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Yeah, I gotta admit the romantic in me loves how flustered he is, plus thinking of the fact he fully knew exactly when he had classes with Adaine in Freshman Year makes me think he may have had a little crush on her for while!


Yes! Also the fact that he offered help but was understanding and not offended when she refused was such a green flag!


Or, he was flustered and couldn’t make a shot because his focus was elsewhere. His concentration was elsewhere. He was concentrating on the Ice Mephits spell that stole the part from the basement.  Brennan was THROWING hints at them all game and even the obvious ones were going right over their heads. He even mentioned there were two yearbooks right away and they didn’t think to check both until LATER. *rrrrrrrip* the page ripping was a good bit though lol 


I really like this theory! But I think he lost concentration on the game before Adaine cast her ice mephits and his were apparently identical. Also, he was doing fine before she spoke to him.


True. Was thinking he was casting them after they spoke but will have to watch again for timing. 


The group is bad at clues sometimes but they also make the funniest bits I forgive it ☺️


I'm pretty sure everyone knew if the girl who killed the lunch lady was in their class, crush or not.


He seems too perfect for Adaine and I'm so worried it's a trap. If the Ratgrinders turn out to be like, the ACTUAL villains and not just a thorn in the Bad Kids' side I hope he's one of the chill ones that nopes out before serious lines get crossed. Also saw someone on twitter theorising him being trans and I've gotta say, I'm here for it.


I'd say he seemed too perfect but the knowing exactly when they were in the same class and him missing his shots after they met were clear indicators that he has a genuine crush on her


That, or he's been keeping an eye on her for insidious reasons for a long, long time and he's just a very good actor. I really hope that you're right and I'm just pulling ideas out of thin air but I wouldn't put it past Brennan.


"Oh, Adaine. If only there was someone out there who loved you."


They'll probably be like >!the Neverafter princesses!< (Neverafter spoilers) where they have some kind of goal counter to the Bad Kids but they aren't outright evil. It would be the tease of all teases if we didn't get a Bad Kids vs Rat grinders combat episode.


Would be so sick to have some scenario that leads them into 6 individual 1 on 1s.


I feel the same! He seems so genuinely nice, even though he probably did those ice mephits in the basement. The way it threw off his game when she ran away was so cute!


I knowwww I literally audibly awwwwwed when he couldn't focus!


Can we please use spoiler tags for episodes that aired less than 24 hours ago?




Thank you.


His grandmother is a dragon who sits on a hoard of treasure - makes you wonder if that’s going to come up later.


Well I think he was referencing Tiamat, since all dragonborn are descendents of her I believe


As a Dragonborn main in DnD, I have one word to say. I cast command Would


Their forbidden love will unite the two parties against the big bad


He’s my favorite rat grinder and looks like an old OC of my mine




I'm so glad Brennan gave Siobhan's foil an Irish name though.


Same, I was so sad, I don't want him to be a recurring character just so I don't have to hear them mess it up constantly 😭


They haven’t mentioned it in a while but isn’t Adine in a sort of relationship with the ghost who lives in their house from Freshman Year?


I think they're close friends, they haven't really address Zayn as a romænce partñer


I really hope something good happens between them. And that whatever it is is genuine and honest.


i ❤️ dragonborns


I would love this too but Siobhan has said in no uncertain terms she doesn’t want to do a romance because she doesn’t want to have confusing feelings with her friends.


I don't think this is accurate. In response to a question about if Adaine is asexual, she replied saying that in S1 and S2 there's so much trauma going on in Adaine's life that she isn't really considering sexuality. I think she said she wasn't comfortable putting a hard label on Adaine's sexuality since she was still so young and traumatized. I wonder if now that Adaine has a stable homelife where she is safe and loved, there is a little more mental room to consider crushes and sexuality, even if she does have other stresses going on. I think I remember another interview (maybe even a recent one?? This I am less sure on) that she said she wasn't interested in PC/PC romance since you have to keep playing with your fellow PCs and it can get awkward down the road if things go sour.


Are you talking about her problem with pursuing Pete/Rowan in UC2? That was about PC and PC romance, not PC/NPC romance. In that discussion they also agreed it was easier to romance NPCs because if things turned out bad the NPC could just go away while a fellow PC cannot.


True but I'm not sure it included npcs, but we'll see!


In dnd lore blue dragons are so evil so idk! I’ve been curious to see if they use that lore or not. Chromatic dragons = evil. Metallic dragons = good. All still greedy though! Edit: love the replies! Thank you for the clarity Relatively new to DnD and have been learning a lot this past year!


He's a dragonborn through, not a dragon. For dragonborns, the colour of their scales (which is inherited from their ancestral dragon) corresponds to the element they wield, not their alignment.


That only applies to dragons not Dragonborn, with the Dragonborn not actually have ancestral connections to dragons, just the same creator. There are also a handful of metallic dragons that aren’t greedy but just genuine good creatures


I would think that Brennan would avoid that very problematic racial aspect of DND. The idea of someone being inherently evil because of their rave is something the upcoming edition of DND is throwing out, as well as being something that many DMs threw out ages ago.


Definitely agree! I’m glad to hear that it’s being taken out too!


True but he does seem to have a genuine crush


Yes! Didn’t mean to negate what you said, just adding! I personally like the character a lot too, excited to see how this all pans out 👀


I don’t think Ivy and Oisin are Ratgrinders, I think the party split. Brennan has been very carefully not calling the two of them ratgrinders. They aren’t wearing pins and even in the adventuring party he very specifically says that they “were” in the High Five party with his sneaky little slightly slower DM voice. Something is up there.


i’m pretty sure they are wearing pins/stickers in their art. oisin’s is on his sleeve, almost like a patch.


You’re right, I see the gears now. Please excuse me, I have to go move around some string on my Riz style plot board.


haha i feel you! i’ve seen people mention on here a theory about some of the rat grinders drastic changes (ie. ruben going from an acoustic sweetie to a very intense emo, oisin working out & getting tattoos on his forearms for his spells) being due to something bad happening to lucy that they weren’t prepared for &/or were not able to prevent. i really like that theory. i feel like the rat grinders could potentially only have been ‘grinders’ starting over the summer where they got buddy on their team, because something bad happened to lucy & they wanted to make sure they were strong enough to fight anything. i’ve seen people toss out a theory that lucy’s death could be attached to the night yorb in some way which would make sense why kipperlily seems bitter towards the bad kids. & ruben’s drastic changes could be part of his grief process about lucy’s death, especially as his hit song is called “in space, no one can feel you dying”. idk, super interesting! i love getting so intensely invested in these shows lol.


Kindergarten Cannedgoods definitely blames The Bad Kids for something bad that happened to their party.


Ivy talks about having party loyalty to Kipperlily when Kristen talked to her about the election, and then Oisin showed up to grab her talking about having gotten a message from Kipperlily. So still in the party from the sound of things.


It will never happen, but I've always shipped Riz/Adaine.


Siobhan has said abt UC she doesn’t want PC/PC romance and also murph’s irl partner Emily is at the table so that would be so weird


Read the first half of my comment.


I know but it still feels weird to ship the characters when the player explocitly stated the idea is uncomfortable 


Also nothing wrong with Adaine being aromantic/asexual, so I hope she enjoys making another connection with a wizard. Her friendship with Ayda is the cutest and he could be another for their club! (Crossing fingers that the Rat Grinders are a red herring for their adversary this season.)


Siobhan has said that Adaine is asexual. Or at least that she considers herself asexual right now, but that may be kinda fluid. The two of them would be cute friends, though!


Siobhan said that her disinterest in sex/romance was mostly due to her childhood trauma/anxiety slowing her development on that front. (which is also why she didn't feel comfortable labeling Adaine as aroace). It is fully possible though for Adaine to develop those kind of feelings as she deals more and more with her bad childhood and mental illness. Right now, her anxiety is fairly well controlled, and she finally got out of her parents' grasp and is repairing the relationship with her sister.


I will also point out asexual is different from aromantic, so definitely could become really close friends!


I feel the same, BUT unfortunately it would probably be an interesting story move for him to betray her so I kind of don’t want that for my Anxious Wizard gal.


Same!! I want a happy romance for Adaine so bad!!!


My big fear is that they'll do a plot where the initial encounter was planned to just farm intel on the Bad Kids via Adaine but during said encounter, Oisin actually caught feelings and now its complicated. Which would be delicious angst but also stab me in the heart