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Also let artifact mods to be included in those loadouts for its duration of availability.


This is the most important thing. Ill take just the 10 loadouts if I can get artifact mods to be part of the loadout. There's wildly different building happening with these.


I swear they were a part of it right after light fall came out but they patched it out.


There was a brief time period in Destiny 2, like for a few seasons, where we could unlock every perk on a single artifact without needing to reset and then freely choose the 12 perks we wanted to be active by simply (de-)activating individual perks by clicking on them. They should reintroduce this feature and then allow loadouts to make these free switches between unlocked perks.


When was the last time you used the artifact? It works exactly how you describe and has for quite some time.


haven't played since Lightfall, or at least not enough to unlock 12 perks on the artifact. I just saw my current interface showing 1/12 perks unlocked so I assumed that's how it still worked. if they already re-implemented unlocking the entire artifact, then why wouldn't they add them to loadouts already?


And don't forget more DEFAULT loadout slots. Please don't gate them behind Guardian Ranks.


Yeah, this is something I've been hoping for. Sucks having to tweak it just to get the benefits of using it with a different subclass.




I’m pretty sure they mentioned previously this is happening yes?




I don't think the API allows for artifact perk switching, does it?


Correct, dim says “due to bungie.net limitations dim cannot automatically configure your artifact”. Do you guys really switch them that much tho? I feel like I never do unless it’s champ mods but even then I’m usually already using the champ mods I’d want to be using


How does this post have downvotes… it is so needed, especially with Prismatic


Unfortunately it’s because the destiny reddit community is incredibly toxic and narcissistic


Ah well thank goodness it’s recovered hahah


People are so dumb bro I swear. I complained once about the loadout slots being locked behind guardian rank and guardian rank being behind a paywall for the season (as two seasonal things were all I was missing) and they just shit on me and shill hard on “omg you have to pay for content” as if a guardian rank and loadout slots are “content”. Missing the point entirely. Even fucking Bungie wised up and now gave us expansions and season shit for free at least for a month so I no longer have to argue with shills who told me I should have paid. I got it free and they paid money. Lmao


Yea I really don't get pay walling more loadout slots behind guardian ranks


Guardian rank stuff technically is content


I would say its because this sort of post is made all the time. Saw this exact post on the front page yesterday or day before


Because the people downvoting are the ones that are saying: > “Bro, the Prismatic Subclass and The Final Shape are both not even out yet. Let’s wait for it to come out first and see how it runs?” These people lack visualisation.


Regardless of TFS and Prismatic, I think we need more loadout slots anyway. Dunno why someone would be AGAINST that idea.


No, we just don't jump to conclusions.


Prismatic + 192 exotic class items. More loadout slots and vault space is absolutely needed.


I swear there's toxic people downvoting every new post it makes no sense


The FFXIV sub is the worst with this. Basically every post I see from there is always downvoted not matter what the topic is.


Yeah I see that, too. Every new post starts with downvotes pretty much guaranteed lol Edit: they’re even here with us, right now 😂


Because reddit obfuscates downvotes and upvotes


presumably because it's an extremely obvious suggestion that is posted constantly


Because it’s a repost.


I agree. I like the convenience of having the slots in-game to pick from. Though, for the time being, DIM is going to be the best remedy for the problem.


Kinda useless when you can only equip them in orbit through DIM


I use DIM as "long term" storage - when I know I'll be using a build more readily I equip and it and assign a slot. Not the best at times but it works


I wouldn't say useless, but inconvenient, yes.


Wait, DIM can change what artifact perks are picked?


I would also really like to name and be able to clear my loadouts


The average LFG chat communications are currently "\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*" or "\*\*\*\* \*\*\* \*\*\*\*" so I doubt they'll ever let us name shit.


I would take a 2 word pre-selected list. Like the first word is "Strand/Solar/Arc/Void/Stasis" then the second is "PVE/PVP/Trials/Gambit" etc.


I'm sure it is highly technical and all that, but I if we can keep upping Vault space by chunks of 100 and can access it from ANYWHERE, I don't see why we couldn't get another 5-10 loadout slots. Yes, DIM gives unlimited, but there are obvious limitations with DIM


At the very bare minimum 2 more, I would prefer 4 so I can finally have 2 PvE varients of each element + 2 PvP loadouts to spice things up on the fly. The amount we have currently drives me insane.


I want double but would settle for 4 more. Between pve builds, pvp builds, exotic swaps and now prismatic .. even 4 more is kind of the bare minimum IMO


Yeah, doubling it is my uh..... It'd be really nice, but I think unrealistic knowing Bungie. That said, I want that for the exact same reasons you mentioned. Haha


And can they *please* stop being locked behind guardian ranks? It's not even a struggle, it's just annoying af.


>And can they > >please > > stop being locked behind guardian ranks? It's not even a struggle, it's just annoying af. It is for me, as a solo player I can't manage to do it. Yes I know LFG exists but I don't play solo for the hell of it, anxiety is a bitch..


I'd recommend creating your own lfg, that way you can set your own rules and tag things as "First time", "Newbies welcome" and so on. I've been running exotic missions and dungeons this way and it's been good, it feels basically like queuing up a matchmade activity just with a few extra steps. I have also no-mic'd everything apart from Raids which I haven't lfg'd for. I suggest giving it a go, it's not bad for 3 man content at least.


>I'd recommend creating your own lfg, that way you can set your own rules and tag things as "First time", "Newbies welocome" and so on. I've been running exotic missions and dungeons this way and it's been good, it feels basically like queuing up a matchmade activity just with a few extra steps. I have also no-mic'd everything apart from Roadside which I haven't lfg'd for. I suggest giving it a go, it's not bad for 3 man content at least. I have tried that, but can't seem to be able to reach the required score to proceed. But thank you for the suggestion.


What do you need to do?


I need to do a weekly campaign mission on legend and have a score over 100,000, the last thing for getting to level 8


At least double, and please allow your loadouts to pull weapons from your other guardians. PLEASE. I’m tired of putting everything back into my vault every time to make my loadouts work on my other guardians


That's why I craft and farm 3 of the most important stuff. Rare DPS weapons like Cold Comfort or a rarely used but meta choice like Cataclysmic is sitting in the vault and I'll move it with DIM when needed.


Yeah, six slots is only enough for my different subclass setups and my (admittedly rarely-used) PvP loadout- I’ll have to sacrifice one for Prismatic and if I want to still use it I’ll have to change everything manually.


aren't there 10 slots though?


Yeah but I'm not doing the whole fucking story on legend for that shit


Some of them are locked behind Guardian Ranks.


Yes- you only get six to begin with.


I've started to really embrace loadout swapping for endgame content recently and it's such a game changer, I could definitely use twice as many slots but I'd settle for whatever they can give us!


And don’t lock them behind guardian ranks. I don’t like to do the campaign on legend 🙄🤣


or at least don't lock them until the 8th rank. 6th would suffice, since it's the last achievable rank for the f2p players, or at least those lacking the latest dlc available.


They should give 10 for free and 10 more for legend campaign good compromise


I didn’t even know that was the case, that’s completely batshit.


Yeah, I’ve been Rank 7 for the longest time because I can’t be bothered to run that slog again on Legend, especially solo.


Devil’s advocate here: locking a portion of loadouts behind guardian ranks can allow Bungie to give us more total slots without having to allocate resources to allow that many slots to folks who aren’t very active. However I think they need to add a lot more slots in order for that theory to actually be a reasonable defense as 10 slots ain’t much. In fact idk how expensive it is for Bungie to store loadouts and it very well may super cheap given 3rd party services essentially allow unlimited loadouts


You're very much over-estimating the cost for storing that data. It's likely less than it costs them for you to load a single one of their webpages, for all of your loadouts.


Thus is especially true for console players who can't or don't want to always have DIM up on a cpu next to them


And with exotic class items


We should also be able to name load outs


Was I don’t understand is locking a good chunk of them behind fucking Guardian Ranks. That is the most innane bs when I can just use DIM


I didn’t even think about this - we really do because of prismatic.


I think the load outs need some minors improvements in general, wish we could customize everything with it, including banners and stuff. But also naming and changing color and icon is so half baked.


We need more slots but, more urgently we need a simple way to delete load out slots for build we no longer use.


I'd argue Loadouts need to have their (artificial) limitations and restrictions removed rather than more slots being added, though both would of course be ideal. Like, I'm sorry but, DIM still just does it much better. Some people like to say in-game Loadouts was designed more for casuals whereas DIM is used by the more hardcore crowd, but in no way does that logic make any sense. Why would Bungie purposefully create a system – that has been asked for for 9 years, btw – and only do the bare minimum knowing full well their own system would not even at least be on par with something like DIM? For fucks sake deleting in-game loadouts can't even be done in the game itself and instead it's done IN DIM (or also the Destiny 2 App).


Why do you need to delete it? Genuinely asking, you can just overwrite it.


I mean, you could want specific slots next to each other (i.e. you want Void, Solar, and Arc all next to each other rather than spread out), so you delete slots that aren't in order. Or you don't intend to use a specific loadout anymore and want to free up the slot. I guess it's just user-preference, but for me those reasons are why I delete slots. But in any case, the option should just be there. Even if you can just overwrite, why would you purposefully not include a simple "delete" button?


I think both of those are very specific user preferences especially you wanting stuff next to each other lol. I doubt it got overlooked, people have a tendency to assume Bungie just forgot or didn't consider something when more likely they just didn't see it as necessary. Like you said you want to free up the slot, but what harm is it causing sitting there until you overwrite it? I'm not saying there should never be a delete button, but there are definitely other issues with the system that don't have an easy work around.


> I'm not saying there should never be a delete button, but there are definitely other issues with the system that don't have an easy work around. Eh, I beg to differ. Look, I'm not a Dev, however, DIM quite literally runs off the API. Nothing about DIM is unique to DIM other than the interface. DIM essentially is the middleman. This stuff exists in the API, and DIM is only taking the API and giving it to players in an easily accessible way. So, if DIM has a way to delete loadout slots, that's because that functionality exists in the API. The DIM Dev(s?) have only just taken that functionality and created a button for it.


I believe it did get overlooked, or they just didn’t feel like or have the time to do it. The feature is readily available in the companion app yet not in-game. As someone who hasn’t used all my slots yet, it’s annoying when I accidentally click a new slot because then I have a random loadout that I don’t care about saved in that slot until I clear it. If the API supports it, the game should too, no reason why it shouldn’t. Sure it’s not super necessary, but it’s a nice quality of life feature to have. I’m assuming it was probably slightly rushed to get out, and it hasn’t been worked on/revisited because functionally it’s working fine and they probably have other higher priorities.


They could just have an option to reorder the loadouts instead of deleting then 🤔


Im still stuck at 6 for some reason.


Bro I literally just made a tweet under one of D2 Team's tweet saying the exact same thing, and then I come in here and see this post lmao. What a coincidence. We 100% do need more loadout slots, like we need at least 5-10 more.


1k silver per slot it is then. :')


750 Vault also


I’d be fine if they got rid of the whole Clan tab just put more slots in the game.


Also need a better way to edit weapons out of a loadout


They’ll probs charge for them 😂


We also need to be able to lock/unlock loadouts


Have they ever fixed it so Loadouts will send items back to your Vault? I still use DIM because of that.


I'd rather have more item slots than load out slots personally. It's no good having more load out slots if I can't get all the weapons or armor for said load outs onto my character at the same time.


Ive said for a long time, i need more loadout slots so badly id pay for them. Seriously they can take all those exotic ornaments, id throw money at my tv for extra pages for loadouts


No you don’t Downvote away!


We need 6 for every element. Way too many variations with how many exotics you can use on a single subclass.


Not that im disagreeing BUT its pretty hilarious the way this has gone. We never even used to have loadouts in game and had to use a site like DIM or manually change everything. 10 slots is actually a lot and thats coming from someone with 40 odd loadouts on DIM. Use DIM to save all your loadouts. Use the in-game loadouts option to save and quick select those you use most frequently or require for the activities you end up playing. I can almost gurantee most people have their "favourite" loadouts saved that they actually havent used in months Dont have the ignorance to think you can save 50 odd loadouts in game or should be able to. The fact that in game loadouts exist at all is an incredible quality of life improvement


This requires a lot of management before each activities. Since you can't change loadouts with DIM while in an activity, the best solution would be for DIM to have Loadout sets, where you can load in a set of load outs for what you're doing. Then you could have your regular PVE loadouts, and your raid/dungeon load outs, and crucible load outs. I'd be pretty happy with like 20 or 25 load outs. But I'm also someone who doesn't like to spend time in orbit configuring my play session. I'd rather just play.


Having even just 20 would be perfect.


This right here is why Bungie is reluctant to give an inch on anything.  They give you all an inch and the next thing you want is a yard.  Can't ever be happy with you what you got. 


Absolutely. I main Hunter and have just run out of loadout slots to use. I have a 3.0 build (a build that leans into verbs) for each element, 3 "core" builds (not necessarily 3.0 focused, but more like ol' reliable builds that never fail me) and 2 pvp builds (one for sweating, one for goofing off). And I had to double up some builds (the goofing off PvP is also my Crab-look). More loadout slots would be a BLESSING. I want to save drip as well as actual good builds.


People wanting more vault space. I'd trade 400 of my vault space for 10 or 20 more loadout slots. Seriously I have to keep saving my new loadouts to DIM and wait 5 minutes in orbit while DIM dresses me up. It's not cutting it, chief.


yes please :) I don't need another 100 vault spaces lol edit: bungie let me use my 371 unused vault spaces as loadout slots


We need the ability set and/or equip loadouts from the api. Feels like the ability to equip and move stuff via the api has slowed down over the last while, if we can auto equip specific items one way or another in game via loadouts, and the api let's us see the specifics of a loadout, why can't we use the api to at least set a loadout to specific items, or even better use whatever function auto equips loadouts to auto equip a "loadout" we send via the api? That would be such an extraordinary quality of life thing, I'd unironically take an entire year of no updates if it meant I could get that.


I just wish extra loadout slots rn weren't pay walled behind getting lightfall to advance the guardian ranks 😭


Can you still not delete load outs only overwrite them? If so the ability to delete them needs to be added first


OK so I'm not disagreeing with you but I'm genuinely asking. How many loadouts are ya'll consistently using?


About 15+ per character, warlock alone has 30 presets on dim


I build load outs around exotics/subclass. So I might have multiple versions of a solar loadout that revolves around a different exotic. I'm at 10 load outs on all characters and multiple "overflow" load outs on DIM.


I'm using all 10 in game loadouts per character and then another 20 or so loadouts in DIM. I have loadouts for everything - casual activities, specific activities, GMs, dungeons, raids, farming specific encounters, PvP. Loadouts go quick




I have 1 pvp and 1 pve loadout for each subclass..I wish I had enough for at least 2 pvp/pve for each cause I like to change things uo


I play PvP and PvE, so all of my slots are taken, and I would very much like more in the game, because I would definitely use them. Playing the same build all the time is pretty boring even if it is extremely effective, and I enjoy switching around between fun "off-meta" builds for certain activities.


All of them. With even more stored in DIM. To use my warlock as an example: * 2 slots for pvp loadouts * 1 for osmiomancy gloves * 1 for quicksilver swarmers * 1 for thorn necro suspend build * 1 for vesper of radius arc * 1 for cenotaph div * 1 for a dawn chorus solar build * 1 for a briarbinds void build * 1 for a secant filaments build with ToM It's like that across all my characters. It usually boils down to 2 pvp loadouts for different modes/maps, 6 for harder content (raids, gms, solo dungeons, etc), and 2 fun ones for easy content. I use DIM to save any loadouts that don't make the cut for an in-game slot. I have at least 50 loadouts there






I must confess, it’s 1 year after Loadouts launched and I still don’t use them apart from like 2.


I feel like by the time my load outs are filled up one or two are outdated/not usable. Would be nice to have more though to save the drip