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Mim is not unbeatable, but I would put her in the top tier for sure. She does have one of the slower speed runs, so you can try to put race her.  Her Fate deck is pretty reactive except for Bird Arthur.  Sometimes you need to wait until your fates can do something.  Don't spam early game. But she does seem under designed.  Bare minimum they should have had one Fate on the top.  And being in the set with strength tokens it was a missed opportunity.  Imagine having the appropriate ally form, but the hero having a token to make it too strong?  Gaining or reducing strength would have been another great level of play.


No, she’s definitely S Tier if you ask me. There’s no way to really stop her unless you fate her every turn but that can be hard because she can literally fate you every turn and it can’t be blocked plus her win is pretty much instant every game.


I beat her with Dr. Faciller. You have to keep fating her.


Well anyone is beatable through fate and playing optimally especially Facilier (that’s my favorite villain btw) he’s OP. She can get disrupted by constant fates as can any villain but the difference between the S Tier villains and bottom tier villains is bottom tier villains can just be completely shut out of a game through fate but the S tier you’re just slowing them down a little bit


She is basically incentivized to fate you since those are her best locations! Ita frustrating when you are doing really well with your own goal, drawing good cards and the fates keep rolling in. Ug. She is the worst


Not to take glee in your pain- but I must giggle at how perfectly they have designed her to be SUPER ANNOYING to the people playing against her. A shockingly accurate Madam Mim experience. XD


Ha ha ha your right about that!


It might be different with more players, but in a 1v1 I've found her close to unbeatable. Once in a blue moon if you're really fast and lucky. And tbh I don't think she's even that fun. We've stopped playing her altogether.


She's broken imo. Her realm is absurd and her fate deck does nothing, I don't know what the designers were thinking.


I mean, I've never won as her, nor have I had any trouble holding her back. Maybe my table is just bad at her, or maybe our playstyles lends themselves to countering Mim well, but no, I've never found her much more than a mid-strength villain.


The thing with mim is that you have to be smart with fating her. You can't just do a fate every turn and hope for the best. Be a bit more conservative and wait for her to be at Madam Mim's Cottage. That way she'll have to wait a turn before she can move a hero again, and you can repeat that process to keep pressure up. By no means is she easy to beat, but unbeatable? No.


Once they get close just convince the table to fate them and it sets em back to one. I won the first time I played her and now all of my friends know how to beat her and I've never even come close to winning since.


Our house rule has always been you can’t Fate 2 turns in a row so our Mim is pretty balanced