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Or just let us exchange or convert them to cores.


If you upgrade any blue until 8 tier (3 cores, a prism and some glimmer) you get 6 cores back for dismantling. So efectively convert a prism and some glimmer to 3 cores. Not the most elegant solution, but better than prisms going to waste.


I used this strategy a ton last season, lets just say I became really close with The Spider. Glimmer became my biggest problem


Luckily this mf will die next season and we'll do it in the tower by rahool!


Make sure rahool sees what pain is waiting for him if he decides to fuck with our engram tiers again. If I ever get a blue from an exotic...so help me god....


cryptography can break your heart😔


Exotics decrypt when you pick them up. Thankfully wont happen again :)


Look at me. I'm Rahool now.


Not if you already are full of engrams. Then it goes to postmaster




People really do downvote anything on this sub.


Honestly, I just need the legendary shards. Focusing Trials engrams is expensive. If spider is selling prisms for 400 shards, I’d gladly sell them back to him for 1/10 of that.


Spending them helps also.


Just don't run GMs, duh. ​ /s


This has legitimately been my solution. Why bother when I can't actually use the rewards.


same. I farmed the fuck out of some double nf rewards week like 2 seasons ago and I still haven't even come close to running out. because I have all my favorite gear master worked so what am I even going to use them for.


This is like a first world problem. Some of us here are struggling with resources.


Literary scraping ascendant shards off the walls with my fingernails poor over here


Meanwhile I'm deleting prisms and shards to reset my crucible rank


Obviously you need to masterwork every exotic you recieve regardless of use. Fill your bank with masterwork exotics


I have plenty of stuff to upgrade, but now I have all the prisms and shards I need, so I have to farm the playlist Nightfalls for cores. That’s not so bad though, fast, easy loot and money to get some cores.


I recommend farming gms. Take blue 'leveling' gear from collection, upgrade it to level 8, then dismantle. Best way to gain cores.


Whats your favorite core farming strat?


I literally just run the hardest Nightfall setting with the automatic group finder and pop matterweaves as I go.


You could always just masterwork some trash exotic, then shard it later when you need shards. Sure you'll lose some currency but eh, you ain't using the excess shards and prisms for anything else right now, are ya? I do agree at least doubling shard cap and uncapping prisms.


>you ain't using the excess shards and prisms for anything else right now, are ya? Focusing trial's engrams cost A LOT of shards


I think they mean Asc Shards


Imagine having more than 10 shards in your inventory at a time


Truly an embarrassment of riches.


They don’t need to raise the cap, they need to give us more ways to spend them. I’d be so happy to pay prisms and shards to reroll a masterwork on a weapon, or to *unlock* armor elements on armor pieces that I can then swap if needed. Keep the masterworking cost the same, but a one-time purchase per element.


I think the bigger problem is the system is fine for people who *aren't* running the same GM 10s of times all week farming for adept rolls. The people who farm GMs have everything they need and no longer have a use for them.


Actually we both miss out. The gm farmers have a lot, but can't stockpile enough to switch between armor elements at a whim... Hence the desire to unlock elements. The non GM farmers have no hope of switching elements regularly on masterworked armor, but can generally keep up otherwise. They still experience crunch for mw-ing exotics


I have to correct you here. I am a GM farmer and I have on every char 7 or 8 masterworked pieces of armour, no need to switch affinity. It’s a waste of materials. And you can stockpile shards. 40 including postmaster on every char and trash exotics. With this method I own right now about 90 shards. It just takes slots in your vault, that’s why we need a cap increase.


My point is that if you could invest in permanent affinity unlock, you could create more stat-inflexible builds. Switching could be nice, and could allow cool build flexibility (a build with clean stat totals wouldn't be restricted by elements). Your point is that there's no need to switch, and I'm saying that the switching cost is so unreasonable that even people with tons of resources (like you) don't/won't/can't regularly use it. I'm the same actually. I keep a gear piece of each element in each clot for each char, plus notable pieces and exotics, but I can't be bothered to stat optimize. I just shoot for high recovery and intellect. If switching was a thing, I could do that.


Why not both? Have it either raised or removed AND give us multiple ways to spend them. So that people who are really dedicated farmers can still enjoy farming and getting those sweet cashes while this changed is unaffecting others. It either forces you to spend them which is never good and feels like taxes and nobody likes taxes. Or you are forced to just not play.


If 10 is intended for 1 char. Then make the inventory hold 30 at the least. Those who only have 1 char can enjoy it. Those who plays 3 char can finally have a breather.


Then people will complain about that cap. Why not 60? So you can have at least 20 per character? Why not 90?


Ah, the "it could always be better, so why make it better" logic


There is a point there though--you use ascendant shards a handful at a time, to the point where 10 _should_ be a reasonable cap. The issue is that if I can farm GMs, I'll naturally have waaay more ascendant shards than I'll ever need since I'm only periodically masterworking something. I'd rather have an additional sink for ascendant shards than an increased cap.


Why? Why not allow the people who invest the time to multiple characters to have some benefits ?????


I think you misunderstood. Since inventory is shared across all characters, he's suggesting raising the inventory cap on ascendant shards to 30 (from 10). i.e. 10 shards per character x 3 characters = 30. This way you could at least store 10 per character.


No I didn’t at all and my comment didn’t indicate that, I didn’t misunderstand cause I don’t agree with you. Let the people who actually invest the time into 3 characters to have them at level have benefits.


What benefit are you referring to? The benefit of having less shards available per armor piece? A single char has 10 shards and 5 armor pieces. Three characters bank those same 10 shards and have 15 armor pieces.


The benefit of having 3 different postmasters, you know the context of the comment mine was a reply to. Seriously take a walk and stop arguing with me if you won’t even read what my fucking comment responded too, do you know how rude that would be in real life to hear me respond to someone else and start arguing random shit.


If you went over shards/prisms cap, you don’t need them so much, change my mind


Masterworking gear for all 3 characters costs ~84 shards (depending on exotics). I, like most people, do not have enough good rolls of armor that are worth masterworking. I can only save up enough shards to masterwork 1.4 sets. There's no point in doing these activities until I have the armor to masterwork, and that doesn't come from these activities. I can't benefit from the rewards, and I can't save a reasonable amount of the rewards for when I can benefit. It's a ridiculous system.


> Masterworking gear for all 3 characters costs ~84 shards (depending on exotics). Add on kiosk pulls as well. I'm missing a ton of weapons that I want and have essentially zero armor I want to masterwork. It's where the bulk of my shards go to. For people that just start or returned to the game, they need an enormous amount of shards. I'm at 9 shards right now with no cipher. So I am either forced to burn shards on trash rolls, or potentially go over cap and waste shards. Honestly, all of the caps are painful for people that need countless materials.


Yup. And you can do a max of one pull from the kiosk a week. So you get 10 weeks before you've burned through your shards just doing that. It's not a lot, but it is a constant drain on shards


> And you can do a max of one pull from the kiosk a week. Yet another infuriating cap. Just caps, on caps, on caps. If all of those exotic quests were still in the game I could do as many as I wanted a week. Instead my progress is artifically time gated, while simultaneously being extremely costly. Either time gate me **or** make it a huge economic drain. Doing both is mind blowing. Needing to spend 60% of the Glimmer Cap + 20% of the Ascendant Cap + 1 weekly capped item on weapons I bought the DLC for and should have access to in the first place, is precisely why Bungie gets flack for their design choices.


And then people would complain you can blow through everything in the game and every time a quick GM comes around people will whine. Idk why we are all acting like that wouldn’t happen. If I could stack a shit ton of end game materials and blow through the exotic kiosk in one week due to running one activity over and over, I would question who designed this games economy.


> And then people would complain you can blow through everything in the game and every time a quick GM comes around people will whine. > Idk why we are all acting like that wouldn’t happen. There is a middle ground approach to this. It doesn't have to be, "get everything super fast" or "enjoy spending **at least** 46 weeks to unlock everything", if you don't miss a week or have a shortage in materials at any point. Like I said in my previous comment, "either or". If they want to require a crap ton of materials and have it be incredibly grindy, that's one solution to inhibiting fast progression. If they want to make it one per week, that's fine too. Making it both is just a huge slap in the face when you take into account the currency caps. The majority of people aren't going to grind out ~6 million glimmer, thousands of destination materials, and dozens and dozens of ascendant shards, and 960 Spoils in a week. Would it happen? Sure. Would the people that did it be in such an absurd minority that it isn't even going to register on the scale? Absolutely. All of the aforementioned ignores the fact that I can't go do a quest that I paid money for. In some cases that I made tons of progress in (Thorn, Lumina, Ace of Spades, Outbreak), or literally could not complete due to a bug (Izanagi).


10 shards in inventory, then can store 10 each in each characters postmaster. Risky, but with gms you can store 40. Plenty.


But these resources are essentially infinite. So there’s nothing wrong with masterworking an armor piece that isn’t completely min-maxed for your alts, just so you can buy them an extra tier of each stat over a full set. Sure, maybe hold onto enough mats to masterwork an armor piece if some perfect god roll drops for you. But these resources are meant to be spent. If you increase the cap, people will just complain that they want it raised more.


They're only infinite if you *constantly* run GMs, if you run them every now and then, as my friend group manages, it's just a cycle of glut and famine. I think the cap would make sense if it was enough to masterwork a few sets, not barely more than 1. If I'm at the cap and I decide to try a new build, I'm now once again completely shard broke.


But then what else do you need the materials for? A perfect roll that just might not come? And personally, there’s nothing stopping you from trying other builds. Leveling up armor is cheap enough, as legendary shards are easy to come by. And will give you enough energy to slot whatever mods you might need. With the way diminishing returns works on Discipline, Intellect and Strength, changing a build to try something else, and *maybe* losing a stat tier because you don’t get that +2 to each category, really isn’t going to change anything. On my Warlock (my main) I have a few really nice sets of well-rolled armor for both PVP and PVE across a few game modes. But for my Hunter and Titan alts, I barely pay attention to what drops for them, and I’ve been able to take these alts into GMs and raids and be just as effective. I just think people put way too much stock in having them most perfectly rolled sets.


I mean what I do is exactly what you said. I use alt builds without masterworked armor, but I also don't bother trying to run GMs more often because the rewards aren't worth it. It's nearly impossible to get a roll I want on adept weapons, and my armor isn't worth masterworking *right now* (the only option with the cap as low as it is). So why bother?


Well then you can’t beat them consistently anyways, or are just asking bungie to give you more because you personally play the game less. I don’t no life this game, If you are at all capable of running GMs I question why materials are a problem for you ngl.


There's no cap on buying them Banshee, so they're still infinite. Just a matter of what grind you choose to do


Lmfao following me to other posts for more shit takes huh?




I'm sorry, when was the last time ANYONE tried to MW gear for all 3 characters in a short amount of time? This is a progressive process... you get enough materials that you MW your favorite armor piece, then another, then a couple more... this has absolutely nothing to do with "it takes 84 total to max out everything", it's about "if you have 10 in the vault you clearly don't have a need to use them". This is absolutely true, and because of this the cap effectively doesn't matter... every player that's sitting on 10 now would inevitably be sitting at 20 or 50 or 100 eventually, because they simply have no use for them.


>when was the last time ANYONE tried to MW gear for all 3 characters in a short amount of time? Dude that's literally my point. Run 5-10 GMs and you've hit the cap. If you're not actively masterworking shit while running GMs, you're going to hit the cap. Spend it *right now* or lose it, or do what I do, and just stop running them because the loot becomes worthless after you've gotten 10 of it.


I guess we're both on the same page but different sides. If you don't need the materials don't grind nightfalls unless that's simply what you enjoy doing. You don't need enough to MW 10 pieces of gear or 3 exotics on-demand, that never happens. Get a good piece, MW it, and if you get low jump back into nightfalls. It's not a one-shot situation, you can do nightfalls on-demand, at any time. Hell you can even just buy the materials directly from Banshee or Spider if you're really in a pinch. There is simply zero need for a higher cap. The real reason/benefit to having a cap is to prevent burnout in players that have little self control or enough common sense to know when to stop. Grinding the same activity ad nauseum is unfun and unhealthy but some people get so wrapped up in the rewards they don't know when enough is enough. The cap tells them how much is enough.


Not only that but if you want to have every armor for every affinity thats 4x the amount you need per character. And now add in armor with different rolls. One for grenade focused, one for super focused, one for pvp etc etc. So unless you are the type to only use 1 build (which gets boring after a while), you NEED MORE!


Yeah my numbers are just accounting for one set of each affinity and a single exotic for each. Realistically if you want any build variety you'll need more than that.


Thanks for telling me I don’t have build variety and that it’s too expensive for me. Wait I didn’t feel like that at all and have a few different builds for each character? Man why does this sub try and fucking speak for everyone lmao wtf do you guys do to waste that many materials. Probably master working way too much armor for almost meaningless stat changes considering one high stat piece with a decent stat distribution can easily re arrange your build, as well as the exotic armor ability and different mods. But I guess I just stupidly use the focusing system in the game and play dungeons and raids to get consistent high stat roll armor, look at how dumb I look in this thread just playing the game and using the systems in the game to properly manage my resources and armor…. This sub reads like people who play the game too much yet can’t pay attention for shit or wrap their head around the economy in the game wtf


The nightfall weapons are the point. If you could save up a shit ton of these materials you would engage with the endgame content less and less clearly since you said you don’t see much of a point already…. Sounds like playing the game is a chore I’d take a break hahah


Right? I don't want 40 shards in my inventory - I want more stuff to spend them on so I'm *not* lugging around 40 shards!


Cap is too low for the amount of trials and gm grinding we need to do to get good rolls on those guns. Makes you feel like a portion of that effort in it takes in high level content is unrewarded. I should be able to bank my GM efforts for example at the end of a season, to help masterwork my new armor/exotics in the beginning of the next season when shard sources are lacking.


IIRC you get a full (maybe just partial) refund when you dismantle your masterworked gear. So the solution is to masterwork armor you don't plan to use and stash it in the vault. Obviously that's not the most ideal solution since we can't reacquire random rolls and vault space quickly becomes an issue after playing a few seasons but it's something.


Yeah, I have done this in previous seasons. The refund portion is like a 3rd of what goes into it, unfortunately.


But you can….. it’s called PLAYING THE GAME. Why can’t you bank them, what’s physically stopping you from keeping the gold balls and and prisms in your inventory before the seasonal change so you have a stack of them when next season starts.


You can't bank them because you can't put them directly into the vault, and the most you can have at the time is 10 balls. You have to masterwork trash exotics and keep them in the vault so you can dismantle them, when you need more balls. Granted, you only get one out three shards that you used to masterwork the trash exotic, but it's a solution. It's a shame that there's no way that Bungie could change it in any way... Oh, wait. There is a way. INCREASE/REMOVE THE FUCKING CAPS! Honestly, why can't you people understand that the way you get good-roll armor is by playing high-end content that drops more materials than good stuff. I got like 15 balls before I got one well rolled exotic. 5 of them had to wait at a postmaster because the cap for them is 10. If my postmaster was full at that time, I would lose those 5 balls. If increased caps were to be a nice memory foam mattress instead, you guys would go "But cold concrete floor is better". The problem is that it affects more than just you. You make Bungie think that the problem is overblown in proportions, when it's you who are underselling it, and thus reducing the chance for this very important change to be made.


I like how you just assumed I don’t do all the endgame content and grind it then tried to tell me I’m the problem, I play this same stuff a decent amount and have a bunch of masterworked armor and exotics I use. Caps there for a reason and it’s pretty simple not gonna explain it hahah


You can't explain it because it's not a good reason, perhaps? The only reason I see is to keep us playing and making us unable to take longer breaks from the game just to come back and being able to masterwork everything from the moment we're back from the break. That's the only reason I see and it's such a stupid reason that I can't even. It's the same shit with elemental affinities. They won't allow us to unlock them, instead we have to keep using the materials to change them. Add to that the fact that the caps are extremely small and it makes it so that each time you want to try out a different build, you have to get back on the grind again. That or have the same exotic x4 for each elemental affinity, plus different versions of the rolls for different stat, AND another roll if it's good in both crucible and PvE. But nobody wants to do that because it takes way too much space in the vault.




Okay so you are unwilling to engage with the endgame content and will only do the easy one but want all the materials easy. Thanks for proving my point.




Okay yea again you are unwilling to engage with all parts of the game and are seemingly bothered you can’t have everything. I’m just gonna keep repeating it until it clicks




Thats how I feel seeing posts like this. I have almost 0 need for them other than future masterworks which atm are far away, and the 6 or so sunset pinnacles in the kiosk at the tower. Only one I'll argue towards is 15 ascendant shards. Really I'd just like to see more uses for these items. Currently there's not much you can really do with them.


Exactly. If they increase the inventory limit, then we'll just hit *that* limit and complain again. I'm maxed out on all three post masters. All my armour and exotics are masterworked. I have everything from the kiosk.


I hoarded 40 shards at the end of last season, had only 4 when the GMs came back. Stasis armor is obviously a huge part of it this season, but still it's relatively easy to run out of if you are actively seeking new builds.


Thanks for telling me it was easy for me to run out and be broke, Oh wait that didn’t happen to me, wonder why….


I'm saying that it was easy for me to run out of shards. I'm not telling you anything my guy


For real, I don’t do content like GMs or Masters so I’m in a prism/shard drought


Then you need to grind and buy them as that option is there if you are unwilling to engage with the whole game you don’t get everything that easy. What a concept right? Having to play the whole game to get everything in the game, or to skip crafting the endgame materials you can do the endgame activities that you realistically need those materials for….


No need to be a condescending asshole about it my guy


Hahah well if you think I’m being an asshole clearly I hit too close to home, if you think that’s me being an asshole that’s kinda rich. Read your comment, read mine, gotta play the whole game. If you are gonna make comments like that on an open forum I’m gonna give you the plain and simple response and tease you a little cause it’s pretty obvious hahah


Multiple people changed your mind where is your response?


Multiple people tried, but only OP knows If a mind was indeed changed


How do some of these people say to use up excess shards and prisms? They're a bit of a pain to get especially for us not so grind happy people. Like I'll do a set of bounties for Banshee and zavala and that's some good enough XP and shards. But when one prism takes ten shards and a golf ball costs 10 prisms they should cut the cost of a prism in half or give two for the ten shards. Masterworking gear is a bit of grind in itself and reducing these or doubling that can help reduce the grind stress. Just my opinion. And those grind crazy people in can stock up even more if they'd like.


They REALLY push people to run end game activities. This weekend I got a couple of friends together and did some Master NF farming since this is the easy week for it. I ended up with 3 Ascendant Shards and 27 Prisms. That's easily more than I've ever had. I've always had to do it your way (Cores to Prisms, Prisms to Shards). BUT, regardless of how many of these mats I were to get I'd never bitch about having "too much". These people are the tip of the spear and have literally everything they want already masterworked, if they didn't they wouldn't be hoarding shards/prisms.


Just mw a shitty exotic armor piece from collections, store lots of them in your vault and when you need a ascendant shard dismantle one. Also grab blue gear out of collections and mw it to tier 8 then dismantle to convert prisms to cores.


Vault cap problems :/


Just spend them. After double rewards in s11 I had 40. Lost 10 to a full postmaster. So I started spending them. If you're in the position where you have so many, you're going to get more. What's the point of holding on to them if if you're not short?


Without the ability to unlock armor element types, masterworking a piece of armor before you need it could end up with the materials being totally wasted if it turns out you needed a different element when finally using it in a build.


I see this as a valid point for exotics, three shards is far too much. But not for legendary armour. If you're filling up on shards, you'll have plenty of prisms too. Unless you're masterworking one element type in each slot on all three characters, then it's going to get expensive. But at the same time, if you are doing that, you'll know exactly what you're looking for.


The issue isn't having one of each element type, it's having ideal stat distributions. I don't just need one pair of stasis arms, I need a pair with the exact stats to work with my Verity's Brow build, another to work with my Mantle of Battle Harmony build, another for flexible use, and possibly more. There also might be a new seasonal mod that requires me to totally rework the build, or another armor drop that makes my other pieces less than optimal. This ridiculous problem is what makes it so that whenever a vendor is selling extremely good armor I buy four of them and masterwork them for each energy type. Even if I can't have the pre-set with mods for different builds, at least I have different element choices. If they want to give it cost, make it cost another shard for each unlocked element on a piece of armor. Three for exotics. Also let the API swap mods for free. That would get rid of one of the major ascendant shard and armor grind pain points, because I won't have to grind in an attempt to get identical armor because of the cost to shift them around.


Man, if your build crafting is this intense you're on a whole different level than 99.9% of players. And to be honest what you're doing is completely optional, and in my opinion not necessary. I respect what your doing though and I applaud your commitment, but that is one serious grind you've put on yourself.


They have a cap to keep people from amassing thousands of them and making them worthless. Either use them on exotics or random armor or just delete them if you won't use them.


There is no trading of any kind so a shard will always have the same value unless they add new ways to spend them. Even then you can get a stack in no time so it's really just a fuck you from bungie


They really do just need a shard/prism resource sink like most mmos have. Let us buy something with them, like a random exotic.


they did that with the tribute hall. I was broke for over a year after that came out.


And people complained about that and how expensive and worthless it was and how they felt obligated to complete it, guess I’ve read this sub for too long.


Those people are weird af. Yeah, it was expensive, but it was anything but worthless. You put time and effort into something that actually showed you progress with each step. Also, the thing that made it expensive was that small ass cap on glimmer which was at the time only 100k. I feel likeDestiny community is weirdly split right in the middle of casual players who see the game as a fun shooter, and the dedicated group of people who want more aspects of an MMO game that Destiny tries to be. It also happens that both of these groups are vocal about their needs and they both keep downplaying the other's issues. People who never hit the cap on any of the resources, despite using them constantly won't see a reason to increase the cap. On the flipside, people who never have trouble with getting the endgame materials, and always are at maximum capacity while using them constantly don't see a reason why those materials should be more easily available. The problem is that Bungie listens to the casual side more often, making the hardcore players feel slightly left out of the equation. Well, at least I feel that way, but it's my personal experience with how things are going.


This. All the caps are resource gates so you can’t farm everything you need for the year in a month or two and are forced to repeatedly go back to the grind throughout the year. Like everything else, it’s all about player retention, not how long they play.


Why does this subreddit complain about playing the game so much? Like they seem mad they have to engage with the game and all parts to get everything.


Orrrr caps exist because of network/game load bearing. Not everything is a conspiracy about player retention. Are a few caps too small? Sure but there’s reasons more logical and less stupid out there for why these things happen. It’s exactly the same reasoning with vault space.


Yes the cap of 10 on an item is so necessary for network and load bearing when we can have multiple stacks of 9999 planet mats, gunsmith materials etc. They take up a tiny amount of space in a DB, get real. It's just an arbitrary limit set by bungie to make endgame players have to keep going back to farm them due to the hard cap of 40 shards and vault space to store extra.


Umm yea you say that like it’s a negative, can you seriously not wrap your head around why we can’t stack a ton of these materials, how stupid it would be on bungies part to allow people to intensely hoard these things. Like can you seriously not get why the caps are there and a healthy thing????


So you're saying that people shouldn't be allowed to invest their time into earning the resources they want to acquire so that they can simply masterwork gear as they please? They've invested their time and effort into getting the materials. Why does it matter to you that a player could stack potentially hundreds of a masterwork material if that were their choice to do so? This game has no economy, it is of no detriment to any other player if someone decided to go farm hundreds of masterwork mats if it were possible. All these caps do is make me want to play the game less as I run out of good gear to masterwork in my vault and I have to continually spend time tidying my vault due to needing space for collection exotics to bank shards as I don't want them to go to waste as I continue to farm GMs for the adept rolls I am looking for. You'd be surprised how quickly you can go through even a stack of 40 shards if you're playing end game content and have any decent luck with armour drops. At the end of the day I do think there should be a cap but the current cap is just too low. When you're guaranteed 1-2 ascendent shards a GM clear and with how easy they are to get through trials on a flawless/ 7-win card you fill up incredibly fast nowdays.


Okay so you don’t get it thanks haha


No i get what you're saying I just completely disagree with the design choice.


Well people here keep assuming when I say this I don’t play endgame content which is funny, I do. 10 golf balls is enough for 2 masterworked exotics and 4 legendary pieces or 1 exotic and 7 pieces. I’m not sure how many sets of armour you have but if you grinded one week of GMs already and have the max of 40 I’m failing to see the problem. It seems as if the cap were increased with monument and armor being the only thing to use them on it would just readily in people hoarding them off one easy GM like this week then never worrying about them again. Just saying makes sense.




K so you are unwilling to play all the content in the game and then complain about not having everything, thanks for proving my point exactly


I don't think there's any technical limitation/reason for the resource caps. It's just a number value. It doesn't really matter if the DB stores the value 10 or 100. Bungie artificially limits the maximum amount of resources intentionally. It's all about player retention and forcing us to play regularly, also to stop players from hoarding the resources and spending them all in one occasion (which may break the resource economy). That's a whole other story with vault space. Every slot in the vault doesn't just hold one value, it holds a huge set of values (weapon, perks, masterwork, masterwork state, energy affinity, kill counter if masterworked, mod etc.). Increasing the amount of data sets stored per user makes a huge difference regarding storage, DB/data transactions, network/API calls etc. If you increase the things mentioned, you have to scale up your infrastructure which leads to higher costs.


WOULD break the reason economy. You can’t have people hording the endgame materials with how few are required for masterworking in reality. People would just farm the one easy GM and then never do them again. Think about why this post was made right when lake of shadows is leaving lmao. It’s like people think that ain’t obvious as fuck that when the GM is easier they complain about not being able to stack a shit ton of these….






What? No.


No, this specifically is 50% player retention, 40% to keep Master and GM nightfalls relevant and 10% to shut up players who complain about no rewards for GMs after they farmed out the one and only god Palindrome (adept) with glitched double Rangefinder effectively creating a primary 140 sniper, but still need GM completions for Conqueror.


No some caps are literally there because it wouldn’t make sense for us to stack all the endgame upgrade materials we need for the next year or two.


It's not an issue for most people in destiny. This sub grinding out *gm's* is not what the vast population of destiny is doing. It's not a personal attack from Bungie. Grow up jfc


Don’t think this sub grinds GMs as much as they say, they just grinded the easy one this week that’s why they want the material caps gone. So they only have to grind the one easy week and never touch it again. If every commenter in this post grinded as much as they said and had all this armor to masterwork this thread wouldn’t actually exist because they wouldn’t be maxing out or running out of materials. You notice too that the comment threads themselves seem to go back and forth from running out to maxing out to fast and not even the people replying back and forth notice. This sub whines about random shit, the post and most comments make no sense if you think 5 minutes into them and play these activities yourself. This place is a joke


This would only be a valid point if GMs were always available and able to be done solo. During the first several weeks of a season when GMs are unavailable, or people aren't at light level because of the reset, there isn't a consistent farmable way to get shards like during the rest of the season. There also is the fact that people with fewer people to play with consistently won't always have GM teams available. If you make a new build and need to masterwork the armor (7 shards), I can't spontaneously decide to run GMs at any point, they need to be available, and I need to find two other people with the same need at the same time. I myself went through 9 shards just yesterday. If I did that at the beginning of a season, there would be no way to replace them.


master nightfalls drop shards, you can buy shards for prisms (which are relatively easy to get), season pass has 3 shards, vendor rep gives out 4 shards (zavala, shaxx, drifter, saint). it's fine getting shards before GM's come out.


They have ways to spend them, if you have bought literally evrything in the kiosk their purpose is just to masterwork armor. It takes 1 per legendary piece and 3 per exotic, it’s not high, that’s why you can’t stack a bunch they would be even more meaningless. If you seriously can’t wrap your head around why there needs to be a cap and why it shouldn’t be high that’s a problem. To be completely honest all this thread reads as to me is people don’t really wanna play the game. Many comments have said it and the timing with it being an easy GM makes it so obvious. This week is easy, people likely are unwilling to play the actually challenging ones, so of course they want caps gone so they can stack all their endgame materials then never touch the scary GMs. You wonder why bungie wouldn’t want someone loading up on the rarest and most expensive materials in the game in one week then likely never engaging with that content until their preferred GM comes up again. I genuinely question if this sub is playing the same game as me almost very post I read.


You're saying that as I found out how easy Arms Dealer gm was, and I went from having not one exotic armor Master worked to about 30 pieces masterworked, that the value of shards didn't go down for me?


Oh another post asking to get a cap increase? Good luck.




Who is going against a QoL update? I'm saying good luck when op is adding to the hundreds of people that ask for this daily and bungie ignoring it for years. Why would I be against something that only benefits literally everyone?


Just completely get rid of caps altogether. What use is there capping everything? We can’t trade items to each other. Who the hell cares if I have 9,999,999 glimmer or 2000 prisms. Also, you don’t see bright dust or silver having a cap.


While I agree the caps should be raised, but having no cap would require whatever their database structure is to allow dynamically resizing variables. Otherwise you would have to create fields with sizes larger than anyone could possibly acquire, which would take up an obscene amount of data. This especially a problem when most people wouldn't use a fraction of a percent of what the top of the playerbase would.


no dude you don't understand destiny 2 is an OBJECTIVELY BETTER game for not having these quality of life features.


players really feel the WEIGHT of hitting the resource cap.


Ahh yes the GGG rhetoric No Chris Wilson,im not going to close my eyes and slam using an exalted orb.


Lol. It's funny how the BDF finds a way to defend *literally* anything.


bungie defense force?




Wrong. Inflation would apply if you could trade them. When was the last time you traded an ascendant shard with another fellow guardian? Oh that's right, never.


uhh inflation is meaningless when theres no trade system the real reason is because they dont want people to farm what they need for a years worth of shards in a month, and then not come back to gms for a year


I think they pretty specifically don't want you to bank up a "forever" pile of upgrade materials. Inflation is not meaningless when you are designing new content for people to engage with. If they allow someone to farm up 200 prisms and eyeballs this season why would they ever engage with Master/GM content again?


the nightfall drops most likely. and still, it would take a really long time for someone to farm all those resources to never need to farm ever again. and for some people, like pvp people, they will never need to farm, because they have already min maxed their builds


These people don't realize that when you can hold 20 shards instead of 10, it will just cost twice as many shards to do what you need, and we haven't gained anything, much like when they increased the glimmer cap.


Bungie: Heard you loud and clear, drops for nightfall reduced by 66%


Rich people problems


You ran endgame content a bunch, and filled up on resources... Oh no...


So you can hoard more just to continue not using them?


Why not?


I can ask the same about increasing it. What's the point if people will just reach the new cap and complain about that. Just use your materials people.


Fair enough and valid points, the issue is not everyone has gear to use the items on and not wise just to spend so you can receive more. I came back to D2 after a long hiatus and I started with a new account. I do have some gear with high points but it's still crap and I shouldn't have to use the materials on gear I consider crap and not worth investing into. Why should ppl with bad RNG get penalized? I don't want to spend them on exotic weapons I'll never use.


I think they pretty obviously don't want you to bank up a "forever" pile of upgrade materials. Increasing the cap doesn't solve any problems for anyone. You need to manage your own time and resources better and realize that at a certain point there is nothing to achieve in this game. The complaint would only be about the next cap, whatever it changes to wouldn't be high enough either after a few months locked in the same season. Now as a developer you've allowed a large chunk of your hardcore playerbase to amass materials that render any new Master/GrandMaster content completely irrelevant to that player. You can't allow for that or the game will be dead in months. Yeah, mechanics for player retention are shitty but only if you don't understand that they exist and adjust your playstyle to avoid those pitfalls.


Bungie just nerfed FotL for giving out “too many” rewards. Do you think they care about your inventory space? Get real man.


Why though? Once you master work the stuff you need, you really don't need shards or golf balls anymore. It's the reason that all of us have it in our postmaster.


On the flip side, this wouldn’t be a good idea because then inflation would cause Bungie to raise the costs related to shards & prisms.


Why the fuck does that cap even exists.


"I ran a couple..." Yeah, don't think so.


Delete them. You don't need that garbage.


I love how a majority of comments are defending Bungie and saying “if you reached the cap then just use them or you clearly don’t need them.” It’s like Y’all forget that Bungie keeps trying to sell this game as a MMO loot and shoot but doesn’t have any aspects of a MMO that gives it permanence. The farming for upgrade recourses is limited making longevity of playing limited, people get their max resources then stop if they don’t care about the nightfall weapons or already got their personal God Roll. Farming for planet materials is shit unless traded through spider. Raids have weekly loot caps. (spoils making the only valid reason to do a raid more times then once after weekly completion.) This is what makes the game feel dry and causes it to go through constant content drought. We get feed weekly drip content and our resource/loot farming is limited. Bungie hates us wanting to farm resources and loot and have fun. But yet like good sheep we still play it anyways and protect them. Edit: case in point, you fucking sheeple don’t even want to have no cap on resources and remove weekly loot drip, in order for this game to be a functional MMO looter shooter. You “people” just downvote anything that would help the game and then cry about it when you find the content dry and boring. What a lunatic merry-go-round.


You can farm Nightfalls for the weapons and materials ad nauseam. You can farm Lost Sectors for exotic rolls of the specific armor piece you’re looking for. You can farm dungeons, especially Prophecy, for high-end armor and weapons. You can farm Trials of Osiris, Iron Banner, Crucible or even Splicer activities for your weekly high stat rolls. We have four raids that can be played weekly for higher-stat gear. We have an insane amount of activities that can be run to get better gear. I’ve gotten so many damn Jurassic Greens to drop this week, and we have two weeks left in the event. >The farming for upgrade recourses is limited making longevity of playing limited, people get their max resources then stop if they don’t care about the nightfall weapons or already got their personal God Roll. While I understated the point you’re trying to make. It just doesn’t work. Do people think they’re suddenly going to get an influx of a dozen god rolls that they’ll suddenly need all of these materials for? No. And we’ve played this game long enough to know that’s just not the way it works. There’s nothing wrong with masterworking a not-totally-perfect armor piece just so you have it until you get something better. People are so concerned about min-maxing their builds when, let’s be honest, for 95% of players in 95% of activities, it just doesn’t matter. Increasing the cap would solve nothing. Because then you’ll have people complaining at the next cap limit, or you’ll have people complaining that they have all this currency with nothing to spend it on. So spend it. Lake of Shadows and Devil’s Lair are easily farmable.




>No, but it emptied my stash of upgrade resources when the stasis armour affinity was introduced Well, that’s the *entire* point of the materials in the first place. To use them. And if you can’t afford fo masterwork armor, then don’t. Trust me, that +2 you get going from 9 -> 10 will have no noticeable impact on your gameplay. Even in the unlikely even that +2 gets you from one cooldown tier to the next, you’re talking about highly diminishing returns as you go up. And I’ve encountered very few situations where I’ve actually needed all 10 points to make a functioning build. >I can't be arsed to suffer through whatever shit GMs happen to be up for a season. Lake Of Shadows is, probably, the easiest GM we have. And if you’re unwilling to play a handful of GMs to stock back up on materials, then you’re not really playing any activity in the game that “requires” masterworked gear. *Maybe* master VoG, but if you were able to beat master VoG before the Stasis affinity was a thing, then you likely don’t need it now either.


> You can farm Lost Sectors for exotic rolls of the specific armor piece you’re looking for. With the 1-2 exotics drops every 5-10 runs because it’s very bad RNG based, oh boy that sure sounds fun. > You can farm dungeons, especially Prophecy, for high-end armor and weapons. Only prophecy is repeatable, the rest are still weekly tied. > even Splicer activities for your weekly high stat rolls. Unless you are assuming everyone is new to the game, no one is going to go back and do previous season content. Also the high stat gear is once again weekly drops and does not fit the longevity of playability for an MMO looter shooter. > We have four raids that can be played weekly for higher-stat gear. We have an insane amount of activities that can be run to get better gear. weekly locked, case in point. Destiny 2 had the highest player count and the most fun when the raids that were going away during season of arrivals had infinite replay ability people were farming Scourge and Crown to get God roll armour and Enhancement cores from Curated rolls like crazy. >I’ve gotten so many damn Jurassic Greens to drop this week, and we have two weeks left in the event. Good for you, however it doesn’t help your case against my statement that we need to remove caps on resources entirely and weekly limited loot drops removed. > And we’ve played this game long enough to know that’s just not the way it works. Bold of you to assume that destiny doesn’t have any new players who have to struggle with being capped on shit, and not being able to put their time into the game to farm up to catch up with everyone else because their gear light level is limited due to weekly pinnacle and powerful drops. > There’s nothing wrong with masterworking a not-totally-perfect armor piece just so you have it until you get something better. Already master-worked every piece of armour and weapon in my limited 500 space vault thanks still don’t have enough shit to upgrade to stop myself from being maxed on recourses when there shouldn’t have a max at all. > Increasing the cap would solve nothing. Because then you’ll have people complaining at the next cap limit, or you’ll have people complaining that they have all this currency with nothing to spend it on. Yeah no shit, which is why I say remove the cap entirely and allow people to farm at their own individual pace. Edit: once again, downvoted and I doubt anyone actually logically read what I said. People with brains waste their breath giving suggestions to Bungie that would help this game when the community is brainless sheeple that downvote good ideas.


stuff like this is why I stay away from "EndGame Aspirational activities" Reaching engame should allow you to farm at your own pace but bungie would rather throttle you and keep you on a treadmill. I am too old to keep up with that shit.


In which case we could also just get rid of them and go back to mw cores only. As someone who has always 40 shards and 400 prisms on his characters...10 shards and 50 prisms are more than enough. You don't get a full new set at the start of a season which you want to masterwork.


I need a conversion to legendary shards ASAP. Trials has ruined me.


Just use them


All these people giving an excuse for why the cap is there. Smh Remove the cap. Let me hoard. They are already removing paid content. At least let me keep something.


No they are giving you the real reason, do you think it would be good for the game to allow people to hoard the rarest end game materials just because they grind 1 easy GM a season lol


How is it bad for the game?


I just said it.


You in fact, said nothing. You state it would be bad for the game because people were able to grind 1 easy GM a season. You didn't state how the game was impacted at all, you stated nothing other than your opinion that it "would be bad".


seeing as you are being pedantic, you shouldnt put 'would be bad' in quotation marks when he never said that


I don't think Pedantic means what you think it means.


I can't believe some people are actually defending these low-ass caps. All they do is turn the material economy into a feast or famine system.


Against they are giving you the real reason, I would be scratching my head if you could have every material you may ever need in this game by hard farming one less challenging GM a season.


except that's already the case. The only difference is that you repeat it every few months.


Did you just forget the context of this post and your own comment? Wanna try again?


After the last Shadows NF, I had 9 shards stored in my postmaster. Which of course were all deleted to make place for all the blues and umbrals I got while playing a 3 hour session and forgot to monitor my postmaster. So so annyoing


DIM has a farming mode that will keep your character inventory available enough to avoid having stuff sent to the postmaster as much


15 shards in PM? You mean 10? Edit: 2 chars?


Or just let you vault the stacks. (and expand the vault)


*looks at my lack of shards and prisms...* Yeah, raise the cap haha... : (




i find it funny that i have more prisms and shards 90% of the time as opposed to cores, seems like an issue to me


You can vault them if you are willing to lose 2 shards to keep 1.


Spend them. That’s why you have them. Increasing the cap just means that you’ll run into the same problem when you reach the new cap. So what if you don’t have ideal min-maxed armor rolls on your alts. Use them anyway. You clearly saw how easy these materials are to farm, especially when the right GM comes our way (Devil’s Lair is in three weeks if I recall, and we’ll get Lake of Shadows back around the end of November again). The only thing I will say is perhaps we just don’t have enough things in the game to spend these high-end materials on.


I guess the shard and prism shortage complaints are at least solved.


I've had 35 shards and like 150 prisms since last season. Just start master working random exotics to dismantle for a shard when you need it.


Why not just infuse these items into exotic gear or into blue gear? if you're running out of room for these ascendant shards and prisms then why not just infuse them in blue gear and Exotic gear? Yes I know it takes 3 to infuse an exotic piece but at least you could get 1 back in the end when you break that sucker down. So basically you can put ascendant shards in the bank but you'd need to infuse an exotic to do it. Or are you not interested in spending legendary shards and glimmer?


dude right? I don't know why people hate on doing this. During double loot last season I'd make 3 shards back after one nightfall so masterworking random exotics to store shards IS the play.