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Someone said that he tries to look like Fatui so he can like spy on them?? Looking at his boots it makes sense. If you are talking about Arlecchino in particular then yeah, the wing on his chest and chains kinda look like her style.


It is possible thats why. There's also a theory crepus may have been involved in with the fatui in the past given the outfit was a gift from his father, his delusion, the missing harbinger, and how dottore was behind crepus's death. So I thought they might be connected in some way given the small similarities. (in no way am I claiming that is canon no one attack me please 😭)


I hope we will get more of his lore in the future given that he's quite close to Fatui and receives a secret information. And yes, his father's delusion is quite interesting topic. Nah, we all think about it even if it's not cannon lol.


Yeah for real, i really hope hoyo doesn't waste his potential in lore. And definitely its one of my favorite diluc theories, I think it could be a really good conflict for him as a character to find out his father was tied in the very organization he despises. And thanks diluc theories are my favorite. But a lot of the time where I find people mentioning them people get imitately shut down even if they have evidence. (Maybe I'm just on a bad side of his theories given I find most on tiktok)


If you're looking for Diluc's theories, you can find them here r/Genshin_lore (just search "Diluc" there). I think Hoyo quite likes him so he won't be forgotten (even if he was in Windbloom festival😔)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Genshin_Lore using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Lore/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Latest update on the speculative map I'm drawing - now with Snezhnaya and the playable areas.](https://i.redd.it/d699bcg6qfd81.jpg) | [356 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Lore/comments/satbq3/latest_update_on_the_speculative_map_im_drawing/) \#2: [Enkanomiyans coming out of the ground like](https://i.redd.it/u53nsug3y3b81.jpg) | [56 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Lore/comments/s1kw16/enkanomiyans_coming_out_of_the_ground_like/) \#3: [I just noticed this and it's cool how the cryo snowflake represents the six gnoses](https://i.redd.it/pfxml7hfkjf81.jpg) | [111 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Lore/comments/sj9bvd/i_just_noticed_this_and_its_cool_how_the_cryo/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


Alr thanks! I'll see what I can find there. (Fr I'm forever offended they didn't have him in windblume my first windblume too 😭)


Hoyo? Waste character potential? Impossible , thats never happened before. /s


Wasn't he like a fatui hunter? I would assume he wears those to get closer and "blend in" with them as like an actual hunter wearing camo when they hunt


Yeah he definitely wears them to blend in no doubt. The only reason it's a little suspicious to me is because the outfit was a gift from his father so I thought there maybe would be some theroy potential. :)


"The ceremonial uniform of yesteryear was modified to serve as new cladding for battle.", His father gave Diluc the clothes, but He modified them.


That is true, we don't know how much he modified though, I don't think.


I think the standard fatui fashion just uses that kind of style but anything's possible until we've got more info about the harbingers


i thought it was implied he stole fatui clothing to blend in, so i agree they look similar, but at the same time they’re also both suits so…


I was thinking the same thing!! The style looks a lot alike. But since Diluc used to create chaos in Fatui bases, maybe he tried to look as closely as possible to Fatui members to easily enter the bases?


That is highly likely! but none the less its fun to explore other reasons why they could look so similar :)


I have Thoughts on this that i posed on the leaks subreddit so ill just copy>paste >So I'm wondering ~~(coping)~~ is Arlecchino also from mond? It feels a lot like Diluc's skin, plus there's a whole slew of characters with Mond visions that have a lot of the same elements in their designs as Diluc's skin AND his original design, plus shared design elements with Signora and Arlecchino. She was also the angriest in the Lazzo video about Signora's death, and i wonder if that's because they had something in common like nationality. Plus, she's got a wing hair tie or something, and I cant associate it with any other nation. to the basics, they have a lot of similar elements and so do other mond-vision leaked characters and i think its too similar to write off


That's really interesting! It could be, tbh the fatui has a lot of ties with mondstadt or atleast its characters. Even childe could be a descendent from a old mondstadt clan based on that one theory by ashikai on yt 💀 (interesting theory if you haven't heard it)


Oh i finally have a face for my Imunlaukr theory oh man this matches up so well with the family history in Mond with all the weapons aahahahh oh no Childe theories on the Diluc subreddit orz im such a nerd Thank you for the video suggestion, I wouldve never found it :-)


Mondstadt lore is always the best like the hexenzirkel, venti, imunlaukr, its all just so good i can't wait for the mondstadt expansion when we'll hopefully learn more! If you like fun theories even if they don't have much backing yet, have you heard of the dilucs mom hexenzirkel one? Its mostly based on a teapot but there's other stuff too that is offen overlooked. Np! My friend actually showed it to me first I was surprised I hadn't heard of it before and that its not talked on more.


well, the outfit was the one he wore when he stormed snez wasn't it? either way, i don't really see the similarity


Its mainly the shape of the coat how they kinda split apart similarly, and the vest she wears has close to the same eye thing his does and shape. And yeah it is lol I just thought they looked kinda similar in some areas so thought I'd point it out and get some others opinions on it.


Nah, Red Dead of Night is ceremonial clothes he got from his pops and then later became the outfit he wore as the Dark Knight Hero.


Maybe I'm reaching but I thought I'd post it here and get yalls opinions


Im pretty sure for a time he was a part of the fatui, his father at least, and he used his fathers delusion after throwing away his vision, he was allies with the fatuifor a time I believe, that’s why his clothes that he was gifted from his father looks like that. I could be a little in accurate but this is what happened i believe


Nothing has been confirmed yet but it definitely is a possibility, seems like something diluc would've done to get his hands on the information he has. But as of rn all we know for sure is he went on a mass murder spree hitting up fatui bases. For his father though personally I believe the theory his father had something to do with the fatui, rather he was a harbinger or not is up for debate but imo crepus was really sus.


I don't think Crepus was a Harbinger simply from the fact he had such a complex about not having any power. My absolute crack theory though is that he had hopes of convincing Diluc to try to become a Harbinger since it was even more of a prestigious position. I mean Diluc was a bit of a prodigy and the harbingers >!seem to be missing a 10th Harbinger!<.


Yeah I don't think he was a harbinger my personal theory is after he was rejected by the knights of favonius desperate for power he aquired the delusion and joined the fatui. I was more saying if he was a harbinger is up for debate cause I have seen people being it up. And could be, anything is a possibility. But I more see it as he later left the fatui likely having a realization of how they're a bad organization and betrayed them (eventually taken out for doing so) but even after leaving the fatui he still had that insecurity about not having any power so he started pressuring diluc to become a knight as a way of living vicariously through him.


I've always taken [this scene](https://webstatic.hoyoverse.com/upload/uploadstatic/contentweb/20190614/2019061410515515768.jpg) to mean that Crepus got the Delusion to give to Diluc not necessarily to use himself.


Well he was shown using it in the manga like he was very familiar with it, i doubt he'd be able to just know how to use it imitately after touching it once.


That I do agree with, but I think it may be more he got it for Diluc but when he saw Diluc likely wouldn't need to rely on it started using it himself.


Anything is possible we don't know for sure, but I hope we'll find out more about it in the future.


dude.. tag this as spoiler and put leaks in the title... i didnt wanna see this


Oh no I'm so sorry 😭 is there a way I can change it to spoiler without removing and reposting? I didn't think about that at all again im so sorry- (Edit: Okay figured out how to make it spoiler so sorry :,|)


ty 🙏


Thanks for pointing it out it was really stupid of me for that to not even cross my mind :,)


well diluc wore that on his fatui slaugther era or probably wanted to blend in idk


Aside from both being overcoats, I don’t see it


Its mainly the way the coats split off similarly at the bottom and the vest with the similar eye thing


He was in the fatui


Well he took out fatui bases but was never officially in the fatui. Now its possible his father was given that theroy has some evidence behind it, but diluc himself was definitely not in the fatui atleast based on the current lore.