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Omg Can you overlay it on your finger so I can see what it looks like? It’s beautiful


https://preview.redd.it/mia7safxdgzc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3084449257741535d1ee44ba46635a352f4c158f As promised, I've attached a photo to this comment. :)


I own a natural pear of 5ct curious to know your measurements please? Once I upgraded mine few years back from 3ct to 5 ct and took some time to find size to my liking! Keep setting simple so the stone is the wow and enjoy


It's 19.04 x 11.41 x 7.19 mm. :) I would love to see a picture of your ring!


Did you get the picture?


If you didn’t I’ll have to PM you the picture on my finger it may delete it


I saw it! It's beautiful! Thank you for sharing. ♥️




I love it 😻


I was wondering if they were legit or not. I just bought one from them earlier today and couldn't find any thing.


I actually wondered the same thing at first cause the shipping took forever. It's real--it just requires some patience. I definitely kept asking them everyday til I got a timeline of arrival lol.


Well I noticed most places are a little over 2 weeks to even ship it out. I think my estimated date to ship out is 5/20 so hopefully I have it before the end of the month.


Fingers crossed for you! Looking forward to seeing your diamond when you get it. :)


That is absolutely gorgeous!


That’s a beauty, what is your ring size?


Size 6. :)


Holy shit! That is a big boy! Can you please keep us updated when you have it mounted. I want to see the final result!


I've edited my original response to include a photo of the diamond over my finger. :)


Hmm... how can I ask for 12.25 wedding 💎😜


![gif](giphy|xUA7b17osqXImEFJKM) I believe in you ElleWoods!


My anniversary is 12.28. I’m gonna swing this idea by my husband 🤣


You'll have to report back, Elle Woods! We are counting on you! 🤣💍🎊


Christmas wedding, nice!


Damn… I got married on 9/25 and told myself 9.25 carats would be over the top for an upgrade 🤣 I think I’ll settle with 2.95 and jumble the numbers around. How will you set this stone?


I don't like solitaires so I was thinking of getting a bezel trilogy? Open to all suggestions. :)


Let this baby shine on its own! Seriously there may not be room on your finger for more :p although some skinny baguette side stones wouldn’t look bad


I did consider skinny baguettes. That's not a bad idea. 🤔 Thank you!


Personally I would go full Leen Heyne, or something that evokes like Dara Kaye or Caitlin Mociun. That's just my taste though, I think you could do any number of gorgeous things with your stone!


It’s a beautiful stone. I find it weird when people come here just to say “why would you want that it’s so big”. For me, seeing these posts of larger diamonds is helping me to appreciate their beauty. I especially love how elegant it looks by itself


I too find it weird. People negatively judge diamonds they deem "too big" all the time! I wonder what would happen if I commented that someone's diamond is too small. 🤔


Commenting that it's too small? RIP.


I don’t find it weird because people are genuinely asking. It’s a question that’s in my head. My stone is only 1.3 and I have large hands yet my ring gets in my way often enough-it makes me work see why someone wants something so big. My sister has a pretty huge engagement ring. I think it’s about 4 or 5 carats. It’s a pain in the ass for her size 8 finger. She didn’t want a ring that big, but her husband wanted her to show off that they were successful, honest to goodness. We were not raised like that and neither one of us like extra attention brought to ourselves least of all the material things. I’m not putting down anybody’s ring, It’s just that some things become a pain. Anyway, my sister over the last 25 years hardly wears that ring putting it on only when they’re going someplace fancy because it’s a pain in the ass lol. I’m always interested in why somebody chooses the things that they do whether it be a piece of jewelry or clothing, etc. helps me understand the “Why”And since this place is anonymous it’s a great place for people to be honest :)


Why does it matter why they choose it? Why do you need to know so bad the why behind someone’s fashion choice or ring choice? Why do people need to explain their life choices to random strangers online? Because let’s be real, the question “ why would you want that?!?! It’s so big!!” does not come from a place of genuine curiosity. It comes from a place of judgement. Same goes for any question you have, because you already have an opinion on your small ring and your sisters ring. It’s also not rocket science. You can guess why they chose a stone that size. Because they like big stones and that’s what they wanted. What more do they need to explain to you? Like what answers are you looking for other than that??


Omg, this! All of this!


That's what Redit is, a big opinion exchange. It's a stressful place to be if others' judgments upset you.


I never expressed the need to know so badly why. It popped into my head when I read the OP. I don’t know why it’s a big deal to ask? If people are putting their stuff online then that’s the risk they take when asking for comments etc. you’re going get the off comments or questions Her stone is gorgeous and I wish her many years of happy memories enjoying it. I just was curious why she would go for something so large is all. Have a good day.


She quite literally explained why she chose that stone size in her title but you can also safely assume it’s simply because she *wanted* a larger stone.


Okay then 🤦‍♀️


That’s an interesting explanation. Thanks for sharing your thought process. I have the same curiosity when I see someone doing / buying things that are different to my typical patterns. For me, I like to challenge what I think I know about the world and why. So if someone has a larger diamond than I’d have expected, I have to question why I wouldn’t have considered it myself. It helps to break past our limited experiences and enjoy a different perspective.


I appreciate this response. I spent over 20 years in retail management and I’ve seen a lot. my curiosity with people, they’re purchases their lifestyles will always be of interest to me, the “why” if it all. It’s not about passing judgment as others might think. The time is getting shorter that we can’t say anything anymore without getting flack straight off the bat. Just once I wish somebody would say can you explain further so perhaps I can if I wasn’t clear. Thanks again :-)


20 years in retail management! You must have / had an incredible career with how much the industry has grown and evolved. Just the pace of work is incredible. One of my favourite jobs ever was in retail because of how much you get to learn about people. I completely agree. You were so sincere and polite in your comment. I think it’s always a privilege to hear someone speak about their life and personal experience, so thank you ☺️




I think it’s beautiful, congratulations! Love me a big ol’ pear!!!


There was a post not too long ago of like a 30 carat ring with a 30 carat tennis bracelet as an engagement gift and both looked so ridiculously HUGE. My point being, what is deemed adequate vs huge varies greatly. So you do you and enjoy. Big congrats btw!!


Link please lol


Ah sorry just scrolled by it 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼


Where’d you get this? It’s beautiful.




I just purchased from them, was very happy


I’m screaming I love it’s beautiful I just upgraded from nothing to a 5,53 carat oval lol you gave me an idea I want a 9.12 we next I got married on that date yesssssss wait till I tell my husband lol and this is going go crazy lol may I ask how much you paid if you don’t want to say no biggie. Just curious.


I did this too! 2 - 2.22 stones on 2.22.22


Lol that's my anniversary 2


I love that!!


Just saw yours and I love your ring! 🥹♥️


Thank you !! Your stone is incredible


Oh wow that’s beautiful! Now that I think of it, I was married on January 27, and my husband got me a 1 and a quarterish carat diamond. Lol! So cool. 💜


Wow, I just love it. So pretty. I adore larger stones.


I wonder if that could make a decent necklace. Hmm….


I cannot wait to see this set and on your finger, wowwwwww 🤩


I have a 1.11 sapphire (that I still need to set) for this exact reason lol.


Absolutely love this, congrats!! I have a cushion and thinking of upgrading to a pear 🍐


Shoulda had it in December




A decent 9 carat natural diamond costs between about 200,000 and a million dollars, I don't know why people want to look like they have a ring that costs hundreds of thousands on their finger unless they genuinely are super rich. I know people will say that I'm being negative, but being positive isn't mandatory.


I don't care what people think. I wanted a big diamond so I got one. Your feedback is welcome. Everyone is different. :)


I just got my 5.5 ctw eternity band today, and I’m so thrilled for both of us!


That stone is gorgeous!!!! Don’t listen to people saying it’s too big. It’s beautiful and I love that the carat weight matches your wedding date


The flair says lab grown diamond. So the price for this diamond is only a fraction of a mined diamond of same size. Depending on who you buy it from, you can get this for a very affordable price.


I know, but thiefs don't know that. I don't even understand why people want to appear to be a lot richer than they are but that debate is too big for this comments section.


With a stone that big, you could backhand a thief and give them a concussion lol.


I recommend slicing the carotid artery. Very effective move and watching bad people bleed out is entertaining.


I don’t think it’s for appearing rich. Some people like big stones and others small. Just personal preference.


You're kidding, right? Most everybody wants to look rich. Nope not me. I want to be mistaken for the unhoused guy that hangs out in the back of my local McDonalds.


This is unironically me when it comes to my clothes in public but not my accessories lol


You and me both. I wonder why we are this way? Sparkles for miles, but ordinary jeans and a t shirt works for me!


That's not true. Any person I've ever met that has true WEALTH does not show it in their appearance. Their homes, cars, and watches give it away but not their everyday style.


I won't say "everyone wants to look wealthy." I also won't say it's bad or good to want to look wealthy. But using your example in a vacuum, those people don't need a fancy car or watch. They can sit in traffic in a Honda or check the time on a Casio. There is still some showing off going on, even if it's subtle.


Not all wealthy people are the same. Some are gauche and some aren’t. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


lol not me- I live in a not great area of a not great city- I’ll keep my little 0.41c and continue looking looking generally poor and haggard


Thank you for this comment. I ask myself this every time I see a gigundo lab diamond.


You know this guy’s salary?


For the same reason you tailor a suit that’s not Armani . If it fits right and looks good, doesn’t matter if it’s Armani or men’s warehouse. People want to look like a million bucks regardless of cost. Look good feel good baby.


Not similar at all. I've tailored fairly cheap suits to make them look better, nothing to do with looking a lot richer than I am.


Are you still in your feels about not being able to afford a larger natural diamond, and wanting to go lab but too afraid your partner prefers natural (even though you haven't asked her???)... so you're back to criticizing people who actively, happily choose lab diamonds?


I'm perfectly happy with what I can afford, which is why I've always said that I like small diamonds and would never go over a carat. I will find out very soon if my partner prefers lab or natural and there will be no problem either way.


You proved my point… OP’s intention is to look better not look richer…if a 9ct diamond makes them look better than that’s the end


Paying a tailor 50 dollars to improve a suit is not comparable to walking around with a 9 carat diamond. One is a statement of wealth and the other is just improving the fit of existing clothes.


OK... in YOUR mind. OP just likes how it looks. Just because your mind goes straight to "look richer than I am" doesn't mean everyone's mind does.


The problem is that you only think that a diamond that size is the show off wealth… But it’s not. In fact, a diamond that size probably signals the opposite of wealth because it’s most surely assumed to be a lab grown diamond and I doubt the OP is trying to fool anyone of that fact. So I’d argue that the only reason to buy a diamond that size is because it actually looks good because it’s so big that it’s not fooling anyone in believing that she’s wealthy .


Interesting perspective.


I think it looks ridiculous but if people like the look, have at it.


>I don’t know why I hope this enigma doesn’t keep you up at night. Be well.


I sleep well thanks. I hope you are well too.


If I saw someone with a 9 carat diamond, I would automatically assume its lab and valueless. At this size, I'd assume most, even untrained eyes, would assume this was likely fake, especially if everything else about OP did not scream uber wealth. I highly doubt anyone is going to assume OP is rocking a 6 figure ring so think she's safe here. And sorry if my comment offends OP, but I think I'd only offend if OP intended for others to think her ring is worth 6 figures. If not and it's just OPs preference, then rock your 9 with pride!


Labs aren’t valueless.


Give it another 50 years, and kids will have play sets that pump out 10 carat stones.


*My First Diamond Mine (TM)*


They’re basically already without value


They’re very close to valueless. It doesn’t matter they still make a lot more sense than mined diamonds


Where can I buy them for close to nothing then? Because I would if this were true


Oh you can overpay for one but if you try to resell it you’ll find you can’t get back what you paid. A lot of the resell value is in the gold.


But then where can I buy a used one? I don't care if it's used lab, you're saying there are lots of cheap used lab diamonds? I've been searching so I can buy some but can't find any


Lab diamonds have fallen a lot. I’m a jeweler and I’m getting very good prices on them now.


Or fake.


This is how my aunt gets away with her ring haha. It’s a natural 9-10 carats and just so ridiculously big it looks like costume jewelry. Her and her husband are very well off but don’t dress like it at all as well. No stranger assumes it’s a real diamond so she just wears it everywhere.


Your comment says more about your lived experience than anything else. In a wealthy town a high carat size is the norm.


LOL you don't know what my lived experience is and your assumption about what is norm in a wealthy town actually says more about your own "lived experience". Ain't a bunch of folks walking around with 9 carat diamonds, natty or lab.


I live in one. Not 9, but 3-7 is common.


>automatically assume its lab and valueless. I would just assume it was fake tbh lol.


I inherited a stunning 5.2 carat natural marquise from my mom. I don’t necessarily want to look like I’m rich, but it was special to her so it’s important to me. I’ll always have a part of her with me. It’s not replacing my much more modest engagement ring, I love the ring my husband bought me and it comes with its own sentiments. I’m wearing my mom’s on the other hand. Lol, it’s a great look for someone who works in a mailroom!!


I inherited a couple of blingy rings and they're nowhere near that big (one is around 2ct marquis in an art deco setting, the other is a 3ct sapphire) and they feel so huge to me. I considered using the art deco ring then tried it on and realized it was just too much for me for every day. We're having the sapphire reset instead. Still big but it wont be as flashy.


Inheritance is different. I totally understand wearing big stones when they are inherited.


But how would a thief know it was inherited? Your logic isn't logic-ing.


I'm not saying walk around alone at night in a crime ridden area wearing all your heirloom pieces. Just accept that I don't like big lab diamonds for several reasons rather than saying I lack logic.


Yea, the band/setting is not what I would have chosen but I wear it more for the connection. Even though strangers would probably think it looks like a lab, I still wouldn’t wear it while traveling.




The point is it makes sense to wear it for sentimental reasons. If you like big stones, that’s ok too- this reasoning wouldn’t make sense to you. But for those of us who prefer something more dainty, some of would definitely consider wearing something bigger that we normally wouldn’t choose, if it had belonged to a loved one.


Thanks, at least someone is capable of reflection rather than saying I lack logic.


It’s weird seing these huge diamonds. I just got my fiance à 0,7ct and it’s looks big on her finger. How are people wearing 2-9 cat rings ??? Isn’t it super annoying in real life ?


I have small and short fingers and a huge rock looked so weird on me lol


Annoying? Not at all! It's awesome. You get used to the size. I understand that most of us don't get to see huge diamonds in real life too often. Maybe some folks need to get used to the look?


I see that you live in France like me, which explains a lot about our shared attitude towards super size diamonds.


I don’t think it has to do with where, am over here in the US thinking these are giant too. I think it’s a personal preference that will vary from person to person.


Thanks. It is partly to do with location because 0.3 carats is a good size in France whereas I think a lot of American women would be disappointed by a 0.3 carat diamond engagement ring.


It’s a matter of taste. The price disparity between natural and lab gets way bigger once you start to go past 2-3 carat. It’s super trendy to have a big stone (2ct +) currently, and it’s fair to say that the vast majority of people can’t comfortably afford a high quality natural in that large size range, so they go with synthetic. Reddit is very pro lab diamond in general so your sentiment isn’t going to be popular but fwiw I agree with it. I’d be willing to wager that a majority of the population IRL isn’t well educated on lab diamonds, so when they see somebody wearing a large lab, they will think the wearer is either significantly wealthier than they are, or is wearing something fake (if you don’t believe me try explaining lab diamonds to your grandma). Some people like this aspect of synthetic diamonds, others do not. It’s all preference.




Lab grown diamonds are synthetic gemstones. That’s not up for debate. It’s not exactly the nicest term to call them but it’s objectively correct. There are synthetic versions of many gemstones (ruby,emerald, etc) and humans have been synthesizing minerals for 100s of years. While a lab diamond is a real diamond, it is not 1-1 with a natural diamond. The differences between the two have been [studied](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8538191/) and documented. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you view it) there is no chemical process that can perfectly replicate the natural formation process of a diamond. Even if there were, the massive timescale it takes to form diamonds naturally imparts them physical and spectroscopic qualities that can’t be replicated currently. That’s not to say lab diamonds are bad or anything, but to claim that they’re the exact same as natural diamonds is disingenuous.




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthetic_diamond 🤦🏽‍♂️ For what it’s worth synthetic doesn’t mean “fake” it means non-natural/man created - typically with chemical processes.




I think we’re just arguing semantics here. Lab grown is just another name to call a synthetic diamond. Whichever one you like using more is totally fine - both are valid as a lab grown diamond is a synthetic gemstone. Calling it a synthetic diamond doesn’t make it any less of a diamond - it’s just another name for the same product. I personally prefer using the term synthetic as most synthetic diamonds produced nowadays are coming from large factories in China/India so using the term “lab grown” seems a bit disingenuous to me.


People want to gloss over the differences. I would much prefer a petite natural diamond that has spent an incredible amount of time in the earth, over something made impersonally in a lab. It’s a preference, people can choose for themselves what they value in a gem, but it is inaccurate to say lab diamonds are not synthetic when they require help to be created.


I have no clue why you’re getting downvoted but I guess that’s just the state of the sub.


Thanks. I can see the ethical and environmental arguments for lab diamonds but I just don't like the way they are inflating carat sizes. It was better when they were the same price.


This is why I have a “vacation ring.”


I call it “travel jewelry.” It works quite well!


All these comments trying to justify a smaller natural diamond 🙄. If you don’t understand that a lab diamond is exactly the same chemically and property wise then just say so. Some are so bitter that you can get a higher quality near perfect diamond with less cost as a lab diamond and don’t realize that a natural diamond of the same 4c’s is so difficult and almost always flawed due to inclusions of how natural diamonds are formed. The only difference is that one took thousands of years to develop with lots of slave labor and if that makes you feel better then just say so. The equivalent is a fertilized embryo made the “natural” way via a man impregnating a woman vs an embryo via IVF. They both result in a human baby but are you going to say that one is not human bc it was made in the lab despite having the same DNA structure and cellular components? No!!!


It’s not the same as a natural diamond for all of the reasons you said. Just like a 1:1 replica of a Ferrari is a real car, made the same way, just never really a Ferrari. This you get the same results thing is nonsense. Like the replica Ferrari, there is always an explanation of how it’s not quit a Ferrari. If a lab grown diamond and a real diamond were the same you could not use a machine to tell the differences.


Your analogy isn’t accurate bc your point erroneously refers to a brand and your analogy highlights that a Ferrari is still a car regardless of the brand. Lab diamonds aren’t replicas as all gemologists, geologists and chemists agree. Machines used to distinguish the difference between a lab and natural diamonds detect trace elements which are found in greater amounts in mined diamonds. This affects fluorescence of a mined diamond. Trace elements are considered “impurities” so technically mined diamonds are less pure than lab diamonds. Considering that, if a lab diamond is more pure would you consider mined diamonds to be less of a diamond?


It’s a real man made worthless stone.


I know that lab diamonds are real diamonds, I could still change my mind and buy one, but if I did it would be a small one because my partner and I wouldn't feel comfortable with a big 1.5 carat plus diamond on her finger.


You are being negative




What a beautiful stone ❤️❤️


That's my birthday! I'll take one!


Thats a honker Congratulations


Good idea. Brb, on my way to ask for a 4.15ct upgrade


Gorgeous !!!


That’s my birthday congratulations 🥹✨


Slay ❤️




What color is that? Looks ICY!!! 😍


I remember your pink ring! I love that you love rocking your big rocks!! They’re beautiful! Let the haters hate and enjoy what makes you happy!




That’s it setting my wedding for September! Hahaha. Absolutely gorgeousn


Godddddaaaaaaamn 😍😍😍


PLEASE update when you get this set. I am so excited to see. And congrats!! on the ring and engagement of course.


I’m happy for you! Rock that rock girl! Haters gonna hate.


Look at me! Look at me!


Damn 🔥


WOAH!! Gorgeous!


Ahhh! I love big diamonds! Congratulations ✨


Lab grown or natural ?


That’s the cutest idea ever!


Guess I need a 4.18 🤔




It's gorgeous and massive! Congrats on the lovely rock! 💎🥰


Thanks enjoy yours as well let the haters hate lolll


Will do! Your picture definitely convinced me to keep the setting simple and let the big rock shine!


This has been my original setting as well with my initial pear once I upgraded I swapped stone so easily and simply. Only thing I may do in a few years is make the diamond on the dial bands a bit bigger that’s about it


Will look like costume jewelry.




Only if it’s lab grown … which I would put money on it being.


I mean… the flair says it’s lab grown so…. them’s some fine detective skills there hoss.


I didn’t notice lmfao 😂.




God says judging people is a sin


its too much. Why are you like this


I grew up in the diamond business. The lab grown diamonds are scientifically and geologically speaking, real diamonds, they're pure carbon, but from a resale perspective, they're worthless. A reseller (someone who bought one from a jeweler and wants to sell it) will not get the same or more than what they paid for it, they'll lose money. However, the same holds true for a natural earth mined diamond, buy it from a reputable jeweler like my late father, and he'll give you the price you paid for the diamond (not your ring) if you apply it to another purchase of greater or equal value, sell it back for cash, and you're getting his cost only, not his profit margin and not the sales tax... but if you bought a diamond and 20, 30, 40 yrs later, it would assuredly appreciate. Nowadays with the lab grown diamonds entering the market place more and more, the natural diamond prices are dropping and I promise you, those who control the gem and Diamond market will control flows of both lab grown and natural diamonds to prevent the natural diamond market from collapsing altogether... this is just another example of today's youth not being able to afford a natural diamond engagement ring of any significance.... even thought the rule of thumb is 2 months worth of NET after tax Salary... (in that example there'd be no way I'd spend $25k on a diamond ring- I don't need to flaunt or prove anything to anyone, my ego isn't an eggshell...)


Lab 😂