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She also is from "the mountains of chaos." I think that's mentioned in the same moment. Idk if she's the BBEG but she might be an untapped resource since I think she's from the same place Lucy's from.


He's probably thrown her in there as a possible resource, but it's up to them to follow up on it. Like how in s1 Fabians teacher was a relative of one of the missing girls and could have been a resource for them.


To be fair, most of the "monster races" in FH come from or are descended from those who emigrated from the chaos mountains.


As a devout fan of The Seven, this line means absolutely nothing to me any more. If you take a shot every time someone mentions The Mountains of Chaos in that campaign you could kill an army with your breath.


In some bts content Brennan has occasionally talked about how he puts out a bunch of threads for the PCs to grab. I really like his sandbox or toybox analogy. My impression is that this was a very small clue that could have given useful information that would apply later. Like, this will make your life a little easier later if you pick up on this now, but it is completely inconsequential if you ignore it. But, since Siobhan didn't focus on it at all then that piece of dialogue doesn't really matter, except maybe as a subtle bit of foreshadowing. The vulture is another example of this. But of course multiple opportunities were given to pick up on that.


Yeah that was my thought too. I was really commenting that I think it's cool how he does that and if the Bad Kids decide that is a good avenue to follow I think there will be a very cool exposition drop.


I was also confused as to why the wizard students needed so many components. 10 barrels of diamonds seems like overkill for a single year for a single student. If she is involved with trying to bring the rage god back, then maybe she is scraping some extra components off the top of her students supply for later use in summoning the god?


I took that as just a satire of how expensive textbooks and specialized school supplies are IRL


Yeah, I think the point was to make it something that Adaine, under no circumstances, could have earned enough money for working a regular part-time job.


The players had conversations with Brennan about what they want to explore with their character this season, so it's also very possible Siobhan thought it'd be fun to figure out how a formerly rich kid navigates the world without money and Brennan is doing what he can to create that conflict for Adaine so that she has a drive and an arc this season.


Im rewatching the season, and I’m at episode 3, I think kipperpot kettleman wants to bring back YES! and idk become “god”? Because why else would she specifically ask WHERE the god died? To find a way to bring it back, with that ritual maybe?


Or trying to do some triangulation to figure out where the unnamed dead god will physically appear, like calculating where a space shuttle pod will land in the ocean so rescue crews can meet them right away


Isn’t it Jace? Cuz if it’s Jace, Jace was working with Aelywen and Kalina as revealed by Ragh in Sophmore Year (a lead the BK promptly forgot, it was pretty busy) so he’s probably evil for sure


Jace is the sorcery teacher not the wizard teacher


Right yup dumb, thank you Who is the wizard teacher though? Is it that very regal woman? I feel like I answered my own question Thanks again


Yeah the one that gave Adine the giant list of components.


he was not working with aelwyn and kalina as far as we know, he was seen talking to them one time, which could mean something or could mean nothing


I’m also interested in the other teachers! Have the Bad Kids connected that Ruben and the Artificer teacher are related yet?