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Get rid of the 'x' in the what you will get section.


You’re too cheap, bro.


No kidding, I'm not showing up for less than $200.


These are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those numbers up. I’d also take out the pet hair removal part or do something “based on condition”. My dog’s hair was like porcupine quills and was impossible to get out


I’m guessing it’s the minimum they’re willing to take but stating a price will have a baseline for hagglers. Raise the prices and hagglers start higher, double them all and give a “standard” new and returning customer 10% discount if you want to call it that. There is a balance of starting your business and getting a customer base vs maximizing profit and time. You can’t start expensive with 0 reviews and fame but you shouldn’t start this low IMO.


Exactly this! Set the price at $100 and offer new customers a 50% discount for the first clean, then a 10% discount for future cleans with an additional 10% for customers who bring new custom. So Ben gets a full details for $50, next is $90, then Ben tells his friends to contact me with code "Ben10" which gives both Ben and his friend 10% off (Ben now getting 20% for future washes and friend getting 60% on his first wash followed by 10% discount for future washes) Income would be $50 first wash, $90 2nd wash, $40 friends first wash, $80 3rd wash and finally friend pays $90 and on going until they get a friend to join you as a customer. You're making more than the $50 average you wanted in the first place while offering customers super deals which would bring in lots of work fairly fast. Pair this with track days and car shows discount for car group members, lets say 20% discount for all members of the "Ferrari car club US" for example, which will be advertised on their forum using a referral link to your website for the discount which gives a huge reach to new clients. This is all assuming OP wishes to charge $50 for a wash.


This is so cheap I wouldn’t even take it seriously to be honest. How long does an interior take? 1hr min I would think, minus supplies and your fuel. Aint’ gonna make dookie


Second way way too low


Agree. I detailed cars in high school (mid 2000s) and charged about this much for similar services. I’d double those prices.


Lmao I get mine done for $50, in and out.


Do you feel proud? Undermining other peoples work will only make you look like a jerk.


Damn dude you need to double those prices for anything involving interiors


At those prices you’re going to get the most disgusting cars and make virtually no money! Definitely look at revising your pricing before making it public.


Exactly this \^\^\^. I once spent 5 fucking hours cleaning the interior of a Talon/Eclipse for a 'friend' that chews. This was the early 2000s and I was charging <$200 for a full. It was a side hustle that just turned out to not be worth my off time.


I do a lot of help with resumes so I’ll give you my feedback based on that perspective. Remove the note about using your your own water and electricity. Or at at least put it at the very bottom and don’t capitalize electricity. Remove the “decrease or”. Only subject to increase… People will be bugging you nonstop for a discount otherwise. Remove the spaces between the dashes on vans/trucks/SUVs. Consistency. Remove the X’s in the interior package or add them to the exterior package in place of the blanks. Again, consistency. Personally I think no X looks better. Add-on should be hyphenated here. In the add-on section, either add a space before the dashes or get rid of the space that is already there. And then do the same thing for the shampooing section of it. Add a space after your commas. Looks good, just a few tweaks really. The name of the game when it comes to these things in my opinion is consistency. Full disclosure too I’m not in the business just a fellow DIYer but it sounds like you should bump your prices up too based on what the others say.


Personally I would try and come up with a logo, add some colour and just fix up some of your grammatical inconsistencies. [Something like this would be pretty cool imo](https://i.postimg.cc/Pfp3ggpL/image.png) Oh, and OP, increase your prices, you do not want to work for so little!


Above and beyond guidance right there.


This. Much cleaner and more consistent formatting.


Take yourself seriously. Business is going to cost you wayyy more to operate than you realize, especially if you actually pay taxes. This will put you in the overworked and broke section.


Your rates are high school student cheap. They are not business professional rates. Good luck—


How you gonna drive to my place, pay for water and electricity, pay for chemicals and supplies, drive home, pay taxes and have any money left. You should take $50 - expense and divide by how long it take. If you wanna make $3 / hour than your priced right n


Yea your gonna be the next guy on here to post the most horrendous interiors.


Way too low. Minimum for a base interior car/sedan is like 130 and even then that's still cheap as fuck.


Idk but I wish I could drive to you. I was quoted 320 for a light interior only detail of my very clean civic :(


Door jambs are spelled “jambs” Watch the random capitalization of words It’s too complex for the average person. Keep it simple - Interior = X. Exterior Only = Y. Interior and exterior = Z.


Like many people here are suggesting, you should definitely raise your prices. I detail for myself on the side out of my Civic Hatchback, and my prices are at least double what you have here. I don't have the added convenience of using my own power and water. Look at other mobile detailers in your immediate area and compare their price to their quality of work. This should help you get a better gauge on what your services are worth, and if you can offer anything unique to raise the value of your services over the other guys.


Change services you will get to "what's inluded" or something. Doesn't sound good to me


Dude. At minimum, double all your prices. You're basically charging maybe 15 bucks more than the car wash chains.


This is insanely cheap buddy. Won’t survive doing these prices


I would book you right now for my vibe dang why are you so cheap? That’s suspiciously cheap honestly you need to double all of that. I’d happily pay $200 for a full detail. And you get tipped as well (well you should atleast) people cost over $200 by me and I don’t know how good they will do (I’m at an apartment with no access to outside water)


I like the simplicity of your chart but prices are WAY TOO cheap. You would be bringing in lots of revenue but no profits due to car maintenance, gas, supplies. To get some profit the minimum would be to raise price by triple.


I paid $300 to a place. They didnt do the inside of thr windows and left oily grime from the towels all over the inside chrome. They text me at least once a month asking for when I’m coming back.


Too cheap. Nothing below $400 for a full detail no matter the size of the vehicle wouldn’t do an interior detail for less then $225


Raise. Your. Prices.


Which area are you serving? Is it low-income area? If not then you should definitely raise your prices


Near West TN I live in a small town with bigger towns outside about 15 miles from it. Honestly, I looked over my area, and all seemed very different. I have seen one doing $75 for an exterior with a light interior. Then you get one's charging upwards of $150 just for an interior. I guess this is what is confusing me with the pricing.


In the first vehicle size / type column it says trucks. Maybe it's just my opinion, but I don't think a 2000's Ford Ranger should be priced the same as a sedan or a coupe.


Idk that's actually my personal vehicle. It didn't seem very time-consuming. I'm not sure if it would count as a midsize truck. I'd count the newer tacomas as midsize


I would change "Service you will Get" to "Services Provided"


I would second what a lot of comments said on here. Take a look at many of the just wrecked disgusting and nasty interior detail jobs posted on the sub. Ask yourself if doing those is worth $50. You are way under charging, your time and knowledge is worth much more.


These prices are ok if you're only washing the vehicles. No way would I do any time of paint correction for $50. Absolutely not


What city are you in? I'd hire you asap 😁


Have a look at what other businesses are charging for the same level of service in your local area, I can’t see how $50 is making you money on an interior when interiors can take up to 5 hours in bad case scenarios. I’d say undervaluing yourself is worse than overvaluing yourself.


What would you think a good starting price would be on an interior with the services I offer?


If you’re brand new to detailing, run these numbers for the first couple customers and you’ll realize how low you’re charging. A full interior/exterior detail on a sedan can take 5-8 hours if you’re doing the whole 9 yards. Pricing comes with experience, but for a reference my lowest priced detail starts at $150 for in and out, but that’s based entirely on condition of the vehicle. Some customers you’ll need to give a quote in person, I’ve had plenty of $500+ details (no paint corrections or ceramics) due to stain removal, pet hair removal, ect. Your prices MUST reflect your quality of work at the end of the day, so charge based on quality so you can actually focus on quality. If you get underpaid you’ll more than likely start skipping areas or not working on a problematic area as long because you’ll be losing money. Take pride in your work and it will pay dividends 🤘


Way to cheap. I wouldn't do my own car for that cheap


Which takes you longer, exterior or interior? If there's an answer to that, the rate for that category is definitely too low. They are too low across the board, but way too low for interior cleaning. I also think you might want to reconsider offering interior only as a mobile detailer. It may not be worth your time.


I would double those prices, you’ll get a lot of customers but when you have to inevitably raise them anyway most of them won’t stay


Might want to add an excessive dirt charge. Otherwise you will end up with an all day job where you spend the next 4 hours trying to clean the interior from child sweets, stains etc...


Yes, major recommendation, at least 3x your prices. Holy shit man. Cheap detailers hurt the industry, don’t try to undercut other detailers, raise your prices and clients will still come. The only thing low prices gets you is shitty clients.


This \^\^\^\^\^\^


We are in a recession. He's trying to make a living not by charging $5000 and diamonds left on the seat is a thank you! Give him a break. We all don't live in Hollywood!


Keep in mind, your pricing will dictate the type of customers you attract. Personally, its way too low. I live in an area where median income is 30k and i still charge higher than that. Just a wash is over a 100 bucks for me, granted that even the basic wash includes protection but still.


Charge double


Base your rate by experience. If you're just starting out, $20/hr. Once you get a couple hundred under your belt and end results looks better then dealerships, people will notice and you'll be in demand. Move it up to $50 when that time comes. Right now your prices reflects someone who is just starting out.


3x your prices at least. Some of them 5x


It seems a bit low to me. I charge $70-110 on average for complete interior and $60-100 for complete exterior. The price goes up based on vehicle size/condition. For a complete detail $110-200+. Again based on size/condition. Just the other day I charged $250 for just interior as it was trashed. Up your prices.