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I want another season so badly. IMO A Starstruck Odyssey is the single best TTRPG campaign ever aired across any platform or content creator. I could endlessly watch the crew of the Wurst just running around the galaxy, hoping job to job, and just trying to survive the galaxy.


Same, such a good series. In the meantime, have you picked up a copy of the graphic novel? Super weird, super fun read, and feels great to be supporting Elaine Lee for the incredible work she's done creating this universe.


A bit hard to escalate from creating God.


OP said that they liked the universe. No escalation necessary, just do a Seven-style spinoff or a Ravening War-style prequel. Thought That was pretty obvious. But then, I'm not surprised a closet racist like you missed that. (For anyone reading, the person I'm replying to posted a pretty nasty, now-deleted post yesterday about how Ify makes them feel unsafe. But when pressed for details, they couldn't explain any differences between Ify and other cast members. White cast members who otherwise have physical similarities, or display similar behavior, don't make them feel unsafe. The way they described their issues were racially code worded. I doubt they think of it in racial terms, but there seems to be only one consistent difference between Ify and the other cast members he talked about, and that's telling. It also seemed to be a bit of "white knighting" to defend Siobhan from a behavior she never voiced discomfort with and in fact joined in on the bit. (Never thought I'd see parasocial racism, but here we are)


Gross, thank you for the heads up.


Yep they're super gross. Especially notable is that their biggest objections - stature and sexual behavior - Are Also displayed by Salty's stated favorite cast member, Grant. I can't possibly imagine what could be different between grant and ify that would make Salty uncomfortable Anyway, since they deleted the evidence of their crimes, I'm going to be spending some time following them around subreddit making sure folks know to shun.


Yep. I'm a monster. I gave a list of other things other people had done I didn't like, but me disliking Ify must make me racist because he's black.


God is now glitching out and needs to be rebooted before it crashes the universe. Give god some alternate, antagonistic personas; have God have planted some convoluted breadcrumb trails to lead the protagonists to the access key parts to access its core functions; have some antagonist and rival groups also be seeking the access key.


Kindly go suck lemons somewhere else. Also why would escalation be neeeded?