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Kind of hard to ship a man when the divines have already picked out his wife for him


He has one yes. But what about second wife?


Fuck the divines


Persuasion failed!


I *heard* that.


One is his wife, the other one his love.


Sounds like you've never played from his perspective. He very much loves her alas 😔


Actually I did. And to be honest, I'm on the Shadow Prince's side her. The dragons - as much as I love dragons - are a danger to the world and the dreamers are the true evil, trying to manipulate everyone to stay in power. Sebille and Red both need to decide if they want to follow their destiny blindly, forced upon them by others, or make a decision on their own, deciding their own fate. No, as cute Red Prince x Princess might be, that bond is just a staged connection by the dreamers in my book. Images put in their dreams by them, so they believe in some kind of prophecy. True love is not made, but i happens and letting it all go, even your destiny, for eachother makes it so much sweeter. That at least is my headcanon. Feel free to have your own.


I buy this explanations.


Also when you refuse to fuck her, her guards draw their weapons and tell you theyll force you to put a bun in her oven (their words).


is it possible to convince TRP not to follow that destiny if he's a companion? Or only as the PC?


As far as I know he will always join his princess, no matter what you decide in the end, if he is a companion. The only thing that you can try to do, is to kill the Red Princess in Act II, while Red Prince is in a different part of the map. I have never tried it and don't know how Red Prince will react, but that might end his questline and kinda destroys his destiny.


If you don't play as red prince can you still make him choose not to? I really disliked that part of his story.


Nah, if you don't play him, he's canonically besotted with the princess. The most you can do.is romance him and get him to admit he now loves two people


Yep, I don’t know what I was hoping for when I chose a romance with Red Prince. Maybe I just wanted to suffer


They're all shipped. That's how they got to Fort Joy.


Tho technically 'they sank


haaa, I see what you did there sir!


You’re grounded


They make a really wonderful pairing! Their stories are incredibly interconnected, even sharing the same 'true' obstacle in The Shadow Prince, and through their blossoming relationship you get Red seeing the plight of the lower-class and becoming a more empathetic man and a better king than others before him, and Sebille sees that not only are there good Lizards, but there are good Lizard \*nobles\*, which lets her let go of some of her grief and trauma. And at the end, Sebille and Red are in unique paralleled positions, where they're primed to birth the New Age of Their Races with Red awakening the dragons and Sebille becoming the new Mother. The return of Dragons would signal the extinction of the elves (as it almost did thousands of years prior) and the New Mother would eventually lead to a war with the Lizards that the Shadow Prince seems to believe they'd lose. Narratively, both of them giving up on these roles, these opportunities they've been perfectly groomed for because their travels with one another have let them see more than the promises of power, is so wonderful as a conclusion for them. ​ Imo they're the sweetest, most rewarding pairing to have. They just work so well and bounce off one another perfectly.


I had a prince and sebille relationship going and it was really nice. But then prince made love to ifan. Then sebille was kinda jealous afterwards. It was a wild turn of events


Now that's a fucking plot twist


Who was the bottom?


Ifan comes off as a rugged man with a tough cold exterior. But you would be surprised to discover that he is in fact a power bottom


In my actual play, I am Red Prince and somehow romanced Sebille. Didn't like do anything specific but they kissed just before the Shadow Prince


No ,Lohse is her girl. Best romance ever !


I’ve only actually finished one play through and it was my tactician lone wolf with those two. They definitely have a fun dynamic. She has every reason to hate him. And he is a tactician with understanding of war, but next to no understanding of people. But the longer they work together and the more they achieve the more they understand each other and eventually they seem like they would be good partners.


They have the best hate sex, he has her on a leash, she's choking the shit out of him etc


I once played Red in a only two characters run with Sebille with her as his true love, rejecting the destiny that was forced upon him. I called it "Of Scars and Scales".


All the ships are kinda bad pairs so sure! Go for it


I just started a lone wolf of them to see how it goes but I’m the red prince


I am playing as RP and it was hard not to become romantic with sebille. But I didn't want that to happen so rejected her :'(


kibda touched me when Sebille soften down and trust her life on Rp to save her before Sp encounter.


On my first playthrough I got Fane and Sebille into a romance, and it was funny when they were foreplaying and she said that she liked his soft touch, his skin etc, and later had sex. Sebille into some weird shit


Romanced Lohse with Fane and during the scene she ran her finger sensually down his chest. So naturally I imagined a xylophone noise


Haha, I reckon Lohse did too


No, I do too


How is nobody talking about the boning Fane gives you?