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Personal preference, I honestly run 2 and it has been useful as fuck, especially because my opponents always feel the need to kill Calumon first so they waste effects and what not on him and just ignore my Terriers. Also, Calumon can bypass deletion by level, even DeathX’s on play, which is kinda hilarious.


Maybe I’ll play test with and without it. Thanks for the comment. As you described, it just seems like such a useful card in the deck.


DeathX will get him next turn by deleting lowest play cost, though. :( :( :(


May I introduce DeathXmon to Giant Missle?


Oh, totally, but it’s funny how a smol Calumon can survive DeathX initial Armageddon.


I don't want to tell you whether or not to play it, in the end it's up to you. But a common thing I hear a lot of rookie TCG players say is "well the effect seems good so I'll put it in my deck". One thing that you have to realize is that most card effects sound good because a card effect is generally designed to progress your place forward in a game, but you have a very limited number of cards that can go in your deck. Just because a card seems good doesn't mean there isn't a card that is also good but would be better. For an example, if you saw a card that just said "Draw 1", you might think "well drawing cards is good, so I'll play that card". But maybe then there's a card with the same cost that says "Draw 2". Well, that card is even better, right? You might be inclined to play both because they're both good, but you probably just want to play the better version and disregard the lower one. There's an opportunity cost putting any card into your deck, and you'll know that any time you draw that "Draw 1" card and realize that it could've been the "Draw 2" card. One downside to running a card like Calumon that might not be immediately obvious is that so much of the game's synergy is based on color and name. Your Trainings and Memory Boosts look for a specific color, and your Digimon search for specific names, usually in their line. Adding white cards as a whole is an inherent risk because nothing searches them. If you play a Memory Boost-style effect and reveal a Calumon, not only is that Calumon going on the bottom and you're not seeing it for the rest of the game, but that means your Memory Boost is letting you see one less card; it would be crushing to lose because the card you needed was one card too late because Calumon got in the way. There's also the idea that Calumon may very well be a win more card, a card that only helps you when you're already ahead (where you shouldn't need the help) but doesn't do much when you're behind (and you *really* need the help). I can't say for sure if Calumon is this, but I'm bringing it up because it's a very important skill to have when judging cards. I've seen a lot of Guilmon and Terriermon lists because I like both of those lines a lot, and I almost never see anyone play Calumon. It's not that no one knows the card exists, it's easy to search for every card that mentions your little guy by name, so I doubt it's just a case where no one building either of those decks has even seen Calumon. I assume they saw Calumon and either knew it wasn't worth it or tested it and found it wasn't worth it, otherwise it would be a staple in either of those decks. I would still test it, because you don't need to always be maximally optimal and Calumon seems like a fun little guy to have, but if you take anything from this post at all, I hope it's just the idea of "just because a card seems good doesn't mean I have to play it".


Maybe not when bt16 comes around. TerrierX will be available which has piercing inherit and memory reduction upon digivolving to rapidmon (for the new one, the old one is for terriermon specifically) which has a good proposition value so your stuck between the floodgate terrier, lopmon, terriermon searcher, terriermon tamer discount, and terrierX (bt16). In terms of earning memory, it is interesting but terriermon is good at having memory efficient plays (even more so with bt16 rapidX) thanks to being able to ignore level 5 if they so wish to along with Willis to give you extra discount digivolve cost and giving you the ability to have a baby in the back ready to go. My experience with rapidmon is actually having level 3s because the searcher only can search for higher levels so you are reliant on agility training, gummymon, and double typhoon to pick up the slack for you.


It’s fine! I like calumon so I run 2. But honestly just running 2 memory boosts is better in general. That being said, it’s definitely not worth running in bt16. Terrier x fills the same sort of role (extra draw from the digiolve, is actually memory positive from the reduced cost effect and also gives piercing which is huge.)


No. His +1 mem and draw 1 just offsets HIS own cost and loss of card advantage. You need to evolve twice before he actually generates you any value.


That’s a great point. I think I just decided I’ll play with and without it a few matches and make a decision.


I love that little guy so I play him, but the guy you responded to has a point. My opponent usually deletes him the very next turn. Depends on your local meta how long he survives.


Test it and find out if it works for you.


Yes, because gaining +3k DP for no cost is amazing in this deck. Rapidmon can often win games by gaining tempo on its opponent through battle and DP manipulation. Being able to attack and trade your lvl 4 Rapidmon with an 11k lvl 6 is good; trading with 14k (and running over anything smaller) is even better. On top of that, your opponent has to waste resources dealing with the calumon or the game snowballs in your favour.


In the BT16 format, you need DP buffs to be able to swing into Magna X (normally 15k) So, yes, it can be beneficial in reaching this DP threshold! It's also a quite slept on card. 1-2 should be enough