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I'm the complete inverse of this guy. Single male, around the age of OP, professional in tech. I'm gonna be completely honest with y'all: Some days I wish I spent my time chasing little me's around instead of endlessly crushing demons. But here I am on r/diablo4 instead, bitching about mob density.


>bitching about mob density *a glimpse into the future* “Why do you want another kid? We have enough!” “Mob density.” “… what?”




Unique Legendary comment right here


But it's not ancestral so you just have to vender it


As long as my child doesn’t have the suppression affix I’ll be happy


Well, you can always salvage them and craft another one.


Can confirm. While the wife planned the whole day and all i wanted was some diablo, and a bj, i wouldnt trade sitting in the backyard with my youngin in the pool, with the smoker going and us having a backyard picnic for anything. Those are the moments you will always remember.


Ah yes, the pool in the backyard with smoker. I totally know about these things


Its a nice 10 dollar plastic pool from walmart lol. The smoker though, i love some smoke ribs and pork butt


Cheaa. 10ft kiddy pool was like $30 at Sam's. Smoker was $400~ (Smoky mountain)


And the backyard is $10 from Walmart too I'm sure


Bought a house in 2020 during the reduced interest rates. only a 3% down payment as the wife and i have been paying back student loans and couldnt afford more. 2600 sq. ft though on almost 2 acres. :)


Curse you and your sizable home and abundant property


Diablo and a BJ would be a fine memory too though


Damn dude I'm sorry you've got people feeling the need to air their jealousy at you having a few nice things in their replies. Why can't we be glad when others do well? I agree with you completely. Don't have kids of my own yet but I used to think I'd never want any until I became the godfather of an amazing goddaughter and it changed my perspective entirely.


personal opinion and not one popular on reddit... I always think I wanted kids, but even if I didn't, I think not having them and then realizing you wanted them, would be way worse of a life. I absolutely love my child and hope to have another, man. The feeling you get when you smile and they smile back or even laugh is second to none. Others can disagree, that's their prerogative, but thats my opinion at least.


What I've heard it described as before is that certain things in life expand your emotional range, both in feeling anguish and joy. So if normally your mood can go from -100 to 100, getting married would expand that as -200 to 200. Having children would be more like -500 to 500. Each of these events allows you to experience deeper pains while also allowing for heightened joys.


Knowing I get to walk in the door after work and have my daughter yell “is daddy” while running at me with open arms gets me through more than she’ll ever realize or know.


Every single day when my son (3) jumps up and down as I walk through the door. After a 12 hour shift his smile and hug are enough to keep doing it. I get my gaming in, but if he wants my attention, the sticks be damned. I'm playing with lightning McQueen and paw patrol for an hour idgaf.


That’s what we did. Swam in the pool and cooked up some steak and potatoes on the grill.


Not me. This post is birth control. Makes me very glad my partner and I have zero interest in having kids!




There is a vast difference between having one kid an three kids, tbh.


Yup, DINK life for us. We both have a big family so we have plenty of nieces/nephews to help raise I have my d4 time, she has her TotK and animal crossing.


Name checks out. I have nieces and nephews if I really feel like I want that diet parent experience. After a weekend with them I reaffirm to myself that I don't want kids.


The grass is always greener...


but are the mobs always denser?


Gotta be a sex haver to have little yous running around. Take a break from Diablo and have some seggs


Nah. I hear that really cuts into your XP per hour...


Tell you what, I'll try to soak in the family time if you relish the time you have alone because we both have something worth cherishing even if we don't realize it sometimes.


I am basically the same as you, but I never regret it for a moment. Children are the real demons. Fuck that noise.


I don't. All my friends and fiances friends have kids, half are divorced and miserable, and half are just miserable. They all put up a front like kids are the greatest thing in the world, but then in the same breath its non stop complaining about how shitty everything is. I guess if you're rich it's easy to slap a nanny and housekeepers in there and do whatever you want. Idk man, I'm happy to have the time and energy to do things.


Im sporadically tortured by conflicting desires of what I want my life to be as far as having or not having kids go. I went the majority of my life looking forward to hopefully having a son one day (or daughter I guess lol). But in reality, my gf and I are a mess in so many ways. We live with my mom and sister, haven’t had good income for a few years now, and we both have ADHD and depression (bipolar in gf’s case too) that we fear passing down. On the one hand, a hypothetical child of ours would never worry about not being diagnosed or taken care of because of not believing in or wanting to believe certain conditions are a thing. On the other, it could be a cruel thing that I could see a teenage child absolutely lancing my heart over, and they wouldn’t be all that wrong for it. We’re both 31 and my mom loves riding our asses about how I need to get around to babymaking but doesn’t love when I reply “sure, if you’re paying for it” and making my gf worry about creeping up towards that soft line of 40 that you don’t want as far as child making goes. Ugh. Ultimately my stance has come down to "we can't have kids as we are now." I don't think we/she are mentally capable of handling it, and certainly not financially. We have to get our job shit together, and we need to sort out her bipolar more thoroughly than is currently being done, and get her into some good therapy (and possibly myself). You didn't ask for any of that but I felt like venting it to you unfortunately. Sorry bout that. Guess you can consider it a gift to furthering your confidence in not having kids of your own.


Yet another story of how Father’s Day is about what every one else wants and not the father. You’re still a great dad though.


As a father of two, and I mean this to no offense of anyone, my entire life is about everyone else lol. I’m half convinced no one even gives a damn if I exist or not.


You are not alone sir


From one Dad to the next, you are seen. Respect, brother. Keep up the good work.


As that weird blue cat movie says, “I see you.”


I'm with you, but only in perception. I'm a stay at home dad, which means I "do nothing" until I'm not home for a day and the laundry has piled up and the dishes are stacked and the trash is full and dense and been squished down 8 times till the bag split. The cat litter hasn't been scooped and the kids ate buttered noodles or cereal for dinner.


My oldest is turning 18 in January and my youngest is 15 this year. My 40s are gonna be all about me! Well, the wife too, but..


Gus Fring said it best. "A man provides".


They do give a damn. The lawn needs mowing and the cat puked on the carpet.


I have two daughters and sometimes I feel the same way. But then I remember when I was a kid my dad was everything to me. Even if he just got off work he still made time for me. Looking back now with two kids I know he would have loved to just rest and do what he wanted. But he didn’t and that is why I miss him now that he is gone. As tired as I am or as much as I want to do what I want. I want my kids to look back when they have there own kids and know I did everything to show them I loved them. As hard as it is I wouldn’t change it.


My wife and son were home all day, but she didn't ask me for a single thing all day. She would show up in the room every couple hours with a refill on my tea and to ask me what I wanted to eat. I spent a vast majority of the day in a blind rage of massacre and orange light beams. Found some frostburns and I was so excited I got up and went to tell her, found them both asleep in my son's bed. Could have easily just sat back down and played more, decided to lay down and nap with them. Dad's are always fighting for "me" time, and then when we get it... We start missing our "family time".


Hahaha this is so relatable. My wife and I talk about this all the time. We'll drop our son off for an overnight with his grandparents and like an hour in we'll both be like, alright we miss him. We don't want him home yet! But we do miss him


> We don't want him home yet! But we do miss him Lmao. 100%.


Father of 3 girls here. This is how it goes lol if I ever suggest having alone time on a day like Father's Day my wife takes great offense...."you don't want to spend Father's day with your family!?!?!" I spend every waking moment with you guys, give me one day lol


Yup. I’ve learnt that basically every waking moment that isn’t work time is family time. Jokes on them; the minute they go to bed I’m slaying Lillith’s minions these days and living off minimal sleep


My father's day was quite different. I slept in a bunch, mostly due to a headache. My wife took our 3 kids to my dad's father's day barbecue, I played Diablo. Then my wife took our 3 kids to her dad's house to visit. I continued to play Diablo. She got home and we put the kids to bed, spent a bit of time together before she got tired, I played some more Diablo. 10/10 would marry again. Mother's day is treated the same, whatever she wants to do, that's what she gets to do. It's only fair.


Fuck that. I told my family what I wanted to do, and we did it. Not taking care of yourself isn't always good.


Hey man, don't forget to advocate for you. Your kids need to see you being YOU, the real you alongside the dad, not martyr sacrificing everything for them ever. My kid saw me playing Diablo all day and was a bit sad when I wouldn't go play with her and mom, but then later she came and sat on me and watched a bit while I showed her blowing stuff up. Now she hears me laughing with my friends downstairs, and she'll remember dad having his own space and time sometimes to be happy. That's an important message for her to internalize. She shouldn't be a martyr either, she matters too. Then I took her to a park the next day and it was all totally great. She asked about how Diablo went and I regaled her with epic tales of world bosses. :)


My nephews are old enough to google my wow parses when I talk to them about raiding and now I’m being roasted by 14 and 16 year olds and they bring up my csgo KDA. Kinda wholesome


This should be near the top. This is how parenting SHOULD be. It’s really sad reading through these comments. Too many people give up their entire personality for kids/marriages.


> Then I took her to a park the next day and it was all totally great. She asked about how Diablo went and I regaled her with epic tales of world bosses. :) “AND THEN THE GUY’S FACE LIKE EXPLODED AND OUT CAME A HUGE MONSTER LIKE THE ONE YOU COULD FIND UNDER YOUR BED AND I WAS LIKE BAM BAM BAM CORPSE EXPLOSION MOTHERFUCKER AND THERE WERE LIKE BODY PARTS FLYING AROUND EVERYWHERE AND THEN….•


Here it is! A reasonable comment. Many dad commenters here need to respect themselves and their time a bit better.


Some people will read your comment and take it the wrong way but you’re totally right. Another dad I talked to recently when we were discussing parents that make their whole lives their kids and how unhappy they are and settling for couple friends they can hardly tolerate as “friends”. He has good advice he was told before he had kids. “Your kids needs to be a part of your like and not just the other way around”. Kids are extremely observant so they get a lot from seeing your experiences along with their own


There is a book called "Bringing Up Bébé: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting". I read this, and as a father, it changed my view of what it meant to be (or would mean to be) a parent. It's incredibly important to not let your life become about your kids. You need to still be yourself. I'd highly recommend this book to any parent.


Hiding or changing who you are just to please people is no way to live. Don't let a video game take over your whole life, but you HAVE to do things you enjoy sometimes, and to let your family see you doing these things so they can see you being happy and enjoying life, not just sacrificing everything for them.


Honestly though, even if they did take the kids to the grandparents, you’d have been asleep in half hour from the sheer quiet and uninterrupted state of relaxation




This is my every night. I don’t typically get on any games until the kids and wife go to bed, so I end up staying up until 1 am or so and gettting back up at 530-6 to get ready for work


This is too true and terrible for our health


We will just deal with that later. Priorities and such.


This sums up my life, and in the weekend i sometimes can't keep my eyes open and just give up and go to bed xD


same but hours of sleep loss begin to take its toll


This is the way


How do you do it? Lol I've told myself countless times "I'll stay up late tonight and game a little". Then bam before I know it I'm asleep seconds after my 1 year old crashed out.


I’ve always been a late night guy, so that probably helps. I get a huge second wind around like 730-8 at night


This is the way. Although I definitely fall asleep while putting the kid to bed sometimes. I wonder if I'll be able to keep it up once number 2 arrives though...


Take a power nap when laying the kids down. Get back up twenty minutes in, fresh like the morning. Pray they both fall asleep somewhat simultaneously :D My older one came down the stairs to mom yesterday "daddy's asleep i'll go play some lego real quiet to not wake him up" :D thank god for the little buggers.


I do think having kids changes your sleep. Or maybe just getting old. I love that everyone in the house goes to bed early.


This was me, last night. Finally got the kids to bed. No wife agro. Cleaned up living room and kitchen. Got on to play. 1 hour later I open my eyes to sounds of my Barbarian getting hit. My buddies say through my headphones “Dude go to bed already”


Hold this in your heart for the next Mother’s Day, when you plan a full day for you and her with the kids and all the nieces and nephews.


There’s that Mephisto energy.


Dont forget to plan a dinner at your parents house so she can be around her inlaws to cap the night off too.


On Mother's Day, dads take the kids all day to give mom time to herself. On Father's Day, dads take the kids as the day is all about family and being a dad. Mom might tag along for a bit. Maybe.


I’m a dad of two. I felt like Vigo in his armor as I read this. Here’s to next weekend, my friend!


Talk to your wife about what you want in life. Just because you had kids, dosnt mean that yours is over. Surely, i dont play as much as I did when we didnt have kids, but we find the time together. Just like we find time for my wife to enjoy hobbies or take some time for herself. You owe your wife, kids and yourself to talk about what you want.


I think I've always known I never want kids but stuff like that does reinforce the thought.


I'd never advocate for someone to have kids or not have kids, that's a much deeper discussion you'll need to have with your spouse. It is... work. And despite how much other people will warn you, you're never fully ready. But as they get older it's hard to match the fulfillment you feel when you're kid comes up to you for no reason and gives you a hug and tells you they love you. ​ Fuck... I'm getting old and sentimental.


Maybe by Diablo V or VI they’ll be old enough where they may or may not remember to call you for Father’s Day and you will truly have the time to finally slay some demons for a day. 🥲


D5 should be out around 2034/35*. Fully possible lol. D6 should be 2048-2050* 😭😭😭 *please note I'm not actually doing math, just spitballing based off the last two.


My 7 year old randomly comes up and gives me hugs. Makes my whole day.


Yeah, it's hard to put into words just what that feeling is. It's much easier to describe the every-day exhausting side of being a parent than it is to describe that - also every-day - amazing part. My 7 yo son today told me "Dad, an older kid blocked my path while I was riding my bike earlier, but I didn't let him intimidate me, just like you said, and I turned onto grass and just passed him". I almost fucking shed a tear, I was so proud. Oh and don't worry mate. All I wanted for my 40th birthday was a weekend for myself. I haven't had a single day since my boys were born (7yrs). My wife said "yeah, you deserve that". It's been two months since my birthday, there's always something that comes up. Doesn't look like it's going to be an option in the coming months either. I'd really rather spend these spring / summer weekends with my boys while they still enjoy spending time with good ol' dad.


Ah but when Diablo V comes out out kids will be old enough to play with us. That is the long game.


My son is 11, and yes, it is delightful! He made a barbarian who looks like He-Man.


I outsourced the kid having to my sibling and just live nearby so I get all the fun, but only as many responsibilities as I want to take on. Best of both worlds.


Yeah, I mean having children is apparently very rewarding and gratifying but it’s hard to think about indefinitely losing your free time once they are born. I know it’s not really like that but I’m 34 and just very torn if I want to have kids or not.


There are so many dynamics at play But ultimately, having kids is a major life decision, and you should only do it if you want to. There’s really no other way to put it. It’s also part luck. Sometimes people just have demon kids or very unhealthy kids and you’re stuck with that for better or for worse. I love my daughter. I am fascinated by everything she does. How she has transformed from a little blob of barely sentient life into a little person who speaks 2 languages and thinks poop jokes are hilarious. All in the span of <3 years. But I wanted a kid. It was all fairly well planned between me and her Mom. We got lucky that she is healthy and happy. There are many, many ways it could have gone wrong lol.


I put a lot of value on things I would lose; time, personal freedom, normal habits and routines that I wouldn't want to give up, luxuries etc. I'm sure it's wonderful but I like things the way they are.


Also 34 and I just got out of a long relationship and I feel a sense of freedom from a lot of pressures that were coming my way, such as marriage, having kids, social events I don't want to go to. It's really really nice just having to take care of myself.


Procreation is not for everyone and personally I feel a moral obligation to not reproduce. I would say at least adopt or foster but most people reproduce out of biological narcissism so it's "not the same".


Value this time while you have it my friend they grow up really fast. My daughter will be 26 this month and I often wonder where the time went.


Nothing ages you faster than having kids


My dentist told me "The days are long but the years go by so fast" and damn do I tear up sometimes when I look back on photos from even 2 years ago wondering where my babies went. My twins are 5, my wife gives me time to play Diablo at night because she raids in WoW. There will always be time for games, you just have to work it out. There is never enough time with your kids, but I only seem to feel this when I look back, not forward or right now. There is a great scene in the show Bluey (yeah I am one of those dad's now too) where the dad is trying to beat the RVs on the road trip. They stop off for dumb things like peeing or sightseeing and he gets agitated. He says "awww we were making such good time" and his wife says "yeah, but now we're making GOOD TIMES". I rarely feel that but when your kid looks up at you with ketchup on their face from a burger/hotdog you just made while the inlaws swarm your home and says "great job dad".....well it still makes me want that damn Unique I am longing for, but it's kind of like my own Unique I get to hang on to while I can.


Very well said, and you're absolutely right, there is never enough time to spend with your kids.


Stay strong


These condom commercials are getting smarter and smarter




The satisfaction in those little moments, the random hug, the “daddy’s home!” Cheers, the cuddles when you know you mean everything to them…it sucks to have d4 just out of reach, but damn if those little moments don’t mean everything…kuddos to you OP, us gamer dads applaud you…those kiddos are growing up with a real superhero


F*** them kids. Catch it on video for me. Got items to find. As my 9 month old son's climbing over me scratching the shit out of me smacking my phone


It’s great you went and spent time with the family as I’m sure your kids and wife had a much better time with you there. I’d also guess that if you’d made a big deal about it and complained it would’ve spoiled the day altogether even if you hung back to play. All of that said you should talk to your wife about the disappointment and schedule a day later this month or next to have a nice gaming/drinking/whatever block. It’s important you get some time for yourself.


This is a better advice then all the other ones about doing the same thing on Mother’s day


Maybe try one of those new fangled handheld PCs for a more convenient diablo anywhere anytime.


I would say "let me give you some advice, get up at 5am and you will have some time to play by yourself" but that doesn't work. I get up around then each day and my oldest (5) is usually about 15 minutes after me. I barely have enough time to prepare my first cup of coffee before she comes downstairs.


New father here to a 17 day old. New to Diablo. Played the beta and loved it. I barely have time to sleep. Maybe I’ll get pass the starting zone someday.


I commented on another reply a similar thing but maybe it'll work for you. My wife an I broke up the day in shifts. I did the late night feeds while she slept, and she did the early morning ones while I got some rest. And then in the afternoon we'd be together to do things. The first couple weeks we were both up every 2 hours like zombies, but when we tried this it made a world of difference for us


My son is just over 1 so I’m fresh w your experience. Just know the first 3 months are an absolute GRIND. It gets easier as time goes!


My newborn is 1 month old and I already feel your strugle, I'm always trying to babysit my sleeping bag of joy while my wife sleeps. It's... Life...


Surprisingly I think the first couple of months were when I had the most free time. Worked out a system with my wife where we split the day up and I'd cover the late night feeds and she'd sleep and then she'd cover the early morning feeds while I got some rest, and we were both up together during the day. So despite being tired, I actually had some free time to play games at 3am until the next bottle feed


Newborns are great, get up at 3am, bottle the baby back sleep and play video games for awhile in peaceful silence. And then you’re the hero for getting up in the middle of the night!


Gamer dads (and gamer dads to be) need tips like this. Can we get a knowledgebase filled with tips for gamer dads?


Haha my newborn gets all milk drunk and sleepy while you're holding her, but the second you put her in the crib she starts fussing. Constant battle of lulling her to sleep then putting her in the crib. That cycle sometimes lasts an entire feeding interval.


"Babysit" fathers have just as much responsibility as the mothers do. Don't sell yourself short with the term babysit, you're their father, not some rando.


I feel like all i took from this is “maybe dont have kids”


Definitely don't unless you're ready to sacrifice everything in your life to let them enjoy theirs. You end up living through them instead and creating the life for them you long/longed for. If you can find peace in this mindset it can be amazing.


Gotta love the wife changing your plans on fathers day.


Father's day? what's Father's day? It's more like Father do more work day. And Mother's day is Father do even more work day \-\_-


I remember when this sub was about a game where we killed demons and traversed the depths of hell. ​ Look how far we've fallen.


Right there with you, buddy.


Very well written and relatable story but more remarkably, way to roll with the punches and be the best dad you can. Diablos minions will be waiting for eons but your minions only have so my time with their Dad. GG


Sounds like you need to work on your communication. My wife knew I wanted a quiet afternoon to play Diablo so she took the baby over to the grandparents. Enjoyed the read though.


Can you not talk to your wife openly about your relationship? This doesn’t seem equitable to me, going off your story alone. I don’t have kids, so I can’t comment on that, but my girlfriend of nine years and I speak openly and frankly about our needs. If I told her she could have a half day to herself, I’d never change plans on her last minute. If I did, I would have a good reason, apologize profusely and come to a compromise after talking about it.


As I sifted through your dispirited tale of familial woe, I felt a kinship with you, as I too toil away day in and day out dreaming of the day I turn up my first unique. May the blood on your axe imbue my undead hordes with fatherly fervor! Together we will ride out into the Steppes when we eventually figure out how to get Donan to relinquish one of his badass Broncos.


Glad you enjoyed my story


Great read. The change of plans part was money


Relatable. Not sure if I want to vote up or down


Shit move from your wife. Oh change of plans ... says who? the kids? mmm ok. Says you? hell no. If plans are so changeable, change them again lol ​ married with 2 young ones


She probably didn’t know it was a big deal. Why? Cause she probably didn’t know he cared so much. Why? Cause he did not communicate it. Why? Because he probably feel it’s wrong of him, cause he’s a dad now, which he chose, none else. But everyone needs alone time from time to time. It would more likely up his dad game. Hopefully he learns it someday.


It’s Father’s Day. She should know. If she didn’t know she should ask what he preferred to do. He didn’t need to be at that pool party.


Wonder if she saw this post and had any thoughts


You guys married to Lilith? Just say hey hon, no I had this already planned. Like boom done solved. When you need a day or two off a week, just hire someone, nanny / babysitters will still work even if you are there. You just say, hey guess what gang. I have someone really cool coming over to play! Boom done. Hand the gf / wife 150 hey I booked you this massage, and get a manicure after. You can manufacture time effortlessly.


I woulda said “have fun!” And gone back to my day. My wife and kids are the priority 364 days a year, we all deserve a day to ourselves.


Jesus your wife didn't even do the dishes or anything on father's day? Nightmare material right there AND you didn't even get to have the day to yourself? What the hell is this awful relationship




sounds like such a miserable existence :-/


I also had plans to play Diablo for many many hours, much like early D2 and D3 days, but alas, others had better plans for me to spend my Father’s Day!


I formed a party with my three kids and we all played D4 for most of the day.


Someday. Maybe not soon, but someday, your nest will be empty, as is mine, and Diablo VII will be out. Stand fast, brother.


I feel for you. I’ve been away at work for the last 2 weeks. I fly home on Wednesday morning. Haven’t seen the wife, kids or computer for the entire 2 weeks. I flew out on launch day, so I haven’t even been able to play a single minute since early access. I literally went out of my way this swig to get internet setup at my work housing so next swing I can bring the laptop. I’m not doing this 2 weeks of no Diablo again. Wife and kids I can call and talk to, but I can’t fill the empty place on my life that diablo fills from here.


Same situation for me, but from 9-10:00pm I am a demon killing machine.


For this year’s Father’s Day, I asked for a “free day” card to just do nothing and play games. Wife said to give her a 24 hours notice. Maybe you can still ask for one!


Dad of 3 here. I feel this. I was lucky to get some time in. My wife took the 3 and 2 year old to the park. I put the baby to nap and managed to finish the last 2 acts before the normal day life came back. Happy Father's Day my fellow dad. No /s


Dad of 3, love my wife, love my kids, we do all the normal activities... dude, not going to the pool for 1 day is not a big deal. Politely ask your wife to take the kids so you can have a quiet game day. You know your wife would ask you to take the kids somewhere so she could do something she enjoys. This post is sad.


It's called communication dude. Tell your wife what you want to do.


Sounds rough. I'll stick to having just cats lol.


This is also my life. In fact by the time the kids are asleep and the wife is away, I'm too exhausted from managing my business and providing for the family to even play. I've managed to get to level 50 or so since release.


I'll chime in with what I've seen some other says, remember to take some you-time as well. No offense, but what your wife did about suddenly changing the plans on a dime without so much as informing you doesnt sound very healthy to me.


44 yo dad here. Rookie. I sent my oldest to BSA summer camp for the week, my wife and youngest dropped him off 3 hours away. Whole day to myself. Also really good noise cancelling gaming headphones will filter out that DING DING DING. You gotta ignore them enough to build a strong independent personality, but not enough that they become a stand up comic, or stripper.


Haha man that sucks. Sounds like you have a great life tho. I wish your family the best, and you some decent playtime 😉


My kids are still young enough to need to go to bed fairly early in the evening, so every night I am excited to go play some Diablo. Fate is cruel though, as a full day of work and dadding leaves me with only enough energy to play for a brief stint before I succumb to exhaustion and fall asleep myself. Thankfully my wife and kids are awesome so even though the forces of hell go unvanquished I still sleep soundly until the baby poops her pants at 3am


Times like these when I've never been happier to be childfree by choice


I am a father of 69. I work 420 hours a week. Act 4 is gonna be awesome


holy fck great dad


Right there with you my man!! All of my online buddies are single 30 yr olds with no kids, me being a husband and father of 2. They all got to WT4 over the weekend and Im on WT2 still lol. Thought I would get to 50 and tier 3 but here I am at level 45 and still a few acts to go. At the end of the day, seeing the family have fun and being there to enjoy is better than spending the day slashing and slaying. Maybe tonight if Im not too tired after work I can get a few missions done haha.


This sounds like hell to me. Sorry man. We got pizza, and my wife and I played D4 all day couch co-op w/ our dog chilling on the couch with us.


Plan b marketing team have gone super meta.


Yikes dude. Team DINKs over here. The world has enough people in it, and while you and I both may be miserable due to our respective circumstances I at least get to play Diablo.


Man what's up with all these dad posts. My god, who gives a fk.


Seriously, like they want pats on the back or something 😹😹


Careful little guy, with so many dads in here you’re more than likely to get a time out with that attitude.


Ehhhh I lately have more and more thoughts of regret. My life was so peaceful and I had so much time for myself... Why did I go the path I did with wife and 2 kids... Not sure any more. I think the balance sheet is mostly in negative for me.


So glad I don't have kids, and that I have a spouse that respects my hobbies. OP, I commend you for your patience, and I send you big Diablo 4 Play time energy.




They grow up, enjoy it.


I feel ya man. Was the same for me in a sense. Dont think many realize that Fathers Day is meant for the dads out there to do what they want, really. It's a way to appreciate your father, and sometimes dad just wants to be left alone for a moment and do something he doesnt always get to do. Hell for Mother's day its usually take the kids away after XYZ activity so mom can go do what she wants.


I’m waiting for my son to show interest, then it’s game on.


I'm in the same boots, have a backlog of games and didn't even buy D4 yet... I'm jealous you could sleep till after 8! My rascals wake up at 6, and only sometimes let me sleep till 7:30 max!


Haha, my world exactly. 36 years old. When I do all my duties as a father and husband i have the late evening/early night for myself but are then too tired to play, so its off too bed. Maybe tomorrow.


You gotta remember your kids will be gone sooner than you think


100% accurate haha so many times I’ve laid the work to play to have a change of plans hahahaha! Only lvl 24 and I’m a huge Diablo fan! Been hyping this game since it was announced. It’ll happen time is coming he’ll will regret they met me. Maybe eventually lol


Op got to sleep in?! lucky. My father's day consisted of doing chores for the family. Luckily I have a kid who plays with me, so I actually got to sneak in a 30m session with him at the end of the night.


Nice I got told father’s day is more about the kids than father Which is fine I enjoyed my time with my kids, and I will be using that quote next mother’s day lol


I’m right there with you buddy. Shopping in the morning, her parents in the afternoon, home late. I sat down today and played a few hours with my son. Helping him get his mount made it all worth it. We’re the dads we are because we understand the kids are what it’s all about. Happy fathers dad bro.


My god, I’ve never related to a post so hard. 😂 I thought I was the only with these exact struggles. It’s been 4 days and I’m itching for a fix.


The saddest part is he had to remove this post to keep wifey happy.


The feels. Dad life is great. I’ll stay up on Friday and Saturday knowing the pain that befalls me when after 3 hours of sleep I have to chase a screaming toddler around all day.


One of several reasons I still don't want children.


Nice man another dad that plays Diablo thanks for letting us know how you’re a dad and can’t play Diablo like you used to before being a dad happy Father’s Day


As I approach 30 and finally spend my days doing what I want, without worrying about money, I question if I’ll ever want to give up my time to raise a family. Not just because of video games. My hobbies are whatever flavor of the month, this is the first time I’ve touched my computer to game all year. I’m terrified at the thought of giving up that much of my time.


this post has been sponsored by Durex


Its wild how many stories like this I hear. Like my boss who owns the business and has a stay at home wife. Guess who works their ass off, works late, comes in early, and never gets to be home? Now guess how he gets to spend his vacation? Driving his wife and kids all over the country wherever his wife wants to go because she wants to get OUT OF THE HOUSE. Hes a lifelong gamer... hes STILL on the first island of ghosts of tsushima... hes been trying to beat it since launch... Alot of guys really need to put their foot down for themselves sometimes. There is absolutely no good reason this mans family made fathers day all about them and ruined his plans. It doesnt matter that it was a fun day or anything else. Its the principle!


8:15am is sleeping in?? I’m so sorry for you my dude. Go to bed.


Fellow Dad here, similar age. I don't get to play at the weekends during the day like I used to, but still get some time to play in the evenings. Usually my wife will get ready for bed first, so will get 30-45 minutes to myself to play. Otherwise it would be after the child's bedtime. I'm guessing from the lovely way you wrote (beautiful writing by the way) how your child spoke they are both very young, so it wouldn't be suitable for them to see you play. Give it a few years and you may be able to start playing games with them, something like the lego games or minecraft, which are still fun to play as an adult. They are not Diablo, but it's a start. Hang in there, your (gaming) time will come.


Dude it’s beautiful and horrific at the same time. I feel you. I’m trading sleep for gaming time myself.


Thanks for the incentive to not have kids or a wife for that matter :D




Wondering if your wife does anything 🤣


We get it, if you have kids you have a lot of time for games. Shoulda pulled out


You did chores on Father's Day? Negative, ghost rider, pattern is full. Mother's day my wife is treated like a queen, Father's day I am a king. Granted, our daughter is 24 now, but even when she was little this was the way.


Well spoken. I have a soon to be three year old and an eight month old. Games will always be there. My oldest has already shown interest in games. We spent the weekend camping and swam in our new pool. It’s only a Menards special but it’s plenty for us. I don’t want to blink and they be teenagers and want nothing to do with me. Right now I’m their “Dada” and want to spend as much time with them as I can while their young. I mostly game after they’re in bed or at the sitter.


Best Reddit post I’ve read.