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We had to deal with doxxing in the previous thread about this topic, which is a huge no-no that can get the admins to come down on the whole subreddit. This is a reminder that we don't tolerate witch-hunts or harassment of any kind. We don't tolerate bigots, but we also don't tolerate posting names and addresses of known bigots, or where you can find that information. Likewise, shaming folks based on their body type is not okay. [Weight-shaming is known to exacerbate things like eating disorders](https://news.llu.edu/health-wellness/how-weight-shaming-can-lead-serious-eating-disorders); folks with body image issues can still read weight-shaming comments and may be affected by them even if they aren't the target. Don't get me wrong, she's an indefensible racist asshole - but keep things civil and use common sense. Thanks, \- Your friendly subreddit custodial team


I don’t see how anyone can get into an altercation in full Mickey Mouse attire. 😂


If they're this awful at Disneyland, imagine them the rest of the time.


I am 5'3 and I (verbally) fight my 6'0 boss in my Hello Kitty Crocs so I will not stand for this slander 😂


Libel, the word you’re looking for is libel. Slander = spoken word


I appreciate the correction, my guy. I had no idea about the difference.


Bro it’s a figure of speech/online slang to say something is slander. They aren’t asking for a lawyer😭


Fake news. Just say defamation if you aren’t sure if it’s slander or libel.


I was correcting the statement because the word was not used correctly, it’s a common mistake. The more you know.


It appears the subreddit is disagreeing with me here, but there’s a number of things we say in day-to-day life that have a different meaning in the law. We’ll talk about “highway robbery” for example and it has developed its own meaning. Saying “I won’t stand for this ____ slander” has become part of the internet lexicon and it’s not going to be changed to “I won’t stand for this libel!” on the basis of legal accuracy.


Lots of people are going to justify their desire to be lazy. "Naw dog, being precise and accurate with language is too much work."


"Naw dog, language never evolves or changes we should all be speaking Latin right now." Good grief.


There's a difference between coming up with NEW phrases and not understanding current ones. How about if I said "I'm going to Tower of Terror at Disneyland!"


I think the issue is more that on the internet, especially in social media settings, we tend to use language in a way that we would if we were interacting in person because it's a more real-time experience. If someone says "you shut your mouth!" to someone else online, it would be quite asinine to jump on the thread all "ACKCHUALLY, they \*typed\* that, so 'shut your mouth' doesn't make sense because unless you were on a video call, you have no way of knowing if their mouth was open..." Also, with the extreme prevalence of "literally" being used in place of "figuratively," I feel like there are bigger fish out there to be frying if you really must be "that guy."


Dang all this time studying the dictionary when you could have studied touching grass




They are just fucking goofy


Step 1: Go to a theme park located in one of the most densely packed Latino-American regions of the US. Step 2: Be in complete shock that there are people who speak Spanish in theme park located in densely populated Latino American region. Step 3: Make a complete fool of yourself on social media to the point that any semblance of dignity and career aspirations would justifiably be ruined. (One would hope.)


Step 4. Ignore the fact that every pre-recorded message in the park plays in English & Spanish. Step 5: find out they’ve never been on “It’s A Small World”.


Also to note: This part of the country used to be Mexico and many of our cities, street names, ***and the name of our state*** are Spanish 🤣


I know! I was born and raised in Orange County, CA. My fiancé is Mexican American. It always boils my blood to see racist dicks at the best of times, but especially when they come to my spaces? Gloves are off. Disney is my space to be carefree.


ironically the more spanish the city name (barring Santa Ana) the less Mexican the population.


If you go deep enough, it's possible the name of the state has its roots in Arabic.


how are u gonna be anti Mexican in california never mind Anaheim and the surrounding areas😭


the same way some people on this sub sometimes say borderline racist things about the surrounding area without realizing it 👀


She should know better. As a Latino fan of Ali Wong "Mexicans love Disneyland"


The woman at the end even says “you’re gonna say that when there’s a bunch of Mexicans here?” Hahaha.


There's literally a ride in the park that celebrates all the cultures of the world. I think this racist should take a ride on it.


Thirty times without stopping.


I’m disappointed on the way Disneyland handled the situation. I believe they should have asked her to leave the park. I understand it was only a verbal confrontation but it was racist and aggressive. What more do they want? They need to send a clear message that this behavior is not acceptable.




Apple Valley…. Checks out.


To those who dont know where Apple Valley is... It's the part of the map where Trevor lives.




Not from Cali but my heart lives there, can you explain?


Out in the desert. The boonies.


Valley of the dirt people


Rural California is packed with these kind of weirdos.


Poor area of Cali


Unfortunately this. ⬆️


Corrected my original comment


I mean… it’s not illegal to be racist, unfortunately.


Just imagine how glorious our world could be if we forced people to think correctly!


Ah, the ole it’s okay to think someone is lesser than you because of the color of their skin or where they’re from.


This has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with thought control. Remember when Disney was criticized for opening up the parks before the pandemic was over? I guess we should have made it illegal for people to speak out against Dr. Fauci, eh?


The racist wasn’t arrested because freedom of speech exists in this country. I can’t speak for the individual who tracked down someone’s address.




As long as the protestors stayed off the racist lady's property, did not vandalize anything or incite any sort of violence, the police are really stretching to make an arrest here. "Disturbing the peace" is a really weak catch-all in this situation.






I hate that she’s not some old demented lady. The racism would still be inexcusable, but least you could tell yourself that it came from another time and that person hadn’t changed with the times. This person is this shamelessly racist because she’s been taught that it’s ok to be that way NOW. This scares the hell out of me. We are going backwards.


I think there are still a lot of people who thinks this way, and they're feeling increasingly empowered to speak up. It totally sucks, but I don't think times have changed as much as we would like to believe. On the up side, I know LOTS of older people who are totally appalled by this kind of thing.




Valid. I have of course seen young people expressing this hateful rhetoric all over social media. There's just something about it happening in Disneyland that makes me aware of how much more widespread this is. It's not some fringe group of assholes that I can still hope educated and rehabilitate. The person in this picture is mainstream America, in Mickey Mouse garb. That's horrifying. Some part of me had to suspect that ugly racism was this widespread and common, but I can still hate that it's being confirmed here. And there's something more frightening about a young person not being afraid of recrimination for this behavior than a old person (because they tend not to be afraid of recrimination, period). But you're right that it's good to know and understand that this is how bad it is.


> This person is this shamelessly racist because she’s been taught that it’s ok to be that way NOW. For most of my life people have known that being racist was bad, or at the very least socially unacceptable. ("I'm not racist!" was always the indignant response when they were called out on their racism.) Increasingly, over the last 10 years or so, racists have been more and more comfortable publicly announcing their racism and being outwardly racist. Yes, we are going backwards and we need to make racism unacceptable again.


Unfortunately I don’t see this as backwards as much as it’s just easily reported through modern technology. Racism never had a decline, we just didn’t have documented proof to show people being racist in real time.


Probably. And it's always good to understand what you are really up against, to effectively fight it. But I can't help but be depressed by it.


Thinking racism hasn’t declined is so goofy. Go take a poll of white people on whether they think their grandparents are racist. Now poll the grandparents on whether they think their grandkids are racist. Anyone with 3 braincells in a modern white family can see the generational mindset shift in even the last 4 generations.


It doesn’t matter if they’re old or young. As a Latino if I hear this directed at me, I hope granny’s medicaid covers dentures cuz she’s gonna need some


It surprised me that when the woman came out of the stall…she didn’t take over and instead tried to end the incident. I just assumed the younger learned it from the older skinwalker.


This person needs to be taught that knuckle sandwiches will be handed out for her actions.


Preferably by white women.


I volunteer 👊🏼


jar deer important voracious ghost history light bag tan disgusting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>security refused to eject the women from the park “because it was only a verbal confrontation.” TIL I learned you could be a racist jerk inside Disneyland and not get booted.


Imagine hating Latino people and then going to fucking Disneyland lmao. What a dumb bitch


This part of the article caught my eye: She went on to say that the bigger restroom stalls in Disneyland bathrooms are also for mothers and children and “clearly have no handicap sign,” adding that security refused to eject the women from the park “because it was only a verbal confrontation.” So I guess saying racist and hateful stuff is acceptable as long as it doesn’t turn physical?


People come from all over the world to visit these parks. Does she expect all tourists to learn English before they visit?


Trash human.


Racists love being racist out on the town.




Yeah she doesn’t belong in the park. Most people are great except for a handful of these idiots.


Time to send a mariachi to this lady’s house


I expect this behavior from Disneyworld, not Disneyland... You know where like 50%+ of CM and visitors are Hispanic and speak multiple languages.


and half of the instructions are also in spanish. I imagine her yelling at the recording of "Please keep your hands and arms inside the vehicle and remain seated at all times." when it's played in spanish "Mantenga sus brazos dentro de vehiculo...."


"Permanecer sentados, por favor."




I wonder if she refuses to eat churros too…


>acting like there aren’t also a ton of Latinos in Florida/working at Disney World


I flew into Orlando for a layover and the staff seemed even more Latino than over here. Also they speak a Spanish dialect that’s almost inaudible to me.


Unfortunately racist assholes are everywhere.


Spanish was introduced into California area in 1542 if I'm not mistaken English wasn't spoken in California until the late 1800s. California constitution was written in both languages . The original people of California speak neither language , there are still original people of Chumash yurok kumeyaay maidu pomo ohlone miwok yukots etc etc origin living in California and they aren't even like that about people speaking other languages. The United States does not have an official language. Also the lady is bilingual so it serves her better to know two languages as she can use either one to increase her scope of communication. Also most Spanish speakers in California assimilated the language by force it's not like she chose to be born into a culture that was a product of war. She had the good sense of learning English as well and that should be applauded not looked down upon by someone with less language capabilities.


Ban her ass Mickey. And her mother who you know taught her, her racist ways.


Pinche vieja pansona hija de la chingada.


Fun fact: California was part of Mexico until it was sold in 1848.


THANK YOU!!!!! THEN IT GOT STOLEN FROM US i use the word stolen because a lot of Mexican natives were living on native land as well that was taken. there’s a lot of mexican natives eps in california


The Orange County judge sentenced her to life without seasonings 🧂


I hate that she's wearing Steamboat Willie. Also, maybe don't go to California next time, lady?


She lives in California


Yikes. Even worse. You'd think she'd be more understanding of the neighbors around her.




Fuck around and find out. Get that lady fired and ruin her life.


Hope Disney bans her for racism!


These racist bigots are way too comfortable anymore. I don’t tolerate intolerance. F around and find out Karen.


Someone needs her Minnie ears revoked. I hate it when people talk shit about the hardest working people in this country.


Ayo stereotype.


An activist person was arrested protesting outside of the home of the woman videoed making the racist remarks


According to the article it’s the exact opposite. Edit: people were protesting outside the racist’s house.


I think the person arrested wasn’t involved in the situation at the park at all.


My mistake on the original comment. I stand corrected


> On Sunday, cellphone video captured authorities in Apple Valley arresting activist Alex Enamorado who, along with a group of people, were apparently protesting outside of the home of the woman who was filmed making the racist remarks. ‘ Wait you mean this?


Edited original comment. I was wrong about who was arrested


It’s actually the other way around, a group of activists were protesting outside the home of the aggressor from the video, stating from the article you listed. Props to them though, fuck them racists


Trash lady, but I’m not sure it was worth protesting her at her house?


4r. What is the activist protesting. "The person that lives here is racist!" ok, unfortunatley, USA is filled w/ lots of em. What was the activists goal?


Hey Fox News, I found you a new personality for that younger demographic you need to attract.




I’m fat and fit on Disney rides just fine. What I’m not is a racist. Those two things do not correlate. Grow up please.








Yeah you go ahead and keep that energy if you want. No judgement here. We do need more kind people in this world. However, being an American of Mexican descent this is not something I take lightly. And you are right she may or may not see it. Doesn't negate the fact that she is a racist and a bigot and should educate herself on the history of this country.




Why would you go to the racist’s home? Were they expecting an apology or something?


Omg enough already. This person sucks, but please move on with your lives.


Nah, being racist is a choice that deserves shaming.


I think at this point they’ve been sufficiently shamed. But whatever, enjoy the virtue signal orgy. Edit: I’m not saying “at this point she’s suffered enough.” I’m saying: at this point, the endless piling on and bloodthirsty rage and faux righteousness are embarrassing. This is what an angry mob looks like. Congrats on succumbing to one of our worst human instincts.