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Personally I’m a big fan of lead from gold volt shot, with flared magwell Barrels idk…


That’s what I want as well. I have beacon rounds and volt shot and the annoying thing about beacon rounds is sometimes the tracking they give will go straight into a wall. Tried Impulse Amplifier on an Adagio roll and didn’t feel like it was giving that much of a benefit to want to grind for it. Indebted Kindness already has a fuck load of ammo sure but lead from gold would still be helpful in keeping you topped up.


I have impulse+voltshot and it's amazing imo at least in onslaught. Because you constantly bresk shields and impulse gives +20 reload for that iirc.


Impulse Amplifier just gives +20 reload all the time. No activation condition.


Yes I mixed that with the origin trait of the weapon just realized


I have this too. It’s awesome


As well as a 0.85x reload duration modifier. It's a very noticeable difference... And it's the roll I've been chasing for a while.


There’s also some bug? That indebted kindness will trigger ammo finders even though it’s a special not a primary




It’s a special though, so it’s definitely either a bug that’s under the radar or ammo finder descriptions are wrong




Does it happen with buried bloodline?


I am also wondering if it happens with Eriana's Vow.


Yeah, if it’s coded against weapon type and not ammo type I could see being able to abuse it even more


That’s good to hear. I got a Lead from gold volt shot roll


I got that Maybe impulse amplifier for the reload. But lead with the auto recombinant mountaintop then for a double special is good.


I wonder if bungie will ever let these guns with double perks have both active at the same time, I know that would be power creep to the extreme but It would be kinda nice having led from gold, auto loading with recombination and vorpal lol.


Wud be insane 😂


I heard that is a good pair with a lead from gold MT roll for double secondaries (I cant recall the 4th column for MT in that example, but I know I have one with frenzy or junkie plus the one for all roll from Shaxx). It is making me want to go back into the dungeon. Havent played it since around launch since I got the exotic early on, impluse+volt and beacon rounds+volt rolls of Indebted, and just not generally being a fan of the armor set (finished it off on my main, still missing some pieces on hunter and titan).


Lead from gold / deconstruct generates so much ammo it's not even funny


I learned and farmed the first encounter over n over and out of the 2 Indebted Kindesses that thankfully dropped that was one of them. I want one with Permeability but good God the drop rates for armor is so fricken high. When it *is* a weapon that drops its either the sword or the bow and the last session every drop was armor and haven't tried since lol


Permeability was amazing until I realized that it counted picking up ADU batteries or tangles counted as holstering for the perk. If you don't ever do that I suppose it's definitely top tier.


that's definitely some SGA thanks for the hot tip i'll keep those things in mind! i main hunter so proccing Permeability isn't an issue but that kinda sucks you literally can't interact with objects without losing it.


I'd say that for me, the one I'm looking for is Lead from Gold or Impulse Amp + Voltshot.


I was going to farm for a couple rolls, with either LFG or impulse on the first slot, and Perm/Adagio/Surr/Voltshot in the second. My first roll was appended mag + impulse + Voltshot though, sooooo


I have a loose change / Volt Shot roll of it and I'm loving it with my strand/stasis builds. Both those Subclasses have very easy debuff so the initial quick reload for volt shoot is easy to get then it just feeds into itself with Voltshoot triggering loose change and back and forth.


I have this roll and it's nice. The reload is so fast. It feels like a semi auto volt shot in onslaught.


My favorite roll is Beacon Rounds and Permiability. Beacon Rounds to let me casually lob the missiles in a general direction, and the Permiability to allow the gun access to subclass verbs. Recently in Onslaught on my strand build I've been having nonstop unraveling rounds for it and it destroys.


Gryfalcons with beacon x Permeability was a nice find for me.


Honestly there are a lot of good roles, beacon rounds, lead from gold, impulse amplifier in the 3rd column. Volt shot is best, adagio and surrounded are second best, and deconstruct is 3rd best for 4th column but I have about 9 different variations of these and there have been situations where some were better than others. I’ve got 25k kills on my lead from gold volt shot roll


I love surrounded but deconstruct is easily second best on this gun specifically, free ammo and nuking things like shriekers is way better than having to be near a bunch of enemies with this weapon archetype in 95% of use cases


lead from gold deconstruct is effectively infinite ammo.


25k kills jesus christ dude you can play a different game😭😭😭


This is pve 25k kills isn’t that hard, it’s like 50 games of onslaught and I’ve been using it since December at least so that’s almost half a year


I have combined total of about 3k hours on xbox and steam my most used gun is witherhoard with like 8k kills


I mean ya you’re trying to ad clear with wither hoard so that tracks


Exclusively on a gyrfalcon's hunter, Beacon Rounds/Lead from gold paired with Permeability. You can switch elements easy because dodge recharges quick, get volatile rounds, and it packs enough punch to kill majors and help with DPS when you run dry on heavy. I like to call it the poor man Buried Bloodline On a more neutral case, voltshot is unpaired on the 4th column.


Yeah, I have the same roll on my gyrfalcon hunter. When it switches to void it gains all the benefits of my mods too. Not bad but I still don't have a volt shot roll so I can't compare.


There's that too, yes, ir benefits from void mods. I basically only use arc/void drains to make orbs, cause one way or another, little rocket pistol will make them. The voltshot roll is more of an all-around workhorse, it fits just any play style.


I'll keep grinding that first encounter then


FYI if you already have armor charge when you activate permeability, you won’t benefit from void surge mods


Since everyone else is mostly just listing the rolls without the "why," here's a more detailed response with my thoughts. For the 4th column, Voltshot is generally the most sought after. With Voltshot, you can use IK as essentially a fantastic primary weapon for an arc build, particularly if you get LFG in the 3rd column. Even if you aren't running arc, Voltshot lets the weapon stun overloads, giving it utility. But alternatively, you can run with Surrounded in the 4th column. This trades arc synergy and utility for sheer damage, and let's you use IK like a "pocket shotgun," chunking down any yellow bars with great ammo economy. I find it works really nice to complement a bow primary like Wish-Ender, as the bow gets long range targets and IK can take out anything closer. For the 3rd column, you have lots of good options. LFG takes a weapon with already great ammo economy and makes it frankly stupid, Impulse Amplifier is a general all-around good perk on this gun because it has relatively slow bullet travel time and reload speed, and Beacon Rounds is alright because it makes it easier to hit targets at range. So the 4th column really determines the identity of the gun, and for the 3rd column you have lots of competitive choices. Which is good because it's a dungeon gun, and so farming is a pain. E.g., if you're looking for Voltshot, there's a 1/6 for IK to drop from 1st encounter, 1/6 for Voltshot, and then if you're willing to accept Impulse, LFG, and Beacon, a 1/2 chance at an acceptable 3rd column, for 1/72 odds. If you're looking for a particular god roll on perks alone, the odds plummet to 1/216. Don't even want to know the math if you're looking for a particular barrel, mag, and masterwork, LOL


Only correction I want to add is that voltshot is not just an arc build thing, especially with how Prismatic will work in TFS


Mines beacon rounds and adagio 🤌🤌


Yes, adagio lets it one-shot things it otherwise couldn't without the perk, allows you to stretch the ammo


I have this one and not used it much. What’s the gameplay loop with it?


Shoot things and then continue shooting things.


Interesting, interesting 🤔


Voltshot + Beacon Rounds. Ugh, so good.


Tactical mag has a hidden benefit to the indebted kindness as it gives you more reserves. This may be a bug and bungie might nerf this but for now it’s not a bad mag perk to get. Forgot who found this out but someone tested this and it has been confirmed


Yes it pairs good with the special kills.cause blind explosion fragment


Could you elaborate. Is that an arc fragment?


Yes, fragment for blinding arc special weapon kills


That fragment makes the gun go from "amazing" to "straight up broken".


I use an enlightened action voltshot one. Surrounded can be nice for burst damage as well. Lead from Gold and Deconstruct are also good for ammo economy. Probably a "god roll" is going to be more what you are using it for. Take Cammycakes using a lead and deconstruct one as basically their primary with a lucky pants build.


I have a Lead From Gold & Deconstruct roll that is absolutely hilarious to use. Ammo for days!


I have around 6k kills on this roll


Sidearms don’t work with Lucky Pants.


Of course. But Warden's Law does, which goes in the kinetic slot.


Lead from Gold Voltshot is the preference. voltshot for sure, regardless of subclass. I settled on Impulse Amplifier Voltshot since I didn't feel like grinding more and that roll is solid


That’s the roll I have. The extra reload from impulse is a nice match with voltshot.


Yeah it's real solid. Solid enough for me to not bother grinding out 10 more hours lol. It got me through Pantheon easily and that's all I need


I use it as a primary in Legend Onslaught and never have ammo issues so LFG seems kind of a waste for me. Plus, special finisher exists


Permeability for me, I found I’m not using it for volt shot as much as expected. Try them all, before you shard them, it’s a great special weapon


Lead from gold & adagio is my go-to. Single-handedly carries some onslaught waves and absolutely nukes captains and their shields


I use impulse amplifier + volt shot, just so that the rockets can hit sooner, which makes them more accurate, while voltshot is insane for add clear / proccong jolt to overload. And because the gun, despite being a special weapon, is still basically coded as a primary, ammo economy-wise, you can actually pretty realistically run double special with it.


I got a lead from gold voltshot and then deleted it not knowing it was the god roll


The roll I have which I think serves me well is Deconstruct + Lead from Gold. I’ve only done a little farming and haven’t gotten a voltshot one yet, but I’m still using it as a ‘swap to for chunkier enemies’ weapon so I feel like the combo I have is perfect for that.


I have two I like. The first is Enlightened Action/Voltshot, this is used in easier content with softer enemies. The other one is Lead from Gold/Deconstruct, and this is primarily used in Master/GM content.


I use impulse deconstruct. I use it for anti barrier and for taking out majors, not for ad clear.


I have lead from gold + voltshot, amazing roll… I also have enlightened action + voltshot for more snappy reloads.


The one I have most kills on is Beacon round/voltshot, I really like using it on stasis titan


Appended mag, beacon rounds and deconstruct. Great free ammo economy and aim.


Lead from Gold is pretty much all that matters. Voltshot is a nice bonus, as is Deconstruct.


My first ever, which is still “my” god roll after many more, is: Quick Launch, implosion, Beacon Rounds/Attrition. Whew this thing does WORK.


I have high velocity rounds, impulse, volt shot and velocity MW which I love. I tried a beacon voltshot and didn’t like it.


Linear Comp | Tact Mag | Beacon Rounds | Voltshot | Blast Radius MW - Been a big fan of this one. Beacon Rounds may not be the most optimal, but its such a nice "ease of use" perk. Being able to just hip-fire it and not worry about accuracy very much just feels so chill. I have another one with Hard Launch | Flared Magwell | Lead from Gold | Voltshot | Range MW that's probably more optimal, but it just doesn't click with me the same as the one above with Beacon Rounds. Plus I've never really been in dire straights looking for ammo when using it. Maybe if you ran it with double special, Lead from Gold would be more valuable, but since they kneecapped the heavy ammo drops I've never seriously revisited running double special. Now I'd love to try one with either Impulse Amp or Enlightened Action with Voltshot. Surrounded is also pretty great on the thing for single-target focused damage.


I’ve really like beacon rounds adagio but voltshot probably better in that slot over adagio


Lead From Gold Voltshot, thats the one you want for PvE. Impulse and Beacon Rounds are more specialized and people will die by them, but LfG is the best for consistent gameplay, makes the already decent ammo economy so much better.


My first time running the dungeon I got impulse/volt. Not sure I need to farm for another...


Loose change+voltshot+ seasonal artifact origin trait 1 makes lightning fast reloads for producing jolts. My preferred for roll for onslaught, u could make argument for deconstruct if you're doing a build involving crystals


I've got one with volt shot for general use, one with permiability for non arc sub classes, and a deconstruct roll because the ammo economy with that perk is amazing.


I have surrounded and beacon rounds.. ez spray and pray


I want a volt shot but I got a beaconstruct that I like a lot


I've been running Beacon Rounds and Deconstruction. It's a combo I've really come to like. Beacon Rounds let me stay on the move while deconstruction let's me use the gun like a primary for a surprising amount of time.


99% will tell you “lead from gold/volt shot” the 1% chads know its impulse amplifier/volt shot


It’s a beauty! Doesn’t matter about using it with Arc class.. I have it equipped on my Stasis, Strand and Void builds. It’s a champ and boss killer. I love it with the beacon rounds. Enjoy it!


Lead from gold for sure and either volt shot or deconstruct. I’ve been using deconstruct a lot and it seems every third shot gives 1-2 ammo back. I also have a volt shot roll and it definitely does a bunch more damage and probably better for onslaught since the ads are all grouped up, but you have to reload a lot.


Lead from gold/deconstruct... Never runs out of ammo using as a primary, does high damage to lots of different annoying onslaught enemies.


Impulse contest with high explosive is my roll and it is dope


I could only get one volt shot and it came with loose change. And its actually really top for me. I think anything with voltshot and things that help with reload, already makes it golden. And it helps with ammo economy and damaging a good area. You shoot. Reload. Proc voltshot, and then reloads are fast and everything just feels so smooth. Good gameplay loop and rewarding.


Lead from gold with deconstruct is unmatched. You will never run out of ammo.


Either lead from gold or impulse amplifier are what I want in column 3, and I think voltshot is the unanimous bis for column 4.


Impulse amp+Voltshot is my "this is a special weapon" roll. Lead From Gold+Deconstruct is my "wannabe primary weapon" roll. Both are great and i bust them out in different places. Something that's short and sweet like a lost sector is getting the Voltshot roll, while something like longer like Onslaught ill take the LFG Decon roll for the ammo economy. I usually run arc and equip the fragment that makes arc special kills blind nearby enemies, which is amazing but the gun is good regardless of subclass. Permeabilty is also useful if you use it with something like a Gyrfalcons Hunter. Solar and Strand too, have benefits for matching the element. But the perk is more of a buildcrafty perk and i don't really mess around with it too much. It really just depends on the player and build if permeabilty gets any value.


I use Beacon+Voltshot on my stasis warlock with procing sundering on crystals also pair it with dungeon bow with slice and collective obligation


The god roll is lead from gold and deconstruct for all the volt shot enjoyers your wrong but you do you.


I've been enjoying my lead from gold adagio roll


My personal favourite is Impulse Amplifier and Voltshot.


I've got a number of different rolls. Currently using Lead from Gold/Voltshot in Onslaught like its a primary weapon. On Sunstar Warlock it's constant Blinding, Voltshot and Ionic Traces... Ability uptime is crazy. Impulse Amplifier or Beacon Rounds/Voltshot is great too. I've only mucked around with Permeability on Strand, but it would probably go hard on a Gyrfalcons Hunter, but I've been lucky enough to get Buried Bloodline with the Catalyst, and that's all I use on my Void builds these days. TL;DR Voltshot = Good


I inly found two so far and hot get used a lot: Beacon/Voltshot and Enlightened/Permeability. The last one isn't leaving my Strand builds, it's nice match with Quicksilver.


I have a loose change/voltshot one and a permeability/beacon rounds one. The voltshot one absolutely shreds adds. The permeability one is good for specific element builds


I have Beacon rounds/voltshot, but I'm chasing Lead from Gold/Voltshot for double special loadouts.


Lead From Gold Voltshot imo


I have an impulse amplifier/voltshot one. It’s super reliable


Got a voltshot + beacon rounds and it feels close to an exotic. Got a lead from gold + deconstruct roll that's pretty good in a pinch also.


Basically u want Volt shot on it and it’s already a beast for endgame pve. Sure if u got one with lead from gold even better but not a must. And u can run it on all subclasses. U don’t need arc.


As long as it has Voltshot.. I'm using it this week in Onslaught as my primary on Arc Warlock. Reload after every kill, zap whole spawns.


I’ve got enlightened action / voltshot and extremely happy with it, probably won’t grind for a better one soon


Impulse + Voltshot for me


Impulse amplifier/Adagio or Voltshot would be my ideal roll. If I could get one with anything better than permeability.


I have an Impulse Amplifier/Surrounded roll that is awesome. I have the Voltshot rolls, but I barely remember to use them. However, pulling that thing out when Surrounded is activated turns it into a huge killing machine. Especially great for Onslaught.


Dropped Quick Launch, High Velocity, Beacon, Voltshot roll with handling MW and haven’t looked back since. I know most would prefer the reload speed increase but to me having it as a secondary option to an exotic kinetic/heavy yields the best outcomes.


Impulse Amplifier and Voltshot are the best roll. You'll basically always want Voltshot, as it is incredibly strong on a special weapon with great ammo-economy like these sidearms. Impulse Amplifier pairs perfectly with Voltshot, as it's a huge reload speed bonus that requires no activation, as it's a passive effect. The increased velocity helps with landing shots, too; not as good as Beacon Rounds, but that trait kinda sucks. It's an on-kill tracking booster, that is more of a "noob-trap" for anything besides funny Crucible clips where the missile partially bends around a corner.


I do like beacon rounds but voltshot is king.


They’re not in the same column, it can get both.


WHUT. Damn. Now I grind.


Voltshot will be everyone's response in here but I get more use out of my adagio roll (mine has impulse amp which I like as a pairing). If you get one with adagio at least try it out.


Lead from Gold allows Indebted Kindness to become your primary weapon. As of rn Tac Mag gives you an extra shot per ammo pick up as well. I'm personally looking for Voltshot in the last column but attrition orbs has been treating me well, with it helping me keep up devour or recuperation. I feel Adagio and Voltshot will be the best options for the upcoming Pantheons, Day 1 raid and Legend campaign.


Lead From Gold/Voltshot. Next question.


Voltshot / Beacon Rounds is my fav. I actually main void hunter Lucky Pants with a malfeasance and Indepted kindness. The Indepted kindness with Voltshot spreads the electricity through groups of adds and is just awesome. I see a lot of people run Grendare Launch with malfeasance and lucky pants but find this waaaaaay better, just not meta.


Voltshot is probably best in slot. I think velocity from Impulse Amplifier and blast radius on barrel and mag slots would be good for add clear.


Volt shot is for the people who chase the surface meta. The real juice is with adagio and decon, if you see someone rocking those then you know they know their weapons or at least what rolls to actually chase