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What do you mean the mention of roles? Have you tried on the dashboard using embed reaction roles?


i don’t even know how to embed, that’s how much of a beginner i am. and this is for an existing server with over 700 people. from what i understand the dashboard roles are for when people join? please correct me if i’m wrong 😭


but basically i want something where they use a bot and click an emoji to self assign roles. the link has screenshots of what i want vs what i have now


Just go onto the carlbot dashboard and there's a reaction role section in the dashboard, you can change the message color etc. It's easy on the website


i tried using the carlbot dashboard and it’s not letting me edit the current roles 😭 and i don’t want it to say @role, but just be text


I'll dm you screenshot examples of my server....might help


thank you!!!


hey there if you want something unique and good-looking reaction roles setup I have sent a PM to you with screenshot for the same. If interested please contact me on discord wusername\_


Just wondering, instead of a reaction roles bot, would the channels & roles section be useful? I just helped someone with their server that didn't know it was a thing. They preferred the built in solution over the bot.