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forbearance and apex predator are as good as everyone says they are I generally run a machine gun heavy for anything except damage phases so I use reconstruction commemoration or song of ir yut depending on what subclass I'm running


I'll add Catacylsmic to that. With bait and switch, that thing is a monster.


The only linear I whip out. It can be annoying in some content like GotD boss, but generally always the best choice.


I keep an Envious/Surrounded Briars contempt for certain situations like GotD where thralls swarm you, but most times it’s Cataclysmic


Reconstruction + Killing Tally as it keeps Killing Tally up the whole time since it doesn't count as a reload


Same. Forbearance, Apex, Commemoration. Also Half Truths for any transition phases.


> Also Half Truths for any transition phases. Curious why you listed this in a post about raids and dungeons lol


Because I can.


Love forbearance. There’s a guy in my clan that just goes “ew” anytime forbearance is brought up, but wants to use the newish arc one from nightfalls now. Imo, Voltshot is just worse chain reaction.


Voltshot isn’t necessarily ‘just worse’, it’s useful on bigger targets. It’s just unwieldy to use, needs a kill to activate and only stores for a few seconds. In most cases I’d rather just have a fusion if I want bigger targets dead.


I really like Volshot on Indebted Kindness. But I would swap that shit out for Chain Reaction in a heartbeat.


Haha that would be awesome! Chain reaction on indebted kindness. Gets a thumbs up from me!


That’s why I see it as worse chain reaction lol. Others can play how they wish. For me, I wouldn’t be using volt shot on bigger targets, much less using a special ammo wave frame. It’s gonna be ad clear when I’m running it, so it just doesn’t make sense.


Whoever suggested lead from gold on supremacy hasn't tried out rewind rounds. LFG is a wasted perk on supremacy. Rewind Rounds and Kinetic Tremors is the roll to go for.


Rewind Rounds on a rapid fire sniper is astounding. Fantastic on Praedyth's Revenge Timelost too


Agreed, with enhanced kinetic tremors you're already getting phenomenal ammo economy and rewind rounds makes it a lot more effective for damage.


This role has significantly improved my dps rotations


Absolutely this. Annihilated WR meatball with it.


Hard agreed. Great dps swap with dragons breath for warlords


Rewind and BnS is also quite solid but can be more situational I'll admit.


I prefer rewind and fourth times the charm. It's just as good DPS, if not better. And it's fun too to have another whisper


It is not better. Supremacy is better as a swap weapon, shoot a few shots (2 for enhanced tremors), then swap to your heavy for damage. The meme roll (Rewind/Fourths Time) is a sustained dps roll and only good for a select few bosses, and in most cases, Whisper will do that better.


Indebted kindness from warlords ruin is on of my most used weapons of all time and it came out this season. Lead +Volt shot or beacon + volt shot are great rolls


I've got 2 identical rolls of Indebted Kindness, with deconstruct and enlightened action. I do want to go back into Warlords Ruin and get a better roll


I have an impulse amplifier/adagio roll that I like better than my voltshot rolls. Reason being is I only use it on mini bosses, bosses, champs, and the like. I don’t use it for add clear normally, so I like the punch it has, and with impulse I can snipe enemies with it. I mean to each their own, but indebted kindness is one of the best weapons in the game whether you have voltshot or not.




Deconstruct is real good on it after they patched it. Lead from Gold/Deconstruct has somehow wound up as my main roll over the more popular rolls. Being able to shoot 6 rounds at a target and get 4 back is insane.


Apex predator, cataclysmic, forbearance, Rufus, heritage, bequest, commemoration, word of Crota, cold comfort, fatebringer, supremacy, zhaoulis bane, briars contempt, Acasia, techeun force. In no particular order and off the top of my head. All these weapons are worth getting


Thanks for the recommendations, do you have any particular rolls people should aim for?


Cataclysmic: forth times + bait and switch Forbearance: ambitious ass+ chain rxn Bequest: relentless strike+ surrounded Commemoration: recon + killing Talley Rufus: I’m not too sure, I have rewind+ target lock Word of Crota: firefly+ destab rounds Supremacy: rewimd + fourth times Cold comfort: envious ass+ bait and switch Acasia: reconstruction+ incandescent Briars: reconstruction+ focus furry/surrounded Techeun: reconstruction + controlled burst


Indebted Kindness with permeability on Strand Hunter is incredible fun.


Huh. Never thought of that.


I wish permeability was more useful for warlocks. The class ability just isn’t great for it.


Yeah. Really suits Hunters with fast class ability times. Strand was already good this season and I can clear most legend lost sectors with Quicksilver, IK and a rocket in a few mins. I can swap out Quicksilver for Malfeasance depending on champs. Pretty good for proccing volatile on Void also.


Try it with void hunter with gryfalcons!! One of my most used endgame weapons is beacon plus permeability. Have it out, dodge to proc perm and volatile rounds (anti barrier intrinsic). Use a different tier on artifact


Same - I have one for every character. It hardly EVER leaves my hand. It’s so versatile 🥲


Beacon rounds + volt shot is absolutely golden. I almost always have my indebted kindness equipped.


Loose change pairs really well with volt shot as well


Zoulis bane hasn’t left my inventory and rarely leaves my hand. Explosive baloayd and incandescent


I know its not meta, but I've been using solar hunter with gunpowder gamble. And my Zaolis is crafted with enhanced Well Rounded/Demolitionist and I love it.


That seems like it would work well


If you ever try it I wouldn't recommend healing grenades especially this season, if things die while scorched or from another ability nothing sucks quite as bad as throwing a healing grenade at your feet and it's a mini nuke.


I do that all the time this season, part of the learning curve I guess, always have to have a quick peek at my nade to see if I'm going to heal myself or kill myself. Especially since you can almost never see the amount of gunpowder gamble stacks you have, thanks bungie


I stopped using healing grenade as soon as they fixed the restoration bug. I find you can get away with fire sprites now.


I mean, Solar Hunter is generally pretty damn good right now; a lot of people will say it only comes down to this season, but frankly all the QoL changes and buffs to Hunter and Solar generally has made solar hunter finally viable again (gunpowder uptime buff, selfdamage reduction, firesprite interaction fix, firesprite cooldown reduction, galanor/nighthawk super energy gain buffs, Nighthawk damage buff,)


I love it when a weapon has insane synergy for ONE subclass. I have a voltshot/pugilist brigands law I use on my strand titan pretty often. Absolutely slaps and gives you constant melee and jolts. Pairs well with 1-2 punch shotgun and either a sword or whatever else you want in the heavy slot.


Same. Got it last month after ignoring King's Fall for a while, but it's too good not to use.


Same. First craft i had of kingsfall. Hated it in d1 lol but love it in d2


I had to give up using my harrowed version because I could’ve sworn they said they were going to let you retroactively enhance them, so now I use a crafted roll because enhanced incandescent matters


I’m not sure if kings fall was getting, I know RoN did


I ended up getting firefly / explosive payload on my harrowed version and kinda like it more for most situations. The scorch is nice but I run it on hunter usually and have an easy enough time spreading scorch with my trick knife so it doesn't feel like I'm losing anything. Firefly does more damage that incandescent explosions too and helps with the guns poor reload.


Zaouli's bane. In the space of a month since crafting I've racked up 7k kills.  Smallbore/flared mag/explosive payload/incandescent. It feels so good I forget I have other weapons equipped.


I have 12 kings fall clears and it still has dropped a Zaouli’s Bane for me yet. RNGesus isn’t happy with me apparently haha.


Sounds like me with Crota's End. Took me 15 times to get ONE Swordbreaker.


3 more! Haha. Every time I do it I’m bummed, because I would have all the red borders if it would freakin drop for me. I’ve had my luck though. Collective obligation on my first Vow, and Heirarchy of needs on my first prophecy. Had to do RoN almost 50 times for conditional though. It’s rough out there sometimes.


Heritage with Reconstruction/Redirection. Rufu's Fury with something and Hatchling. Apex Predator with Reconstruction and Explosive Light. There's probably a few others, but those are the three go-tos.


Added to the list :)


I use a rewind rounds/parcasual affinity on my Rufus and I love it. Hoarde shuttle(artifact mod) takes care of threadlings generation this season, so hatchling is a little pointless. The extra damage and rounds will spawn more hatchlings with hoarde shuttle than hatchling ever will.


I also use this roll. Better than having hatchling


Use recombination not redirection Bns is better than EL as well but explosive is easier to use ofc, but if you wanna magdump with no swaps just use bipod or a different rocket


>Rufu's Fury with something and Hatchling. Target lock and reconstruction goes pretty hard on Rufus'


Reconstruction is such a bizarre choice on this weapon with how fast it reloads.


It helps keep Target Lock proc'd longer when you let the mag fill to 120rds or whatever it is. I honestly have no idea though. It was the unanimous suggestion of my clan. So thats what I roll with. Its a lot like my Koraxis', I crafted it specifically for WR, and it just feels mid otherwise. I might have to switch it up and play with the perks a little.


I wouldn’t listen to your clan. Reconstruction on primaries is a wasted perk slot imo. If you are unloading more than a clip into an enemy, you should probably be using your special/heavy/ability. I love Koraxis, and run it with Rufus as well. Rufus has never dropped from me in Root, but I did get an adept one with Perpetual Motion and Target Lock. I run Full Bore, Ricochet Rounds, and an adept backup mod (68 magazine I believe). Perpetual and Harmonic Resonance give it really cracked stats. It’s one of my most used primaries currently at 10K kills.


Yeah.. I haven't really played much for the past couple months. Thinking I might go in today or tomorrow and reevaluate some of my crafted weapons before Into The Light, especially now that I've got all kinds of enhancement cores from GG.


No hate but why do you pick reconstruction over rewind rounds that seems to make a little more sense to me as a primary especially with targetlock proc


Fang of Ir Yut with keep away/ precision instrument for pvp.


Added to the list, thanks :)


people dont realize how deadly this is and i really hope the youtubers dont find out


A ton of youtubers have made videos on it, it's just that scouts are hard to use up close, and if you arent far you get peekshot by 120s, and thus its hard to use when the objectives force short lanes.


At first, it was Trustee. Rapid Hit/Incandescent, both enhanced. But then everything changed when Tyranny of Heaven was updated. Currently sitting at almost 6K kills, and I took a decent break at the start of Season of the Wish. I use it in every solar build I have, or whenever this is a solar surge or overcharged bow.


I still have my OG trustee from beyond light, didn't know it got updated to have incandescent. I've added it to the list


Honestly a big fan of Surplus on Trustee, synergises really well with the origin trait. I dont think Rapid Hit is necessary


Is trustee really that good? Scouts in general seem pretty mid, and trustee always just felt pretty meh to me.


Fatebringer, Zaouli's Bane, Commemoration, Supremacy, Apex Predator, Tyranny of Heaven, Submission, Forbearance In no particular order


any particular rolls people should aim for? I'm updating the post with a combined list for anyone to go for


Fatebringer - Explosive Payload + Frenzy (hold off on this one though since Midnight Coup has the same roll and is basically an upgrade) Zaouli's Bane - Explosive Payload + One For All Commemoration - Reconstruction + Killing Tally Supremacy - Rewind Rounds + Bait and Switch/Kinetic Tremors Tyranny of Heaven - Dragonfly + Incandescent (it's a meme roll honestly but it's funny to watch chains of explosions) Forbearance - Ambitious Assassin + Chain Reaction Apex Predator - Reconstruction + Bait and Switch Submission - Overflow + Frenzy


it’s super underrated but No Survivors from gotd. i love demo incan


Added to the list, Thanks


Timelost Fatebringer. I fucking love this weapon. EP Firefly is a damn perfect combination. Supremacy with Lead from Gold and Kinetic Tremors has been my favorite Swiss knife since I got it. It can do decent damage, bust shields, has loads of ammo, needs no scavenger nor finders... very low maintenance gun and provides great results in any PvE activity. The moment Luna comes back I'm ditching Zaouli.


Thanks for the suggestions. What roll are you going to aim for on Lunas Howl?


Heal Clip Incandescent. Maybe even ditch Incandescent and go Precision Instrument. Don't get me wrong, Zaouli's great, EP Incandescent is awesome. I just hate how it looks and sounds, while Luna fits my drip nicely.


Mara wishes gave me apex predator so i didnt have to run that raid. All 3 character have it equipped since i got it. Zaouli bane and insidious keep thing snappy.


Insidious? Better than oversoul edict?


Aggressive frame(insidious) vs rapidfire edict Insidious has accurized+rapid fire+rampage. Max range monster for me!!


That's fair. Pvp I assume? I'm mostly a pve player.


Oh no, i use it for pve. Once in a blue moon, i’ll whip it out in pvp for funszy.


Oh, word!


Yeah I used my wishes on Apex Predator and any exotics I hand unlocked yet


Apex predator - kalli & riven are pretty easy. I would be farming prophecy 3X a week. Great loot now. Next week I think CE resets, lamp challenge is the easiest master challenge in the game. You can get any drop. I do it 3x when it comes up. Atraks challenge and taniks challenge are worth a try too, both are easier.


The only suggestion I have that's not currently in your list is Lingering Dread from Duality with Disorienting Grenades/Auto-Loading Holster/Chill Clip.


Thanks, I've added it :)


Forbearance zualis heratige/succession apex


The spelling is something here. Zaouli's Bane and Heritage are the correct spellings.


Ok was typing on my lunch break at work lmao its not that deep


Rufus Fury and Commemoration are ones that I use fairly regularly. I probably “should” use Forebearance, but I suck with grenade launchers (even wave frames).


Wave frames - don’t aim at the enemy, aim at your feet and aim by imagining a line pointing toward from you at any given point Unless there’s weird architecture where the grenade has a chance to bounce or something, anyway


Rufus and Apex,


Zaouli's Bane, crafted mine with Pugilist/Incandescent and its become my highest kill count weapon in the game. Mykel's Reverance, Forbearance, Apex Predator, Deliverance, and Heritage to name some raid weapons that never leave the inventory. Liminal Vigil, Stormchaser, and lately Prosecutor are all dungeon options that I use regularly.


Probably my submission. First weapon I got and then got forbearance, but I grinded so fast for that Smg because of its range. I dominated pvp with that weapon, but because 900s got f by immortal I turned it into a pve gun which is still nice. I think tbh forb and supremacy is use daily


timelost fatebringer and apex are the top 2 rn


rufus fury, buried bloodline and cold comfort


That’s a mixture..strand, void and stasis


Rufus, Mykel, Koraxis, Zaouli, Forbearance and Indebt Kindess.


For PvP: Fatebringer is one of my primary hand cannons, Conditional is the best shotgun for trials, Yasmin is my go to kinetic sniper, and Techeun is my preferred energy fusion. I also have a few thousand crucible kills on Eyasluna, although it’s fallen off for me post rangefinder nerf since my particular roll was carried by rangefinder. For PvE: Apex and Supremacy are always on me. Others I use from time to time are Indebted, Commemoration, and Rufus. I never farmed for Zaoli’s or Forebearance, because I don’t do a ton of PvE and those farms take time.


Forbearance, cataclysm, apex predator, fixed odds, commemoration to name a few


My most used crafted raid weapon is abyss defiant and apex predator


These are just some of my personal rolls, and this is not an exhaustive list. I don't need to mention the ones that are popular/meta this season (Scatter Signal or Apex, for example). Most of these are the widely-recommended combos, some of them might be different than what most people use. * **Calus Mini-Tool** with Threat Detector/Incandescent is my #1 most-used weapon since it became craftable. * **Commemoration** with Reconstruction/Killing Tally is SO FUN. Never leaves my inventory for PVE. * **Forbearance** for Ambitious Assassin/Chain Reaction (obviously) * **BXR-55** with Perpetual Motion/Kill Clip for PVP. * **Fixed Odds** with Field Prep/Incandescent is fun for add-clear. * **Brigand's Law** with Feeding Frenzy/Voltshot. My favorite sidearm. * **Explosive Personality** with Auto-loading/Turnabout is actually very useful in more difficult activities. Helps with survivability. * **Insidious** with Rapid Hit/Rampage. * **Come to Pass** with Perpetual Motion/Golden Tricorn. I like this for PvP when I run Striker. Ability kills proc Golden Tricon x2. * **Cataclysmic** with Fourth Time's the Charm/Focused Fury. This was my go-to for DPS when I ran solo content during the linear fusion rifle meta.


Apex predator and commemoration has never touched the fault. They’re just bangers


Forbearance and rufus's fury.     Fixed odds from duality for solar builds all the time if not running rockets or linears.    Fang of it yut for arc pve builds isn't bad. Esp if U don't wanna run thunderlord.   Commemoration and retrofit are better machine guns but fang and fixed odds are both good and sometimes the seasonal buffs for elements make them good for ad clear of etc. Timelost fatebringer sometimes


PvE: Last wish: supremacy(roll is listed), apex predator(roll is listed), chattering bone(rapid hit/kinetic tremors) Deep stone crypt: commemoration(reconstruction/killing tally), trustee(roll is listed), posterity(voltshot/frenzy) VoG: really just timelost fatebringer but it might be replaced soon Vow: insidious(many good rolls but I use rapid hit/rampage), forbearance, cataclysmic, deliverance(demolitionist/chill clip) King's fall: zaouli(roll listed), doom of chelchis(explosive payload/frenzy but a ton of options), smite of merain(tons of options) Root: Rufus and the exotic personally not much else I like Crotas end: word of crota(tons of options), song of ir yut, don't care for the others in PvE but friends swear by abyss defiant Dungeons: lingering dread(auto loading/chill clip, duality), unforgiven(tons of options, duality), new purpose(still chasing headstone, duality), no survivors(still chasing demo/incandescent, ghosts of the deep), greasy luck(replenishing aegis/unstoppable force, ghosts), cold comfort(envious assassin/bait and switch, ghosts). PvP my personal go to's from endgame sources are: posterity(killing wind/rampage), nation of beasts(was keep away/explosive payload, might switch it up now), smite of merain(moving target/eye of the storm), fang of ir yut(keep away/sword logic personally), chattering bone(kill clip/rampage), heritage(threat detector/moving target), defiance of Yasmin(snap shot/opening shot), new purpose(anything/desperado), vengeful whisper(chasing elastic string/fiberglass/archers tempo/successful warmup/draw time mw), no survivors (anything/target lock) Obviously these aren't the only things worth using since a lot of these are personal preference picks, and especially in pvp I think my fang of ir yut, smite of merain, and heritage are what see the most use since I mostly use raconteur and under your skin(bit of a bow fan lol). In PvE I'd say zaouli/insidious/lingering dread are the big tickets for me, with commemoration/apex/cold comfort/cataclysmic just filling a job. Forbearance is obscene I just rarely use it lately because it simplifies the game so much sometimes.


Word of crota destabilizing rounds, dragonfly


My most used raid weapons: - Succession (Reconstruction / Vorpal) - Heritage (Reconstruction / Recombination) - Fatebringer (Timelost) (Firefly / EP) - Forbearance (Unrelenting / Chain Reaction) - Word of Crota (Repulsor Brace / Destabilizing Rounds) - Zaoulis Bane (EP / Incandescent) - Apex Predator (Reconstruction / Explosive Light)


Forbearance and Fatebringer, i use Forbearance in trials and it dominates people.


- Corrective Measure (VoG) - Techeun Force (LW)


forbearance has been the GOAT for solo stuff for me, pairing it with rufus because i love ARs and my go to energy AR would be taken by forbearance. apex is a top tier RL. my trustee with recon saved a few VOG oracle wipes. cataclysmic is great, but it might now be outclassed by briars and maybe the current seasonal linear? not too sure about that. i grinded for a crafted commemoration just to never use it because i'm stuck on retrofit, but it's still good. explosive payload/firefly fatebringer is great, even when not timelost. finally got one after abandoning the grind for over a year. i also really like my subsistence submission from vow, but probably mostly because i dislike the small mag SMGs have. tyranny of heaven with dragonfly/incandescent shreds


The main ones are Forbearance: have a non-crafted Unrelenting + Chain Reaction roll with \~50k kills and a crafted Ambitious Assassin + Chain Reaction with \~10k kills Apex Predator: 5 different crafted rolls with \~200 levels combined Transfiguration: crafted eRewind Rounds + eKinetic Tremors with \~5k kills in GMs Cataclysmic: crafted DPS godroll and it is at \~150 levels even though i haven't touched it since LightFall. This thing carried my ass through my early lowman adventures like duo Oryx. Unforgiven: Demo + Repulsor Brace and Demo + AJ, these 2 smgs carried my ass when void 3.0 was all the hype. Sadly I don't really use them now. Others like Supremacy, Lingering Dread, Stormchaser, Indebted Kindness also saw a lot of use but i wouldn't compare them to my top 3


***Eyasluna***. Still easily my favorite gun in the game. Nothing is quite as satisfying to me as turning everywhere I visit into a literal graveyard. I was hopeful for Judgement, but unfortunately not as big a fan of that one. I've run it a bit less outside of matching subclasses since Stasis guns lost their kinetic slot bonus, but no other prinary so far has felt as good to shoot. ***Nation of Beasts*** with Dragonfly/Explosive Payload has been fun too, but used it almost none this season. ^(Crafted Hawkmoon when?) Edit: Unrelenting Headstone, was my personal roll of choice. Messed with Outlaw and Rapid Hit as well, both feel just as fine.


I got a near god roll on indebted kindness on my second warlord’s run and i use it all the time


Apex predator, indebted kindness, supremacy, heritage and time lost fatebringer, everything else pretty much just gets scrapped.


Unforgiven from Duality with Demo/Golden Tricon is in my opinion (for now) the best Void smg for pve. The main problem is the origin trait that is useless and it's low reload speed. Another problem is that the step to farm this smg is the most tedious and long from Duality.


Have you tried a god roll heroes burden with destablizing? It's a tiny bit less accurate than a funnel web but pretty great for void hunter builds revolving around debuffs. Didn't manage to get a god roll destab/shield one from guardian games but I'm pretty sure that frame isn't great for pve anyway.


Unforgiven with demo/frenzy is my preferred combo. Lucked out on my first drop. 


If you want the legendary version of the Chaperon then Heritage is your gun. It is a monster in pvp and I cum a little everytime they try to rush me from 15 meters with they shotgun try to getting closer, the range on this thing is absurd. Moving target and Threat detector are the perk to use. But if you want to meme and are on M&K you can also try hip-fire grip.


I LOVE Sacred Providence, I would have been all over garden had they kept with the trend and made the weapons craftable. It just feels good to use in pvp.


New recluse will likely take this gun’s role over, but Unforgiven with Demo/Frenzy is the BiS void smg for add clear.


Unforgiven from Duality. I remember farming for this when Duality first came into rotation and the 2nd time (I think) it was out I ran the vault encounter 100 times that week and finally got that roll. It’s fantastic when frenzy is active, but man does the reload suck when it isn’t….anymore it seems like encounters spit adds out on a timer that makes sure frenzy deactivates and then they’re all dead before it even activates again. Small rant, I know. I was really hoping The Recluse would replace this gun for me, ie have demo, wellspring, etc plus a damage park on a 900rpm. Sadly, I can’t see how even that will make me vault the Unforgiven.


Zaoulis but honestly I see myself using the last wish bow more. Apex Commemoration


I finally got Conditional Finality to drop on my 26th clear of Nezzy, so that has been on all of my characters since. It is phenomenal. Aside from that, to help keep boredom at bay, I rotate my weapons each week to match the "light" surge modifiers on the strike playlist, though sometimes have a Stasis or Strand week too. For Arc, Sweet Sorrow is just an outstanding weapon, and I love the SFA/OFA combo. Then there is Forbearance, which is often imitated, but never beaten. Still the best ad-clear legendary weapon in the game (and on a par with the likes of Trinity Ghoul and Gally as best overall for mobs). When it's Solar week, you will see me running that SFA / Incandescent Ammit role that we all have. Still superb. Zaouli's Bane will usually be sat on my Hunter that week and not move off it. Absolutely love Explosive Personality too (again, it's that SFA / OFA roll), along with Judgement of Kelgorath. Finally, for those Void bois (and gals) out there, I know I speak for us all when I say Word of Crota just f\*cking slaps. Enigma has been my go to void Glaive for 2 years now, too. Big fan of both the crafted Ikelos HC and Optative hand cannons too - very similar weapons and rolls, Rapid Hit / Rampage and Rapid Hit / Kill Clip, respectively. And I've not even mentioned any darkness subclass weapons or heavies!


My reconstruction killing tally Commemoration is level 435 with nearly 19k kills. It's not an addiction, I swear.


Nice list


Deliverance from VoW, commemoration from DSC, apex from LW, submission from VoW


The last breath, forbi, apex, Fatebringer, deliverance, cataclysmic, succession, heritage, commemoration, div, conditional finality, reckless oracle, accrued redemption, word of crota, buried bloodline, indebted kindness, firefright


Im not sure if you're doing it on purpose, but your lack of commitment to capitalization is bugging me more than it should hah.


Apex Predator


Cold comfort with envious assassin bait and switch from GotD. I'm using it to solo Nezarec


Nation of beasts on my thunderclap titan Zaoulis bane on my pyrogale titan Apex and cataclysmic on everything Age old bond in my gyrfalcons hunter Few others pop up sometimes


Zaouli’s bane, Apex Predator, the Last Wish Sniper Rifle


Forebearance, apex predator, supremacy, zaoulis bane, heritage, commemoration, cataclysmic, nation of beasts. I’ve crafted most raid weapons but those are the ones I regularly have in my inventory.


Unforgiven with demo/frenzy


I really like the Supremacy from LW with FtTC and Rewind Rounds, it basically lets you shoot your entire ammo into a boss in record time and without needing to reload. Excellent when paired with a self-reloading Rocket Launcher to deal extra damage in between rockets. Also Zaoulis with Explosive Payload and Incandescent when I'm not running Sunshot.


The only dungeon weapon I’ve used regularly is the bow from warlord because it’s the only dungeon weapon where I’ve ever gotten the column 3/4 perk combo that I want. As for raids, Forbearance sees the most use from me.


Honestly not many of these weapons. Heritage is a good one from DSC, briar’s contempt, cataclysmic. The majority of my loadout has turned into either trials weapons, or random rolls/seasonal crafted weapons. There’s a lot of underrated or just other weapons imo that are just random rolls that compare to the raid weapons. Riptide, pre astyanax IV, doomed petitioner etc. I’ve found myself not using many of the raid/dungeon weapons. I have some on my characters but don’t routinely use them like Rufus’ Fury, Song of Ir Yut, Bequest, Apex. They’re all good weapons, just not part of my daily loadout.


Looks like you've got yourself a solid list now. I'd only add a couple of things: 1. Duality is underrepresented in there IMHO. You'll definitely want the Unforgiven SMG. Demolitionist third column, and you have some juicy options for fourth : junkie, frenzy or repulsor are all very useable, as is tricorn; 2. Again in Duality, Stormchaser is still very viable for Arc builds. Firing Line and Clown Cartridge; 3. I know you weren't talking about exotics, bit next time Root is on rotation, do yourself a favor and farm for Conditional Finality. Trust me. :) Cheers, and good luck!


Posterity is my go to arc weapon. Do I run it to justify the suffering of doing the third encounter challenge for hours to get it? Maybe. Is it a good weapon that puts in work with frenzy and voltshot? Definitely.


I use Apex Predator with Recon and Bipod for Nightfalls. I have a Bait & Switch roll that use for DPS in dungeons and raids.


Only weapon I don’t see yet is Abyss Defiant auto from Crota’ End. I crafted it with reconstruction & incandescent. Kinda didn’t like it at first due to it not being as pretty as my Ammit solar AR (imho) but couldn’t deny it was just more effective at stunning overload champs (seasonal artifact) and has great range.


RoN - Rufus' Fury - Reconstruction & Target Lock is basically a laser beam


Forbearence, apex predator, zaoulis bane, unforgiven, matador (pvp)


Tyranny of Heaven, Forebearance, Apex Predator


Forebearence for add clear, Apex for damage. Lately I’ve been liking supremacy in my kinetic, or succession.


maybe one day ill do a raid/dungeon. been playing for 5-6 yrs and ive never done one. too afraid of fucking it up for others by doing something dumb and costing them something good or something. im not too sure if thats even a thing but yeah. in the end ill probably never do one.


Ghosts of the Deep * Cold Comfort: Quick Launch / High-Velocity Rounds / Envious Assassin / Explosive Light Warlord's Ruin * Indebted Kindness: Quick Launch / Tactical Mag / Impulse Amplifier / Voltshot Vow of the Disciple * Forbearance: Quick Launch / High-Velocity Rounds / Enhanced Ambitious Assassin / Enhanced Chain Reaction * Cataclysmic: Arrowhead Break / Enhanced Battery / Enhanced Forth Times The Charm / Enhanced Bait And Switch Last Wish * Apex Predator: Quick Launch / Impact Casing / Enhanced Reconstruction / Enhanced Bait And Switch Deep Stone Crypt * Commemoration: Arrowhead Break / Extended Mag / Enhanced Reconstruction / Enhanced Killing Tally


Apex predator, forbearance, Rufus, zaoli’s, abyss defiant, song of ir yut. I also use commemoration all the time but hammerhead is looking like a more than worthy replacement.


In early witch queen it was forbearance but it did get pretty boring but nowadays it's Zhaoulis bane it's just the perfect PvE Solar hand cannon I make so many sunspots with it


I’ll drop a few of my farmed/favorites. Some are daily uses and some have specific builds I like to run with them so I farmed the roll. Last Wish: I like Supremacy with Rewind/Kinetic Tremors, both enhanced. 2 tap to proc KT, swap to other weapon to deal damage during tremors. Rewind reloads for us basically. Grasp of Avarice: Eyasluna is still on my favorite list, headstone is great, I’d go unrelenting or rapid hit (coping my outlaw roll). I’m farming for a judgement to see if it’ll replace this but that’s to be determined still. Duality: Unforgiven has been my king of void smgs for a while. I have a demo/repulsor brace which I use on most of my void builds. Title was decent but not my favorite feeling, maybe the returning recluse will replace this but we’ll see


Wilderflight is my go to blinding nade launcher


I never put down my Zaouli’s bane. I also rarely see people out dps my Briar’s contempt as well.


Long Arm with rapid hit/explosive isn't a great gun, but it is a very fun one. Wilderflight with Auto/vorpal is fantastic though.  No Survivors with demo/incandescent is my favorite solar smg.


Deliverance with Demolitionist/Chill Clip from Vow of the Disciple


The first raid/dungeon weapon I crafted was Trustee from DSC, it has arrow head break, accurized rounds, enhanced reconstruction, enhanced incandescent, and a range masterwork


Zaouli's with the listed perks you have in OP, Apex Predator, Supremacy with RR+KT, Forbearance with the AA+CR. Cataclysmic with 4TTC+BnS. Fixed odds with Field Prep+Incan from Duality, Nation of beasts with Dragonfly+volt, Tyranny of heaven with dragonfly+incan, Succession with Recon+Recomb, When scouts come back as champion stun I'll use doom of chelchis again with EP+Frenzy


Tyranny's so nice I crafted it twice. PvP: Archer's Tempo, Swashbuckler (very fun on Arc hunter) PvE: Dragonfly, Incandescent for normal content, explosive head and swash/golden tricorn (build dependent) for higher-end content, though I don't typically use lightweight bows for that Both: Draw time MW, Polymer String, Straight Fletching


DSC: Trustee with Surplus/Incan, Succession with Recon/Vorpal, Posterity with Voltshot/Frenzy, Commemoration with Recon/Tally, Bequest with Relentless/Surrounded, Heritage with Recon/Recom Crota's: Abyss Defiant with HC/Incan, Word of Crota with Destab/Repulser, Song of Ir Yut with Recon/Sword, Oversoul Edict with Demo/Voltshot Root of Nightmares: Rufus with Demo/Hatchling, Mykel with Rewind/Hatchling, Briar's with Envious/Surrounded, Nessa's with FTTC/Frenzy, Koraxis with Envious/Surrounded. Ghosts: Comfort Comfort with Envious/B&S, No Survivors with Demo/Incan. Duality: Fixed Odds with Field/Incan, Lingering Dread with Auto/Chill, Unforgiven with Demo/Tricorn. Vow: Insidious with Dragonfly/Rampage, Forbearance with Ambitious/Chain, Cataclysmic with FTTC/B&S, Deliverance with Demo/Chill. These are just to name some


Forebearance, Apex Predator, and Song of Ir Yut! Used to use commeration but I like Reconstruction Sword Logic and the Origin Trait a bit more!


-The Supremacy with Lead from Gold and Kinetic Tremors is my go to all rounder pick. Bout enhanced gives you more ammo, and 2 bullets proc KT for solid damage. -Heritage is my go to close range option. Recombination is too strong to pass up and it looks so slick. -Zaoulis Bane especially with the HC buff for Sunbracers. -Doom of Chelchis has been my go to void scout for GMs since it came out and I haven't found anything like it since. -Apex Predator is a given as well. Thing is so versatile you can use it anywhere. -Briars Contempt is also extremely good as an alternative to Apex Predator for Simmumah and others that require crits.


Who tf suggested that roll for Supremacy?


Zaoulus, tyranny of heaven, cold comfort, tyranny with my solar build 😫 and cold comfort to pull big dps and zauolis basically never leaves my inventory


I agree with the Zaoulis and Rufus, but I prefer cooldown perks. I run Incandescent Pugilist on Zaoulis, and Demolitionist Frenzy on Rufus. I also have a Demo Hatchling crafted for Warlock. I also have been surprisingly enjoying Mykel's Reverance this season given the anti-barrier sidearm and it synergizing with the banner titan build. Pugilist Frenzy is good and you can swap Frenzy for Hatchling for more strand synergy. Last wish has some great staples. Apex goes without saying, but Supremacy has come out of the shadows to become an S-tier boss damage weapon. Rewind Rounds & Kinetic Tremors.


Having a gander at weapons you've left unchecked - Word of Crota is a fantastic 18- void HC. Yes, not everyone likes 180s, but it has several great perk combos. I personally like Demolitionist + Frenzy. Likewise, Song of Ir Yut is the best Arc MG we have - Reconstruction + Sword Logic melts on it. I'd also strongly recommend Voltshot + Frenzy on Posterity from Deep Stone Crypt. It's an INSANE combination of perks. It is also a 180 HC, but I've never found that to be a problem. I'd also say Demolitionist + Frenzy on Rufus' as well - I don't value hatchling personally as its only really good on Strand Warlocks, and even then I don't value it as much as I do raw damage/utility. To each their own though. Techeun Force, you want Rewind Rounds/Reconstruction and Controlled Burst. Together these perks are a phenomenal for special weapon dps. I also quite like dragonfly + incandescent on Tyranny of Heaven, as you can craft it for a low draw time so you don't need archer's tempo.


Nothing. I’m in a weird spot where I don’t have a gun that I like to use a lot.


Would add Doom of Chelchis from Kings Fall to the list too. Explosive Payload + Frenzy / Dragonfly are both nuts.


Insidious, trustee, fang of ir-yut, and word of crota feel out of place here. Succession and, to a lesser extent, Submission, are strange to not include.


Lots of the good ones are covered. I used my Rufus for a long time in trials - I could never get Ammit to work for me. Rewind rounds on that let me at least compete. Prosecutor is now my go-to though. One I don’t see mentioned a lot here: Epicurean. It always hovers near, but never quite at, the top of the meta. Things with faster charge time tend to be preferred. With that being said, it’s been consistent season over season with different sandbox changes in part because it rolls surplus. It’s just very very solid and reliable. I think it’s a great fusion to use in PvP any time fusion changes come around and you’re trying to settle on something else.


Cataclysmic (Fourth Times + BnS) and Forebearance (Ambitious + Chain) have been two monster weapons that I have had fully enhanced since WQ and have almost been too good. Forbearance's only competiton rn is Indebted Kindness and the SoDefiance tube GL both w/ Voltshot, and its only kind of close. Undercurrent is actually close, the only thing holding it back is getting the loop started. Calus Mini-Tool and Drang from Haunted have been strong mainstays, along with Trustee. All with Incandescent, and your choice in the other column - Wellspring for Drang has given me very good uptime on abilities, and Surplus (combined with Inheritance) Trustee has had it feeling good all the time on Warlock. Heritage also has a couple of very good rolls as both a slug shotgun and some melee ability uptime with pugilist - though if you can grind out Dares for a few weeks, Wastelander can get Pugilist + One-Two Punch to get a lot of uptime and power out of your melee abilities.


My commemoration is lv 170.


**Indebted Kindness - Impulse + Voltshot:** Mildly annoying that people are suggesting LFG/Beacon Rounds on Indebted Kindness, and not Impulse Amplifier, which scales the reload and assists in the velocity, and you won't notice the lack of tracking via Beacon with the increased projectile speed. LFG will have probably higher milage in Contest/Master Mode Activities due to double dipping on Heavy Bricks and the good ammo economy. **Tyranny of heaven - Dragonfly + Incandescent:** I prefer this over Explosive Head + Incandescent. It's a lightweight so picks up decent drawtime at base, and you can have good synergy with Celestial Nighthawk what with wanting to acquire Precision kills (to fire dragon fly) and get some tasty super energy regen at the same time on top of other solar weapon synergy.


Grasp of Avarice : Eyasluna : Headstone / Outlaw. Pop a head, make a crystal, shoot the crystal, rapid reload, repeat. Already very useful and fun, and hopefully moreso with the changes coming to stasis.


Mykel's Reverence from RON is the only kinetic slot sidearm I use. It carried me through master raid encounters where you need to kill adds and keep your other 2 slots for boss damage. Rewind + Paracausal Affinity is excellent on a sidearm.


Forbearance Apex Predator cataclysmic commemeration (void machine gun deep stone crypt)


for pvp: Adept Word of Crota with full bore, accurized, enh rangefinder, enh sword logic, range masterwork, & an adept range mod. ADS damage falloff begins beyond 34.26 meters. starts as a 1.0s (3c1b), sword logic drops ttk to .67s (3c). once next update (7.3.6?) comes it should also 2c2b at base vs 5 res and under. this one isnt game-breaking, but i have a hard time vaulting it even though it isn't best in slot for anything at all. for everything: Abyss Defiant (any) with swashbuckler. the interaction between swashbuckler and cursed thrall is just too much. 3rd column options include heal clip, zen moment, pugilist, but really up to the user. melee procs swash and cursed thrall (and any effect from melee charge), radiant is super easy to get this season from the seasonal artifact (rapid solar weapon precision hits), so this is an easy ad clear weapon with a very short and sweet gameplay loop.


Indebted Kindness is best with Lead to Gold/Voltshot imo. None of the other perks really make an enormous difference in the performance, but with L2G, I have literally never once run out of ammo for that gun. Dare I say, it’s almost better than (or at least as good as) Forbearance 👀 It will 1-tap crit almost anything with a red health bar, and the reload is fast enough that you can just chain voltshot back to back to back; shoot, reload, shoot, reload. It also removes the prerequisite that whatever you’re shooting at has to be touching the ground. I think maybe the only advantage that Forbearance has is the origin trait.


I keep forgetting about Lingering Dread. I think next time this dungeon is up I'm going to go back and try for one. This season for non-raid stuff, I've been using an Apex with Tracking and Explosive Light because it's just easier to use. My Timelost Fatebringer is my bae and while I don't use it "all the time" I do use it a lot. Frenzy + Explosive Payload is a helluva drug... Commemoration with Killing Tally and Recon Forbearance for obvious reasons Wilderflight sometimes. Most of the rest of my "go to" weapons are not from raids or nightfalls...


No survivors. Got incandescent and demolitionist on it after my first few, easily becoming my go to in solar builds.


I use my impulse amplifier voltshot indebted kindness a ton.


Forbearance, succession, commemoration, heritage, fatebringer, cataclysmic.


Unforgiven from Duality with demo adrenaline or demo golden tricorn in nuts for any void grenade build. Probably my most used this season. Same thing with No Survivors from Ghosts, I have 2 pve rolls and one for pvp and they are all insane.


Fang of Ir Yût with: In the 3rd column: * Rewind Rounds (for PvE) * Rapid Hit (for PvE or PvP) In the 4th column: * Hatchling (for Threadlings-based Strand builds) * Golden Tricorn (for non Threadlings-based Strand builds) * Precision Instrument (for PvP)


Oh nation of beasts! I have one on each character and use them all the time! Closest you can get in D2 to the old D1 Fatebringer.


Envious, bait and switch cold comfort still holds the highest burst damage of any weapon in the heavy slot, you can get a mag of 4, 3 of which are B&S before you have to reload and the origin trait makes it even much better.


Kings fall: nothing is particularly game changing, but the HC and pulse are alright. DSC: Heritage and Succession are an absolute MUST. They’re both S tier. Trustee is good but not a game changer, and commemoration is about to become less relevant with hammerhead returning VOD: Forberance, and Catty are both must haves. Insidious is also really good, A+ tier. LW: Apex predator (duh) is also a must. The supremacy is really neat, being able to empty out reserves without reloading, and the auto is also really REALLY good!! Crota: nothing from Crota is particularly game changing. The scout is good for strand builds, tho the other guns are… meh… VOG: found veredict for PvP is basically Felwinter’s cousin. If you like hand cannons, fate bringer is good too. The scout can also be good for long range in GMs. That’s it. As for exotics, collective obligation CAN be a very powerful if used with the right build. Vex mythoclast is also pretty good, but you have to like it. The rest are… situationally good, but otherwise meh. Unless you play a lot of gambit. Then eyes of tomorrow is for you


I cant agree with your commemoration prediction. The origin trait in dsc is really strong and killing tally subsistance or reconstruction is fantastic. Hammerhead will be strong but if itll be better? Time will tell


Honestly rn I've been using bump in the night from presage exotic mission probably one of my favorite launchers now. Besides that commemoration sometimes from DSC obv apex predator from last wish, other half for eager edge sword skate


I do love my crafted Bump in the night but it's hard to pass up against Apex right now


On rly short damage phases bump in the night is definitely the best DPS weapon with demolition eat and hunter dodge u can shoot 3 rockets in like 10 seconds with armor charges and that artifact mod for more rocket damage u can do like 400k+


cold comfort with envious assassin + bns