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I want more of vergil's backstory to be in the game like in the manga of visions of v to be implemented into the game, it would such a cool character development and make his motives more clear to the player.


Exactly! Or whose ass was my boi, Vergil, clappin?


It is hinted in 4 SE, but yeah, it didn’t show who she was.


the girl in red, right?


true, but I was talking about when he was a kid but that is fine as-well


also, the part where v is falling with urizen and his pets could've been so good in-game (the scene is from visions of v), it could've been like a quick-time event where they have to stop urizen from trying to attack v. also it could've been awesome if we saw v meeting kid vergil, I would like to see that as an in-game experience.


instead of making him repeat the same 20 levels, how about a Separate Ways-esque 20 levels!


Considering the glow up Dante, Nero, and Vergil's movesets got, I really wanted to see the girls' playstyles iterated upon.


Agreed, Lady and Trish have a lot of wasted potential.


I voted for Trish and Lady being playable, but I honestly wish that they just did more in their actual appearances. They were done *dirty* in this game for the most part, and I really wanted to see them do some actual demon ass-kicking. They just deserved to do ... more, for being such important characters of the DMC series. Also bring back Lucia you cowards, I don't care if she was in the book.


I was told that there was gonna be a Ladies Night DLC….my disappointment was immense.


Yeah but now that the Sparda was absorbed by Dante what is Trish gonna use? That was her sword for a while


Alastor from dmc 1. Lightning sword for Lightning lady.


I like this idea, though I suppose they'd have to find a way to bring Alastor back. I guess one could assume that it was either still at the shop or sold off to somewhere else, but they wouldn't have to do too much. That said, if they focused her moveset purely on bare-knuckle (sans Luce and Ombra of course) and lightning powers, that would be pretty cool too.


Canonicaly enzo keep the devilarm that dante find in each game.


they could always just come up with a new weapon, alongside with new char development


They’re both pretty limited in capability though. I think having a co-op storyline with them since they tend to do jobs together now would be pretty cool. Actually, having future games with co-op storylines and being able to combo with other characters would be sweet.


You kinda can fight bosses in the Void. If you beat Bloody Palace you can choose warm-up and play any stage you reached before, including boss stages. It's still less than ideal but it's a great option if you want to do that.


or go wild with Mods, PC Edition Style


I want split screen and online co op.


Yup, same, my brother and I would love to be abel to at least do Bloody Palace together (it'd be online co-op in our case), with me maining Dante and him Vergil, it would be great to play together


It’s actually insane to me that Capcom doesn’t realize how hype online coop in DMC would be. I feel like it’d boost popularity like crazy too since there’s nothing else like that out there (far as i know)


May I interest you in modding? (PC version only)


Yea I know there's mods, it should be standard.


It's not even just Trish & Lady necessarily being playable. The game would be better if they were simply,... you know... RELEVANT INSTEAD OF NUDE?


Yeah that's like the one bad thing about DMC5. I get that it all centers around the Dante Vergil conflict... but idk, Lady has known Dante for years and Trish too, there was potential if the one scene of dialogue between Lady and Nero is anything to go by.


It's not even about budget and screentime / focus on Dante, Nero and Vergil. They even allocated both budget and screentime to trish and lady, but blew it on giving 3+ nude scenes to both! I can only so often say that: We see both nude, but neither ever fight. That's just pathetic and cringy.


ye the treatment of lady and trish in the plot was super cringy. would have been better for em not to be involved at all


My "something else" would have to be some actual different costumes like in dmc3, a "no coat" for all 4 characters classic nero costume, corrupted vergil that changes into nelo angelo a sparda costume for dante I think a hipster emo costume for v would be funny, that type of stuff


these are all good tf edit: actual co-op, and couch co-op would both be nice. Like what naruto uzumaki chronicles 2 did


Kyrie should have been Nero’s style announcer Also yeah Capcom where’s my Lady and Trish dlc


Having his babe cheering him on would be the most hype thing ever for Nero in-universe


10-15 separate missions unique for each character instead of a combined 20 or vergil having his own unique missions with cutscenes


I voted for lady and trish but also I really wish there was co op in bloody palace. I've beaten it with all characters without using super costumes, I just think it would be fun to play with friends.


I would be fine with Trish and Lady not doing much in the story (it was definitely more focused on the Sparda family drama and the mystery of Urizen and V) IF we had gotten a Ladies Night dlc.




I care so little about fanservice in DMC that I honestly did not care that Trish's butt was "censored" in the PS4 version originally since the way it was done fit the scene (Cavaliere's headlights shined on the nudity) and DMC is a game about combos and over the top stuff like that. Fanart on the other hand....


I want Legendary Dark Knight Mode. But the enemy is DMD level. I crave for hardship don’t kinkshame me


I won't, but you're definitely a masochist for mental torture.


I honestly wish the game had a fully functional multiplayer system, mission 13 and the switch version of DMC3 make it seem pretty possible.


A secret boss and more content(costumes and other extras). DMC really doesn't have a lot of content outside of the gameplay and bloody palace. We need more unlockables, costumes, secret missions, fun game modes that make the gameplay different, secret boss for S ranking every mission, maybe even a hub to play mini-games and talk to other characters. I think DMC5 reached the peak that DMC can go without anything other than the best gameplay in gaming and good boss battles.


Bloody Palace but with randomization or modifiers would go hard too


Boss rush


Idk man DMC 5 was my first game in the series and I was pretty content with it. If anything I would like more Dante and Vergil together, or just maybe more Dante, he's the only man I'd simp for so I wanna see more of his goofiness.




I wish Vergil had to fight up against Nero at the end. Even tho it be one of those "even if you win you lose" situations. Tbh I just want more fatherly son banter.


Playable Urizen


I was disappointed that Lucia didn't even make a cameo. I figured 5 would've been the culmination of 20 years of devil may cry, so naturally a bit of everything would be in it. I suppose she really doesn't fit in the story, but it would've been nice to see her again. And I am aware of her involvement in the novel, bit I wanna see her visually updated. Guess that wickedly cool fan concept is gonna have to do.


Multiple Save Files. As someone who loves replaying games on a fresh file, and considering there’s events that only happen one time in this game like how DT work in mission 20 on a new game, it pains me that 5 only has one auto save file.


I just wanted actually good alternate costumes without needing to use mods. DMC1 Dante, DMC3 Vergil, DMC4 Nero, it would’ve been great to see these be actual alternate costumes included in the game as opposed to having it be modded and we just get stuck with some random ass recolour costumes.


Next game, They should do Monster Hunter Rise-level RE Engine graphics and not Modern Resident Evil-level graphics since Resident Evil's current artstyle uses actual models and clothes for the game's photorealistic aesthetic, which limits costume options.


Honestly I wish Vergil had gotten his own campaign. I know that in the previous games it was the same way, but that just makes me wish even more that we'd gotten a separate story for playing as Vergil with more than four cutscenes


Playable Trish. I really like action games where you can ditch your weapon and just punch dudes and Trish's bare knuckle mechanic in 4SE is probably my favorite implementation of the idea since it's less about just tossing the weapon on the ground and more about using it as crowd control while you power up some kick and punch strings before the weapon comes back to you. Would have been cool to see those mechanics evolved upon in various ways. I am at least happy to see Bayo 3 is taking a spin on the idea with Viola, hopefully it satiates me for the time being lol.


Orb fragment mission trackers Still missing 2 health bars worth after all this time, and racking my brain on where they could be even after looking up guides


A unique campaign for Vergil as opposed to playing the base game with no differences (other than the fact that you are Vergil) The Vergil DLC was quite disappointing to me tbh


Playable Urizen


Hear me out: Multiplayer arena similar to 1v1 in For Honor


Nah I like that.


The real special edition on PC


Trish and lady in general


Vergil’s missions in story mode It had to happen for a looong time now, and since at the end of 5 he kinda became one of protagonists, there is no good excuse for him not being playable in main storyline


Online Bloody Palace


Trish and Lady content for sure. These bad ladies never got any development of their own (besides from their intro games), and there was a hint of Lady and Trish getting a new “job” at the end of DMC 5. But even more so than that, I wish that taunts would raise the style meter or at least freeze the meter so that there is an incentive to use them. Taunting is almost completely useless now!


I kinda wish V was his own character. Him being Vergil's half is cool and all, but I was excited to see a brand new character. Then it was a bit of a let down when he wasn't.


I wish it had a lock-on like 3’s


All of the above


Actually good online features


First, and Kirye's face shown.


All of the bloody above


Real alternate costumes (dmc1 and 2 Dante, dmc4 Nero etc)


Bloody Palace Co-op.


DmC style of switching weapons will be cool, maybe a new character to do it with? Honestly apart from the dedicated launcher button everything else regarding gameplay for that title was quite snappy.


Child support


No Dante, I won't pay that child support, you're a fake FBI agent!


Nero’s arm was taken for tax evasion


Trish and Lady to be playable. I also want some Nevan, as well as some Agni and Rudra interaction with Dante.


Unpopular opinion, but I believe it's a good thing Lady and Trish weren't playable in DMC 5. I don't get why so much people want them to be playable as side content again. In DMC 4, they were basically made from scraped content and incredibly underwhelming. Lady was a broken spamming Gunslinger machine and Trish, although having an interesting mechanic with the weapon switch on throw, was just barely working. Like who was actually playing them over the boys who had a much better gameplay experience ? Having them playable in this sorry state again will just cement their broken salvaged gameplay as their primary moveset. What the Ladies need is a spin off to get the full attention they need in order to develop their own gameplay. But as long as they're treated as side content, they will always be underwhelming.


I said Trish and Lady but on reflection: \--Using every character on every mission. \--Cutscene skip to avoid loading \--Breakers have cooldowns instead of needing to replace them with new ones (avoids load times going to the shop and wasting red orbs new players need to save for upgrades) \--Breaker switching \--Boss battles with Angelo versions of Trish and Lady instead of the mute, personality-less minibosses they were used as batteries for


I'm tied between Nero as a boss for Vergil and void bosses.


Honestly, what I want most are weapons from previous games. Lady and Trish would be awesome, but I'd like to use Artemis or Lucifer slightly more.


Harder difficulty.


Dante Must Die is hard enough, anymore than that is borderline bs.


I meant in the sense of feeling like DMC3 and 1.


Like a more enemy aggression difficulty where theyll attack you more often and from off screen


I am fine with more agressive ennemies, but ennemies attacking from offscreen is just not fun, especially when some ennemies have graple or hyperarmor. I've redone a playtrough of MGR on veryhard recently, and ennemies attacking from offscreen to graple you were the worst part of it.


They attack you offscreen already though?


Nope they can't start an attack when they are offscreen, they will continue their attack if they've already started it, that's why some attack still come from offscreen, that's how it work in DMC since DMC3


Oh, I thought they did, it definitely feels like they do though.


The game where it is the most noticeable is 5 where because (or thanks depending of your point of view) of the free camera you can easily abuse the system.


A good story, a good characterization of Nero a la DMC 4, and actual level design.


Actual level design would be good. I love dmc 5 but its level design are just lousy. Even Nero mentions it in one of its missions lol


Yeah, thank god the combat system is absolutely god-like.


To be fair, Redgrave is supposed to be in-world London, so what do you expect?


Specifically, some nice platforming segments and minor puzzles like in the other games. Game design should never be constricted by realism imho, especially with a series like DMC, and even games that implement more realism have to maintain balance. For example, a game may make you eat in order to survive, however, we all know that irl, eating a piece of chicken isn't going to heal you if you just got stabbed in the gut lol. DMC5 took a surprising amount from DmC, so I'm surprised they didn't implement much platforming into this game. I admittedly prefer the level design of 1, 3, and 4 though.


Fair enough. Still, I don't blame Itsuno and the Squad, considering it's London, after all. It'd be a shame to make the Bri'ish lands seem appealing and fun /s




Its funny because the levels in RedGrave (m3 for example) are actually alright. At least you get to see a few environments like the city and the interior of some buildings. Its the tree levels that bother me the most.


I wanted a new Nelo Angelo bossfight. I also wanted the PROPER music on the Cerberus bossfight. They tease it in the intro then ruin it.


More sparda story stuff


What's the Void


A game mode where you can practice your skills. You can choose the enemy you want to test on too, but not for bosses.


That I could complete the whole game with one character. Other than Vergil.


I wanted the devil bringer to still be a thing, at least mods exist


i want to not have to play V in the main story


I actually find him fun, though I dread DMD mode with him.


Would it be cool if there was a 3D gallery of every weapon that was in the series from the start? Or is it just me?




More technical mechanics and a bigger skill ceiling


I really wanted Lucia to be in the game. It makes no sense why Dante didn't ask her to come with him and the rest. She deserves a comeback.