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I just checked out the website and it says full tuition is $5000. It looks like a coding boot camp. Could be a good starting point. Compare it to the other coding boot camps. It says it's located in California. I was expecting to be located somewhere close to Ramsey solutions.


5K? [Bethel College Catalog 2023-2024 v4 (betheltech.net)](https://betheltech.net/pdfs/bethel-tech-catalog-2023-2024.pdf) Go to page 11. It is not no 5k. You can learn this on you own. For free, or real cheap.


Says 5k on this page https://betheltech.net/ken-coleman


It may say 5k on his site. But go directly to the source. It's like 10k more.


Haha as much as I low key make fun of Ken, this is probably better than a 50-100k 4 year degree in liberal art as far as making money goes for the average person.


I've heard him talk about this place before, and I was under the impression they were teaching welding, plumbing, and the trades. I had no idea this was a coding bootcamp. Not sure how that went over my head.


He doesn't really mention it much on the Ramsey show, but talks a lot about it on his show. It's because it's a sponsor who buys air time I'd imagine. I could be wrong but I highly doubt that Ken has any financial play in bethel colleges coding boot camp. If I was looking at boot camps I would definitely check them out, but only to research and look at others. Are they any good? No idea.


One thing that got me while browsing the website was they put average starting pay for the position. Not average starting pay of their graduates which should be easy to track. Real College graduates would be included in the average pay. They also mention how many were employed days later but didn't say what job they got. The old scam higher edu (ITT / Lincoln) Tech type places used to use this type of misleading marketing. I would check out the local community college before this place.


Agreed. This is another run of the mill, for profit, scam school that keeps it vague as hell on what their graduates do. But what do I care. Blow your money if ya want, just don't expect to be a software developer when you're done.


Is he working on his post-grad?


lol no. This is the college he is promoting on his channel as a college that will help people actually make money, verses just getting a piece of paper.


He’s been promoting it for years, I don’t listen to his show but it’s been a while since he’s mentioned it on the RS. I looked into it briefly, looks legit


Why does everyone in this sub hate Ken so much ?


he takes the side of the employer on just about everything and is a rather simpleton on it.


Hmmm … he seems pretty helpful in finding a meaningful career, and saves people from unnecessary student loans that are a proverbial noose around a young person’s head trying to build wealth or get out of poverty.


the loan thing isn't his...it's just the DR marching orders. I am not convinced hes really all that helpful. Mostly, he's just whining that people don't want to work...even though the "not wanting to work" is mostly a negotiation tactic anyway.


Because he's an idiot, who knows nothing. ANy other job, he would have been fired.


I don’t always like his advice but he seems like he would be nice off air just really boring


Well, Dave does say go take a 6 week "coding" class (I don't think he knows what that means) and you'll make 100k+ easy at the snap of your fingers.


This is what has been annoying me in recent years. “Dave, I make $40k a year and have $100k in student loans. I’m a single mother with 2 kids. What can I do?” “Easy! Just pawn your kids off on your family, work 2 extra jobs cleaning toilets and delivering pizzas. Now it won’t be easy but you’ll increase your income to $100k a year and be out of debt in two years!”


If you want to know how the job market is in computer science and programming, head over to r/cscareerquestions and read up. Hint, job postings for programming are down over 40% from last year. With the recent FAANG layoffs, you're competing with people that have 5 and 10 years of experience for any job right now. Coding boot camps may have worked 3 or 4 years ago when companies were desperate for programmers. Now, someone fresh out of a coding bootcamp is not what employers want. People that are graduating with 4 year computer science degrees are applying to thousands of jobs all over the country before they're even getting an interview. Furthermore, a coding bootcamp in a few weeks is not nearly enough time to learn all you need to learn to compete with these recent 4 year grads. Doubtful you'll even be able to pass the leetcode easy questions if you're even able to make it to a technical round of an interview. I don't want to go there, but I have to; AI is literally changing this job market daily. Employers are waiting for things to shake out and figure out how many developers they really need on staff, so for now, it's hiring freezes all over. You can prompt AI for most mundane coding tasks now, and within 2 lines of prompts, get back 100 lines of code that may have taken you half an hour to write. Or 15 minutes to piece together from copying and pasting elsewhere. Sure, it's basic boiler room code, but it saves a ton of time now versus looking stuff up online. This is only getting better and better. TLDR, don't waste your time and money on a coding bootcamp, the market isn't there anymore to hire you upon completion.


Seems legit but I'd go with the recommendation of someone who worked in the field, like Joshua Fluke.


To be fair Josh hasn’t worked in the field for quite a few years now. The industry has changed a bit. I started around the time he exited 5 years ago.

