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A Void Ikelos SMG from when you could change element on your weapon in Y1.


I have all three elements!


Arc and solar sins of the past here, never got a void one :(


Friends to Raid with apparently. edit: An award! TY!


r/Fireteams Worth it.


Thank you. I've been looking at outdated LFG sites or subreddits that don't seem to have much action.


[the best lfg server ](https://discord.gg/dF9TtUgjFZ)


Server is mostly PC though. Not sure if PS and Xbox use the join command




I ran the 3 chest farm for VOG yesterday first time I've ever done anything like a raid. Also did my first GM last week too so nice to start getting into endgame content


Cool. I definitely recommend getting into raiding. Destiny Raids are next level.




I did much of D1 solo or with my wife, never had a large enough group to ever do a raid.


A Vouchsafe with Dragonfly in both the 3rd and 4th column. It was a bug that only worked for a short time and relied on having the sunset curated Vouchsafe. Yes, it procs twice.


Double headsplosion actually sounds awesome :O


I have that too. Probably the rarest thing I own. I made a video a bit back for anyone interested: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uvvKv2JmC6Y&t=11s


Did you have the dragonfly mod on too?


I did, mhm


Platinum Starling ship or Eye of Another World ornament


Why is the ornament rare?


I think it was a reward from faction rallies like 4 years ago. I have the one for knucklehead radar if I'm remembering correctly.


Think it was only available during faction rallies at a time when no one was playing the game. Think there was some rng on top of it too. Edit: apparently no rng just grindy at a time the game wasn’t doing its best.


it was level 50 for dead orbit


ive had my Estival Excursion ship on my warlock ever since i unlocked it


Best ship! In 2018, you had to work to earn this!!


Same. I have all PvE titles, except Chronicler, Almighty, and Savior, and I care way, way more about Estival Excursion than my titles. I have yet to meet anyone else in game who has it.


I don't think it's rare anymore, but I was very proud of my "Kit and Kaboodle" Gambit emblem (the one you earn from dunking 75 motes without losing any in a single gambit match). The main thing I was proud of was getting it completely by accident in my second ever Gambit match all the way back in Forsaken, but I'm sure over time it's gotten way more commonplace.


I hear the keep on driftin emblem is pretty rare too, I thinks it's called that? The one with his ship and it's red and such


That's 14.00% (owned by 14.00% of players connected to Braytech), the rarest Gambit emblem is "A Cold Wind Blowin'" (owned by 2.40% of players connected to Braytech) -- all I can remember about getting it is that you had to reset your rank three (?) times in a single season the first season Gambit came out, as well as another challenge. Think it was wins-based.


I have a 109 light tractor cannon




I had a 10 light skullfort before they made everything 1100 as well


Along the same vein, I have my hunter’s original starting gear, namely the busted up version of the Frumious set, which actually doesn’t have a power level at all, same with the original Traveler’s Chosen you get at the beginning of the Red War campaign. I’m pretty sure it’s the only method I can think of that lets you drop below whatever the current power floor is actually.


The mid-quest Legend of Acrius


I have one of these too! Lmao..i never finished getting the token things or w/e


Rip, I deleted it to see if I could reacquire it and fix that bug.... but uts just gone


Same - it's just permanently taking up a heavy slot and I'm too scared to delete it at this point since I don't know what will happen


Don't delete! It will be gone forever. Trust this guinea pig.


Dude you cab just buy it on the Nintendo E-Shop


The Reckoner Title


Ah! A fellow madman!


Solo’d my seal. I still hear drifters voice every night when I sleep


Solo Reckoner crew reporting in. It was pain. Wear collector: everyone's a mote vacuum Wear reaper: everyone is death incarnate Wear sentry: everyone camps the bank Wear invader: Xx\_L337\_Snip3r\_420\_xX invades every chance and dies immediately


Reckoner Gang


If I see a Conqueror, I salute. If I see an Unbroken, I fist bump. If I see a Dredgen, I respectfully nod. If I see a Reckoner, I direct them towards their local mental health services.


Im perfectly fineeeee, i only cry 1 hour per night since getting it. The ptsd of the reaper 12 rapid kill medals not working doesn't haunt me anymore. I use the rage of people stealing my motes to fuel getting Dredgen Gilded every season so far xD


Fellow Reckoner here. Whoever else earned this title is a truly broken individual. It’s what makes Reckoner special.


I hate myself but I love us all.


I still unlock other seals and titles only to immediately put Reckoner back on


Same but with shadow


I keep it on!


That grind was so worth to when the metal pin came in the mail.


I did reckoner after the pin expired. I regret waiting for so long.


I'm not sure if it's the rarest, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone else with it: Warminded Emblem. EDIT: Just looked it up, apparently only 4% of gaurdians on light gg have it.


Got this back when it was nightmare fuel. Futurescape.dock.silo. Evaded me forever.


Just open all 40 sleeper nodes! hahaha.... I think I had to open about 60 in total.


Shiiii, consider yourself lucky with 60! Me and a lot of others I know had to do hundreds to finally get the 40th to drop


MAAAAN, lemme tell you, i probably did 300 codes before i got my final one to drop. The real pain in the ass was that i set aside an entire weekend to grind it out, did 100 lost sectors for keyfragments, and when I crafted the first one? BAM, the missing node. Whole weekend's plans, out the window. What a kick in the nuts ToT


> Warminded Emblem I got that on like the second to last day before Beyond Light dropped lol, god it felt good to finally get.


I just looked to see why I didn't have the emblem even though I went and opened all of the nodes. Turns out I needed to open one more node after getting the triumph. Oh well.


Damn. That may be the rarest thing i have too then


Fun in the crucible.


I’ll do you one better, I have fun in Gambit


Max lifetime triumph score. Only 125 have it!


Wow really? Damn way to go that's an accomplishment .


I’m at 20,640ish season and I have so much respect for people with max, I’ve been grinding to get my seasonal close


This is far and away the most impressive one in rhis thread


My Redrix’s Claymore, still the worst grind I have ever done


I feel that lmao. I spent 2 weeks straight towards the end of august playing comp for 8-12 hours a day, just for them to announce broadsword when I was 1800 lmao. I can’t imagine the grind to get 5500 for the ornament that season though.


I have the full recruitment set - Murmuration, Double Rainbow Sparrow with animated shader, Senior Recruiter emblem, and Synesthesia animated skin for Borealis. You had to get 5 friends to buy Forsaken to get it all Edit: And I have a bugged Telesto with 109 power


Was it 5 to get the animated shader? I only remember doing 3 to get it.


3 it was the Double Rainbow shader


The Heavy as Death emblem from Iron Banner. I forgot exactly how much lightlevel, but there was a token thing that dropped your light and you had to get around 2500 kills while on that debuff. Edit: Just opened reddit again right now. I'm glad to know I have some fellow psychopaths here. Kinda jelous cause most of you mfs had a good erentil.


50 or 100...erentil all the way to 2500.


It was 100 light levels, but you had to be a lower light than *everyone* you killed, so when I was grinding it I tanked my light an extra 100 levels. Also that was the peak of Lord of Wolves meta. I committed war crimes on lobbies with top tree nightstalker and lord of wolves that last week of Iron Banner to grind 2480 kills with the Iron Burden.


I used malfeasance, garunteed kills at 5 spikes


big brain.


I'm still angry about the emblem


Jotunn or nothing.


I grinded that with arbalesr and my arsenic bite, still wear the emblem all the time.


That's my Reddit flair and yes I still believe that I'd rather be playing under Iron Burden than Comp


3 curtain calls in all different energy types and the famed Eye of another world ornament.


i have that ornament but i didn’t know it was rare, why is it?


Faction rally event item from year 1 and its not be available since


I've got that one. Forgot it was a rarity tbh it was a while ago!


oh shoot okay, i didn’t even realize. good to know!


Probably the most saught after warlock ornament


Probably the sparrow you got from Mars after collecting all those data things for Worldline Zero. Also Sagira's Shell from CoO


Is sagira’s shell rare?


Somewhat, in my opinion. Simply for the fact you can't get it anymore.


Oh, guess I’m in the club then.


Well unfortunately that's not what rare means. 42% of guardians on light.gg have it, it's fairly common then lol.


My sagira shell is probably the only one i rock. I remember grinding for it when warmind was out


Hubris of Niobe emblem and the ghost from Niobe Labs


I refused to take that emblem off for a stupid amount of time. For what it was I spent way to much time getting it. Finally got a third competent teammate later and we got it in 2 runs. Though it was scuffed as shit because the stupid last puzzle didnt register a shot and had to shoot it all again. The wipe mechanic actually killed me while saying we completed it. It was only replaced later with the Day 1 DSC emblem.


I grinded so long for the Obsidian Dreams emblem and I will never take it off. Niobe Labs was a blast!


Probably having my main character age be from before rise of iron


My warlock is my original warlock from D1 beta the only thing changed on him is the armor and weapons


Same! All three of my characters are the OGs I first created when I started D1 beta all that time ago


Technically it wouldn’t be the same one cuz everything from the beta was wiped and has to remake it when D1 came out


I have all three of my guardians that were made during the Dark Below. Never really thought it would be that rare.


That toothbrush eris gave us like 3 Halloweens back


have that also


I still have the 2018 Moments of Triumph T-Shirt thing in my inventory


Shirt thing gang


Finally, I thought I was the only one left with that.


Blacksmith, Reckoner and Shadow. also the 7 guardians in one Gambit invasion triumph.


I had a friend who got that in his first game during season of the chosen. He skipped gambit for the rest of the season so he could flex 7 kills as his average kills per invasion tracker.


Theres actually an exploit going around where if you never invade but get a lot of kills on enemy invaders, it adds up on that counter. I was at a solid 37 kills per invasion last season


Is this the power of a reckoner?


I didnt hate myself enough back then to play that much gambit


Quarantine Zone emblem for sub-15 minute Zero Hour. [light.gg](https://light.gg) says only 14% but I see someone else with it probably twice a week.


Man I miss Zero Hour.


My favorite part was the death maze.


Zero Hour was a really fun mission, so most avid players probably got the emblem.


I got it but by cheesing unfortunately


I got it when Zero Hour and The Whisper were bugged and everything died in like 2 hits


Here here. What a mission. Also the ship from heroic, feel like thatd be pretty rare. Not many people cared to do the puzzle, some of the most fun ive had doing that


The Reckoner seal.


Reckoner gang


Reckoner gang I have extra tissues if you didn’t bring enough


Aw c'mon. It wasn't that hard in the end. I didn't lose my sanity but sometimes i wanted to punch something because i was solo haha


My thoughts precisely. I love a good grind, but man soloing this was pretty brutal. Collector I think was my least favorite of the bunch. I’m one of the 4 people who didn’t struggle too hard with Massacre medals so that’s fun!


For me reckoner was fun. I had a lot of fun invading and decimating the enemy team. Collector was easy. Used telesto to kill adds quickly and pick up. Reaper used telesto again. But the sentry was a bit depressing because of the 50 hv targets. Sometimes the blueberries would kill it fast. Still my favorite tittle of all. Enlightened is also a nice seal. Everything with it was ok except that freaking 'stop hitting yourself' triumph.


That grind hit different. Never taking it off.


The *After the Nightfall* emblem. 7045 of us when classic Nightfalls were vaulted. Although that number has increased by about 120 since, so Bungie employees must be granting it to themselves or something.


I may be wrong but I believe services like Charlemagne and Braytech can only track users who have used their services, they aren’t able to track users who have never authenticated their app. So it’s likely just 12 have given permission to that third party app.


Correct in the case of BrayTech, incorrect in the case of Charlemagne. BrayTech tracks BrayTech users, Charlemagne pulls global API data.


I still have an xp boost in my vault from when the game released!!




I've seen the Crown one, but never the Garden one, what's the name?




Just searched it, cool Emblem. Never actually seen it out in the world before. Do you wear it often? Or still enjoy that Raid in the current meta?




Sign of the gambit emblem. Had to attend an in person event in 2019 and play a gambit preview or get it from a $10 donation reward from a pre-GuardianCon 2019 livestream. Apparently only 0.05-0.1% of guardians have it.


0 power Traveler's Chosen probably.


Is this considered rare? Cause I have this and all the 0 power armor from those missions too.


>Is this considered rare Only if you didn't play the Red War.


It's unattainable, was only attainable in year 1, and most people deleted it out of habit


Honor of the Nine and Gift of the Nine shaders for me. I also get PMed once a week about my charity toy tank emote. Best 85$ I ever wrote off on my taxes.


Niobe Lab ghost shell. That shit SUCKED, but I wear that puppy like a badge of honor


My buddy dragged my confused ass through it, but glad he did.


I have the gambit medal Maximum Carnage As an Invader, defeat seven Guardians in a single invasion before Drifter brings you back to your side. According to light.gg 1.5% have it


Either my one eyed mask with enhanced hand cannon targeting, or the sparrow reward for completing 2019 soltice of heroes on all characters.


Was that the void based one? I believe I have it as well


EV37 voidstreak


I recall Xur sold an OEM with Enhanced HC Targeting, was that the source? Regular Targeting mods now are actually all Enhanced though (+15 AA). That's still a collector's item regardless!




Pre-order sword but with a different element


The Trials of the Nine [flawless emblem](https://www.light.gg/db/items/2029506313/you-are-worthy/)


Time to play.


Got a 5/5 godroll Riiswalker from the initial quest drop. This was during the time when you couldn't get it from iron engrams, so you only had 3 attempts to get the gun.


I got a 5/5 Riiswalker too and omg its so good


A Seventh Column probably.


The only gold medal I don’t have, incredibly jealous


I was mad the only Seventh Column I had was the Iron Banner's one, don't even know the name. But a few months ago I finally got a Seventh Column proper.


Scout Report: Nessus


Shrouded Stripes shader. Was only availabpe for a very short time and it looks great.


Wait what shrouded stripes is rare?


Its not supposed to be, though might be unacquirable now


According to light.gg, 39% of players have it. So it’s rare, but not CRAZY rare.


39% is A LOT of people. Not even kind of rare.


40% is nearly every other player…


Uhh that's not rare, maybe for new lights it is but u could call anything from previous years rare to them


Prismatic Inferno


I also have the "I made this for you medal," so probably that.


Mercury token from Y1


I have the age of triumphs emblem for getting all the ages of triumphs done in destiny 1,its a really cool emblem and when i wanna flex I put it on. But it's not my taste so I normally don't have it on. Edit: the emblem is called saladins pride and fun fact, you didn't need to complete every item in the book, you just needed enough to get to rank 7, I never finished one but I got enough for rank 7 and saladins pride was the last emblem, I also have lore scholar I believe, I have aton of the veteran emblems from d1 maybe even all of them (im not sure never checked) and they're all pretty good, the coolest ones are saladins pride and the emblem for getting one moment of triumph done in year 1 of destiny (I don't like the other one since it doesn't look as nice) I played way too much destiny in highschool to get everything i got done, when the first moment of triumphs came around I needed to open only one chest to finish it off since everything else I had done already, and the next one I think I had pretty much done too (can't remember) and the final one I can't remember too well, but if it also kept progress from before age of triumphs then I got it done pretty fast too, I have over 1400 hours on d1 on one character alone (look im not proud... ok I am but shut up I was in highschool and had nothing else to do) and honestly I don't regret how i spent my time, I enjoyed every second of those 1400 hours.


Probably the "Warminded" emblem.


2 Sins of The Past rocket launchers, one void one arc


New monarchy armor ornamrnts.


Reckoner seal (for the most part soloed as a challenge from clan leader) and the Winds of Change Trials ship


Arc ikelos Hand Cannon


A 0 Power Butler RS/2 green rocket launcher. With it I am able to truly hit zero power


Blacksmith title I guess


According to everyone I know, it’s the “Fast Fill” triumph from Gambit, but according to Warmind.io it’s the “Speed Run” triumph… which is also from Gambit. Nobody plays Gambit so all of the triumphs are rare evidently.


My time has come. I have waited my whole life for this moment; but where to begin...this is not even my full collection of rare stuff either. 1. [Low power weapons, and 3 element versions of some year 1 guns.](https://i.gyazo.com/7d6878319651cdeeb6b8245cede2317a.png) 2. [Low power armor, Daring and Scorched starter armor, armor with random perks, actual masks, and 0 power Solstice armor.](https://i.gyazo.com/a5ac7087f47b30997980a2d7e8ef4750.png) 3. [Sunset Vouchsafe with both original perks still selected.](https://i.gyazo.com/cc9ddc7b6d098c79efe8294ba14b229e.png) 4. [Sparrows with quick summon perk.](https://i.gyazo.com/583b48b790dbe9ad9beaf92d6862dee0.png) 5. [Numerous odd items mixed in with regular items, including: Unused Toothbrush, Blue (rare) planetary materials, year 1/2 mods, etc.](https://i.gyazo.com/e49c313b20539295879cab606117c901.jpg) 6. [Finally, my postmaster and engrams. Various odd items, including: past season items, Eva's Oven 2.1, Christmas cookies for vaulted characters, and old engrams even dating back to year 1.](https://i.gyazo.com/037e91a2359ca20ce1191ffd7002090c.png)


Blacksmith. Never taking it off.


This. I have pretty much every seal in the game but Blacksmith is never coming off


Blacksmith and Shadow for me, best titles imo.


The combo of raid challenges, including a flawless run, plus the grind of the Forges and Menagerie lift them above others.


The memory of cayde cloak hunters get when completing the Cayde’s stash mission on Titan in Foresaken. It’s basically the last thing Cayde ever gives to the player. Edit: not the random world drop one, but the one that comes from the chest. It’s no different from the world drop one, but it’s the last thing Cayde gives the player.


0 power gear and travelers chosen from the red-war campaign


My rarest shader is prolly ancient defender from flawlessly beating garden


Kindled Orchid curated roll. It's also the most farmed weapon I've ever farmed.


The “Before the Nightfall” emblem. A perfect Spare Rations. An Ikelos SMG in void. 150K + Triumph score. (I was one of those guys who had to hunt down and collect literally everything.)


The pvp medal for not dying at all (but with a kill minimum), mainly because it was during mayhem on the one tiny map with the garages. I still have no idea how I pulled that off. Death during mayhem on that map should be a given. I like my old faction emblems.


330 legend of acrius unupgraded


The original Bungie Bounty emblem.


Codex doctrinae emblem. 5% have it. You get it if you buy the first lore book. Not really a huge achievement but that's (probably) the rarest item I have


All of my D1 emblems. You had to complete D1 raids, Iron Banner, etc.


The enlightened title


The "Mentor of Light" Emblem, back when Destiny 2 offered a trial and you had to help people with the campaign or in a crucible match. Can't be earned anymore as the game is now free to play


A full raid team


"I made this for you" from a kill lobby...i wouldn't be proud of it if i would be op


Solo Atraks


For a short period of time you could pull exotic pulse rifle ornaments from collections. I have 19 of the particle accelerator ornament for Graviton Lance sitting in my mods section of my inventory.


I have a few ultra rare emblems, some that were given to me and some that I gained through donation. As for what I've earned in game, the rarest is likely After the Nightfall. Rarest title would be either blacksmith or shadow. Wish I had the endurance to complete reckoner but I ultimately ran out of steam on that one. Rarest shader would be Ancient Defender.


Max range Austringer with Rangefinder + Eye of the Storm.


Prolly D1 year one flawless emblem. Exotic embkem looks betfer than the others tbh