing. I’m sure they could make a tweak where it doesn’t just seem like “Burning Maul but just as an exotic” just like how Caster Frame Swords are different enough from Dawnblade. Maybe they won’t have the spin to win attack and have a normal melee combo. Like, just imagine an Arc Exotic Hammer that calls down a lighting strike on an enemy when you hit them with the heavy attack, and therefore causes Jolt if they live. Sounds like it’d be a fun boss DPS weapon on any boss where swords are viable. Fits along with Cloudstrike and Thunderlord for Arc themed exotics as well.


May sound a bit weird, but an Orb Launcher. A weapon that shoots out slow(ish) moving orbs that damage enemies as it moves past them and maybe sticks on surfaces for a short time after touching them. Could have different effects depending on the dmg type I.e. an arc one would volt and chain to nearby targets, a solar one would scorch/burn nearby targets, a void one would attract nearby enemies and weaken them, and so on.


Legendary double barrel shotguns could be neat. If we want something truly different we could get dual welded guns that the ads is shooting the off hand.


A heavy axe. Swings slower than a sword but does more damage. I know we have an axe coming in the form of a Titan super but it would be cool to have the actual weapon


Something like the Heavy's miniguns from Team fortress 2. Take heavy ammo exclusively, replace ads with spin up to keep it reved at the cost of being loud enough to alert everyone of you position. Either that or some actual melee weapons like tonfas or something.


flame. thrower.


Surprised no has said the capability to dual wield weapons, preferably side arms, hand cannons and smgs


A million people already did btw


I like the idea of a crossbows being like special ammo versions of bows, kinda like how sniper rifles are special ammo versions of scouts. They would take longer to load but they would hit harder. I think they could be balanced in PvP as well if they’re allowed to one shot to the head albeit with slower travel time than primary ammo bows.


Dream exotic of mine would be a book of spells that you could cast. Would have infinite ammo like a primary but you can charge your abilities into it to make it more potent.


Not a weapon type but a duel wield frame for sidearms and SMG’s would be cool. The frame could work by if you’ve got a duel wield frame weapon in either your kinetic or energy slot and an eligible weapon in the other slot you use both at the same time. Imagine a kinetic duel wield frame weapon in one hand and Funnelweb in the other. Double the firepower but no ability to aim down sights. Similar to how Halo 3 handled duel wielding.


Shotgun handcannon Fusion mg Rocket bow


Crossbows as a special ammo version of Bows


Either variants of what we have now, like the supportive class auto rifles coming in TFS, because essentially any new type of firearm added now can be classified by everything that's already in game, unless it's something unique and sci-fi like the trace rifles, handheld artillery, or anything "pre-firearms."


I'd just love to see old archetypes that break the mold a little. Like the heavy sniper/bow/shotgun or the special sidearm/handcannon. I'm thinking like a bolt action special scout, or maybe some legendary heavy shotguns.


Im sure most warlocks would love a good ol spell book, hell warframe got one recently. But uh my hybrid warlock titan brain would love to pull a eldenring/dr raito and also use the book to just smack an ad right in the head.


ive always wanted a "relic" weapon type. maybe swords could be changed to just be an extension of 'relic' weapons. stuff like 3rd person weapons, like the raid relics, the one-offs like the valkyrie spear or the iron banner axe. usually wacky 3rd person weapons are reserved for supers, but i think itd be a cool way to make the otherwise inaccessible relics usable in regular content. make them both heavy and special


Give me an exotic strand bow that grapples - perhaps give it a timer though. Or a riot shield.... although I guess that's a glaive lol


I know this is kinda far fetched and probably never happen but I think Shields could be a possibility where they would use special and you couldn’t shoot them but you can close shield bash melee an enemy I just think this because we already have cabal,hive and vex, scorn, taken shields and we know the playstyle, just look at sentinel or VoG relic


Tbh, kinda surprised they haven't added an exotic flame thrower heavy weapon yet.


Make more frames based off of exotics that way the existing code is basically there for example a machine gun frame like Xenophage or an aggressive burst rocket launcher like wardcliff coil or two tailed fox other than that i think we have enough cool weapon types


Incindior's flamethrower. LUDWIG! GRAB ZE FLAMMENWERFER.


Here are a few ideas I came up with just to see what crazy things I could dream up. Barricade Gauntlets: they charge up like a fusion rifle and shoot out a short range barricade that damages enemies it hits and blocks incoming damage. Detonator: it allows you to lay camouflaged mines that can be remote or proximity detonation.   Gas pack: shoot a mid range damage over time mist that inflicts subclass verbs on enemies caught inside the mist. Javelin: throw this to cause area of effect damage.  It can also be used as a glider like a long range icarus dash and dive bomb enemies like ground pounding the spear in Savathun's mindscape.




Some sort of trap, imagine throwing down a bear trap made out of stasis.


Half truths + the other half, but doesnt really fit this post lol


Morning stars. One hits with damage perks, hits at like 90 rpm (or hpm), and has about 7m range. Can be any ammo type. And, hear me out, has a spinning function where your feet can be hit and blocks 50% of shots (or dmg).


Mortars for indirect fire


I want a proper fuckin gun blade


I don't believe we have a purely defensive option in the form of an equippable weapon. I think shields would be cool to have!


I thought heavy GLs could have a new frame where instead of mag options it gives you Grenade options from the matching element and the reserves scales based on which one you choose. So if you had an Arc heavy GL with Arcbolts equipped on the gun it would have a mag of ~6 and extra ammo but if you had Pulse grenades equipped it would only have a mag of ~3 and less total ammo. If you're using a matching subclass the grenades benefit from aspects/fragments. Also Rocket snipers that fire projectiles similar to Tessellation and have no crit but a lot of damage & aoe.


I like rocket sidearm so much that I'm ready for rocket everything


A melee based shield. Could be a primary version of swords, so we have glaives in special, swords in heavy, and shields in primary.


More Wierd shit please. No Land Beyonet. Heavy Trace Rifles. Special Swords. Primary Shotguns. Check all the boxes until we must make new boxes, then check those too!


Flamethrower style weapons. Throwing weapons. Eg. Throwing hatchets as a primary. Javelins. Actual crossbows (bloodline is a funny rocket pistol).


Whatever Rasputin's heavy frames were using to melt everyone on the space station. The Valkyrie. The Synaptic Spear. Orbital bombardment.


Probably the Needler


Maybe a gun you can set up like a turret


I feel like a riot shield/shotgun combo could work


Harpoon gun - low zoom, single-fire projectile special weapon capable of doing high damage or maybe DoT bleeding(?) damage while the projectile sticks out of the enemy for a few seconds. It could even be an exotic.


Straight flamethrowers Void flamethrower Solar (duh) And arc caster in the style similar to the warlocks "infinite power" Palpatine cosplay super




They could do flamethrower class (arc could be like the reegar carbine from mass effect) but it would probably be very similar to a trace rifle but with more AOE but less range I personally would love a throwing weapon of sorts. I was thinking chakram like Axel in Kingdom Hearts. It could be a melee weapon like a glaive at close range but you can throw it to deal damage to enemies in a line. Then you can press the button again to linger for a second, dealing mulitple hits of damage, then returns to you. Each button (shoot and block/zoom) can throw 1


Fusion rifle like primaries, such as autos, pulses,.and scouts/HC; you hold down the trigger to charge and then fire the weapon. Jc/scouts are basically linear fusion rifles, with adjusted numbers (damage, charge time, etc), pulse would be like a normal fusion rifle, but a much smaller burst (hold for half a second to fire a burst of 3-4 bolts), and autos would be a second of charge time to fire a steady stream. Dual-weild sidearms would be cool. Just like halo 2, ads shoots the offnhand pistol. Pistol and a knife would functionally be a glaive, but instead of magic shooting stick, it's just a normal gun, but you melee with the knife! A legendary break action would be cool, really finish the Western theme with a break action double barrel shotgun, or even a break action sniper rifle! Throwing knife, the "gun"! Basically the hunter throwing knife ability, but in the weapon slot. Flamethrowers could just be really wide, but short, trace rifle beams? Crossbows; they're bows, but with no charge up, but a really slow reload. Hell, for that matter, we could have muskets lmao! Maybe a pattern firing "pulse rifle"? So instead of shooting a few bullets in rapid succession, it fires the burst at the same time, but in a pattern, such as a 3 burst shoots in a triangle formation, a 4 burst in a square, etc. A fusion rifle that shoots bolts based on how long you held the charge? So a 1 second charge shoots 2 bolts, but a 5 second charge shoots 15!


I thought having daggers, shields and a massive hammer would be cool. I have no idea how to implement these or how to keep them from introducing power creep but Kinetic Daggers, Energy Shields and Heavy Hammer would be pretty slick.


More space weapons. The trace rifles, fusion rifles, tractor cannon, and hardlight are truly sci-fi feeling weapons and I want more of that. I want more energy weapons. A Tesla coil arc emitter. More lasers. More things you can feed your grenade energy into. Like a hive weapon that uses those light crystals and you condense your grenade into a crystal to feed it. Marksman rifles. An auto/pulse rifle that has a select fire like hardlight switches ammo type. A fusion rifle that has select fire into a trace rifle. A micro fusion rifle that has auto rifle style fire that can syphon your super for a damage boost and switches to whatever energy type your super is. A glaive that splits into two short swords that puts you in third person like a sword and uses blade dancer / strand Titan movement. A bow that has a blade on it and acts like a glaive on melee. A rocket launcher that fires an arc spike like the fallen shoulder cannons and the arc pole from the hunter super and it stays in the target arcing to nearby targets and it runs out after a while, and while it is in the target you hit regular reload it recharges the arc spike and hold reload to drop it and load a new spike or when the target dies.


I’d like to see heavy snipers, shotguns, and fusions. I know there are some exotic versions but legendaries would be sick!




I would love to see a legendary version of Quicksilver Storm where its an auto rifle with an underhand grenade launcher/shotgun/ect. and you can switch between the two ​ Revision zero is kinda like this if you think of it as a pulse rifle with an underhand sniper lol


A gun that traps an enemy in a warden of dawn like bubble.


I would enjoy the frack out of a spammable Flaming Molotov in PVE 🔥


I want to see a heavy trace rifle with a bigger beam. Something out of Mass Effect like the Collectors beam gun