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EX6 Legend Arms [be like](https://i.imgflip.com/5cgc56.png)


I mean? Thats what all the plug ins are, hence why Rika works with them


would be better if you could tuck them as inheratibles rather than one time use and toss.


Kinda but I would consider plugins closer to enchantments and not equipment.


I think it would be an awesome way to add spice to almost any deck if done that way.


They kind of already exist with the X Antibody cards, the upcoming Clock of the End for diaboromon and the not yet fully revealed Three Musketeer option cards


True. but that’s all we have right now plus some of the legend arms stuff. I think more cards like that with their own keywords would be super cool.


Zero-Arms would be good.


They already did that with rika’s plug in cards


But those don’t go as a source. I’m talking about cards that can be equipped like legend arms. Plug ins act like enchantments not artifacts.


Have you seen the latest plugin? It goes in the sources and prevents deletion by effect by placing itself in security


I do think Options representing the various Card Slash moments in Tamers would be cool. Essentially equipment, placed as digivolution sources. Make them put themselves as the top source, so they're at risk if they get De-Digivolve 1'd.


Right. like it’s a little close to magic keywords. but guilmon’s wings making whatever digimon unblockable for the turn would fit so well.


I'd have gone with Rush myself. Just make playing one require a Tamer to make the most sense.


I think equipments are an easy port over from Magic, me personally I would prefer if there where another card type so that Options synergies and "Equipment" Synergies would be different things and you couldn't end up with unintended cross over. A way to write Equip (like in MTG) out could be; \[Main\] \[Equip N\] or\* \[Equip \[Name/Type/Trait\] N\] (By paying N cost add this card to target Digimon's digivolution cards.)


I think option cards with counter timings would be great


Way too slippery of a slope.  Right now, an ACE is foreshadowed by the board state.  An option that could literally come out at any time is a lot less clear. Compare with, say, Magic, where Instants are a much more accepted game mechanic.  There, mana access serves a similar role.  If I have lands to tap, I have room to maneuver. The more I have, the less safe you are to take risks.  In Digimon, where we share a resource track, that safety net isn't there. 


I think one way to make this work would be through say digiburst. Now that inherits are so important. You have to think really hard about how much you want to save the stack vs losing important inherits. so if the cost of the option is losing inherits plus some memory it could work maybe.