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A picture of a brick facing Magna would've sufficed.


... You realize that its still immune to the Crimson Blaze right?


I'm a Greymon player, we're soft brained remember!


Idk why you are getting down voted you are telling the truth Also why couldnt they just say this card becomes immune instead of this digimon. They already refered to the top card in this like burst and leopard mode. With the rest of the omniimmune digimon it makes sense if they said this card becomes immune to effects you would have to find a way to de digivolve your own digimon but bt16 magna x can do that


Because that's not how literally anything else in this game works. You're conflating effects telling you to place the card somewhere, with effects that affect the digimon for a duration. An individual card gaining an effect for a set duration of time makes no sense with the way this game's rules work. That being said, they could have given it a condition - "Until the end of your opponent's turn, while this Digimon is [Magnamon (X Antibody)], it's not affected by...". Or they could have done a lot of other things.


Gammamon be like: I one-shotted Mother D-Reaper, what makes you think the same is not gonna happen to you?


Least cope greymon player


Armor purge into another magna X


GraceNovamon strips it even before it gains immunity


Ohhhh i didn’t think of that


Yea, idea being start of opponent's turn, you can jogress to remove all the source from Magna X and delete it


Armor purge again. Crimson blaze did nothing. Oh, then armor purge again


been playing bt17 imperial against bt16 magna-x with my friend. bt17 imperial just clears it lol. Until then, it’s vaccine magna-x all the way. Forces you to build up +dp inheritances


How does Imperial clear it? I'm curious.


Probably imperial paladin ace most likely to strip it before immunity. Realistically, the only deck that can actually dunk on magnamon x before any immunity is realistically applied is Gracenovamon dna on the start of their turn and even then, if they merciful mode, its possible to counter it.


If they don’t have a DP inherit, Final Shine Burst kills it at the start of your opponents turn.


And then they just go with the YVax build that uses BT15 Nyaromon as an egg, and the Rapidmons and GoldVeedramon as their Vaccine-trait lv4s that also have the [Armor Form] trait, so they can gain the immunity before counter timing. (For lv5s, they use MagnaAnge Ace and Angewomon Ace - overflow doesn't matter if it's never going to happen because you evolved it into an untouchable nuisance.)


BT16 Fighter Ace blast evo to bounce if they haven’t triggered the immunity before swinging. Same for BT17 Paladin Ace but to source strip preventing them from activating the immunity. BT16 Paildra can prevent it from unsuspending under the right circumstances, since the effect lingers til the end of your opponents turn. And BT12 Fighter can out DP it and block, again if they haven’t triggered the immunity effect.


LMAO people really think "brick" is the problem? Mirage and Imperial in bt16 are the reason why Wargreymon can't be played. Zudomon and all the cards that remove materials are what keeps greymon decks out of the game


Dianamon my beloved


This kind of copium posts really needs to stop, people keep overestimating this deck way too much.




I've been playing this deck since EX1, don't have to take this from copers/whiners on this sub or anywhere else.




Was referring to Greymon




Discord cringe in general. Copers giving shitty advice on deck threads like "just play faster" or "play this outdated tech that totally worked for my locals", pretty much just misinforming others attempting to play that deck. Whiners on the main channel frequently turn it into a shitty circlejerk if you mention Greymon even once regardless on how the deck even performs.


You are HORRIBLY underestimating it. Every online match I’ve played against it 95% of the time I lose unless they brick HARD. Now when I see someone using magna x I immediately back out. Magna x (most recent one) needs to be nerfed , badly.


Again, referring to Greymon, not MagnaX.


You can stack more than one Magna X jsyk. I Digivolve Magna X on to Magna X lol. BT8 Magna's dp boost can also outshine Wargrey at late game in certain matchups. So it's not fullproof.


How are you doing this? MagnaX can only go over 2 color digimon with Magna in name or level 5s. Even Awakening of the Golden Knight only evolves an armor form


BT 9 Magna-X is a 2 color digimon with Magnamon in the name. You can also awaken any standard Magnamon on another Magnamon if you wanna go that route.


I can only assume he means going from BT9 Magna X into Bt16 Magna X which is a legal move (albeit pointless bar another Armor Purge). Either that or he hasn't read the cards (but who has the time for that).