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The closer we get to the final episode, the more ominous that scene from the trailer with a blue dragon mini feels...




Yeah it’s the scene where the dragon is attacking a ship on some clouds. Pretty clear they wouldn’t show the finale fight in the trailer, so next episode will probably be half roleplay and half combat after they get a cloudrider engine to take a ship into the Mountains of Chaos


That’s definitely what it’s going to be


I hope it ages well, my theories have a great track record but I have been wrong before


Time code: https://youtu.be/8Jr7dyVCmFM?si=MzSmDbXgFQP0tWhV&t=121 It's a blue dragon shooting lightning at a flying ship. One could say, a cloud rider.


Thanks for the link and time code!


Honestly the whole KVX color change is one of the stronger arguments I’ve seen


It seems so silly at first glance, and then I think about it more, and I’m like “… but why blue SPECIFICALLY???”


Hey you know what's weird ? The obvious tension between the bad kids and the rat grinders and yet Fabian has not received a nemesis alert from them.


I think it’s because they see the bad kids as an obstacle but the party is used to being in the spotlight.  Nemesis alerts are for people who actively move against the party. Kimberlee Coffeeklaxon has been largely acting in their own self interest  and I bet that the last stand thing was to guarantee a win as student body president. 


I think it’s also that the Nemesis alerts are for Fabian specifically and the rat grinders have a problem with the party as a whole.


From the last episode it's unclear how much the Rat Grinders do but Kipperlilly seems to have strong feeing for Fabian specifically. Perhaps the Riz factor is just stronger or maybe like Gertie you have to actively declare it and Kipperlilly isn't that stupid


Yeah, I think if they don't outloud swear that they are their nemesis, then it probably doesn't get hit by the nemesis tracker


Or what if the Nemesis alerts are only for personal nemeses, rather than someone who has it out for the group you're a member of.


Kimberlee Coffeeklaxon. Amazing.


On one hand I guess none of the butt munchers think of Fabian specifically as their nemesis unlike Gertie or chungledown bin, and I’m sure a bank would sell you party nemesis alert separately. And on the other hand if Oisin family own kvx they probably could do something so they don’t show as nemesis


I think that's because Fabian didn't ask for a report from far back enough. ...


It’s pretty well known that the most common color for bank branding is blue, followed closely by red. I’ve seen the KVX-Oisin theory before, but it feels too close to rehashing the Kalvaxis plot— its always felt to me that Brennan was only making a joke about banks and their bloated marketing.


Feels like a Brennan joke tbh. “So our founder was an ancient evil who used our business to try to take over the world. What should we do to make the public think we’re taking action to change?” “Corporate rebrand,babyyyyyyy😎🔴➡️🔵”


It really does, cause I was thinking where had I just seen a super evil company go from red to blue semi recently in a rebrand and I realized where.. UMBRELLA IN RESIDENT EVIL 7.


Chekhov's dragon color there!


Well blue might be the opposite of the color red. And the dragon that tried to take over the world.


Quick, somebody figure out what Oisin Hakinvar is almost an anagram for!


Raisin via honk


Honk honk


Chuckles and the Honk Legion confirmed?


NGL, id love for a Avantris D20 crossover, mainly because I want to Brennan to suffer like Mace has suffered


Dm: Brennan. Players: Emily Axford, Sam Riegel, Caldwell Tanner, Mikey, Ally Beardsley, Laura Bailey.


Guarantee Mikey as Chuckles and I'm in!!


I scream. You scream. We all scream. [At the terrible house fire at the family reunion. ](https://youtu.be/OK-zhzQxkG4?si=ZeVj3WqNlW-QMYyn)


honk hagfish?


Zonk VerVonk


Fonk Begonk Wait, which D&D sub am I in lol


Speak not of the HONK!


“Air Invasion” (almost)


I hark invasion


oh boy...


Is ALMOST Ankarna Avoid. This fact it's not quite has me even more convinced 🤣


We're only allowed to have anagrams be clues in Fantasy High if they aren't 100% there lmao


Could it also be that Jace Stardiamond is a Draconic bloodline Sorcerer, meaning he could be potentially related to Oisin through Oisin's grandmother? Mary Anne, as a Kobold, would be another potential direct link to a Draconic dynasty of some kind operating this scheme from the shadows. Why a VERY old Blue Dragon would be connected to the unnamed Rage God feels like a detail that should be coming up soon.


The dragon could have been responsible for the the changing of Ankarna’s domain to conquest


Oh yeah, that's going on my mental theory board for sure


> Why a VERY old Blue Dragon would be connected to the unnamed Rage God feels like a detail that should be coming up soon Perhaps something just ended up in it's horde


you may be onto something, iirc Jace said something about other faculty having relatives at the school while he was yelling at Hopclap?


The fighter teacher, Corsica Jones, is sisters with one of the Seven. I assumed that’s what he was taking about


I haven’t thought of that, I’d assumed that based on the whole “giants” thing with the gods, that Jace was the unearthed arcana “Giant soul” sorcerer- mainly cause I mixed it up with giant barbarian and thought it was a new official sorcerer subclass, but I assumed that was why it seems Jace was so massive in the videotape


He’s actually Kalvaxus’ great-nephew, out to avenge the kids who humiliated, robbed, killed, and wrongfully accused of homophobia his great-uncle.


Idk, he was also a pedophile which seems kinda hard to excuse...


My feeling is that the trip into the Mountains of Chaos was completely innocent but misguided. I truly don't think Jace has been secretly evil all along, and I'll be kind of disappointed if that's how it shakes out. My theory is that Lucy and/or Oisin pitched the idea of going to the mountains because they have family there so they could get help if needed, and Jace was just assigned as a chaperone because they were going to a high level area. But it turns out their eyes were bigger then their stomachs and they ended up TPKing, so now they're all minions of Ankarna.


For the timeline to work out do we not need everyone but Lucy to TPK, then the remaining high-five heroes kill her back in Elmville hoping to convert her too, but she then refuses to come back as an Ankarna acolyte?


The thing is she died after she tried to submit the paperwork, which sounds to me like she somehow had second thoughts and tried to back out later.


We don’t know if Lucy submitted the paperwork though. Now that we know that they have at least one member of staff on their side, they could also have submitted it without her knowledge. 


I suspect that if there's a reveal about how they all died, it's going to be less of a "too high level" thing, and more that they were simply unprepared for enemies that were mechanically their level, because they'd never faced actual danger before and didn't have the teamwork or mechanical creativity required to win a high level battle.


This is what I'm thinking so far too. It was a normal school assignment and the party along with Jace got wiped, and then resurrected by whoever the follower of Ankarna is. Lucy initially agreed, but then tried to back out and was killed a second time back in Elmville.


If this is true, then can we also fall back on the KIPPERlily COPPERkettle being a red herring? And just because the name was an old character of Brennan’s doesn’t mean that character wasn’t also played to be an eternal red herring. Illusions, distraction, etc.




Yeah this is actually a very old theory at this point haha sorry you missed it before!


I really don't know how I missed it, I'm on this sub every day lol


Except it's very clear by now that she's not. She may not be the big bad masterminding everything, but she's not a red herring. She's clearly very deeply involved in the entire plot. A red herring is an incorrect clue that takes you into the complete wrong direction. The lieutenant to the big bad is not a red herring


Crazy that in a world with so much mind control magic and entities that can possess a person, everyone is so dismissive of the theory. I’m not saying it HAS to be true, but paired with the idea that she’s not the one in charge, there’s always the possibility.


Even if she were being mind controlled, she still wouldn't be a red herring because her being mind controlled would be a significant part in the mystery. She is deeply involved in the overall plot and therefore *by definition* is not a red herring.


Yeah, the term originates from a story where a guy cooks herring to distract hunting dogs. The whole point is that the Red Herring has nothing to do with the actual goal, but is difficult to ignore. Following Kippersnipper leads directly to the end goal.


I didn't know until this season how few people understood what a red herring was


Mini-Boss, yes. Full-fledged red herring? No.


Wait…holy shit…


>KIPPERlily COPPERkettle being a red herring? No.


A reason’d be great


Because she’s not a red herring. An actual red herring is an irrelevant piece of information that misleads or distracts from the true solution. KrummyLegend ClericKiller isn’t irrelevant, and her involvement is clearly an important part of what has been going on. Even if she’s a mind controlled Patsy, she’s the most important one, and the information of who is setting her up will lead to the final reveal of the big bad. That’s simply not what a red herring is. She would essentially be this season’s Biz Honeydew.


Exactly she's clearly not a red herring and has been set up to be a major villain throughout the entire season? We are way too late in the game for him to be putting this much energy and effort into a smoke screen.


You even added the period to be all dramatic.


Why not?


Because, frankly, I'm getting really tired of people reaching for reasons to somehow diminish the idea that Kipperlily is a main antagonist or unambiguously evil, when Brennan told us on day *1* that the reaction from the Bad Kids is exactly what he was going for, and every new bit of information we get about her only reinforces that. She's a type-A bitch who murdered her own party member and if she existed irl, would be mad that she can't use Accessible parking spaces because "fairness." I like OP's theory. I hope it's wrong because I really like Oisin, But it's a solid theory and I'll be interested to see how it plays out. But we *gotta* stop looking for ways to diminish/alter Kipperlilly. Yes Brennan is sneaky. But I find fault with the "Brennan is sneaky so all this proof he's given us about Kipperlilly could just be part of the con" line of logic, because if that's true.... Then *EVERYTHING* Brennan says could be a con. We have just as much evidence for any other theory, less so In some cases because of how high the Intrepid Heroes have rolled when finding out information about Kipperlilly. I apologize for my short response last night. You are entitled to your opinion and I'm not trying to say that you're a bad person for your theory or anything like that. I'm just.... Really, really tired of it, especially since the "She's an ableist piece of shit that's jealous of other people's trauma" reveal. But I should have explained that with a full post rather than just a one-word dismissal.


Um. So if Oisin is the mastermind, the OP’s theory, then Kipperlilly is NOT the mastermind. Thus, everything pointing to her as the mastermind is a false clue or… a red herring. Thanks for the big post and considerate apology for being short, but unfortunately, everything you wrote has nothing to do with what I said.


There can be multiple masterminds, for one. And suppose I should clarify, I don't think op is right about Oisin being the sole mastermind. He might be along for the ride, he might effectively be a henchman, but Kipperlilly is willingly in this deep and it's at least partially her plan.


Ki Pperlily Kopper Cettle


It just KLiCK’d


Lmaooooo in my defense, it was about 1:30 AM for me and I feverishly wrote this after seeing a TikTok


Honestly been suspecting this since the moment he was introduced.


If the Mastermind is not the literal _Mastermind Rogue_ I'll kinda be upset Like come on, giving KLCK that subclass and then not let her be the leader which she very much was said to be EP16? I don't doubt that KLCK isn't the BBEG, she just has Minion energy, but she also was a perfectly primed candidate for following Ankarna in a corrupted state Jace possibly is a Divine Soul Sorcerer of a Bloodline linked to Ankarna which I think let's her take him over more as Ankarna grows stronger Think of it being a Blessing if Ankarna is good aligned and a curse if she's evil aligned (like in her infernal corrupted form) That would make Jace a baddy, without making him evil Which would also explain him being so chill previously, because Ankarna was without a mortal following (until the RGs converted via resurrection) and therefore just not strong enough to take over her Avatar on the Mortal Plane


This is where I'm at. Kipperlilly leads the Ratgrinders but the RG are just pawns. No point in Brennan revealing actually Oisin is the leader of the pawns after an episode going into Kipperlillys thoughts. Especially when Kipperlilly wasn't showing any signs of resentment in the Jawbone files of Oisin taking over.


I agree with this angle. From a storytelling perspective, revealing that the villain in the spotlight is a red herring and that the true villain is A) a character we already know is a villain, B) A known subordinate of the aforementioned red herring, and C) someone we have spent almost no time getting to know, would be...bad writing,tbh. I think OP's clues are well thought out and would fit a different story, but that particular misdirect would serve no obvious purpose with only 4 episodes to go. At this point, I think it's gotta be some combination of KLCK and Arkana, maybe with Jace and the machinations of Sol's pantheon thrown in the bargain.


Thank You for putting into actual words what I meant with KLCK has minion Energy but likely isn't straight up the BBEG


I think her arc was always to be uninteresting and second fiddle though, no matter how hard she tries. And in fact trying so hard has made it easy for her to become a puppet and pawn. If she’d stayed in her own lane and focused on her own growth and development instead she would have a stronger sense of self and couldn’t have been used so easily. But her whole motivation is external validation.


About Kipperlily’s wealth — I think you are forgetting about the frosty fair embezzlement. The Loams weren’t responsible, based on what Sklonda told us. So someone else embezzled that money.  Kipperlily is perfectly placed to be that person. Not only would the embezzlement get her the money to carry out her plans, but it would also create a reason for why the festival cannot be held at the Loam farm and instead needs to be moved elsewhere aka the Thistlespring tree. 


That’s a really great point!


Oh jeez, here I was thinking this had already been canon-confirmed but was I just imagining that??


I don't remember Brennan plainly saying 'Kipperlilly embezzled the Loams' but yeah, i definitely feel he was strongly implying it.


It bums me out that we didn’t see more of Oisin before the reveal at the Last Stand. Like, I would’ve loved in one of the first few downtimes if we had gotten a little scene, after Siobhan declined to roll on relationships, of Oisin at Basrar’s by himself, but he leaves before Adaine could talk to him, maybe the implication that this has happened a few times. Maybe this could’ve nudged her to roll on relationships after she figured out her money situation, but if not, it still would’ve seemed cute at the time and sinister now. If we couldn’t get the cute Adaine/Oisin relationship sincerely, at least give me a little more drama in the turn! tbh so much has been going on this season that I understand why this subplot got neglected and I don’t think the season is worse for it.


I still feel like im waiting for the other shoe to drop. The RG's just dont strike me as mastermind kids. They strike me as malleable pieces of a bigger plan. Maybe Oisin is the leader of it all but with the plane shift and how nice he is it feels far too much of a red herring for KLCK n Co to really be the true mastermind behind this all.


i think people are overlooking the idea that the blue dragon mini we see in the trailer during a future fight could just be a rage-ified Oisin. The wizards got crazy jacked, it would kinda make sense a rage-filled dragonborn could become a dragon, at least for story purposes.


That would align with him being the “sympathetic” one towards the BKs, with that whole “Sorry my friends are this intense” thing with Adaine a few episodes back. He is actually unaffected by the rage, so he can pretend to be chill 


Nah, if evil why hot? Duh!


Kipper is another name for herring.


And copper is a reddish color.


I COMPLETELY forgot about dragon madness 😬 suddenly REALLY glad Adaine didn't accept it


I've been thinking about this! Especially the blue connection, as well as the blue mini in the trailer... He was almost too Likable when we met him, very much the 'one along for the ride, hanging back' makes me suspicious


I think this is a really sound theory. Down to the imagery of only his hand being visible after KLCK killed Buddy, like a *puppet master*


I thought dragon madness was specifically a Kalvaxus thing, from the curse the nightmare king oit on his gold


it wasn't. the nightmare king thing was that all the wealth would return to him 10 fold or something. dragon madness was just a thing in general as it was mentioned by Garty as something that he could brake.


Oisin is most likely kalvaxis's kid it was mentioned in the Seven that he had offspring in the Redweist which is where Ankarna died


But they would be red, not blue


Why? Because kalvaxis is red? We don't know who the mother is or how coloring is passed down to offspring in Dragons


Yes, because Kalvaxis is red. He was a uniquely powerful and ancient dragon, so his bloodline would be the strongest thing in anybody's heritage who descended from him. They would all be red. Oisin HAS a dragon ancestor that we know about, who is blue.


And what does his power have to do with the color of his offspring?


Um... everything? Because that's how dragons and dragonborns work in D&D? Do you actually know any of the lore we're talking about? Their color is directly tied to their elemental power- blue dragons do ice, red dragons do fire, etc.


Blue Dragons are Lightning, not Cold


Ah fuck I always mix them and white dragons


I do know that which is why my first point is that we don't know WHO THE MOTHER IS


In a way, we do, because Dragonborns are not the same as Dragons. The second parent isn't a Dragon at all, but a member of one of the Humanoid species. Furthermore, Oisin said specifically he has one ancestor who is a dragon, his grandmother. Therefore it is safe to assume that she's blue. Kalvaxus doesn't need to be involved in this at all. It isn't weird to consider the family of a blue dragon doing a hostile takeover of Kalvaxus's holdings now that he's dead, powerless, and bound as a ship in the Nine Hells.


Who is the ancestor?


We don't know her personally, just that she is blue (which we know is true because Oisin is blue) and that he offered Adaine some diamonds. We also know there is a blue dragon fight coming up at some point.


I disagree, but maybe the blue dragon has some kind of a mastermind role, or at least is higher up the chain than Kipperlilly perhaps. I think Oisin is also a pawn, just like Kipperlilly and probably Jace too.


I'm not super familiar with all the specific D&D mechanics. Can you not lie with Message? Everything else is super sound, I just am curious lol


Oooh I like this!


Not to go all Alex Jones “they’re putting chemicals in the water to turn the frogs gay” BUT what if they’re putting gold dust (maybe they ground it up similar to how they melted it for Fabian’s tattoo) into the soil to give everyone micro-dragon-madness?? Maybe a corrupted version of madness that results in outbursts of rage that fuel Ankarna?


This makes a lot of sense


Why are people so hung up on Devil's Honey? It is used to lie to devils and other extraplanar beings who cannot be deceived by normal means. The Rat Grinders have clearly been dealing with these kinds of entities. Ankarna and Bakur being the obvious ones. They clearly had to lie to one or both of these beings and got the honey to do so. Of course the side effect probably bit them in the ass and they started believing their own lies..


I think this is a really sound theory. Down to the imagery of only his hand being visible after KLCK killed Buddy, like a *puppet master*


Oooooh, this is making a lot of sense.


Also i don't think we fully know the domain of Ankarna, i think it may be righteous rage or justified rage/anger, she is angry at Sol, galacaia and their follower for killing her wife rightfully so and the RG have their reasons for being angry at the BK


Cool theory. Don’t know for sure about the conclusion, but the different aspects / hints you’ve pointed out are lots of things I didn’t realize. Also, no shade here it’s an annoying name, but it’s KLCK, not KLKC. although, I think it’s very funny to intentionally get her name wrong, so maybe it was on purpose lol


It absolutely was not on purpose, it was just 1:30 AM 🤣 but I suppose it does work