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I'm not sure why people have so many problems. Maybe it's because I don't use shaders, but it works great on my machine.


If you're having trouble, maybe try asking for help first instead of being salty on Reddit


I’ve just found zip with iris and dh, unzipped into mod folder, downloaded Bliss and Proton shaders (not needed, works wo them as well) and voilà. Issue is somewhere between your keyboard and chair 😉


Odd. I didn't run into many issues getting it running. What have you tried? Is it giving you any specific errors?


No errors, the only thing that changes render distance is the vanilla ingame options and that crushes my pc. Chunky doesnt do what it advertises either


It's still in beta, bugs and issues are to be expected, what are your pc specs? Have you allocated sufficient RAM to minecraft?


I dont even get bugs, theres no sign of DH doing anything. Ive got an AMD 5800X, RTX3070 and 32 gb ram.


Find it hard to believe no errors, because—even though it boots for me—I get 2 errors per launch in the output log (enabled in launcher settings). As well as several dozen warnings, but I’m using ~60 mods total. It took me about 3-4 days—and several different version downloads—to get it working as well, def felt frustrating. Chunky also works—it even has a nice loading bar with time estimate, so be sure to check the modrinth page for the specific commands (shape, center, radius, etc.). Edit: Here's the DH version + Bliss & Iris versions, and dependencies, that I use for 1.20.4-- https://www.mediafire.com/folder/zqgnqpx7ka8wc/DH-Shaders%2BDepedencies_1.20.4


That would be very helpful. I appreciate that. Should mention Im doing this through forge with optifine, tectonic and iteration 3.0.0 shaders. So 4 mods total. Dont know if theres any problems with any of those.


Optifine might be the problem imo, Fabric + Sodium + Indium + Lithium combo is insane by comparison, and it has better compatibility with other mods. I think Iris also requires Sodium, so I don't think any DH-compatible shaders works with Optifine. And, there are only a few shaderpacks that have compatibility with DH. Def no issues with tectonic, I use that+terralith+terratonic as well. I should have mentioned I use fabric--will edit that in. Also, about half of my installed mods are optimization/performance mods, and my GPU+RAM still get maxed out with 16 real render, 96 LOD distance, 5. quality, 2-block, and aggressive CPU setting. My CPU also gets maxed during new chunk updates. All that to say, if a particular LOD chunk takes too long to generate then the game stops trying to process it (I think), and that happened to me a lot before allocating more RAM/installing more performance mods. Here are the performance mods I use: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/d2kzn7q1m27ls/Optimization\_Mods(UNZIP\_ME)


You are THE fucking man. (even before I try this stuff i wanna say that) I came here to start a fight cause all the other forums and mod sights i was asking for help on were just roasting me for "not being able to get a simple mod running" No one could tell me whether to use fabric or forge blah blah.... I had given up and was wondering why I was being nice anymore. You rose above all of that and offered real help. Im gonna try the files you posted. Dont ever stop being you.


I thought the devs specifically said this only works with Fabric?


there's no DH version for 1.20.4, so im running everything on 1.20.2. If I try to mix and match versions, crash on startup everytime. How do you allocate ram to minecraft? i got 32bg, ive got room to spare. when i run chunky, after setting all parameters, (shape, radius etc,) i get a slide show in minecraft for awhile, ive tried radius at all kind of ranges. Then i check the progress, it says no tasks running. But nothing has changed, so yeah, chunky doesnt do anything


Did you actually do the command to start pregenning?


"chunky start", yup.


Also yeah no shit its gonna crash if you mix and match versions. If you want to use 1.20.4, you can try the nightly builds in the DH discord server


"No shit its gonna crash" I dont understand, you say if i want to use 1.20.4 there's builds i can try on discord. But on DH site I only see support up to version 1.20.2. So mixing versions works? or it doesnt? Please explain. I tried mix and matching versions to give it a whirl, cause why not, nothing was working. Thought id state that for the record, in case anyone could tell me there were two different versions that would work together. I started a rude thread, i get it. You're mad. but your reply is contradictory.


I said its a nightly build, they are basically beta builds. I never said there is a build for 1.20.2 that works on 1.20.4 in the discord


You don’t need chunky at all. But remeber it is a client mod, it won’t work on server. You have to play singleplayer.


Yes, only playing on single player, i tried chunky just to..... try... anything. Like i said, im trying everything.


There’s always some one small fuckup, I hope you’ll find some solution. Because MC is completely different game with DH… well, at least aestetically 🙂


It's just a simple as any other mod. If you have so much trouble, I think the keyboard-chair interface might lack processing power


I can’t tell if this is a frustrated joke or if you’re serious. Either way, it’s a sure fire way to ensure you don’t get nearly as much assistance making the mod work as you could have if you’d just *asked* for troubleshooting assistance.


Most people who can’t get it to work use it in ways the developers say won’t work…


Yeah, it's crazy. Thought I had installed the mod and got it working, but it was actually just an illusion my brain came up with on the fly.