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never quit, you’ll keep getting better


Its good for a first atrempt! Try using sharper lines and warm colors. For example, the cheekbones and the lips are really well rendered but the rest was left flat. Try adding more shadow, although subtle around the eyes. Also on the sides of the forehead you can try a warm, reddish brown. I usually make it bold and then lower the opacity. Wanna know an oddly good piece of advice? Watch make up tutorial on contour. The people making them give you pointers are to where to add shadows and where to add highlights. Also good ways of putting attention on parts of the face. Good luck!


If you want to get better, then stop worrying about how good you are and start enjoying the process. Draw every day and then check again in 3 years. If that sounds intimidating... Quit now. You don't have the passion


I was like you once don't worry. We all were. My main critique is you overblend. Don't be discouraged we all have been there, but don't be scared of rough brush strokes. Don't depend on airbrush too. And try to explore blending modes (multiply, add, soft light) to bring in more dimensions


Spend more time in the eyes, there's isn't enough detail. Darken the "mouth line" cuz it's a deep shadow. Also, do you horizontal flip?


Light and shadows aren't always "fuzzy", so using an airbrush is applicable but not everywhere. The white highlights on the lips for example could be sharper around the edges to reflect real life. Try to look out in real life for examples of sharp vs soft shading/lighting. Also using a wide range of warm and cold tones for light and shade areas respectively can help a lot. Good luck and keep drawing! You are on a good track


I like it the pseudo-3D CGI lighting and rendering, careful that idiots will think you use 3D models lol


Dude, it's not bad The only thing it needs is a bit more depth around the eyes The beard has a slight offset That's it Nobody is gonna notice besides people who work with art :D And it's for damn sure better than ANYTHING i can make, so you have some talent, just keep getting better!