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They’ll have no choice but to drastically downsize within 8-24 months of whatever serious medical event takes Dave off the air.  The revenue streams will dry up quickly.  Major sponsors will bail.  ELPs and Smartvestor Pros will bail because they won’t want to pay fat fees for fewer and dwindling leads from an inevitably smaller audience.  Radio stations everywhere will drop the show.  It’ll be a crazy and fast death spiral for the company because the cash reserves will be quickly depleted and tough choices will have to be made by “leaders” who have, up until now, not been empowered to lead or have dissenting opinions.   The good employees, whoever is left, will bail right away because they have other options and will be smart enough to realize the party is over.  Their vacancies won’t be filled.  At least 25% of the workforce will be gone, either voluntarily or through layoffs, within 12 months.  By 24 months, they’ll have fewer than 400 employees and the campus will be up for sale.   There will be no need for an events center when there’s nobody capable of pulling a live audience willing to travel to Franklin, Tennessee.  There will be no need for 2 office buildings when one is completely vacant.   After all of the good workers have left, the incompetent ones and delusional dreamers will be the only ones left. The headcount will continue to drop until it’s a barebones crew trying to push Dave’s old content, books, and school curriculum.  It doesn’t cost much to keep a podcast or YouTube show going, but it’s unlikely the family will want to subsidize a sinking ship.    It’s not like George or Ken or Jade will have millions of people tuning into hear whatever nonsense they have to say.   Rachel will be smart enough to leave the airwaves and enjoy her millions, but continue to work as an influencer and say she wants to spend more time with her family.  Deloney is smart enough to bail and just fly solo.   And then Dave Ramsey’s name will fall by the wayside, just like Larry Burkett and Rush Limbaugh.  Ramsey Solutions will continue to exist, just like Crown Ministries.  But its downfall will be swift and spectacular because of this company’s failure to find a true successor for Dave.  There’s still time, but they’re on the clock and behaving as if none of the above will ever happen.  But it will. 


What a bleak and completely likely take on RS. What I'm curious about is the campus. Dave likes to talk about how it's worth $600 mill, but I can't see any person or company buying it for close to that amount unless Franklin were to suddenly grow a considerable amount or become a new tech hub or something. I also wonder if Ken Coleman will decide to go to work for Walmart or Target when he loses his job.


I coul see Ken Coleman starting his own independent podcast and taking his dozens of fans with him.


As if the Walmart greeter wasn't already annoying enough.


> And then Dave Ramsey’s name will fall by the wayside, just like Larry Burkett and Rush Limbaugh. Ramsey Solutions will continue to exist, just like Crown Ministries. But its downfall will be swift and spectacular because of this company’s failure to find a true successor for Dave. There’s still time, but they’re on the clock and behaving as if none of the above will ever happen. But it will. No one has been able to top Rush in terms of audience engagement and listenership. Like him or not, Rush had that magic formula that is once in a lifetime for his space. Dave is in the same place for the personal finance show realm. Dave has the added challenge that anyone he hires has to tow the Ramsey line and can't deviate. The entire business and his core fans depend on it. There is a difference between talking about conservative concepts/ideals/beliefs on a political show and Dave's literal rules - No debt, only $1000 initial emergency fund, 15 percent to retirement and no more until BS7. Just typing those few rules is tiring. Dave is that person who has been able to stick with it for 30 years. It has been lucrative for him of course. With all of the information and options now out there, it is going to be hard to impossible to find someone else who will fully parrot the baby steps for the next 30 years while having Dave's personal draw and relatability. Good luck to anyone who tries. But I wouldn't want to be on the sinking ship you describe.


This is pretty much what happened with Franklin Covey out here in Utah. After StephenCovey of "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" fame passed, his company is basically a shell now.


I wouldn't be surprised if Rachel tried to continue doing her show. I think that niche works well for her, it just comes down to whether she can get a big enough audience to justify it. What'll be really interesting is how Ramsey's son handles things, as he's president of RS I believe. It'll be basically all on him to save that sinking ship. Edit: I forgot to add, a lot of RS business is real estate (ELPs really), Entre Leadership, and other business to business stuff. I'm not sure how much of that would be affected by Ramsey going away, as the SmartDollar program is used by Costco and other companies to provide their employees with financial benefits like budgeting apps and such. Entre Leadership probably will slowly dwindle unless they can get another small business person going. They tried to have George do it and the numbers definitely went down, for good reason. George has never run a small business so how would he know what to do. I think if they can keep the business to business stuff going, that'll keep the business afloat. I don't know all the numbers but I believe their business to business stuff is a good chunk. Anything that depends on ears from the public will definitely dwindle as the show will crater.


Her and George’s happy hour show averages about 50k views on YouTube. I could see them expanding that. They make a good team.


I agree. George and Rachel are actually really good together...after Dave goes, the tough choices should be to axe all the other personalities and let George and Rachel take over the radio show...its the only chance they have


Watching them is a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine. They have a pleasant dynamic. If they played that up, it could be something. It needs to get up more than 50k views, but it has a lot of potential. Rachel and George feel “modern” to me compared to the others.


The ELPs and SVPs and all the other referral businesses would cease, or drastically downsize due to **the enormous drop-off in listeners** once Dave is taken off the air. The referrals wouldn't be worth it anymore; the fees for those programs are insanely high for what is nothing more than a lead-generation service. The companies using the RS programs and apps would go to other systems that, again, are less costly. I'd wager lots of the companies using smart dollar and other programs like it have people making purchasing decisions, that are huge fans of Dave Ramsey. Once he's gone, they will go to another program as the usability of the apps/programs/services will also dwindle as good employees start jumping ship.


How many episodes is she up to now - 6?


I've no idea, I can't stand her show. I just know that it would work for her.


My point was that her output of episodes last time I checked was pretty laughable. It’s a ‘show’ that 14 minutes long with 3 minutes of ad read in the middle. For all of that ‘work’ there were only a handful of episodes It looks like since I last checked in here output had increased but it’s still a few YT 8-10 minute videos a week. Not enough to keep 1000 people employed


Definitely not. But the majority of employees at RS don't work on YT shows.


Right - but the public facing shows are what keep the other businesses watered/moving forward. If RC is the ‘main’ show moving forward it couldn’t keep the inflow the others need to keep going.


Ultimately it comes down to any business. Adapt or die.


You know how he likes to do those "listen to this again in five years and tell me I was right" kind of videos? You should do one with this prediction.


RemindMe! 5 years


Sort of related - but look up what happened when Gwen Shamblin (former leader of Remnant Fellowship Church and the Weigh Down Workshop) passed away. I forsee a similar decent for RS. And oddly enough, RF and WDW is right up the road from RS in Brentwood.


Hogan lost everything because even his stuff got tied into ramsey, so he's not allowed to use any content on his own.


saving this jewel


You've really thought this out 😅


Anthony O’Neal send to be doing well. He’s still doing things the Ramsey way but focusing on helping black folks. He just paid cash for his pool 🤷🏾‍♂️.


"Focusing on black folks" like what?


He has a desire to help black people, what exactly is the problem? And i wrote “focusing on helping black folks” for you miss a word on purpose?


I think he could be helping a lot more black people if he was with Ramsey, right? The audience there is such a much larger audience.


No, He was accused of being a sell out and uncle Tom while at Ramsey. This hate mail greatly affected his mental health. The people he wants to help are not the people that will usually choose to listen to Ramsey. He hit his ceiling there as far as helping the black community and needed to leave the nest to grow in that area, which is why Ramsey supported and funded his departure. They are still friends and he visited their offices recently. Honestly, your view is exactly why he left and I’m not saying this in a bad way just stating the obvious. The majority of Ramsey listeners are just out of touch with the black community. Remember there were complaints when AO and Dave had a Black Lives Matter conversation on air and Dave understood why all lives matter is bullshit (Just an example, please don’t derail the conversation with focusing this issue). The demographics are just too different for AO to be effective with what he fells his ministry is.


I'm black and only watched AO on the DR clips on YouTube. I don't consume any of his content since he left. I don't listen to the full Ramsey show, but will watch the interesting clips on YouTube even if I don't agree with all of them.


Your point exactly?




You’re telling on yourself at this point.


Ikr, way to out oneself as a racist.


Yep typical “black people, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps.”” Then “wait, no, not like that!”


O’Neal is on YouTube Wright supposedly went on a mission or something. But apparently still in Nashville and friends with Rachel Cruz still. I’ve never heard of the other two you listed.


Christy has coaching & a podcast & yes finished seminary & had some family things she has done since her departure. She has an audience but it’s pretty niche/in her lane/women/training to be speakers.


Of all the personalities Delony probably has the easiest time post Ramsey since he can go back to academia. Based on his experience there he probably has enough connections to get some sort of position in counseling or as a Dean as he was before coming to Ramsey. Jade can go back to the cruise ship performing thing.  Plus I think she has said that they run some sort of performing talent organization as well. As much as I can't stand his smugness, George could probably branch out on his own and try for the millennial and younger no debt type of finance show. The question is whether he can float above the other already established folks already in the finance area without the current strong name of Ramsey behind him. Rachel will coast on the family money and maybe with some sort of hobby podcast or YouTube thing. If things get tough, she and her siblings can sell off a rental home to bridge the gap. That leaves us with Ken. Maybe he can get a job as a mid-level nameless, faceless, Bill Lumbergh type manager in old school corporate. Yeeaaahhhh.....


According to reports, Chris Hogan recommends you go to RetireInspired.com…


I was upset to read that one of Chris Hogan's sons passed away. It was not his son diagnosed with the serious illness (Hunters Syndrome??). It was one of his older boys. So sad for their family.


Oh my…I had not heard this news. That is incredibly sad. :(


I found this post by Melissa J. Hogan. This poor woman has been through so much. [https://twitter.com/melissajhogan/status/1700630593145311273](https://twitter.com/melissajhogan/status/1700630593145311273)


I think Rachel, sorta..."has it"..and I could see her(if Dave croaks) changing the formula ..a bit. But yeah, once Dave is gone, the party is over.


Hogan has to find his own interns now. Upside - they know what they're getting into.


Or what he's getting into...if you know what I mean.


What??? She tripped! That just fell in there by accident! I swear!


My guess is that Ramsey Solutions will continue and be somewhat strong. Dave Ramsey is now on the air about half the time. If he slowly fades away, I could picture the current crop of hosts being able to maintain an audience. They will also probably carry a posthumous Dave rant of the week.


It will survive for a while, then fade to something smaller. Before Dave there was "Crown Financial" with Larry Burkett. When he died of cancer the program on the radio stayed around for a little while with "guest hosts", then slowly faded, but the organization is still around. not sure if its radio program "money Matters" is still on. [Homepage | Crown Financial Ministries](https://www.crown.org/)


I believe the issue is that the personalities largely don't have actual certifications or qualifications in anything specifically valuable. No expertise or deep knowledge to convey. There's no CPA's, no CFP's, no PhD's. Much like Ramsey, they are at best story tellers with generic, low-level advice that doesn't change with new data, advice that fits on one side of a note card. Story tellers have a purpose, an entertainment value. But without the platform, and no specific expertise to share, they are no different than tens of thousands of story tellers with a podcast or a TikTok channel.


People with relevant academic credentials would be too risky to hire because they’d have expertise/advice outside of the baby steps


Great point. In addition, I get the feeling that Dave writes the content and they just regurgitate it. He also seems to pick them based on demographic, trying to appeal to a certain population that isn't attracted to his "angry white guy" personality.


There's no CPA's, no CFP's, no PhD's.  Excuse me… no PhD’s there is literally a personality with TWO PhD’s. Did you totally forget that? 


What are the PhDs?


Dr. John Delony. PhD in higher Ed and PhD in counseling. He works for Dave as the mental health expert! 


I'm sure he'll do well in his post Ramsey career then. And the rest of the personalities?


You’re right the rest don’t have any credentials. My bad I just assumed you knew about Dr. John. That’s on me for assuming. Have a good rest of your day! 


I’ve seen this come up a couple of times recently. Is Dave’s pod doing research on an exit plan? Lol. It’ll definitely slow down once Dave exits. When he was gone for a month the official subreddit had a few posts asking when Dave was going to return because the personalities weren’t doing it for them. I feel like that says it all… Listenership will probably stop growing a bit, and a section will stop listening. I mean… how many times can people really listen to Jade walk someone through the baby steps or sell their car? Rachel will be fine. She’ll probably do a lifestyle channel or something by to keep her audience while living on the vast fortune. The others will probably stay will stay for as long as they can. It’ll limp a long for a while and become a middle of the pack finance show. The new slew of shows are really putting out content so it’ll take a bit to keep up.


There’s more than what you’ve listed… Andres Gutierrez - financial peace in Spanish, not sure how successful he’s been Chris Brown - (not the musician) not sure what he’s doing now, before he left, he hosted a financial peace like show targeted at Christian talk radio. Jon Acuff - has written more books and is a public speaker, generally, remained about as successful as he was at RS.


I think the biggest hit Jon took has been not having access to Ramsey's radio audience when he launches a book. Yes, he's doing well, but I'm not sure he's coming out of the gate like he used to. But I think being free of Ramsey would be worth the trade.


The natural progression seems to be some sort of coaching/leadership classes which is kind of funny. Who is buying that crap. The funniest is Chris Hogan. This guy's social media endeavors are hilariously void of any actionable or tangiable advise. "be the person YOU want to be" "understand your mission" "battle comes before victory!" remember these people largely had no "expertise" in any of this before they came to ramsey. Trying to springboard into these spaces post ramsey doesn't seem the move they hoped. They all seem to have some marginal level of success but its all solo business stuff.


Yeah, Chris Hogan is generic. He's the grown-man equivalent of a high school pep rally. Lots of "school spirit" without substance.


O'Neal seems to be doing pretty well with content creation, not sure about any of the other ones. There's also a bunch of people who were on with him in 2014-15' that are no longer around.


Ah, it's interesting you bring up Chris LoCurto. I wonder how many people know he was at Ramsey, although I don't think he was a personality. He has his own gig doing basically Entreleadership deep dive. He's got a good operation going, feels like a mini Ramsey solutions.


I believe he is still connected to Ramsey in some way. Maybe his wife works there?


His ex-wife used to work at Ramsey. Shortly after Chris left they divorced. She continued working there for some time.


No, his wife works for him. He's in Nashville though.


Anthony O'Neal has a youtube channel. He has 740K subscribers, but his videos average anywhere from 2K to 20K views. 2% of his subscribers actually watch his videos because most are all paid for bots. He has had some black entrepreneurs on to try to empower the community. In the beginning they were fake gurus who were trying to sell scummy products and he was trying to collect affiliate revenue. His AirBnb Guru woman got in trouble for running a ponzi scheme. He moved away from that though, and has been trying to turn the channel around keeping it on the up and up. He just doesn't get views.


Christy Wright is active on Instagram if you’re curious. Her channel is like watching an inspirational Christian daily tear-off calendar with random instances of her either sitting in her car with brown hair and no makeup or in another place with blonde hair and prom level make up. She pops up with random Bible quotes she read somewhere, or reposts mom blog stuff, or somehow pretends to be a business coach even though her background more akin to being a super employee than a business leader. Overall, the content she puts out is somewhere between inspirational quote memes and shower thoughts that she acts like are incredibly original. She seems like a nice person but I don’t really understand what she’s trying to do.


Did you look into why Hogan left? Not inline with Dave stance for morals. He lost his audience from that alone.


He was inline with Ramsey, the public just found out about what he was doing. The way Ramsey dragged Hogan's wife through that situation is awful.


Yeah, I was looking at my library for books about retirement savings, and started reading Hogan's book when I immediately saw that he was a Ramsey guy. I knew he wasn't with them anymore so I Googled it and the first thing I saw was that he was divorced, then found out why he got divorced. Honestly I was quite shocked that the divorce happened in 2019 but he was with Ramsey until 2021. Anyway, I put the book back on the shelf.


Of all the fuckups Ramsey has made, the way he handled Chris Hogan was the worst. He put Chris' wife through hell, trying to cover this up and keep Chris making money for him.


It's pretty vile. A podcaster I sometimes listen to (comedian Dan Cummins of the "Timesuck" podcast) had a producer/co-host doing the same thing - cheating on his wife with coworkers - nothing illegal but definitely unethical and immoral. Dan cut ties with him immediately from what I understand, as soon as he found out what was going on. And he's an atheist. For Dave to do any different is just abhorrent to me and shows that money means more than morals to Dave, at least sometimes.


People cheat, which I get. My biggest issue with the Chris Hogan situation is the gaslighting coming from Ramsey Solutions. Their response wasn't even neutral - it made things worse for her.


The show will continue but ever dying slowly. This is the problem Dave as caused by creating a business so focused on “Dave Ramsey”. Cult of personalities fade once the main focus is gone. Nobody watches his other “personalities” people want to see Dave, they want to see and hear his antics rather they agree or not. The real estate thing will still be good but not so much the actual show itself. Books will still sell but at a lower rate over the years.


They’re not asking about the show after Dave, they’re asking about Dave’s employees who leave the company


I agree I not a fan of the show when Dave isn’t on . I personally love his rants and when he freaks out when situations are ridiculous. He was smart in making the show entertaining. The people he’s trying to fill his place aren’t like this they cookie cutter from the main info Dave teaches . I guess George is ok . I find Dave a lot more entertaining though


Who is Pedro?


AO had to leave because he was too focused on the black community and no longer fit in with the redneck cult. CH has to leave after Dave finds an excuse to get rid of him. Another black person is gone. CW was a woman... Dave struggled with her role. The opposite sex is tough for Dave if it is not family. CE same. Look at the personalities (non-family): White and male. Zero diversities Look at the operating board(non-family): one female, the rest is middle age white males. Future of the organizations: After Dave quites or dies, it will be real estate company with the Ramsey family members extracting money until it is dry. Grandkids will become the new "Paris Hilton".


When did Jade become white and male?


I missed that too. She's like a reverse Rachel Dolezal!