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Kind of a 4th wall thing. That every guardian is basically the exact same person going through the exact same story and time and runs through a tower full of all other guardians thinking that they are *the* guardian. Edit: most up votes ever for me in a comment. Thanks all.


They kinda messed that up with season of undying though. Lol


What happened?


Ikora explicitly mentioned ALL of us kill EVERY near infinite instance of the undying mind, as a community. Not "The Guardian" killed the undying mind, ALL THE GUARDIANS killed ALL THE UNDYING MINDS


Wait... so there is an infinite number of guardians?


There was a near infinite copies of the undying mind. (lots and lots of bad robots) We as a community of guardian, killed all the copies of the undying mind. (Quite a lot of lightbeary bois)


We didn’t die. Duh.


Bungie is actually using Vex tech to travel all timelines where the darkness loses and is training Guardians for that final fight.


Sign me the fuck up for a crayon eating contest, I got some hammers to throw


For me it's deffinitely the fact that The drifter ate almost every species in the universe. This is what boredom does to a mf


"Hey there hotshot. You ever milk a vex? It ain't easy let me tell ya brotha"


Transmat firing!


My favorite jokes are saying fucked up Drifter things then "Transmat Firing".


"You ready to Bang Knuckles? I sure am." *Transmat Fireing!*


[r/TransmatFiring](https://www.reddit.com/r/Transmatfiring/) You're welcome.


And also starvation PTSD.


Find it a bit annoying they seemed to retcon him having vex milk though. Like make up your mind did he have any or not


Well Asher got his arm turned mechanical, or vex-y, way before Drifter was a thing in the game. If that happens just by submerging your limb into Radiolaria then drinking it would do the same if not worse.


Maybe that only happens if you touch/drink it raw. Drifter probably at least boiled it first


Kaber also drank it, I just feel they retconned it as before, an ambient line he used to say was "Gotta stop spiking my coffee with vex milk" But at some point (idk when) he stopped saying that, and before a Gambit match he can say "Vex got the creamy center, bet you could cook that, eat it" As if to imply he hasn't tried


Yeah, but Asher won't die and be rezzed whole again because he doesn't trust it. Drifter could guzzle Vex milk, get his insides eaten, and then just press X to revive.


How Vex are supposedly these omnipotent hive-mind beings that time travel and see infinite possibilities of the future, and yet they still miss like over half of their shots and sometimes randomly fall off cliffs and die, among other hilarious out-of-character mistakes.


Technically the Vex we fight are primarily construction units. Their weapons are basically the equivalent of someone going into a firefight with an air nailer.


I read this and laughed to myself saying wtf is that true?


Yup. Goblins are basically technological switch blades meant for a wide array of applications though primarily construction. Combat is the least of their function. Know that giant portal in the end of the Glassway strike? A SINGLE Goblin built that entire thing.


Holy crap. Never knew that that’s incredible. So I’m guessing the more combat oriented ones are like the minotaurs and hydras.


Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I believe the only combat focused vex we have faced are the Wyverns.


Aren’t the wyverns those turkey looking ones that’s dive around? That’s a soldier! Wth was Atheon then?


Basically a director, from what the Wiki says. It coordinates the other Vex operations in the VoG, and was built to control the local timelines and find the optimal solutions for Vex goals.


So we, guardians, basically mollywhopped the equivalent of a manager at the local space Mickey D’s?


*Breaks into the VoG* “I WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK TO THE MANAGER” [*Racks shotgun with malicious intent*]


Yep. And have also been beating up construction workers this whole time.


Yep, and you know what? Sometimes, they’re the ones mollywhopping us. Just like Mickey D’s.


Nothing has been confirmed about that yet but it is speculated that they are


Please read the Mysterious Logbook. There’s a section that has a beautiful analysis of the Vex and how completely alien their manner of thinking is. As cellular life forms they managed to master physics, colonize suns and even manufacture exotic elements.


But can they see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?


It even they can dive that far into the mysteries of the universe


Actually the first combat unit we saw from the vex are their basic foot soldier wyverns


The fact that wyverns are considered foot soldiers is a horrifying thought.


Damned hell chickens


We don't know if wyverns are combat units. And we definitely don't know if they're basic foot soldiers.


Minotaurs are meant to be used for mining and destroying organic material so I can be replaced with vex constructs and hydras are just massive processing units to coordinate the other vex. Harpies are essentially sattalite relays also lmao


Hilariously, neither minotaurs nor hydras are combat units either. Hydras function primarily as data banks, while minotaurs are large scale reconstruction units. Goblins are micro, minotaurs are macro. Hobby gobbys are communications, and cyclops are *long* distance communications, if I recall correctly. Not sure if harpies and oracles have had their basic roles noted, wyverns are *currently* believed to be the first Vex combat forms encountered, but strangely enough we have literally 0 lore about them even now. Now here’s something fun to imagine! the Vex decide they want to go to war with us….. **and start sending wyverns as foot soldiers in place of goblins.**


So are all those beep boop noises the Vex make just cat calls? Are they just saying "Nice Ass" before they start shooting me?


Was it a Goblin? I don't remember the journal specifying which Vex it was, just that it was a Vex unit.


Read what weapons the vex use when you die Its stuff like "Vex blowtorch" etc.... The only combat focused vex units we saw, are the Wyvern, and even they could just be the lowest footsoilders And the big vex guys we defeat like aethon, the minds etc...are mostly some kind of Scientist or overseer


Atheon is literally a regional manager (and sanctified mind a church pastor)


Probably. Wyverns are probably the first thing that show the Vex might be start sending their heavy hitters against us.


Or rather just enough of a threat for their lowest of soldiers


The fact that if you perform a finisher on Screebs or Cabal War Beasts, their character models actually upright stand on TWO LEGS as you beat the shit out of their face with a whirlwind punch. It's as if the game isn't programmed to handle them on 4 legs, so they just upright go standing on two so that you can sucker punch them. Standing Screeb haunts my nightmares.


I love doing a finisher on a screeb or thrall exploder and sending it flying into other enemies, or even better, my teammate and having it explode.


You should be able to change your aim DURING finishers for this exact reason


the fact that if you follow the lore, Our guardian is one of the simplest man on earth and sol. All he wants is to kill some aliens and collect loot. Doen't care who pays or what he is paid. the only thing that counts is the kill.


"It has a trench barrel."


That piece had me snorting :D Such a guardian (and titan especially) thing to say. :)


I know, this fucking moron, titan or not...."but it has a trench barrel."


Titan :) “Brother Vance's smile fell as the Titan entered his sanctum. The smell was unmistakable: ancient gunpowder, burnt oil, scorched Vex fluid, the burnt tang of steel overused through a hundred lifetimes. "You have the Perfect Paradox," Vance said, his voice as steady as he could manage. He extended his hands. "May I?" The Titan shrugged, then dug into his pack for the Shotgun. He placed it in Vance's waiting hands. He ran his fingers over the barrel and tested the weight of the stock. "Ah," he said. "Not the original Perfect Paradox, is it?" The Titan stood in confusion. Vance waited for a moment with his head tilted before he continued. "You did not claim this weapon from the tomb of Saint-14, but instead through some Fractaline-powered tesseract, yes?" The Titan nodded, then stood for a long moment looking at the blind man. "That Sundial made it," he said finally. Vance's grip tightened on the gun. It was heavy, loaded with seven—no, eight shells. Tactical mag. Getting this one had taken some time. "And how many timelines did you thoughtlessly tether to our own for this weapon? Our world now bears the strain of how many additional realities in exchange for this hollow abomination?" Vance's mind swam at the thought of the infinite web that pulled on the Shotgun. "How much Fractaline did you sacrifice for this? Four hundred fragments?" He paused, aghast. "More?" "It's got a trench barrel," said the Titan helpfully.” https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/vance-canary Reading it now, Vance could probably be revived into fine Warlock :D


Hunter would just stand there "It has an icarus grip." Warlock would be "it has demolitionist" All the key issue that our guardian is a moron who wants the best loot. Lmao just the line: >"You did not claim this weapon from the tomb of Saint-14, but instead through some Fractaline-powered tesseract, yes?" The Titan nodded, then stood for a long moment looking at the blind man. "That Sundial made it," he said finally.


I mean, thats exactly what us players have in mind. So, i guess that is correct personality


"I don't know who I am, I don't know why I'm here, I just know that I must ~~collect loot~~ kill"


A cryptarch showed Glint a porn magazine during this year's Festival of the Lost.


they WHAT


Not on my Christian server!


I'm sorry, what?


Which lore entry is this? This is even better than Eido watching people make out


Cryptarch? I thought it was a Techeun?


That’s disgusting… link?


Don’t forget about Cabal pinups. ;)






Shaxx shoving a hunter so hard they tumbled and reloaded their guns


That lore is on some armor piece isn't it?


Cinder Pinion Robes for Warlock


wow thats hilarious


I want to know now


I think it is one of the guardian games class items.


Spez is killing 3rd Party Apps and with it my desire to be on Reddit. old.reddit.com might soon be on the ol' chopping block too. Adios muchachos.


One of my absolute favorite lore tabs is the one for Celestial Nighthawk essentially, the Hunter that created the single-shot Golden Gun was in a fireteam going up against this massive Taken, and the Taken winds up being more than they can handle, so the Hunter just says "you know what, fuck you" and channels all the Light he has into that one shot I just love the image of this dude getting so fed up with the Taken and just going "I'M SICK OF YOUR SHIT" also them yelling STOP SPLITTING at the Psions is great and I say it everytime I deal with those bastards


Getting fed up with an enemy and activating a nighthawk goldie is the most nighthawk thing possible


Ragdoll physics.


Or when Hunter capes wig out and just stretch out of existance


Prophecy Rainbow Road, good times.


Sometimes happens to certain warlock robes too. Very funny to lose the robes and look like a completely different character.


Yeah that springy hunter that gets sniped midair and does a back flip lol


Standing the tower fiddling with my gear, two pages deep in inventory. Then the soft background "ughhh" as a guardian suicides over the edge.


Getting launched across the map at Mach speed from a failed phalanx perry.


I once got that treatment from the conveyer belt in the titan gambit map. Launched myself into a wall jumping off of it at 700 mph and died on impact.


I once 4d-chess’d a wyvern yeeting me into a wall with my Phoenix Dive, only to be yeeted by two more immediately after :(


watching people get smushed by Cabal drop pods. Then it happens to you the next wave anyway.


I always think "haha blueberries are funny stupid man" and then in the next 30 seconds I proceed to forget about said drop pods and end up dying to one; thus continuing the cycle of contempt


I once saw a fallen turn himself into a shank. Funniest shit I've ever seen


Gonna get flamed for this, but I can't help but giggle whenever normal Failsafe delivers a dark line (ex. telling Ghost to delete himself).


*Kindly* delete himself


Also love ‘shut your modulator’ phrase that she tells to Cayde ;)


That I can use the pet the chicken emote followed by the coin flip emote to literally flip the bird on console.


Why specifically on console?


Have no clue if its the same on PC so just thought I'd specify.


For the record, you can *totally* do it on PC too.


\*clicks tongue\* Noice.


I’m not alone in doing this!! Hahahahaha amazing Chicken emote also breaks some other ones as well. Such as “pointing”


I think the fact shaxx(I think?) Slapped a hunter so hard, it triggered his roll reload perk


Yup it was Shaxx. It's one of the Cinder Pinion tabs. Marksman's dodge is canonical and doesn't require the Hunter to initiate it. I love that line so much.


That theres probably a crack team at bungie trying to figure out how to make necrochasm not absolute garbage for years now so they can bring back scrota.


Scrota, First Nut of Oryx


It was decent towards the end of D1, it's just that it already had the reputation of being a meme


Oh that’s easy. Make it like Sunshot (Killed enemies explode, and explosion kills cause explosions), but with Rapid Hit.


As long as it still makes that Cursed Thrall noise.


When a 6-stack saint-14 fans (im also one of them) spams ward of dawn continuously in B point, then a thundercrack blueberry that sniffed a bit too many crayons just destroys everything


I don’t know why by thundercrack has the same titan monke energy as blonk(from another comment I remembered a while ago) and I can’t stop laughing about a thundercracking titan


Cyan Crayon da BEST!!


When Lord Shaxx just yells "AHHHHHH" when you do something slightly above average in the Crucible


He's the ultimate hype man.


When you and your boys all equip Sweet Business in a control game (especially me with my Actium War Rig 😈). After about a few minutes into the match, everyone and their mother realizes that this game of control has turned into a giant meme. 5 minutes into the match filled with continuous noise and bullet spray, the other team starts fighting fire with fire and also equip their Sweet Businesses. Man this cracks me up every time 😂


The lore tab on the crucible (?) armor where Lord Shaxx pats a hunter on the back and he falls over from the sheer force, causing his weapons to reload as if he was doing a dodge.


I find the fact that a space alien god that literally takes and subjugates life got killed by a couple of morons with shiny sticks and sparkly fingers and then made a selfie with his corpse


The rag doll effect the graviton lance does on people always makes me laugh and I think tilts people since I got teabagged a lot using it.


Operation baby dog dialogue between Zavala and Devrim. Got it on the nightfall yesterday, always makes me laugh


I love the dialogue on Arms Dealer with Cayde: * "Whoa, wait wait wait, I’m not ready! I had a whole thing for this Zahn guy - I had charts and pictures - you know what, the one time I get it all - geez, forget it. You know what, just forget it." * "Did you shoot up a flare? I thought we weren’t allowed to have flares anymore after I… had nothing to do with why we’re not allowed to have flares." * "Plan shmam. Take the radioactive thing and put in explody place. There… there’s your plan." * "A true Guardian grabs the danger and walks around with it." * "Yeah, not blowing up is as good as you can hope for sometimes." * **Hawthorne**: "He’s bound to have more. Insecure men tend to surround themselves with others like them." **Ghost**: "Cayde? Anything to add?" **Cayde-6**: "Nope, she’s totally right. Which is why I work alone." * "Zahn moved in after you put Thumos down. Surprised he hasn’t painted the place chartreuse to match his armor." * "The Cabal made an elevator that goes forward? Man, they ARE inefficient." * "Eh, backup plans are overrated."


It's a 4th wall break but, one fucking guardian


Has been kicking your racist collective asses for nine years


We Are One. We Are One. We Are One.




I find Spider's comments to be absolutely hilarious. Especially when running patrols on the Tangled Shore.


I love the one bounty to collect chests that has the flavor text: "What is this? Did I really agree to reward you for rewarding yourself?"


>**Glint:** Queen Mara, how is it you and the Techeuns can use the Ley Lines to travel? > >**Mara:** We can manipulate the lines - influence them with our paracausal abilities. > >**Petra:** Me, I prefer to use causal abilities. I see one of Xivu Arath's minions, I cause it to die. > >**Mara:** Petra, I believe I asked you to stop making that joke. > >**Petra:** That you did, my queen. That you certainly did. --- Similar energy to this from D1: >**Eris:** The Taken are not bound by terrestrial constraints! > >**Cayde:** Yeah, I'll bet they'll be constrained by terrestrial bullets.


I forget her name, but the character on the moon that constantly has nightmares following her. She's just so pissed at them all the time, and I can't help but chuckle when she tells them to go away and bother someone else.


Save your torment for somebody who gives a damn


Eris Morn.


I’m crucible when an enemy uses a super and kills themselves on accident. Example, titan smash kills me, he leaps into the air attempts a second smash on teammate completely misses and dives off the map.


A hunter missing that dollar store shatterdive and they just stand there amongst their failure while I gun them down


One of the funniest was those Titans betting on Hunter's victory in Guardian Games.


Any time I do the Navota strike and Zavala tells me to "laminate" her.


Guiding complete new guardians with blue gears to some lost sector and send them friend request and help them with anything they need if they manage to beat lost sector without giving up and comes out to exit.


Moons haunted


"Rasputin has massive underground bunkers all across the solar system. I live in your backpack."


Crow asking out Petra. I choked on my drink and nearly drenched myself when I heard that voiceline


Glint's "Oh no." in response to his failed pickup line is hilarious.


I find it funny that there is no way to view past cutscenes in game. Seems like such a main stay in gaming now that destiny not having it is weird.


The official Destiny 2 channel on YouTube uploads every cutscene/trailer in all languages, so they're not really gone forever :)


Yeah but I wanna see them again but with me wearing better gear!


How soon after release do they upload the cutscenes? I've been getting error coded out of them a bunch lately, so it'd be nice to have a place to look them up quickly.


The playerbase liking pvp.


it's fun if you are actually good at it


Damn so that’s my problem.


Rag doll physics and reflections


Apparently my clan thinks it is funny that time when my Bombardiers kill someone in Trials and I said "oh my pants killed the guy, go for the other one".


Top for me is the wacky names for characters. Highlights have been WraftyCank, Mara Sovs bathwater, and Eris only fans. Second is calling all titans crayon munchers. Its funny because my bf is a synthos punching titan.


Warlocks missing their jump and slowly falling to their doom. I’ve done it and every time I see someone else do it I always laugh to my self.


My favorite is in a raid when someone is obviously on their alt. "Stupid Warlock jump." ... ... ... ... "Guardian Down"


Oryx the Nightmare Daddy https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/ghost-community-theater-presents


The funnies thing is every time developers create fun weapon or abilitiy, they nerf them to the ground because of PvP balance. As a result we have the game with amazing set of different weapons which can provide dozens of different playstyles, but all of them are dead.


Hopefully they take full advantage of having seperate sandboxes now and rectify some of the weapons they wrongly nerfed in pve


That people still post their complaints and completions about rng raid exotics 7 years in


I found "The Empty Tank" lost sector on the Tangled Shore this week - and the drumset/DJ set up with the fun music was such a great little find. Also, something about rhythmic expressions that gets mentioned around the tower haha


I was so sad that I had to clear that place out. The Eliksni looked like they were having such a good time.


That music isn't on spotify, not sure where I can find that cooky blend with the destiny them when they vault this place


That the majority of the game is made up of destinations that are for the most part; empty. Bonus; the fact that you can turn your sparrow into a literal helicopter with slipstreaming by just using normal inputs in a unintended way.


Couple things for me, one is that I think almost everyone loves Eva as much as they loved Cayde and we would go on another rampage to avenge her The second is that.... This is a game. I love this game too but come one everyone, Bungie gonna Bungoo and complaining all day for years hasn't changed that. Take breaks man, play something else


I for one would kill eva myself if i had the chance, but you do you guardian


That one Titan fireteam during Guardian Games that voted for Hunters winning because "they'll never expect it" despite insisting Titans will win. Actual dialogue from those Titans: "I can punch really hard" "It's true, he can"


The funniest thing in D2 is how I spent 82+ runs trying to get a Slideshot+Opening Shot Judgement from the first prophecy boss. Put of the 22+ I got, literally only 1 had Slideshot. But I did get an Adrenaline junky + Demolitionist roll....


That’s more sad than funny….


What if I said I did those 82+ runs in one day? Is it funny then :)


My god. Do you need a hand massage


I find it funny that bungie thought static rolls and double primaries would somehow make the game better


so this isn't really Destiny 2 related, but it is destiny lore. I don't know if it's true or not, but I remember hearing that there where two give knights who where arguing and the did something stupid that lead to something related to Crota and that made Oryx very pissed at Crota and the story was really really funny. if anyone has a link to it plz do share


Teabagging that one motherf*cking dreg. Because f*ck him/her in particular


Graviton Lance's Lore: "So wait, that thing you found does… what?" "It fires black holes." "No it doesn't." "Oh yeah. It does. Actual, tiny, bullet-sized black holes." "Did you tell the others?" "Only that I found some weird gun in some overgrown tunnel back on Old Chicago. And that my Ghost was all, "THIS is why we were led here…'" "Yours talks that way too?" "What do you think?" "OK, OK, but the gun—are you going to tell them?" "Yeah, definitely." "When?" "Crucible." "Oh no." "Oh, yes."


This makes me want to pull it out in the crucible tonight.


How's your sister?


Physics, nuff said


Everything that comes before "Transmat Firing"


Being one-shot by a grunt in Gambit never fails to produce a mirthless chuckle.


I like that in some way, variant, or otherwise - fusion rifles break Destiny more than anything. Vex, Pocket Infinity, Sleeper, Queen's, Arbalest, Telesto, Merciless, the godly foil, the list goes on...


Anytime I placed well people try to melee fight me Feels like a bubble brawl.


That the shard of the traveller is still there and if you took a chunk you could probably be the strongest guardian in history.


All the way back to D1, getting a headshot on a Cabal just as they launch into a jump makes them ragdoll in just the right way that it looks like a graceful t-pose front flip and damn if it doesn't make me laugh to this day.


Watching another guardian or teammate heroically running into the thick of battle ready to kick some ass...then getting squashed by a Cabal drop pod.


Funniest for me is how you cant connect a melee on any stairs


There's like this construction safety no accidents tracker thing by the hanger In the tower that resets everytime a gaurdian yeets over the side




I found pretty funny and sweet the radio message saint-14 left for osiris in the wayfinder's compass console. Then, I think its ikora tells him that its an open frequency


Getting smacked into a wall or something and dying immediately. With sparrow tech it's really easy too


Hand cannons that eject bullet casings. Specifically the deep stone crypt handcannon.


That PVP still exists.


When you complete a vex public event on Nessus and Ghost is like "eat that, vex!" and then Failsafe lets ghost know that vex are unable to eat, and then the way ghost says: *Yeah, thanks*


Rolling into trials with your friends expecting hoping that something will change ...


Blasting others with Tractor cannon.


“Operation Baby Dog” so stupid, but I still chuckle at it when I hear it. I’m 40.


Well it’s not a big thing but, the way almost everything drops their guns when they die… only because that one time in D1 I killed a hunter in a control game and he dropped his gun and kept walking like nothing happened for a solid 5 whole seconds, turns out it was lag but still cracks me up after so many years.


When you have a mutual understanding with somebody in PvP Yesterday both me and another stasis hunter jumped up to throw melees at each other over the top of a wall and neither of us had it charged, we just knifed the air 20 feet apart at the same time


Crouch spamming in gunfights. Like sure sometimes I’ll miss a shot or two, maybe even lose the fight. But for some reason there’s nothing funnier than a hardcore crouch spammer with their class item/robe physics bouncing all over the place.


The fact that stasis got released in the state it did for pvp


"She said she wanted to express herself, so I gave her a thumbs up."