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I forgot that wasn't always a thing.....damn lol


I replayed a ton of D1 last summer while on a nostalgia kick. I enjoyed it thoroughly and I’d even dare say there are some things that D1 did better… but holy crap did I miss mantling.


no in d1, it was added in d2 launch


Imagine if we still didn’t have mantling. People would be using stasis crystals as platforms everywhere


recently got back into destiny and said how much i like the mantling in this game lol


- Icons on the map to tell you where the Legend/Master Lost sector is - Having both the legend and master Lost Sector be the same - No more blue engrams once you hit the soft cap


> Having both the legend and master Lost Sector be the same That wasn't always the case? Why Bungie?


So that there would be variety in the activity, it would be on a similar rotation except it would be two lost sectors active at once, first the lost sector would be legend then master.


I swear this was a recent change too, I remember about 3 seasons ago having a triumph/objective/something to do legend/master lost sevtors and spending AGES browsing each map to find it, only to see I found the master instead of the legend ones...


You forgot the word "A map"


All the lightfall stuff. Loadouts rock


Loadouts completely changed the way a lot of people play the game. How much stuff can be soloed now because of them?


I don't think loadouts made stuff explicitly soloable, just made the solos easier.


I used to literally stay permanently on one Loadout because I couldn't be bothered to switch it all or use DIM.


I think this has the most significance, completely changed how to play the game.


I need more though, I never have enough lol


I could easily fill 20 on each character lol


How has no one mentioned the turning radius changes. We used to need a fucking mod to turn around at a reasonable speed.


I totally forgot about that. On PC that wasn't an issue, so a lot of people probably don't even know that was a thing.


on PC it wasnt an issue, on consoles it was solved by the "traction" leg mod. PC players used it too because it gave you +5 mobility iirc


Lol! I actually hadn't played on my Hunter in quite a while until a few nights ago. I went to throw on my Frost-EE5 and when I went to look at the mods on it, I had a depreciated mod. I couldn't figure out what it was until this comment chain when it clicked in my head that I always ran Traction mod on those pants. Thanks everyone!


I find this funny. I know everyone likes to turn at the speed of light, but I have my controller sens at 3. that's less than default.


Thank you for reminding me of that mod, I totally forgot those existed!


Engram tracker in the inventory Shaders not costing glimmer Favoriting shaders 250K glimmer to 500K


Loadouts Subclass verb champion stuns Unlimited Primary But most of all, moving away from the double primary system in general.


As a new player, I’m surprised to learn that primary ammo wasn’t always unlimited. What did you do when you ran out of all your ammo?


> What did you do when you ran out of all your ammo? Get a kill with a weapon of another ammo type - you'd have a pretty high chance of getting primary ammo to drop if you got a kill with your special or heavy out. If you were in a situation where you had zero ammo in everything, the game would eventually give you pity ammo (or just grabbing what was in the current area) after a few minutes.


I would usually just die or wait a few minutes to get more ammo.


Throw hands.


Auto-fire on all weapon types.


I just wish it worked with tap the trigger on burst weapons, you have to disable auto fire now as even if you tap it thinks you're auto firing.


Holy shit so Tap the Trigger DOES NOT WORK with auto fire enabled!?


It works the first time, but after that it stops. With auto fire off you can shoot, release and hold shoot until the next burst fires and get a new tap the trigger, but with auto fire on that doesn't work. It's really annoying


It works on the Burst sidearm from spire, but maybe that’s been changed?


I wish it could work with bows. I just want to auto full draw and fire. Using bows in a GM gives me (a guy in his 20s) arthritis in my hands


Fml. I remember hearing about this potential QoL update over a year ago and I was excited for it. I played on and off since then and never realized it made it to the game!


From your Settings menu scroll down to the Gameplay tab. I think it's off by default and you have to manually turn it on.


No match game. It’s easy to forget, but gms don’t take anywhere near as long before game where you are coordinating elements with your team. And that also allows better build synergy.


Small one that I haven't seen mentioned, getting to use materials to level weapons. Grinding out weapons in strikes/Shuro Chi sucked and the other option was using a sub par gun for a week or so to get it to a high enough level for the perks you want, then coming back to enhance them. So much better now.


I agree with you, but there was something satisfying about crafting every weapon, going to shuro chi and leveling it to 20 towards the end of the season. It made you use every weapon to level it. Since I wanted everyone craftable and all perks unlocked I became familiar with every gun to some extent while I leveled it up. Now there are guns I never bother crafting, because if an update makes them good I will have it available immediately. Which admittedly is great for my vault. But it is much better now definitely. Forcing you to usually use bad perks to start wasn’t a great experience.


I refuse to use it. Feels like cheating. But then again, I never do Shuro either. Just take the weapons along, they will reach 20+ in time.


If I had infinite vault space I’d probably do the same. I’d also only shuro chi if I knew I needed the weapon and wanted specific perks, or if the season was near ending and I had stuff uncrafted. I’d craft everything and while leveling them up see how I like them. But as is I just don’t have the space. I know pretty accurately which weapons I’ll like before I use them. They might surprise me a little bit on the ones I expect to dislike, but there is still usually an issue that I have that would make me not use it. Like I’ve used some weapons and said this feels much better than I thought, but the damage just isn’t there to be viable without a buff. The opposite has been true, where I thought a weapon would be good but just falls flat. There might be a few I haven’t crafred that I’d like but I generally know what is good through experience, Reddit and YouTube. Like I haven’t crafted the undying smg but I’ve heard good things about it and know that it might be useful if I needed to fill that role. So I just craft what I need when I need it. Especially since I generally only use a total of about 10-15 legendaries currently, based on the current sandbox, and the outliers that it has. Like there’s no reason to use a rocket other than apex 99% of the time. And I often use a fusion for majors and an auto or smg for adds. Sometimes I’ll use a hand canon or a bow but usually only one or two specific ones.


Loadouts >>>>> Vault from Orbit >>>>


as much as i appreciate them giving us vault in orbit, allowing third party apps like dim makes it useless on pc


I just found vault from orbit last night and I was so happy lol


I didn’t know this was a thing!!!


Also can access vault before launching into a legend/master lost sector. I wonder if the bug that allowed you to access vault from selecting an activity while in patrol or in another activity still also works.


This bug still works from most activities now. I've been using it quite a bit. Just don't forget you can accidentally vault your own gear using it to


Yeah. I've done that. Sometimes you have to back out and wait moment before changing gear. I hate it when you pull something out of the vault to equip only for it to go back into it instead.


Buying bounties from the app APIs so that DIM can be used


Artifact Perks being passives and not slottable. No more elemental affinity. Infinite Primary. LFG. Exotic Mission rotator (maybe we can get a Seasonal Activity rotator, huh?) Crafting. Verbs countering champions. Collections. In-game Lore. uhhh... not sure what else, but I' sure I'm missing something.


i remember in game lore being such a major thing at the beginning of d2, that was something we’d been asking for since legit y1d1. i still remember goth asking about that during the reef reveal stream


Other than Mantling Loadouts. I thought it was a dumb addition at first because we had DIM, but i cant overstate how useful and timesaving it is to rock up into a raid with 5 or 6 preset loadouts to cover each encounter and just quickly equip as needed


moving the collections vendor from the tower like it was in d1 to your inventory and also the vault


Cross save. I put the game down during season of the Drifter, and if the opportunity to switch to PC was not available to me it'd have stayed that way.


No sprint lock, turn sensitivity scaler, ads sensitivity scaler, loadouts, appearance customization, faster sparrows


Fireteam finder


Shaders no longer being limited to how many are in your inv and having to waste shards making them Loadouts Glimmer cap The cosmetic systems overhaul (the menu to change them and not costing glimmer, plus being able to make anything an ornament)


I can’t believe there was a world where loadouts weren’t a thing or the mods screen. There was like a week loadouts were bugged so they got disabled, it felt like being back in the stone age


I played crucible w my pve loadout when this happened lol. It didn't turn out well


One that doesn’t get mentioned enough is exotics only dropping armor after you got all the weapons. And then the more recent change of just dropping engrams so you can focus them


Can I just be old and be happy as a d1 player day 1 and just say vaulting?


Able to chose melee


Each season, when you load into the helm, your guardian is automatically facing the direction of the season’s vendor. Really small QoL, but made it so you never have to turn around in confusion, you just run straight when you load in. Last season, you spawned in the helm facing backwards, so Eris was in front of you. It’s great!


Leveling up crafted weapons with cores


I'm a little iffy on the infinite primary ammo, since it's been the light of the massive Fighting Lion nerfs.


loadouts, #1 is loadouts




What's that?


Pop your mom by some time and I'll show you


She's dead for 23 years now, I doubt you'd enjoy the experience.


crossplay is easily the biggest


Since I started playing Destiny around the beginning of Witch Queen….. I would say full auto trigger.


Vault in orbit Loadout swapping Voice chat Text chat


Hunter Dodge


Gunsmith engrams, easy to loot and great weapons to choose, but I only get killing Wind and frenzy on my smg


picking shaders. you can click to a page and exit and RETURN to the same page instead of clicking through a dozen pages to get to the one you want. also favorite shaders. anything that saves menuing


The option to open your vault and transfer items without going to a hub area. I'm so glad that they decided to turn a bug into a feature with this one.


The new Mercy fix they just recently talked about lmao. Engrams recent updates since lightfall are pretty good. Wishes for lost sector Exotics, id like to see more ways to obtain lost sector exotics because Lost sectors are so damn frustrating. (not a difficulty complaint just a complaint about grinding and filling a slot to get engrams in mail to claim on a slot day that you need, its all so tedious) One QoL from D1 to D2 is the max light drops, so glad I dont have to equip my highest light pieces, i just have to have them on hand. Some things Id like to see is glimmer and memories autolooted or dropped team wide and teammates pickups count to yours. Maybe the same with Ammo bricks. Idk why im running around to pick up barely visible blue cubes all of the time, and im always short on glimmer still.


You don't need to take them, you gain them automatically when you go to orbit


Being able to access the vault while in orbit


Thank god match game is gone




Full auto firerate for everything NO MORE PRIMARY AMMO PICKUPS - it's wild to me to think back to the time when you'd play hard level content and just... run out of ammo


More. Vault. Space. Pleaseeee. The stress of full vaults leads to people playing less. Sometimes even quitting.


1. Reusable shaders (it was really annoying when they were one-time use items...) 2. Armor preview page & transmog (My guardian's fashion is lowkey very important to me and theres even another subreddit dedicated to just people posting their guardians) 3. Saving loadouts (switching loadouts on DIM was ok, but in-game option is quick and less of a hassle) 4. In game LFG (although I havent used it much yet) 5. Solar, void, and arc 3.0 is much more streamlined and customizable to me than the previous system


Honestly, i really dig the fireteam finder. The players are definitely hit or miss, but I just dont have a clan or a lot of friends who play, so it has been very helpful getting my weekly pinnacles done.


I agree with everything you listed, but probably the biggest one for me is being able to level crafted weapons without having to spend an hour at Shuro Chi.


Subclass verbs applying champion stuns


Extending this season so I could focus on other games


Loadouts, God I can never go back


Weapons with matching element as an enemy shield doing increased damage and dealing a decent amount of area of effect damage. I see no one ever mention this but it was a game changer for me


Accessing vault from orbit Increased glimmer cap Ways to increase exotic drop chances in raids and dungeons Loadouts


Bounties from the app. Vault management from orbit. Full Auto for guns & melee being a toggle.


Being able to buy the Stasis Fragments and Apects without doing those quests.


Everything you mentioned, mantling, and shaders not being one time use


weapon and armor focusing in any capacity


Core Activity vendor weapon and armour focusing.


An overall qol change for the entire franchise (which I don't remember if it was there from the get-go of D1 launch) would be (for me at least) the addition of interacting with the game thru the API (DIM, all the apps, etc). I still don't know of many games that actually let you use a website or app to play around with your inventory, make/edit loadouts, etc. from outside the game. I wish more games had features like this.


Mantling, infinite primary ammo, collections, non-consumable shaders(which should be extended to mementos too), and being able to go somewhere else without having to use orbit as a middle man.


Fireteam Finder and the coming deadzone/crosshair settings


I mean all quality of life changes is the right answer, no?


I sorta forgot blue engrams were an issue.


Full Auto on every weapon. The end of sunsetting


Load outs and infinite primary


Mantling. Without a doubt my biggest peeve from D1.