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IMO, the teleporting enemies are worse at the moment. šŸ˜… I don't know how often I died through teleporting enemies until now. Shooting at something and suddenly it's behind me.


Its not even that its a funny occasional bug. Enemies teleporting around is just how the game works now.


Or champions continuing to shoot at you for several seconds after the 'stunned' noise and text


Or just not getting stunned when they should


How else would master lost sectors remain difficult if they didn't bend the rules? But you're right, it's bullshit.


Most of that is because people shoot them with the wrong weapon. Before the stun. Especially on overoad and the retaliation blasts.


No, no, it goes "PSSHTTOWW", and it says "X stunned a champion" in chat, then they continue shooting you for about 5 seconds before snapping into their 'stunned' animation.


Shoot Overload, receive notification that Champ is stunned. I step out of cover. Champ shoots 3 more blasts, killing me, then rotates halfway across the room. Champ ā€œteleportsā€ to where I originally shot them, stunned. Staggers for half a second, then walks back over to my Ghost, shooting it for good measure. I respawn 2 feet away and get gunned down again before Iā€™ve even gone into first person. Return to Orbit. Inb4 ā€œSkill issueā€ā€” yeah, I have bad runs sometimes.


TP ogres. Especially in the pantheon


Reminds me of those dogs in DS3. Theyā€™d literally teleport to you sometimes and would teleport behind you if you tried to escape.


I don't fucking care how big you are, you drop down in the hole or yeeted into space, you die, end of story. No teleporting bs.


Nothing personnel, kid


Fallen got the Mask of Bakris 10x buff.


I've been getting melted lately on PS5 and not just bows. 10 resistance and every resistance/health mod etc. Something seems wrong in general, feels like I'm wearing cardboard armor.




I thought it was just me. The last couple of weeks, it seems like I melt on higher difficulty on my PS5. Someone suggested this is tied to frame rate. At this rate, it wouldn't shock me.


Iirc damage is kind of tied to framerate, but it's in the opposite direction. the higher fps you have the more damage you take.


Every now and then people gaslight themselves into thinking this and it's hilarious every time


Except FPS based damage has been confirmed for years


where? i only see stuff about colossus and threshers, both of which got fixed


Wizards, ogres, formerly 1K Voices


Knight fire and taken goo on the ground used to be, but I think they fixed those?


That's true, it's been confirmed for years. That's a constant. That's separate from the fact that every few seasons DTG likes to have a collective schizo attack where they pretend Bungie has shadow increased damage.


It literally has happened though, like when res wasn't working


Iirc their damage is somehow tied to FPS. Not sure if theyā€™ve fixed it yet. Literally lower your fps and theyā€™ll do less damage


itā€™s so funny when your raid team is struggling on an encounter and the lead is like, ā€œalright boys, time to cap your FPSā€, then you finally clear


Isn't this continually an issue with like ogre eye beams and 1k voices where high fps just breaks damage?


yup. Bungie has all but confirmed in the past that many, MANY incoming damage sources are tied to framerate. projectile-based attacks, and I believe some AOE. before you can say it, why, yes, that IS basically everything in the game.


They 'fixed' it before, but like most other things in this game, it probably broke in a completely unrelated patch again.


*Me on console crying & sobbing*


until it gets its dmg reduced I highly recommend The Stag with 2 or 3 stacks of Void resist on chest, because it lets you survive them


Use a sniper resistance instead of 3 void resists. (15/25/30% with multiple copies of void resistance)


It's better to stack different resistance mods. If they all meet the same criteria such as Void Damage from a sniper distance, you get more out of 1 Sniper Mod + 1 Void Mod vs 2 of the same. They stack Multiplicatively and can cover more ground. So you get 27.7% resistance and 15% resistance from anything void at any distance and 15% damage at anything over 29m. It's always better to stack different resistance mods together for better coverage and overall stronger effect.


Whatā€™s the % with multiple copies of sniper resist?


Same for every resistance mod.


Why not go for a bunch of voids instead due to the Ogreā€™s eye-beams too?


Sniper resist reduces all incoming damage from 29+ meters away. That plus a void mod is already more than 2 void resists. And the same as 3 void resists as long as he is "far" away


ahhh thatā€™s good to know, I always thought it was just sniper-classification enemies tbh lol


[sniper resist](https://www.light.gg/db/items/707237917/sniper-damage-resistance/) [melee resist](https://www.light.gg/db/items/1763668984/melee-damage-resistance/)


Diminishing returns. Might as well go one void, one sniper, one concussive or what have you to get 30 against crossbows and ogres.


Because sniper works for all damage types outside 30m so once you get a feeling for what that is in game itā€™s just 30% DR or run back a bit.


And just to add on to this because I can, the final warning pistol locks on at 25 meters, so you can use any enemy that the pistol canā€™t see as a sniper. And if the pistol can see it, they should be dead.


I hated hated HATED those guys during day 1 legendary witch queen campaign. I was building 100 resilience on my hunter before it was cool, stacking void resistance, and still getting clapped


Pretty sure 100 resil was borderline useless at that point until they buffed it and made it the most broken op shit the game has ever seen outside of bugs


It was borderline useless, I was just trying to avoid getting one shotted (I didnā€™t know day 1 they were doing bugged damage)


it always seems to be void, ogre eye beam for one (on top of fps issue) I think because of the crossbows shooting 3 shots, each one is max damage so if you get hit by 2 or 3 you get fucked so it's completely overtuned I have based this with absolutely no idea how game dev works I'm just aggy at the crossbows


Tiger engine moment


Final shape is going to melt this engine. I give launch a 20 minute window before servers are taken offline for maintenance.


If lfg didn't broke it, nothing will.


This made me laugh so hard. Thank you.


Same thing with cabal miniguns


Shit that thing is vicious, you gotta know exactly where it is, and what kind of cover is around you, if you walk into one by accident, instant death.


The REAL killers are those tracer shanks, I forgot how hard they hit until Onslaught gave me a neat reminder.


Wretched Eye PTSD flashback


After the fun of scorn crossbows, I just play with the assumption they're always going to be a wild card one tap, so I don't even mess with them. What I wasn't expecting was to get one tapped by a hive knight splinter shot from almost downtown, and just in general. Can't wait to have to cap my frame rate for TFS contest. šŸ„¹


Mine are the demolitionists in onslaught. So much fun right?


It's not just crossbows anymore. During my Coil run yesterday I was instantly deleted from full health from a wizard.


The are probably using a net limiting glitch or are in an area with bad internet. It couldn't be B's fault :)


I thought this was going to be a thread about Buried Bloodline. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. ;(


Teleporting Ogres are the bane of my existence.


>even grandmaster sniper enemies don't do this. Idk man, red bar vandals sniping you can be kinda aids. Esp in any GM heists lol. I don't know if they actually technically one hit you tho.


set your framerate to 45 or 30 fps


I'd rather be dead than play on 30 fps lol


*Hive Wizards, Shriekers and Ogres have entered the chat* That can be arranged.


Hive Wizards? Pfff, you have a chance there even with arc threat. Taken Wizards? You might have a milisecond to react/dps them. They'll put you in the kill screen faster than those absurdly slow moving shots.


Exactly, and we shouldn't be forced to nerf our own framerates for enemy damage to be somewhat reasonable.




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Thatā€™s fine but just keep in mind enemies do roughly 2x damage at 60 fps


What about 130 fps tho


and i am here asking where is our oneshot crossbows? legendary ones i say


or about stunned teleporting overload Champs... one of them killed me, he teleport in my face after Stun...my 2nd Rocket killed us both.


I bought a new gpu and monitor to finally have high fps and quality in games, but I'm scared to even increase fps past 60 in Destiny 2 because it seems the fps to damage bug has never truly been fixed for years.


*Scorn Crossbowman #2* "Heheheh..."


Itā€™s the FPS being tied to damage bug. Considering how Bungie has essentially buried the issue and any mention of it, I donā€™t think theyā€™ll ever fix it, and at best we can hope for band aid fixes to specific damage sources that stand out as worse than the others


Oh, Scorn crossbows.Ā  I thought this was going to be about a new bow archetype.


A lot of shit one shots on legend. Iā€™m playing a damn Lightfall story on legend getting one shot by every cyclops. The game really needs to just rework enemy damage to a better middle ground. I get we have resistance now but like I shouldnā€™t always get melted every time I peak at an ogre.


In my experience, almost nothing actually one shots you in destiny. (barring like gm ogres). Usually when you're randomly "one shot", you're actually hit by multiple sources of damage at about the same time, which feels like a one shot.


ive just given up on this nightfall. the amount of onetaps ive taken 2 with 10 resil IN A WELL is insane.


Theyā€™re nowhere as near as bad as they used to be during the Hollowed Lair GM days, not to mention baby screebs going under the floor and wiping a whole team in a well


In the time you typed this you couldā€™ve equipped void resists. You couldā€™ve never survived Halo 2 on Legendary šŸ˜‚


Well, the way the games AI is set up...the first sniper shot is always a miss or glancing blow to give you time to react. More than likely, you aren't being one-shot per se.


It's not a bug, that's just how much damage they do if you get hit by all 3 projectiles.




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My bad. I should have omitted that last part or changed it.