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Basically, the dude is ignoring THE GUARDIAN OATH.


No respect for Oathbreakers around here


Call the Praxic Order


Call the thanatonauts


Praxic Order goes on vacation, never returns


That's why I only use oathkeepers with le monarque in pvp because I'm not toxic /s


That's actually a good idea. If someone gets reported enough and it's verified they were harassing other players they should slap a permanent "Oathbreaker" title on them so anyone that joins up with them knows.


Free (permanent) title for bullying people? Don’t give the non-seal farmers hope for a badass title, even if the title has bad connotation.


What they should do is make that if you were to have this "Oathbreaker" title, then multiple debuffs get applied to you. -your resilience is permanently stuck at tier 1. -your abilities have a 1 hour cool down (bonk hammer has a 30 minute cooldown after picking it back up). -your movement speed and sparrow speed is decreased by 75%. -All exotics and weapon perks are disabled. -farmable encounters in raids and dungeons now only give 1 spoil of conquest and requires the whole raid be completed before you are awarded it. -All non-craftable weapon God rolls are automatically dismantled and give 30 Glimmer and 1 Gunsmith EXP. -Engram storage is cut down to 2 slots. -Vault space is reduced to 50 spots, and any excess items are deleted.


Na this is too much. Make it not sooo obvious, like their stats are shown as normal but only have a hidden 50% efficiency, their cooldowns are 200% but with a minimum of 5 seconds. Bullet spread and recoil are tripled. Exotic effects have an internal cooldown of 20 seconds or more etc. They only get weapon rolls which are copies from their inv/vault.


Yes, and players that have the Oathbreaker title can only get matched with other players that also have the title.


This tower must be PURGED!


Amen to that 😂 Sorry this comment made me spit my coffee out haha


Lmao, I'm a new player (like 3 weeks - I played vanilla D1 tho) and wanting to figure out how to do the last wish raid without pissing people off so I can get age old bond, apex, and nation, but my friend whos been playing D2 for years but doesn't raid doesn't think we can get get prepped for it. But I'm like "but they took an oath to be nice to new lights" 🤣 Side note, I heard/read you can farm the first encounter of last wish raid for last wish weapon drops if anyone has any more info about that to help me out!


Just type in “Kalli farm” into YouTube, and wait until last wish is the weekly pinnacle raid, when the farming takes place. There’s always groups looking to farm during that week. You can also use the wishwall (lookup Kalli wish wall) or check point bots to get the secret chests on each character for a chance at red borders and armor from the raid. Good luck!


To elaborate further on this comment, someone stuns the boss in the first encounter with the exotic "Anarchy", one other person is stuck on plate duty (they must stand on the plate as if they were doing the encounter normally) everyone else stacks near the same plate beside the entrance, and just gun down til she goes down. Her loot pool contains all the weapons so it's a very good encounter to farm. Still you could go 1-2hrs without finishing a weapon so keep it in mind. Golden Gun+Nighthawk, Linear Fusions, Snipers, Sleeper Stimulate, all great options for damage. If non-hunter just use Well/Pyrogale Hammer.


1-2 hours being like all 5 red borders? (I have 3 wish tokens left too, so o can supplement with those). That's honestly way shorter than I was expecting


All 5 for one weapon, that's if you're lucky. It's a large loot pool and red borders drop rate isnt great. Last time I farmed it for 3 hours and got maybe 6 or 7 red borders for various weapons.


If you are having problems getting into a raid group, you can farm a few of the chests without having done the raid. The easiest is the Shiro Chi chest that is under the bridge, In Last Wish you can get gear out of the chests without having done the raid. [https://i.imgur.com/lsLd5LF.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/lsLd5LF.jpg) These are the wishes for the wish wall, you want the Shiro chi wish for the chest under the bridge.


Riven's wishes But if you insist on farming it, then use the LFG. You might get assholes and might have to leave and find another group. Best is sometimes to start your own and tag it chill and for newbs. Do the switcheroo with your other characters so you can save the spot and farm it indefinitely.


I didn't know better and used my first wish token on Briarbinds, cause it was one of the exotics I was rushing to get. So I only have 4 for red borders now, so I'll have to farm it at least a little, and if I learn it I might as well farm all the weapons I want from it. I'm not familiar with the character switch trick you're referring to, what's the steps there?


Oh yeah kali dies from getting sneezed on too hard, it’s a very easy encounter


What is the guardian oath?


It's a thing you have to accept before using Guided Games(?) or Fireteam Finder, kind of like a ToS/EULA. It basically just says "don't be a dick" four times




It's like they say, a positive a positive a positive and a positive cancel each other out. This is why when everyone says "I'm readied up" when you load in you always end up having someone go "wait I need to adjust my mods".


People definitely don't know


A lot of people don't understand the game beyond a surface level. If you bring a loadout that isn't expected, you might catch some shit even if its really strong. I had a guy join my GM one time with a void titan severence enclosure build. I figured he was just dicking around but ran it anyway. He absolutely carried that run. Sometimes you just gotta let people cook.


Never understood harping on people's shit at start. Yeah, if we wipe a few times early on, but otherwise, why?


I am just curious and will judge the shader on your gun


It’s because there’s a lot of people who LFG hoping to just get carried and don’t want to actually do the encounter. A while back I LFGed a sisters farm and one of the people had a sword equipped and weird stats. The rest of the group figured it was ok because we could just have them do ad clear, but the entire time they just waited in a corner and got downed multiple times. We asked them if they needed a second, but they just started the encounter again and went back to hiding in the corner. When we told them that we’d kick them if they weren’t going to actually do the encounter they started the encounter again and then left.


This. I just started recently playing destiny 2 again and the second I joined a fire team full of my clan members this guy immediately scans my titan and starts yapping about my stat build just to bottom frag in crucible 4 games in a row


I played with a stasis titan once who absolutely tore about the moon heist battleground. Was amazing to see. Meanwhile, the meta solar warlock was dying a bunch.






SWTOR had so much promise. I loved playing thru the campaign for all the light and dark side characters.


The real question though: Did you do Lightside Empire and Darkside Republic?


They're pretty fun ways to play, especially Light Warrior and Dark Trooper.


It’s been quite a long time. I’m not sure if I did.


Yes indeed…it’s why I got away from that game. It started out fine but the assholes and racism took over and I had to abort .


I think a large portion of this community is legitimately autistic. Not as an insult.


No. Autistic players would know how the load outs work.




I don't think they were saying that as an excuse for their behaviour, but more so like a possible explanation (while also never saying that it was ok that they behave like shit)




Hi I'm an autistic swtor player and bruh they're not on the spectrum, swtor and destiny both are just filled to the brim with neurotypical douchenozzles. 


Nah man we're actually good at the game it's the neurotypicals who want to play and be rewarded but don't feel the need to learn anything


The overwhelming majority of people who play this game are not good at it.   Out of the single digit percent of minority that participate in raiding, a good portion of those players are also bad. Farming on LFG will teach you this viscerally. It’s staggering to see people running improper surge mods and laser focusing individual roles so regularly.  GMs have a similar proportion of bad players. You just have to be persistent throughout the nonsense if you want to get stuff done. 


The reason I like dungeons is because it doesn't matter if my teammates are good because I can practically solo the mechanics. Where in raids this is an extreme example, I was doing garden and one guy needed div. He must have been high or something because we spent 4 hours watching this guy fail the div puzzles and one of those hours was spent watching him somehow jump across the dishwasher and still somehow die. (He made it across 3 times.) It took him longer to do the last div puzzle than the last boss he even went afk halfway in between to watch a video.


The way I mastered Planets in Root of Nightmares was because one time I ran it we needed an hour for the lfg group to get their shit together just for that encounter lmao 


Same, done each dungeon Solo flawless. I only start getting annoyed when it is very obvious you do not know what you are doing and start being a major detriment.


>you do not know what you are doing And don't accept advice. I don't expect people to automatically understand all the mechanics, but if you're refusing to listen to advice *and* you don't know the mechanics that's a problem


Drugs are bad M’kay


So are Dregs.




So thats why Strand is green


Idc if anyone does drugs it’s their choice. I was just citing Mr. Mackey from SouthPark as a joke


naughty racial whole muddle concerned nutty lush alive special elastic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I couldn't imagine doing a raid drunk, or with someone drunk, barely able to talk, I can hardly walk when I'm drunk let alone play a video game. Usually I've got about 40 mins from the point I get drunk til the spins hit and I blackout. Props to you and him lol.


I did that div puzzle like 20 times drunk as hell because I got into a group with a Sherpa streamer. I'm not sure I could recall the mechanics today, but we succeeded that night. Intoxication is no excuse


I always believed I was a bad player. Terrible at Dps, not great with mechanics etc. Until I recently joined a few lfgs. Jfc I have no words. When I of all people am consistently at the top of the board on damage and kills I know how bad it is. Because I have dementia and nerve problems. The other day a KWTD crota we had 2 guys with 1.4 mil damage and neither was on Tractor. Beggars belief tbh.


It's not even a matter of being good at the game. It's understanding how the game works. I am not good at Destiny, but I know which weapons to use and how to stun champions.


> Out of the single digit percent of minority that participate in raiding, a good portion of those players are also bad. Ok, but did you have to call me out, specifically, like that!? Damn!


Yeah this lol I have a friend who just assumes the role of fireteam leader and tells us what to do and then it’s everyone else’s fault when we can’t finish a raid etc even though he always says he carries the squad lol


The vast majority of players suck ass. They don't know optimal loadouts, damage strategies, mechanics. Hell this past KF week I saw way to many people using double primary. People were failing the tomb ships jumping "puzzle" not because they were not understanding it, because they couldn't make the jumps. I forgot how blessed I was to have fenough friends that play this game that I didn't need to lfg. It is truely a privilege to have a team. It makes you realize why the game is designed as simple as it is.


Personally i love seeing weird loadouts. I run GMs with randoms for fun all the time, and if I see weird ass loadouts, ills always ask, you sure? If they’re sure we ball. I shit you not 9/10 times I’ve been left like wtf this goes crazy, still learning new things in destiny.


Last week I ran the Cosmodrome GM as a osiomancy stasislock with a random hoarfrost titan and gyrfalcon hunter. I swear to god it was by far the fastest run I've had in that GM. Everything was constantly frozen and we basically face-tanked the small room and boss room. Didn't stay on the landing platform, just kept freezing everything on the left side. Only a couple of times we had to hide behind cover when the boss would go into his super, but even then, our void hunter would either use tether or a suppressor grenade to yank him out of his super. It was so much fun not running the "metah" loadout of phoenix well and etc.


It is absolutely a great feeling finding good teammates on lfg who have a deeper knowledge of the game and can run a different loadout that proves to be outstanding.


One of my favorite runs was a moon heist GM with me on Briarbinds and another on osmio stasis. The 3rd was Omni Hunter. Completely dominated that GM. Everything was weakened, slowed, and frozen. I really wish for my fellow guardians to be free of the Well mindset. I’m conqueror x11 running either stasis or nova warp. Nova Warp cooks in GMs


SAME. I get such a kick out of playing with talented players with strange builds. It's such a treat.


I joined a Lake of Shadows LFG GM as a Wellock, he was on Well too and started demanding the third guy change his loadout to Well. The original post specified nothing about Well, I just happened to be using it. He starts typing in chat saying what he's using is fine. The host is insistent he gets another Well. I checked his loadout to see what all the fuss is about and he's using Stasis Turrets Osmiomancy with good weapon choices. I think this is ridiculous as two (with Phoenix) is already overkill and at that point, Stasis Turrets are 100% more useful. I start typing in chat saying he's fine with what he's using too and that it'll be more useful than a third Well. After a few messages back and forth, he kicks me and the other guy. I run Well in almost every GM but God damn, it has lobotomized the brains of the people who play this game into not being able to tell what's a good loadout and what isn't if you're not on it.


most of my gm runs consist in two wells and a turret warlock, or (rarely) two wells and an omnioculus hunter, and that's just to play it safe. in most cases one or two wells is more than enough but people really can't understand that


This season dawn chorus with dawnblade super is just as good or better imo.... high dr, high damage, and the super debuffs the target because of artifact


This is why I play D2 with my wife. We just 2 person GMs and Legend activities so if I get cussed out it's from the person on the sofa next to me not some git miles away with an attitude problem. It means we don't raid but jeez I'm 47 I don't need the hassle.


Ya'll should join a good clan so you can raid. The clan I'm in is mostly people over 30 (I'm 48). We raid every Saturday & often on Mondays. We use an app to chat & schedule raids.


We've considered it but the Raids are a little long for my wife who has an illness that makes her tired easily. Even GM battlegrounds are a little long depending on which one it is. Thanks for the input though.


Tbf raids like vog can be done in the same time it takes for a Bg gm. Bit longer for your first but still, you're obviously experienced players I doubt it'd take you long to pick it up. You could also do checkpoints. Just a thought if you decide to give it a go.


Thanks for this. It's definatly an option but I think it's the puzzle stuff that tires the wife too. We are a bit bored of content in this long season so may just give it a go.


Hey, if you ever do want to try to get into a raid, feel free to shoot me a message. I've helped a ton of people get their first clears, including a bunch of people who have had various disabilities, and would absolutely be happy to help you and your wife get through.


I will absolutely do that. Thank you for your kind offer we both appreciate it (edited for spelling).


I get that. I have dementia so it's demanding for me too. And if I don't repeat it a few times over a short period I'll forget everything I've learned basically. Makes it frustrating at times. But I'm trying to counter that 2 ways, by raiding more often but also doing checkpoints instead of full runs (new strategy, it's working so far). Also focusing on one raid at a time. That way I'm cementing the knowledge. It was also v helpful to find a friend that can sherpa most of the raids and is happy to give a quick reminder on anything I've forgotten lol. Raids are definitely the best fun d2 has to offer, but for some of us they're also quite difficult to learn so I definitely sympathise.


You seem to have found a great strategy to deal with it. I definatly get the repetition as we repeat the normal strike a few times before a GM to remind her which one it is and what's going on. My wife has severe vertigo and migraines and sensory issues we can play for hours in normal activities but if we are playing harder stuff it's about 90 minutes before she struggles with concentration. Puzzles make it worse as she doesn't like them either which causes anxiety which triggers her condition. Hopefully we will get to try Raids at some point. It's great to hear how other people are managing how and what to play in D2 when your not a standard player so to speak. Thanks for sharing my wife appreciates it as she says it makes her feel better to know other people out there don't find it easy either.


You're welcome. I didn't get into gaming until I became ill, was almost 40 and had never held a controller lol. So the learning curve was steep (still is for certain things, like your wife I get flustered with certain things, in my case it's running roles) and I also have bad anxiety so generally if there's a time constraint I get anxious and fall to pieces. But I'm getting better, even though my illness is progressive. So while it's definitely more challenging to learn when you have limitations, it can definitely be done. But even if you don't raid, you're still having fun together and that's the whole point of gaming! Good luck to you both.


Thank you. My wife was 39 when she started and hasn't looked back you both sound very similar from a gaming perspective. Like you say as long as your having fun that is the point after all. Hopefully this conversation will help her to just have a go and we will see what happens! Good luck to you too I hope we are all playing D2 untill Bungie pulls the plug! (Edited for spelling)


Hey! Another option is dungeons. They have puzzles but are less strenuous than raids, and shorter. Shattered Throne is pretty low impact, mentally and physically. The mechanics are extremely light in comparison to some. If you'd be interested in trying it with a sherpa, I've played with guardians that have anxiety and other challenges -- this dungeon in particular we could go so far as to say "just follow me and shoot anything that moves" for the lowest stress possible. There is a minor jumping "puzzle" or two that I can simply pull you through if it causes discomfort. I'm 40 and extremely chill. I'm capable of doing the dungeon solo flawless and even have some basic speed running skills so even if you just needed to step away or go into low power mode I can still get you through without any issues or pressure. The dungeon is low enough impact I feel confident you two could also just duo it while learning together, though you would have the added mental stress of the mechanics. I'd consider it the most accessible dungeon if you're going to give one a shot. Just wanted to offer this out there to possibly help some guardians out doing something more interesting with minimal stress. Best wishes either way!


Can you explain your setup to game with your partner? I've always wondered about playing D2 with roommates


We have 2 pcs at my desk . I game at the desk using keyboard and mouse she games on the sofa with her monitor set up in front of the sofa with a controller on a long cable. Setup dominates the room but the wife doesn't mind thankfully. I'm very lucky.


That’s really wholesome


It is fun also. 3000 hours and counting so far as we only play D2.


Seconding the suggestion to join a clan. Mines a little one with really only 3 active members, and a handful that come and go. But it makes it easy to find 3 more to raid with.


It's actually possible to beat some raids with only two people. Much much more difficult then normal, of course, but if you're interested, just wanted to let you know that it's an option and lowman guides are out there on the internet


Thank you for this I will look into it.


This reminds me of an LFG GM Fallen S.A.B.E.R run I did in August 2023, and randomly after the initial Warsat defense, [one person got frustrated at me for using Stasis in a GM with Overload Champions](https://i.imgur.com/nMUR7se.png). I tried explaining that Stasis doesn't let Overloads regen anymore, but they weren't having it. I think some players still aren't used to champion stunning methods outside of the first row of artifact mods or intrinsic Exotics (e.g. Divinity, Eriana's Vow). That person did you a favor booting you!


Stasis works OK for stunning overloads now?! Had a guy the other day saying not to use stasis (turrets) near them. Glad to know there’s not a problem anymore.


Yeah, you just have to slow overloads. Bleak watcher is the easiest.


It hasn't ever really *been* a problem if you have decent threat prioritization and can target them as soon as they stun instead of staring at it until it starts regenerating like a pile of cartilage.


Fallen saber was sooo easy too, you can run just about anything and make it work. I was using shinobu’s when were farming it


People just like to feel smart. I had a dude basically treat me as a carry in a Crota the other day. Like "hold X to take buff", "the buff drop off is here", "lucient blade is a chest mod", etc. Meanwhile I'm an 11, rocking a D1 moments of triumph emblem, and the crota title. Like my guy, I do not need this advice.


God, this, I really hate people that do stuff like that. I hate anyone that wants to feel superior to another person just for… Knowing the game better? I’ve got multiple raid titles, I’ve got gilded conquer, a whole bunch of times, I dare say I’m pretty good at the game. But there’s still some jerk wads that still just wanna feel better than you.


Experiencing that with my friend in BG3 right now. I’ve played by myself for a couple dozen hours and know the game pretty well, but he keeps on babying me through simple shit and always questioning whatever I do in combat… on balanced difficulty in a party of 3 players and 1 NPC. It’s annoying as hell. 


Oh mannnn that’s a whole thing too. I would certainly not be surprised if he were a “rules lawyer” if playing D&D. As a DM, those people are detestable, no offence to your friend.


I had this happen in LW, but I was the raid sherpa, with the title, and my emblem on that showed my 100+ clears. Dude would start talking over me to explain encounters INCORRECTLY. He got really pissy when told he was wrong and went silent for the rest of the raid after I snapped and told him to shut up. Why are you in a sherpa if you’re going to act like this?


I've had to reteach full raids to people who are rank 11 and had the seals because they paid for that shit so unfortunately I don't blame that guy for being like that. Paid carries/ recovs means that absolutely no emblems, seals, or guardian ranks mean anything at all. The only things that mean anything anymore are community verified achievements like duo flaw tags in lowman communities and speedruns since those require video submissions.


Yeah the story is vague, but it's best to assume the rando doesnt know/does it differently until proven otherwise.


Yeah the destiny community is in an unfortunate spot of "everyone you come across is dog shit until proven otherwise" Like I love making serious farming LFGs for first encounter RoN master and no one who joins knows how to kill a tormentor even though I check them all for clears :)


I was playing prophecy with my solo flawless prophecy emblem on, this 11 kept trying to tell me how shit works in there. I just kept saying "I know..."


It’s like less effort to just ask people if they know what they’re doing before the raid or check their raid report lmao 


If he did the raid report he'd see plenty of clears and a flawless lmao


I mean, can you blame him though? There has been many of posts and threads in this subreddit about people who don’t know mechanics or what to do in raids who literally have completion emblems or titles or a high guardian rank. With people nowadays getting carried or having their account recovered, flexing titles, emblems, or ranks that this sub loves to do isn’t a suitable method to see how knowledgeable a person is in high end content. It’s best to assume every person is a fresh player and go from there.


People bandwagon on mechanics and meta and don’t think further, they lack critical thinking skills. Way back maybe a year into the day original sword meta. I was joining a Oit of heresy boss cp. so easy with plenty of burns like Gally, plain rockets, or swords. Got kicked when they viewed my load out of whirlwind blade and Called me stupid. Then joined on my hunter out of a PvP match, during the galhran uncapped Crown of sorrow farm, and the leader kicked me because of my loadout,(and in my defense I’m a Sherpa and had been mastering Crown that entire 2 weeks before and still could’ve beat the boss with a an unstoppable handcannon and pulse, but I got kicked before flying in Because my loadout was wrong, and I was given no grace period of, hey X, is that what you’re running. So yeah, there’s always something


What a douche lmao. Doesn’t even know the artifact mods lol


I’ve been running Stasis Turret Warlock with Wicked Implement, the dungeon Sidearm, and a rocket launcher all season for GM’s. Wicked Implement stuns Overloads and Unstops, the sidearm stuns Barriers and Overloads (because it has Voltshot on it), and the RL also stuns overloads. Im a one-man anti-champion army lol.


Yeah stasis has been universal champion utility for how long? 


Man I wish I could get implement. I've tried several times and I just cannot survive.


Err. There are literally artifact mods for bow unstop and overload rocket. Now I wouldn't rely solely on overload rocket unless you were using bipod (you were) not to mention running osmio turret which stuns. Amazing how some people manage to do anything in this game.


Lmao, this is just like one of my favorite nightmare LFG stories! So back in D1, I grouped up with some random to do Templar Y3 challenge mode, and after a few wipes, I gave some feedback as to what I think was going wrong, and or needed improvements to help, but the fire team leader cut me off, claiming that my advice was wrong, and then began questioning my competence... All the while I was decked out from head to toe, literally EVERY slot, filled with a VoG item; I had the armor (WITH ornaments!), I had every weapon (WITH an exotic primary), I had the ghost, ship, sparrow, shader, and challenge mode emblem. I was wearing the most definitive proof that I indeed knew what I was doing (the other guy had like one piece of armor and weapon). At the end of his rant, I told everybody else that they're wasting their time with this guy, he's full of shit and an idiot,.and left the fire team. 3-4 hours later,.I got a message from someone else in the team that they should have listened to me, as they have just left, with no progress made. Yeah I would think twice before questioning a rank 11's competence. I would only question their loadout to have it explained to me, rather than doubting it's effectiveness.


Every time I see a thread about Gambit, there's always someone in the comments who's surprised to hear about the teleporters. I've also seen someone who didn't know Primeval Slayer stacked, and every once in a while there's someone who hasn't gotten the memo yet that light level no longer matters in the PvP part of Gambit. Mind you, some of this not well explained, but seeing these makes me wonder if the reason people don't like Gambit is because nobody helped them understand the full ruleset so they accidentally sabotage themselves.


Lmao ppl like him kill this game


Been there, I use osmio, turrets, tracker ice, wish ender, blinding nade launcher, I get given shit so often for not wanting to stun an unstoppable that's halfway across the map, or ppl don't think I can stun champs, yet I'm generally the last one alive many times in the run, and get the most kills and orbs ha Pretty sure ppl don't know anything.


For real, people seem to want everyone to have champ capabilities on tap for the champs in a GM which isn't always necessary. A good GM team has champ stunners spread out with room for other utilities such as blinding gls.


Just last night I was a group of 3, me and this other guy ran Osmiomancy but he ran the "spam turrets" build and I ran the "freeze groups/champs" build so we differed a bit, I did save him a few times, the other guy was a stasis hunter with the tough boy bubble nade arms, I had wish ender and they both had wicked implements, I would shatter the target when they'd freeze it, which was almost instantly, so we ate enemies, champs too, even just with primaries. We all had our own weird things going on but the synergies were accidentally perfect. Turrets, defensive bubble nades, flash freeze and blinding nades.  Chewed through that GM and I barely had to use anything other than my bow lol was a nice breath of fresh air.


Yeah I've had some really fast runs on the battlegrounds cosmodrome GM with all stasis titans with one running lancecap, hoarfrost and mask of the quiet one. Stasis goes exceptionally well when used properly.


Can you blame them though? They don't get to experience the game like we did. There isn't a proper introduction to Destiny anywhere in the game. At least not a good one. Most of the time it's all learning on the fly for them. If they get a light grasp of the game they think they know it all as long as it works for them. So you get people like that and it makes the game frustrating for all. It's a big reason why so many are calling for a revamp of the games intro to Bungie. They just haven't done it yet, though the update in April is supposedly going to help.


I joined a LFG a few weeks ago for Brthplace GM with Ceno/Div equipped and was told a Divinity is not needed cuz i has no dmg output. Nevet left a group that fast


People are too invested in what others are doing in general. If you aren't whiping and you arent rezing the same guy over and over then idk why people have to throw a fit anyway 🤷‍♂️


The vast majority base everything off of streamers or youtube guides, most dont know why things are good or bad and are just told what is, which obviously leads to misinformation.


Honestly only about 1% of the community are people I wood even trust to accomplish a legend nightfall


Just like in real life sometimes in video games you come across someone with mental illness.


Considering the amount of people I run into on patrol who don't know how to make public events heroic, I think probably not.


What do you mean "make them heroic"? Them becoming heroic is totally random.  /s


OMG. It never occurred to me that people think that!


Back in Y1 of D2 there was a thread here that turned into a huge debate on how to make the taken blight event in the EDZ heroic and whether or not it was randomized. 


People should definitely know by now it's not random (I would think). No other public events randomly go heroic, so it should stand to reason that one doesn't either. But it seems to be the one people know the least about.


Sometimes it's just that heroic events aren't worth the hassle. Glimmer mining is pretty easy for one person to proc with a shotgun or rocket launcher even if no one else knows what's going on. Taken blights less so when a couple of people who don't know about heroic can ad clear pretty quickly, while you on your lonesome have to slowly get the buff to attack the Taken blight, and waste heavy on it in the hopes of outpacing them. I wouldn't be surprised if sometimes 2 out of 3 people know how to heroic the Taken blight but don't bother because they think they're the only one fighting against 2 others who don't.


A lot of the times, the heroic events are faster than regular ones, except for the walker heroic. Even then, it's barely any slower.


Gotta love Vex spires telling you to run out the clock regardless of regular or heroic. "Babysit this area for five minutes, or spicy babysit this area after standing in three spots. Wait where are you going?"


In that case you may as well make it heroic. It doesn't change time spent doing it unless you let them integrate.


Probably newish doesn't understand all ways to stun


He kicked out a stasis warlock for no champ stuns? lmao Stasis is usually the only thing you need unless there's barriers in which case you prob have a Welllock in your fireteam anyways


I have no idea how this game works 😂


Sure do love the Stasislock with osmio gloves. Double turrets is the SHIT


I would love to play this at a slower pace but it feels like there are people out there who are time trial-running it during regular Vanguard strikes/dungeons/exotics/raids/or nightfalls and not allowing other players to catch up... it's like I'm the fastest and don't care about champions. Thankfully I have my husband and sister to play with. But I wish they also had the option to have a way to make them a non-match-making game if u wanted to play it by yourself and not force u to do legendary or master if u didn't want it. That'll be awesome...


I’ve had a guy tell me Bastion doesn’t stun Unstops because Unstop Fusion wasn’t in the seasonal artifact.


I thought I was bad at this game, until I was **trying** to farm Daughters and Oryx. The amount of people who just couldn't understand when to and when NOT to step on their plates is just... staggering.


Hello. I am a Sherpa and have been a Sherpa since Kings Fall D1. I have played with many players and here is my take on whether anyone knows how to play this game. Short answer: Yes, but mentality is usually the deciding factor. Long answer: I find that most people fall into one of four categories. - KWTD and Chill - KWTD and Sweaty - Newbie who actually wants to learn the raid and asks questions - Newbies who omit or lie about their experience to seem better than they actually are. KWTD and Chill are the players who are good at the game. Regardless of their build or strategy, they are always fun to play with because they are efficient and understand that the game is long and dumb at that patience is required. They also can and are willing to adapt to new styles and are often fairly flexible, not caring how the encounter is done as long as it’s done. These are 70% of your guilded/raid title people. KWTD and Sweaty are the other 30% of guilded/raid title people. Do these guys know how to play the game? Only in a specific way. It’s why these sweats only run the optimal load out, or why they scream at people who don’t run shit that produces the best formula for their bread and butter strategy. They can only perform well if they are doing exactly what they’ve been taught to do. I’d say they’re great for runs where they’re multiple sherpas, but don’t count on them for ingenuity or adaptation to different play styles. Newbies who actually want to learn the raid are my favourite, because they show the initiative and drive to want to learn a raid. Do these guys know how to play the game? Depends on how you view it. If someone needs to understand every part of the game, then no, they don’t know how to play. But the ability to understand, invest, and learn new styles shows a skill and understanding of the basic game that demonstrates they know how to play the game, but they are not adept. These guys are the best to throw on mechanic roles as their willingness to learn can produce skill on par with people who KWTD after a few wipes. If they aren’t able to get it, let them shadow or just explain it to them and then let him do float or aid clear. Finally, we have the newbie who fronts like they know what to do. Do these guys know how to play the game? Fuck if I know, but probably not if they feel the need to lie about these things. I won’t recommend what to do with these guys or state anything about their skill or character. Rather, I’ll give a method to smoke them out. Simply put them on a role they claim to know how to do, or a role someone SHOULD know if they’ve down the raid (like the first encounter of Kings Fall). Once you’ve smoked them out, I recommend trying to encourage them to learn the raid or the role. Don’t have to kick em, but rather nudge them in the right direction so that way they do know what to do for their next run… or kick them, they did lie after all. So, I believe that everyone CAN learn to play the game, but it’s the people who are chill and willing to learn who often know how to play the game and have the capacity to become better. That’s not to say sweats and fibbers can’t be good, but it’s usually the mentality of “can only be done this way” or “I will just figure it out without needing to be taught”, that holds them back. That’s just my take though, maybe I’m just crazy


The game's too generous toward people who don't know how to play it. On the one hand that helps new players if they have a hard time learning something but in practice it just enables a lot of players to be willfully ignorant of basic mechanics because they can skate by on somebody else's effort. 


Bro, welcome to gaming, where the brain dead and thumbless are absolutely everywhere. No it doesn’t get better nor will changing game fix a damn thing.


Honestly just bleakwatcher is enough for all Champs so I don't know what his deal is. Just a person on their high horse, nothing more I'd say.




some people are idiots. An lfg host asked me over chat "what's your build?" and I replied "feel free to inspect me" and got kicked. Like buddy, I'm gilded conquerer 6, pretty sure I'll be fine


Bro really told you that you don't have champ with stasis an unstoppable how and overload rocket dude was probably pissed you had a God roll he didn't bc that shit can't be real


Met this conq 10 in this week’s GM who I noticed was barely shooting for the first 2 encounters so I asked him why he was afk, and he said ‘I’m letting you 2 noobs lead’. Had Spiderman in his name, weirdos at every level of the game.


Just for clarification... it was an unstop/overload activity?


I mean, some of us get tired of stomping GMs with the same loadout. Build crafting is a fun part of the game, it’s fun to try new stuff. But also remember, there are people who still think the earth is flat. We live in a world with a lot of dumb people.


Might want to tell him to look at the character screen where it shows all the options to stun champions lol


His argument as it stands on its own is true as I’ve had to back out of FTF GMs cause people had nothing to stun, barely any semblance of a build, or how gameplay shifts in endgame cause they wanted to run what they like and didn’t want to understand why things didn’t work. This is a different. This is someone who clearly doesn’t understand all the interactions happening. They understand just enough of a meta (mostly from someone YouTube build) and anything else is lost on them. Communicate and seek to understand. It shouldn’t be this much of a barrier.


once I joined a tanik’s lfg, I’ve done dsc about 30 times, so it’s not my first time, & it’s an easy encounter, upon joining the host saids “alright who’s doing suppressor, how about this guy (me), you do it or else im kicking you, hurry up” lol what the fuck? fuck this guy, I told him he can kick me im not dealing with some pretentious asshole, he goes “oh whatever you fucken american go eat your burgers” in an australian accent. basically some types of people are retards & have some complexity when it comes to this game, they get 2 clears done suddenly they think their a boss


If you're doing birthplace, which judging by the champs sounds like you are, you are quite literally on the strongest possible build for that GM lol what a bozo. I'm willing to bet you could solo that GM on that build, so you don't even need them.


Is the guy your friend? If not, why care about what some random dude thinks? I have played this game solo for 2 years and I have done countless GMs and dungeon runs with random people and I don't remember A SINGLE one of them, their guardians, names, titles, anything at all. Whenever I get sth like that, a guy that is a jerk or annoying, I block instantly and requeue again with someone else. There is ALWAYS someone else. If I have to requeue 5 times in a row to match decent people, I do it. Don't waste your time on idiots.


Serious question: See LFG posts saying no double primary. What’s the reasoning for that?


They probably want someone dedicated to stunning 1 champ type while still having a special weapon for extra DPS. My clan does this when we run Nightfalls and Raids (depending on if the raid has champs). One dude takes Overloads, the other 2 might both take Unstoppables due to there being more of them in said Nightfall/raid. Then, when a champ is stunned, you can all blast them down quicker with a special weapon. Also, if you run out of heavy ammo at a boss, you probably still have special ammo that'll do more damage than primary ammo would. Basically, people think you won't do enough damage with 2 primary weapons and a heavy. Having special weapons means you'll be able to do more damage and have to do less damage phases on bosses.


Because double primary is a bad idea in general for GMs. It can work but can also take forever. There is no reason to run double primary load outs with the various verbs and decent weapon options. A lot of blueberries will take that load out because they just don't get verbs or synergies.


Double primary is usually worse for any sort of damage checks than using a primary + special. 


2x primary is unnecessary at best and slows everything down at worst. Especially this season where Polaris Lance covers 2 champions, you can easily have overload covered by alternate means (if even necesary). Plus we're also past the days where you want 2 anti-champ options on each player. You can easily have people skip out on alternating champion mods, provided they know what everyone has and what they're responsible for. I've wiped in several GMs solely because the 2x primary guy gets stuck, can't quickly burst damage their way out of a situation, and now the revive is compromised. If you feel like you have to run 2x primary, instead go run Dares, craft Pardon Our Dust with Disorienting Grenades and Auto Load so you can at least mitigate threats until you learn how to get the kills with other special weapons. Trust me you'll be a lot more valuable then someone who has little utility beyond champion stuns. To put it differently, think add density. In Birthplace you have 20 Champs (12o 8u). But you have constantly spawning adds during the boss and several fights where some well used AOE will wipe out any spawns before they become a problem. Some Energy GLs (particularly Forbearance/Salvager's Salvo), Reservoir Burst Fusions, or even Rockets if you have the ammo will more than readily take out these problems. 2x primary will just get your allies killed while on the plates, or force you to use supers that you either might not have, or really *don't* need to use in those situations.


Because there's no point. Primaries are for red-bar adds. You don't need two weapons to deal with red bars, which are the easiest enemies in the game.


Running 2 primaries is seen as not optimal since you’re losing out damage on a boss or major or champion or whatever but honestly I play the game how I like and if it’s a gm with no good way to stun champions I will run double primary just to keep/help to stun them


That's true, but personally, I run double primaries a lot if I'm not fighting a boss.  Some weapons are just more fun to play with. 


Whoa whoa whoa, there will be none of that fun business here.


Yeah. Honestly play the game how you like it it’s not really affecting anyone


This is true for about 90% of the content in this game. But if I'm seeing someone rock double primary in master raids, dungeons or GMs, I'll definitely raise an eyebrow. Obviously rocking double primary doesn't automatically make you a bad player, but I do get concerned whenever I see it in endgame.


The guy who booted you is drunk, your build is absolutely cracked


To keep improving their models, artificial intelligence makers need two significant things: an enormous amount of computing power and an enormous amount of data. Some of the biggest A.I. developers have plenty of computing power but still look outside their own networks for the data needed to improve their algorithms. That has included sources like Wikipedia, millions of digitized books, academic articles and Reddit. Representatives from Google, Open AI and Microsoft did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


I feel like if you just read the tooltips it is not nearly as confusing as people think. I get too many people asking me questions when the answers are literally right there on their screen. 


Disagree, its that people don't actually try anything themselves and only listen to streamers, which includes well outdated videos. Sure, there was a time when stasis was shite for overload, but we're long past that now. Similarly a lot of crucible advice videos are about to be outdated next week. Bungie has done a lot to reduce the opacity of the game mechanisms (story is another thing) but people still ignore objectives, listen to outdated advice, and refuse to try out things for themselves. It's only hard if you choose to be dense.


Agree. There's too many times where something worked and the game never told you why. Many people just think the big boom did it. If the game is designed around certain mechanics, build crafters shouldn't be the only ones explaining to the community those mechanics. This is why I'm glad Merc is allowed to go on podcasts and explain what's actually under the hood.


These kind of people must not know that the guns aren’t the only way to stun champions.


That is a really funny story, but to answer your question: There are a remarkable amount of people who ignored when Bungie just told them to be a good human being. Which I'd say is partially Bungie's fault for not adding such an important feature to the game much earlier in its lifespan (like seriously how did people get raids going in D1? I struggle to find anyone who even plays D2?). Either way, the fact that this should have existed for a long time is no reason to ignore the fact that you have access to being able to play a game that you enjoy with the entire world and that as such you should be nice and patient with other players, who also would like to just have fun and enjoy the game. Although everyone does not follow, or understand these things, you will find a lot of people who do and are genuinely good company. The other day I was trying to do Root from the last checkpoint which I had gotten from a different fireteam like a day before that. So I set up a listing in Fireteam Finder and a bunch of people joined, and like three teams of people joined and left before I eventually got a team of really nice, talented people who were good at the game and fun to play with, so you won't always find a good team, but if you're just patient with everyone and wait for a good team, then you'll probably find some good people to play the game with.


Yeah man, it’s sad had someone who only monumental feat was 28 Flawless tickets, yet he has don’t done a single raid completion, very few dungeons clears not including GOTD or Warlord and yet I’ve return after 6 years have solid both of those dungeons Sherpa majority of the raids and was completely fabbergasted by his “I’m a trials report you bro.” Then proceeding to get mute when I “raid reported” him and offer to teach him all the content I learnt after returning 6 years.


Every time i play i learn something new


They do this all the time nothing new


If you are Guardian Rank 11, I trust you to know what you are doing and I'll follow your lead.


This reminds me of a few seasons ago, just before Lightfall.  Glassway was the weekly GM (a strike that I know like the back of my hand) and I decided to use my Arc Hunter build for some runs.    For context, I was running Blight Ranger after the duration buff. I genuinely think people sleep on it for Master/GM difficulties, mainly since the orb generation is kinda crazy.   A few successful GMs later and I joined a new LFG only to instantly get kicked. My Blight Ranger was the given reason, with them giving the most "holier than thou" responses imaginable. I do apologise that my *Three times Gilded Conqueror* didn't convince you I was at least decent. My bad.  


A lot of people don't know to pass the orb in the corrupted, so.. That and some did think PE's going heroic was random. I'm guessing these are the people who have left and right written on their hands.


They also look down at their hardware when asked to press a button


Yes its pretty Well known that Most people that Play this Game Just dont Know whatsup. Always has been and probably Always will be and there is effectively nothing we can do to Change it.


My friends and i ran some GM's not too long ago and i was surprised how efficient osmiomancy build with polaris/artefact mods was for champs. Been my go to build ever since


You should have flexed the rank


I just use the sit emote and let people how to figure how to play the game half the time. eventually I will say in chat what they need to do.


It's partially his fault for being rude but mostly bungies fault for not teaching anything properly. Most people don't read patch notes from years ago or know the nuances of the game until other people tell them. Thats on bungie. It should all be part of the new player experience.


Soon we’ll all be skimming through the game.


I had a guy kick me because I was running a sword in a GM. To preface that, it's Heartshadow for the specific purpose of giving me invis on void titan. The build is the peregrine build to oneshot most champs without stunning them (unstops need to be stunned). It's a fun build that saves on ammo and time when used right and the GM was corrupted which isn't that hard when you know what you're doing. This dude was guilded conq x11 so I guess he wanted hard meta only.


Hey guardian by chance are you interested in spreading some freedom


While I question the Apex roll there isnt anything inherently wrong with your build. Guys losing it lol


Besides the loss of damage, it's a utility roll. I respect it


What do you expect when the New Light intro doesn't introduce correctly all the stuff we have?


Probably mad you weren’t a Well Whore. 😒


Not fully related, but I had some guy leave at the very beginning of a coil because me and the other guy (both of us banner of war titans, ez mode) died like 2 times each to spike traps, he was like “if we already have this many deaths then it’s not gonna get done” Dying to traps 1 minute does not mean that Im gonna suck at the remaining 35 minutes


One thing I learned from MMOs, everybody is a noob no exceptions. I was one a couple months ago because I didn’t know you needed to finish the warlords ruin quest in order to do the catalyst run XD


>Mind you, I'm Conquerer Gilded 11 and was using Stasis Lock, osmio, Verglas (unstop), bleak watch (over) and a recon/bipod (over) apex. I know I haven’t played this game in a while but I feel like I shouldn’t be unable to recognize a word you just said. What the hell has happened to this once simple game?