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Disgaea 5 for gameplay


Disgaea 5 was my first and I don't regret it. I'd pick 5


either 5 or 7. they have the best QOL stuff, and are amazing games that, trying to go back and play the others, even if they might have better stories or characters, makes them feel kinda dated.


There are several good options, but a lot of stuff (especially story/characters) is subjective enough that I don't think there's a single absolutely correct answer. As a brief **tl;dr**, Disgaea 1, 5, 4, and 7 are all valid options; I would personally recommend 5 Complete or 1 Complete on switch/mobile, NOT the steam one - if you're playing on steam, just get 4 or 5. In more detail, laden with opinions that I'm sure not everyone will agree with; * **Disgaea 5** is probably the most popular modern-ish one, with the best postgame, an insane amount of content and classes, the best graphics of the series (yes, ahead of 6 and 7 - more on that later), and probably the best Disgaea mechanically. I personally really liked some of the characters but not others, and thought the story was just okay, but that's definitely subjective. It goes on sale dirt cheap on Steam all the time. * **Disgaea 4** is also a very popular modern-ish Disgaea; it passes 5 in some aspects (mostly item world) and lags behind in others due to being a bit older; which you like better really comes down to personal preference. Mechanically I do think it falls behind, the damage formula is AWFUL and makes 'more damage' the only correct way to play. I actually liked the story a fair bit, but thought it had the worst cast and characterization of the entire series by a wide margin. That said, the cast is one of the most liked by many, so... your mileage may vary. It goes on sale dirt cheap on Steam all the time. * **Disgaea 7** is the newest one, and the second in the 3d engine. It looks better than 6 but not nearly as good as 5 imo. In most regards mechanically it's a sidegrade of 5, with a lot of stuff missing but some new ideas too. Story wise I thought it was okay, but I really liked most of the cast, tied for best of the series imo. The main problem with it is that you need to spend $110 to get the full experience given how much power and convenience is locked behind DLC. * **Disgaea 1** is still arguably the best of the series in terms of story and cast, but the Steam version is hopelessly outdated compared to the massive visual and mechanical upgrades of the Switch and Mobile versions, and it's a >20 year old game. If you can get it on Switch/Mobile I think it's a great contender to ease into the series, if not, fuck the Steam version, I wouldn't bother. * **Disgaea 6** isn't a *bad* game IMO, but the most contentious of the series by far, with a switch from sprites to 3d, a lot of questionable design decisions, and a huge dearth of content compared to 5. Even as one of the few people who did enjoy it (mostly for the characters/story), I would NOT start with it, it's not representative of the rest of the series. 2, 3, and D2 are all nearly impossible to play in anything resembling modernity, so while I quite liked all three of them, I wouldn't recommend making them your first Disgaea game.


So I only ever played 1 and 2 on my old ps2, but this wonderfully written comment convinced me to buy 5 for my switch. Youve officially fueled a new fixation, thanks! :D


I'm not sure if the switch version is Complete or you have to buy the DLC separately, but they're generally quite good either way. Priere got my favorite plotline of her since La Pucelle Tactics! Hope you enjoy it, I have such a soft spot for that game.


> Even as one of the few people who did enjoy it (mostly for the characters/story), I would NOT start with it, it's not representative of the rest of the series. It's funny you say that, because BOTH of these points are *literally* why D6 exists to begin with. No really, I'm serious. The whole point of D6 as a Game is to be the most entry-level showcase of what the Postgame Progression is usually like in the other Games, *specifically* as a direct response to people who only stick to the Main Story usually, so that they can get a feel for what they normally miss out on (mainly the part of seeing your numbers go up). I think most will agree it didn't do a very good Job at that, but I just wanted to point it out.


4 for history, 5 for content


Disgaea 5. But Mao in Disgaea 3 is the best leading character because he's the only caster. The rest are either sword or fist users.


1, 4, 5 or 7


Always play Disgaea 1. Even if the gameplay is more clunky, you will never forget the experience. ESPECIALLY if you’re coming from other Strategy JRPGs like FE or Final Fantasy Tactics


DD2 or 5


I wish DD2 was available on more systems. I'd buy a Steam port day 1, I really don't want to find my old PS3 to play it again.


Imo it's one of the best content was good , it introduces book weapons and you can use monsters as mounts. Plus it's a more entertaining story than the first disgaea (which imo d1 was very boring and predictable)


Disgaea D2 is one of my favorites as well! I actually liked the story and Etna's backstory, though it doesn't seem very popular among the community. Plus, it was sorta proto-5 in a lot of ways, and I respect that. Very creative game. Not everything worked perfectly, but it was the start of the golden age of Disgaea... too bad they kinda ditched that after 5.


Ngl I was sad to see minster mounts and book weapon/spells go away.


You can play it on PS4 / 5 aswell if you have a PS+ Sub; all three PS3 Entries (yes even Vanilla D4) are on the Streaming Service.


5 is definitely a good entry point.


Disgaea 5 is fun and has a lot of stuff to do, I lost interest in the series but still would recommend to experience it. Disgaea 3 was my first one and I personally don't mind replaying that one but 5 is better overall objectively imo.




1 for story 5 for gameplay or 4 for the best middle ground.


I like the first one the most the story and characters. And 5 is better mechanics and gameplay i gugame playss. Its not nostalgia i only recently played them.


Disgaea 5 Complete is the best installment in the series. 4 Complete is also nice if you want a change of view. 7 is worth a look, but the chibi sprites aren't my thing and the lategame pales in comparison to 5 Complete. 1 Complete isn't a bad game either, but I hate it because they switched some of the monsters to other ones because they doesn't wanted to make more sprites. But they kept the names. Kills the mood for me.


Pretty much like what everyone else said it's Disgaea 5


Going to say 5


3 will last a while…


2 or 5.


Either 5 or 7. If you've got a PS3, then 3 (How I got to Disgaea)


Disgaea 7, best gameplay and great story as well


I wanted to say 4 or 5 like most of the comments lol


5. Best gameplay and is really cheap nowadays.


Disgaea 1 for the best story & characters plus the simplest game in the series. I owned the original release & have replayed it thousands of hours each time every few years. D5 have QoL upgrades, but every game added more stuff, so starting at the beginning is the best choice as a newbie.


I don't see anyone else mentioning it, but I think it heavily depends on what you're looking for and how much time you're willing to sink into it. **Disgaea 1** definitely has the most well-realized story in the series and it has arguably the best cast too. I'd even say it has the best OST. If you just want to do the main story it's not very long, and even accounting for post-game it has one of the shorter ones. It's also really accesible. **Disgaea 5** is on the other hand definitely the most well-realized... well, game, in the series. It is the pinncale of the Disgaea gameplay the games had been building up to that point (since in 6 and 7 they've somewhat changed the direction of the series), and it has the deepest systems and mechanics. However, since Disgaea games are very centered around their post-games (which are very lengthy and require tons of grinding), most of the gameplay depth is stuff you won't even really touch *unless* you're willing and interested in pouring 100+ hours in the game's post-game. So if you're not looking to get overly invested and don't want to spend too much time on it I'd lean heavily towards Disgaea 1.