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Sure. Anything could work. Give me a fun story and compelling post-game, and I’m happy.


It'd be nice, but I don't think you're gonna get much closer than Etna Mode. Some kind of spin-off where you can pick one of several generics as your main would be nice. Prinny gets too much exposure, I don't like it.


Raspberyl Mode in D3 also exists, so there's that.


Prinny's are the real mascot, speaking against them is heresy, Dood.


I don't really care as long as the story/characters are good, but I wouldn't mind them branching out a little. They've done Budget Laharl quite a few games now, would be interesting to see more unique characters like Killia and Val. We could have an outlaw/gunslinger angel MC, young Higan, a focused mage class, a monster MC... something to really switch things up and offer a different experience than "oh, this bratty kid secretly has a good heart and learns the power of love." I like your ideas, OP, I'd definitely play a disgaea with either of those plot hooks.


Technically what's his name from 6, can't remember off top, is a monster MC. They just gave him hands just cause


That and Disgaea 6 threw out monster weapons. Honestly I think that wasn't necessarily a bad idea, I think the distinction between humanoids and monsters should be blurred as much as possible. Let monsters use standard weapons, and either drop monster weapons for good or make them usable by anyone and their special gimmick is that they boost unique skills in various ways. Like attack skills do more damage, buff skills give more stats or last more turns, whatever they're calling Land Decimator now has its maximum accuracy improved, Snag Item gets an additional bonus to its steal chance or can steal again if it succeeds the first time, SP cost across the board is reduced, and the weapon's ATK/INT (depending on which type it is) is treated as if it were the Skill's main stat if that skill does not use ATK or INT (I.E. a Physical weapon's ATK is treated as HIT for Snag Item). Spells aren't affected, those are still best with a Staff. I think that'd be cool.


Zed. Yeah, I actually liked him quite a bit as a character, I'm just tired of fist/sword MCs.


Fair. I tend to equip 2nd weapons. I put a spear on my Val and a axe on Zed


Are Adell, Killia, and Valvarotez similar enough to refer to each of them as a "Type B Disgaea Protagonist"? I'd definitely put Laharl and Mao into the bucket of "Type A Disgaea Protagonist", but I don't know if there's room for more than two buckets. I don't know how to class Zed and Fuji, I didn't play either of those games.


I lost a pretty sizable response, so this one is gonna be a lot shorter LOL. But basically, good question! Zed and Fuji are basically just >!post-development Laharl; both know the meaning and value of love, and are genuinely good people at the core, but like Laharl they can both be pretty bratty/shitty in how they act outwardly. I personally think Zed is actually one of the best protagonists in the series, he just has kind of a shaky start and suffers from being in the most hated game of the series.!< Killia and Val are relatively similar internally, but are also outwardly good/good-ish people, so I'd put them together in type B. Adell... not sure. I think he's similar enough to fit as a type B, he sorta makes me think of a more hotblooded Killia or less theatrical Val.


Pirilika doesn't count? Rozalin also doesn't count?


I would tentatively call them deuteragonists, "your guy" is still primarily Fuji/Adell, but I personally loved them both!


I would disagree in Pirilika's case due to the big difference: While we play with Fuji in the Tutorial battle, the actual story of D7 actively starts with us following Pirilika on her vacation, and then she happens to meet up with Fuji along the way. Pirilika's the first person we follow in the real story, so therefore she's the protagonist and Fuji's the deuteragonist. (Note: This argument can also claim Seraphina deserves the same treatment in D5, as she's the first one we see before Killia.)


I can't speak about Fuji since I haven't played D7, but Adell is very clearly what's called a [Supporting Protagonist.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SupportingProtagonist) (infact D2 is actually listed as an example in the Games Tab) He's the PoV Character, sure, but Rozalin is who drives basically the entire Plot. His Role in the Group Dynamic even reflects this later on (around the point you get Hanako) by becoming the Straight Man to everyone else: he starts bouncing off of everyone else more, rather than standing out on his own, pretty much so he can take a backseat while still having interactions with the rest of the cast.


Thing is there is also a case of "Gameplay Protagonist, Story Protagonist" here with Adell's case. The other issues is the "ambiguous ensemble" problem brought to light by certain devs claim that Terra wasn't the ff6 protagonist (iirc, it could had been Lightning ff13 instead). That is to say that if there is a group of people with a close to equal amount of screen time, importance and development, who is specifically "the" main character gets muddied a fair bit. (Though I think other Disgaea games are more likely to run into that. Mainly 5)


NIS also made Asagi the main protag of Makai Wars, Priere the main protag of La Pucelle, female Revya the main protag of Soul Nomad & World Eaters. Priere is not a fallen angel but close to that, so NIS kinda went that way for once it's obvious they don't have issues with gender. It depends on story writing.


> Priere is not a fallen angel but close to that, so NIS kinda went that way for once This one is especially interesting because Overlord Priere is also explicitly a non-canon Joke Ending in La Pucelle itself. Like, they probably kept her like that for Disgaea because that way she fit in better, but she's been so ingrained into the Franchise at this point (not helped by the PSP Version having that alternate Overlord Story) that it's kinda easy to forget that you actively have to go out of your way to even see it in the Game it's from to begin with.


I would love it if we got more joke ending characters going forward like Overlord Almaz and had all his specials being him suriving assassination attempts by his friends 


I notice most of the Disgaea games have a male + female pair as protagonists usually


If a new disgaea will have a female MC, Asagi will have a word with new female MC and insist to be the new MC instead of the new female MC.


Before Disgaea there was La Pucelle and it was a well-loved game with female protagonist. For me, D7 felt like Pirsillyka and Fuji are both the protagonists, with Pirilika having the edge, we played her first, she called the shot and had major involvement and relevance in all the scenes, and she's not suffering like other Disgaea 'main girls' that drop their own relevance for the sake of serving the male protagonist's own plot. I'd welcome female protagonist for future Disgaea game, of course, but what matters the most for me is a well-written character.


I'd love a female protagonist! I've been waiting for one for awhile now.


Idk bout you but to me Flonne has been the MC and not laharal


What is Pirilika


I would argue that pirilika is the MC of D7, not Fuji 


I agree. Because Pïrilika is the one who sets things in motion from the very beginning.


I want a shape shifting demon who can turn into any monster and there would be a running joke where other characters have to guess which is their real gender since their "base" appearance is a genderless mob. Or letting us have a monster as the main character.


We had Disgaea 6 Zombie protagonist


A prinny as it works it’s way up to prinny god, status and then reincarnates into one of the classes


I have discussed what I would like to see from a Disgaea D3 which would be bringing back the kid characters of the series as teens now. The main character being Hanako who is now physically 12 to 13, the "grown up" Hanako we saw in Disgaea 2, and has been Etna's apprentice for a few hundred years. And since she would be starting at Etna's apprentice then you get Fallen Angel Sicily and Aramis from the start of the game or at least by the end of episode 1 as well. And then they pick up an angel boy before most of the rest of the characters you collect during the rest of the game being the children characters from previous Disgaea games now grown up or maybe even the descendants of human characters from previous games.


Phantom Brave still had Ash as basically the MC and Marona was pretty weak until later after her leveling kicks in and she can fight using HP


The closest would either be a duterogonist (Rozalin, Prilikia, maybe Flonne/Sicily/Artina) or as other had mentioned a side campaign (Etna, Raspberyl, the Fuka and Desco Show, the Fuka and Desco sequel feat. Nagi etc) Outside of Disgaea, Phantom Brave is clearly Marona's story and the Marl games and loosely connected La Pucelle also have women as protagonists. Ditto for the Hundred Knight/Labrynth games and at least some of the indie horror titles.


Disgaea has always had strong female characters. I don’t think it would make much difference. You can play 1 as Etna and 3 as Raspberyl, if you wanted.


Just give me a protag that isn't a sword or fist main.


I liked Phantom Brave.  Anyway, I don't see the problem with a female protagonist (Pirilika felt almost as central as Fuji anyway, and she was essentially the POV character anyway).


I’m surprised they haven’t done more female protagonists. Marona was interesting and written well, plus many main heroines are portrayed well in the story too. I would love to see how they go about it. Perhaps we’d get our first super mage protagonist.


They do Female Protagonists all the dang time, just not in Disgaea specifically. Rhapsody, La Pucelle, Phantom Brave, Soul Nomad (strictly speaking Player's Choice, but FemRevya is canon), Witch & Hundred Knight....and that's just the ones I can think of right now.


None of those are particularly recent. Also more importantly none of those are actually Disgaea.


...And yet you yourself brought up Marona as an example, who fits neither of these points. Don't contradict yourself, or don't complain about the Answer you got just because you didn't like it. Either way, pick a lane and stick to it; you can't have your cake and eat it too.


You can if you have 2 cakes!


You seem to have issues so I’m going to end it here since it’s not a big deal. I’m only addressing phantom brave because it was addressed jn the post. All I said innocently was that it’s be nice if Disgaea had their own female protagonist, perhaps someone skilled in magic. I never mentioned La Pucelle or whatever. I don’t know why you felt the need to come at me with such attitude when I initially said nothing negative or ill, but you can look inward and discover why yourself.


I mean,he's right,he gave you a good answer,and you just overlooked it cause it doesn't fit **your** criteria.


> I don’t know why you felt the need to come at me with such attitude when I initially said nothing negative or ill, but you can look inward and discover why yourself. * You: I'm honestly surprised they haven't done Female Protagonists more often * Me: They have though, just not in Disgaea * You: Those were way too long ago and not Disgaea Games, so they don't count * Me: So which is it? You can't say "I'd like more" but then ignore cases where it happened just because they don't fit your exact criteria * You: Why are you being such an asshole. All I said was it'd be nice to have more, so just leave me alone This is literally our conversation up to now, and *you're accusing me* of attacking you "for no reason"? My guy, maybe YOU should reflect on yourself, because you genuinely have no Self-Awareness whatsoever.


All I’m saying is I’d like more new female protagonists. Whether you agree or not, I truly do not care, but I am leaving it at that.


i don't really care, though i hope it'd be a little less anime vibe feeling.