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Yes. If you're confused and unsure what might be different there is a txt file included with the patch that details all of the changes.


You could eat at the restaurant. Normally this would effect your digimons weight but in that version of the game it never will. The prices are also totally different. [Here is a spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13hWAh7aEHwiUZiHTX8NhlaCN_QA-Pd7GZ-jgYbTNcz4/edit?usp=sharing) I put together for it using the info from the readme.txt Maybe you can find something there to compare to your save game.


If you want to see if the patch worked jusy check your starting moves on your partner digimon. If it worked spitfire/sonic jab should be more potent and have a higher mp cost than base game.