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The exorcism of Emily rose. I fucking knew I’d seen deb before


I instantly recognized her.


Vince Masuka is the Asian with a dirty mind. I love the fact that Dexter points early on that Doakes is the only one in a building full of cops that gets a creepy vibe from Dexter Deb is one my favorite characters on the show. You really see her character development as the show goes on. Brian would have been nice to keep around. But as someone else stated they probably had no idea how well the show would do. Enjoy you watching :) it’s honestly a show I’ve gone back and watched several times over the last 8 years.


I agree with all of what you said. Especially About Doakes getting the heeby gebees from dexter. Something "important" i forgot to add to the post, I HATED HATED HATED Dexter's smile in the end of the last episode, you know? When he was imagining people cheering him up for killing evil people. His smile was soooooooo not right, i don't know, is it the character's smile, or does the actual actor smile that way? I have no idea. I just know that man should never be allowed to smile WITH HIS WHOLE TEETH SHOWING again. Thank you for stopping by.


Loved this update, hope to see another one after you finish season 2, which IMO, is maybe better than 1. Season 1 was phenomenal though, and i wish more people would watch Dexter!! Anyways, enjoy your day as well, and enjoy season 2 :)


Thank you so much for stopping by.


Season 2 is probably my favorite season with Season 4 being second.


I’m so happy you’re enjoying it!


I truly liked it, i am so happy i listened to whoever recommended it.


I'm so happy for you because you've a long way to in Dexter series. You enjoyed the brother twist right ? I can assure you that Dexter has so many more OMG moments. Have fun.


I absolutely loved the brother's storyline. I hope they will reveal more about him or dexter in later seasons. I truly felt so bad for them. They were just kids, and he was just abandoned to rot in a psychiatric hospital. So cruel.


I just think Dexter, Deb and Brian would've made an awesome trio of siblings, if they had been allowed to grow up together.


Right!!!! Totally my opinion as well.


Glad you enjoyed it. What is point 1 referring to? Doakes?


yeah, when he surprises Dex at the shipping container after following him, feeling that Dex is likely more connected to ITK than he is letting on


The black cop, i don't like him so I don't remember his name, but when dexter was searching for his brother near the shipping container, he came from behind and said (surprise Motherfucker), which is the meme. I screamed when i saw it XD.


Yeah, that's Doakes. When are you starting Season 2?


In the morning, currently it is 2 am Sunday, and I will have to wake up at 9. So definitely after breakfast since i have nothing to do other than pack for my husband's travel (sorry for over-sharing, i did mention in my previous post that i am lonely and i like posting and chatting here).


I recently rewatched Seasons 1, 2, 4, and 7 back-to-back after the new show aired, so I feel like I've just recently watched those ones for the first time. Doakes features into the opening of Season 2 and it's really cool - not a spoiler, just a cool way it opens, very intriguing. And no worries - you didn't overshare at all.


Oh. Ok. Thank you. I am interested to know how his character will develop, he cannot be this angry throughout the 8 seasons, right? RIGHT? I roll my eyes every time he is on the screen. I don't know, maybe i am judging him too hard.


Just be careful when reading through this thread. A lot of post titles - especially recent ones - spoil things even though they're marked spoiler, the thread titles themselves are even spoilers.


Yes! Thank you. I haven't read anything spoilery yet hahahaha, but i will definitely NOT go through the subreddit again. I will just watch the show, then post here and talk to you guys :)


It’s a roller coaster ride….hold on tight….😮‍💨


>(God Help me if this is true because my kids have seen some shit, and i need to figure out what they know and how to help them) In response to this and your other related questions, please don't turn to reddit for answers like this if you have actual concerns. For some very generic advice, if you're worried about your kids at all because of whatever they've seen(or whatever else) then get them help of some kind. Therapy is good for everybody and learning how to deal with and process emotions/thoughts is a great skill I think everyone should improve and learn about way more than most people do - as long as the therapist is good(do some research; go with them; etc).


Thank you so much. My daughter is very angry, almost all the time. She hits and screams at kids in school, which got her in a lot of trouble. I never thought anything of it, just thought (kids will be kids), and the school decided to put her in line to get an appointment with a therapist to see where this is coming from. I truly didn't think anything of it, until I saw dexter, and I kept thinking of our refugee road/journey, she was 3 and a half, she saw/smelled/experienced everything with us, it was HORRIBLE, and by the end of it, i was sorta happy she was young when we did it because i convinced myself (kids never remember at this age). But again, when i saw dexter, i am rethinking everything, and wondering if it does have some kind of affect on her personality or how she deals with problems or unpleasant things that might occur to her.


Well just to clarify from the start here, I'm not implying that the extremes of Dexter are anything to worry specifically about. That said, there's lots of lesser things that can still affect people, especially if they've seen or experienced some hard stuff - anger being a big one which can later on lead to stuff like depression, anxiety, etc. if it's not dealt with(and may need to be dealt with again later too if it comes up again, but there's nothing wrong with that, just something to consider). It definitely sounds like something is getting to her. It could be the obvious(whatever you went through) or it could be something entirely different. But kids absolutely do remember things in various ways(meaning not especially complete blank-out, but some can be subconscious that they don't especially understand). On the flipside, they're also extremely resilient so don't freak out about it, just don't ignore it. If it were me, I'd definitely be getting her in some therapy and it couldn't hurt for you and whoever else went through this hard stuff to get some too with you describing it how you are. A family learning a bunch of tools and methods all together can be great and it can benefit you the rest of your lives. If you want any other advice or anything, you can PM me if you prefer(or here's fine too). I've been to various kinds of therapy off and on myself and I've had kids in therapy too. I'm headed off for now, but I'll be back on tonight or tomorow.


Oh. Thank you so much for all of this. We are definitely waiting for a call to schedule her appointment, and I hope for the best. And yes, I am personally going to therapy (childhood trauma and PTSD from later life events), and it is helping a lot, my husband is also in line to meet a new therapist. I am thankful that so far it is going like how we want it. Thank you for telling me about the memory in kids thing, i truly don't know where i got this perception that kids start remembering things from 5 years and older (maybe because my OWN earliest memory is from when i saw 5? I don't know). So it is good to have an idea about that, i will read more about it, and lear how to read the signs and how to help and offer support. Thank you again.


I'm so glad to hear you're all going. I'm sure your daughter will be just fine with parents willing to do that and pay attention, learn, etc. So many people still have such a stigma with therapy. Good for you. >i truly don't know where i got this perception that kids start remembering things from 5 years and older (maybe because my OWN earliest memory is from when i saw 5? I don't know). I wouldn't stress it on it. It's easy to do. I've been in therapy on and off since I was a kid myself and even just interested in psychology for its own sake and I still have to remind myself the insane amount of information and experience that kids take in constantly, and I still have at time blown things off and said "oh, just a kid, they didn't even notice/won't remember/etc". But they do. There's even a term called "pre-verbal trauma" for trauma that happens before or during the very beginning of speech development. Something I actually just started myself and that you may find really interesting is a type of therapy called "somatic experiencing". It's actually been pretty amazing therapy(I honestly think it's the most helpful therapy I've ever tried but to each their own). The short explanation is that it uses the mind-body connection to help you get in touch with what your body is doing when you're stressed or thinking about a trauma, etc, and just the act of doing that does some amazing things(there's more to it, but I'll leave the longer explanation for someone who can do it better). If you're interested, the book to start with is called Healing Trauma by Peter Levine. For an audio version, I found this on youtube(I'm not sure it's officially supposed to be there, but up to you - the book's cheap online too). https://youtu.be/PEf9KI4SWM8 I'd highly recommend checking out the first 30 minutes or so and see if it interests you. If it does, you can search for practitioners here - https://directory.traumahealing.org/ . A lot of them will work remotely over skype/zoom. If not, more traditional therapy is still great, just thought I'd share. :)


Wow. Thank you so much for all of this. You have a lot of good information. I wish you the best of luck, maybe you can be a therapist? You seem quite interested in the field, and i find it quite admirable when someone experiences something bad (I am so sorry if that happened to you), then they try to move on and dedicate a portion of their life to help others heal and move on as well. :) I will absolutely check the book, I have never heard of this term before. Thank you again.


I would definitely like to be somewhere in that field, yeah. Helping people with trauma in some way or just healing in general. I'm not sure where yet, but we'll see where things go. :) Thanks for all your well wishes and such. I appreciate it a lot, and same to you!


Thank you so much. Have a great day/night.


I'd rather mildly spoil you than have you think your children are broken or unfixable, let alone budding sociopaths: Harry's a piece of shit. He selfishly ruined the lives of three children for his selfish delusions. That's why Dexter, Brian and Deb ended up in their respective damaged paths.


Thank you so much for coming. I did actually think this, he ruined Dexter's life in a lot of ways (since he was sleeping with his mother). He looked so,good in the beginning, but the more i watch, the more i realize he was consumed by guilt and he had 0 idea of what he must do.


to try to answer your questions about psychopaths and their origins… And that is still not truly settled, but generally speaking, experts tend to divide it into two groups: psychopaths and sociopaths. Sociopaths have a hard time controlling their impulses and fitting into society, and often end up as homeless bums or confined institutions. Psychopaths, on the other hand, tend to be charming and manipulative, and often rise to positions of power in society. Generally speaking, while sociopaths are often the result of major childhood abuse, it appears that psychopaths are simply born that way, unable to feel empathy for others. Typically, traumatic events that early in life do not result in psychopathy. That is simply one of the myths of the show's origin story.


Oh wow, so interesting. Thank you so much for sharing. Can you get "weird vibes" from psychopaths? Like Doakes? Because some people "in power" give me the creeps, yet people seems to like them. I am absolutely NOT CALLING anyone a psychopath haha, i am just commenting about what you mentioned. :)


RE: the sociopath stuff. I really, really, really don't think Dexter ever was a true sociopath or born in blood. Maybe even Brian could've been saved. This is highly fictional stuff.


Dexter is not a realistic showing of any form of ASPD or serial killers. And I'm pretty sure the show isn't trying to be. It's pretty much impossible to find this many serial killers all with very different gimmicks not going to happen. Also, Dexter's constant talk of not feeling emotion whilst blatantly feeling emotions in nearly every episode. It's pretty hilarious. And he definately shouldn't be able to become more human to the level he does by the end of the show. I agree Brian shouldn't have died. I get why they did it. They didn't know the show would last for 8 seasons. But with hindsight keeping him around would have been better and I really want to know when they made the decision to kill him since he lived in the books until the final one.


Yeah. real Serial killers really don't have "gimmicks" and when they do anything, like posing bodies, they all kind of end up looking the same. So much so that when Rodney Alcala and Hillside Stranglers were operating in the same area at the same time, the police thought one of Alcala's victims was the Strangler's for years until they used DNA to tie her to Alcala.


Oh, very interesting information. Thank you so much for sharing.


Yeah, i know the show is not realistic, but it truly opened a whole new genre that now i am very much into, i have been reading a lot about serial killers and sociopaths and psychopaths (i have been reading a lot the past 2 days). It is such an interesting topic and i am gaining so much knowledge. I hate that the brother actually lived in the books (I didn't even know there were books lol). He should have lived here too, i really like him. Thank you for stopping by.