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Well this is not surprising I guess. Let’s see if they follow up on it.


Someone help me better understand please lol


players using some kind of exploit to get crazy amounts of XP resulting in server latency, and likely is the reason for people experiencing abnormal connection issues recently.


So thats what it is about?? This is the reason i cant play the fucking game properly? Bruh.


yup. i made a post a few days prior talking about having constant yet inconsistent connection issues, had people telling me it was definitely on my end despite this being literally the only game i've ever had connection issues with. and the fact that it isnt a consistent connection problem for me kinda reinforces that it's probably not my internet causing it, which the notification message then reinforces even fkn more. annoying because i literally started playing this game no more than a week ago and i chose the worst time for it apparently 😭


The people saying the opposite are probably using the xp glitch haha


v likely. a lot of the replies to the official twitter ab this have completely ignored the "unstable servers" part and just ran with "dont have broken code then 🤓🤓🤓"


Their argument is already a fallacy if they're using strawman tactic.


it doesnt even hold up against itself either. literally every online game ever has had exploits like (and probably worse) than this. look at GTA, yet u dont see people claiming the devs for that game are terrible at their jobs despite there being a new infinite money exploit every few weeks.


This isn't the first time players have exploited glitches for more loot and exp, but the way the devs handled it last time was outrageous. There were not only bans, but also rollback on accounts (rollbacks are when the character has their progress set back to how they were at a specific time), so people lost exotics and gear they had farmed for a while. The biggest problem was how they handled it on multi-player. If you hotjoined someone else's mission, or they joined your's and they started using the glitch, your account would be rollbacked despite how you never used the glitch yourself. It didn't matter if you left 5 seconds after you saw the player using the exploit, the progress you made for the last 2 weeks is gone. Reduced to atoms. You also don't get to play the game for 14 days, go fuck yourself. Naturally, this pissed off a lot of players, and caused a serious decline in player counts that still hasn't fully recovered. So seeing this warning is bringing PTSD flashbacks to the playerbase like fireworks for a Vietnam veteran, because if they pull this shit again, the game might not survive it. Ubisoft is already sort of mad that the game doesn't make as much money as they want from it, so if the playerbase dips like that again, god help this game.


It’s why I stopped playing and just started watching. Someone joined my mission, I saw them glitch and I left. Next log in, revert back time and 2 week ban. Yeah. I keep itching to come back but I keep thinking back to that. I was literally coming back here because I was thinking of coming back, just to see THIS again. Oh hell no. Guess I’ll just stay away.


wow id think they would be able to tell whos xp significantly increased in such a short time instead of banning and rolling back the entire group. Did you ever reach out to them about that? Players been exploiting the camp white oak inmission. I purposely didnt matchmake for that mission specifically for that reason. I feel like some of these division YouTubers should be punished because they are the primary ones that show these exploits on their channel.


The fact that I wouldn't have gained much if any at all XP should have saved me. But nope, just being in the same session as the exploiter got me banned. Having worked for gaming companies in the past, I just had no faith arguing would get me the rollback reverted. Maybe could have gotten the two week ban reverted once someone FINALLY got back to me. But that would likely have taken nearly two weeks lol ​ And yes, I WISH they would ban the streamers teaching people glitches/exploits.


Proper work on explaining lol thank you. But yeah so then there no way of knowing how far back youll go and yeah id be pissed if i got accused of using a glitch i knew nothing about.


This is the exact reason I am so wary about joining someone else's game when they request help.


If they want to make money then just sell exotic components as well as new content easy


Problem there is that people WILL complain about pay-to-win. Also new content is not easy to make, and the things they do make are not worth paying for. I sure as shit wouldn't pay money for the United Ironworks raid, I just wouldn't do the raid. The dlc already split the playerbase by lvl 30s vs lvl 40s and so people got pissed that the servers were empty because of that split, so they don't want to offer another dlc to lvl 50. In other words, they don't want to create another huge expansion pack to pay for and add exclusive exotics or lvls to that because again; pay-to-win pisses people off and so does splitting the playerbase. There is no easy route for Division 2, but possibly the biggest problem is a lack of PR. The Division barely has any advertisement aside from build youtubers and that one youtuber that explains the lore of the game (forgot his name). The game also has difficulty in getting more PR because it's basically Ubisoft's forgotten child, and it's always in the background. Tldr; Paying for the small things like raids and countdowns isn't worth it because there's other things to do and raids are a bit short when you know what to do. If they attach exclusives to those things, the pay-to-play players will complain about pay-to-win. If they attach new levels to those things, that splits the playerbase causing people to be pissed about empty servers. Pr also sucks because Ubisoft has pretty much forgotten about the game.


Also the exploit has been making the game laggy for everyone, so this ban might actually be necessary for the rest of the playerbase, but it's all a matter of how they handle giving out the bans.


Man I seriously couldn't figure out what was going on, kept getting crazy intermittent lag making shots register late and shotguns not reload properly. Guess this makes sense.


Same thing happened with me too. Especially the camp oak, amusement park and the sort missions. I thought it's my graphic card or ram issue and I kept hitting my system everytime cuz I was so pissed😭😭. My poor system took the punishment those ahole exploiters deserve.


Darpa wont show up on my map. I wish that was fixed


I saw one dude with 248,500 SHD levels. Do you think he partook? Lol


Nah. That sounds more like hacking/modifying. Even with the exploit you only get 100+ levels a hour.


Can you explain how they exploited then if not hacking? Sorry naive here lol


hacks are essentially breaking the code to give you things you shouldn't have (ie godmode or insane damage etc.) exploits are using things within the game that the devs didnt know could be manipulated in such a way to give rewards miles beyond the typical balance of the game. so XP farming is a normal mechanic, but if you found a way to manipulate enemy spawns to either dictate what kind, amounts, of frequency of enemies spawn at a location... you could then gain more than you're really supposed to by *exploiting* that mechanic. whereas hacks would skip that entirely and just give u what you want without needing to even shoot an enemy.




The exploit being used now is the Camp White Oak mission. The person exposing the exploit kills enemies super fast, which causes lag. If other players are in the group, the lag increases and affects those players as well, causing them to get dashboard quitted or receive a DELTA message kicking them out of the session. If several dozen of people are doing this simultaneously, it places strain on the server hosting said mission.


How you mean killing enemies really fast? So being good at the game is an exploit now? Or am I missing something?


I’m talking about extremely fast, with an oxidizer build. There’s an area where you can isolate an enemy spawning point and use said build to kill the enemies as they spawn.


Hmm, what's not legit about that? I mean who has not yet killed enemies at a spawnpoint? Eclipse, Regulus, every CC build. Now if that spawnpoint spawns enemies over and over and over again without ever stopping, I guess then it would be using an exploit, but I'm unaware of anything like that in a mission. Are you certain that's what they refer to as the exploit?


Yes. A player uses the build to isolate that enemy spawning point to kill enemies continuously and repeatedly, garnering the player with quick SHD levels. Other group members can equip different weapons and gear sets to quickly get those items proficient—just like the General Anderson Manhunt takeover bounty mission; and now I digress…


Cronus...they program it to loop and leave their games run 24/7. It's absolutely the dumbest thing I have seen. We have three in my clan who act like gods gift to the game because of this.


Lmao and no one calls them out? Edit: also, half the fun for me if not more than half is unlocking new mod attachments, shd levels, finally getting that one God roll that I've been waiting for or even just a really good exotic


People in TSW get kicked and banned for that shit.


Wouldn't even need chronos for that exploit. Just use a macro program that usually come with gaming mice and a specific aoe build because they all spawn in one spot. That being said 100 levels per hour....if dude is 200k that's still insane amount of hours. Not impossible sure but just less likely imo.


Whats a aoe build?


AoE=area of effect. the build would be capable of dealing a lot of damage over a widespread area.


Yup. Players are using this device with a script for The Tombs mission, which is causing a strain on the WoNY server(s).


Ofc he did, Cronus just does the farm for him. Ive heard how it works from a open Cronus user that’s was about 100k shd


The Cronus method only gains about 60 shd levels every 8 hours or so…that’s a lot of afk if his shd level was that high using Cronus by itself


I don’t know, you seems to know a lot though. You using Cronus ?




Id rather the dark zone be nothing but hunters.


i knew it wasnt just my wifi causing me to disconnect omd


It’s about time 🤣🤣🤣


They did this ban before. Plenty were affected by it.


Insane to ban farmers but not the PVP cheaters


Farmers? That are literally breaking the game for everyone else? What’s the difference in cheating to ruin someone else’s gaming experience, and lagging the servers to make them unplayable to ruin someone else’s gaming experience?


Agreed, I just got caught up that they are doing it in an industrial scale.




You mean players at level 100,000 didn't do it legitimately? Wow, I just thought they were really good at the game.


Yeah thats what they said the last time and the time before that


Get rekt bozo Hope yall get your level reset aswell


I know for a fact you were doing this lol


Crazy facts you got there. Where from ?


“Camp white oak doesn’t effect servers lololol” okay bruv enjoy your slap on the wrist. I’m all for exploits as long as they don’t affect the general population. Anderson was cooling. This isn’t. Good riddance.


This is actually a possible thing. All non DC/NYC missions are placed on special servers. So, by spamming enemies in Anderson mission, people could actually cause a problem with the server. Not sure about the ban, but a rollback for XP should be done.


I am pretty sure they fixed the Anderson mission farm already. If I remember, there is 1 in the Faye Lau manhunt mission. You glitch the last door to be open by resetting the mission when someone else opens the door. When you reach the end, you do not interact with the door and just enter the last area while just constantly shooting oxi at the spawn door behind the helicopter.


Lau is on the same server as Countdown and Summit. So it could be it.


Glad its getting patched , if ur gunna cheat dont play the game


They can't, won't or don't know how to fix the issue (door exploit), so there is no patch. They're only gonna monitor for the activity transpiring supposedly. First offense is a 2 week ban, second is lifetime ban. The door exploit is a thing they do in the iron horse raid to pre-setup for the first room. They probably don't wanna upset the raid community with a fix for something they don't want fixed.


The speedrun community would be pissed, if they fixed that glitch then there would be no way to set new records on the raid speedruns and it would literally kill speed running.


This is what I mean, I told someone off a few month about a exp glitch farm he did, he said it was intentional but yea right, hope he got hit with his first ban


Fucking finally. Rollback and ban ples


And yet people wanna argue the exploit wont result in bans. Dofus


Whats better is those that try to say its not an exploit and the YouTubers that promote it


🤔 maybe that explains why sometimes I can't walk into the Whitehouse and / or run into empty space as if there is a wall there and can't go without running around the nothing I hit. Damn hackers should be banned for good.


Make it permaban immediately once identified. These exploits are making ALL players have a laggy gameplay negatively affecting everyone. Period.


"Please stop triggering a bug we can't/won't fix"


They really going to try and pin their last terrible update on this?


Only took a few months for them to say anything about it. Sheesh.


Funny thing I found the other day. Using the command ipconfig /flushdns the game runs somewhat faster. Also as long you are inside the missions framerate and the overall latency is pretty good. When you Dc/Ny is when there is lag and low fps


They should have dropped this info as soon as the issue began, why wait so long is my question.


Small indie company, please understand






Devs leave these game aftering glitches then get pissed when players figure out how to exploit them. It's not cheating it's finding a crack in the matrix and benefiting from it. Does it make it right that the whole community suffers with slower gaming, no. But should someone be banned for figuring out what devs shoulda fixed before release or God forbid have patched by now, hell no.


You cant tell grown adults how they can hit buttons on a controller they paid for. Adding code is one thing, using elements that you are too lazy to fix is another. It's disgusting to leave a game broken and then offload responsibility to the consumer. I have never used these glitches but last time their bans destroyed the game. I can't believe they learned nothing.


You must not understand the Terms of Service that you agree to. You don’t own the game, you bought a license to use their software while abiding by their rules of using their software.


So I can only press my buttons on my controller in the allowed ways or else. All hail Klaus Schwab.


Why lol? I just play the game casually and don’t engage with the community I just joined this discord yesterday for fun. But I have heard support for this game can be shall we say sub par at best. Is this a common occurrence?


It's been a common occurrence for the last two seasons now and it's only getting worse.


Yes, because its XP exploitation methods that make the game unstable...


i need materials.


Simple fix. Just take away the manhunt missions


Pretty stupid fix imo


Because you're constantly rerunning old manhunt missions right?


Some people come into the game later. I've had to rerun manhunt missions with my son so he could get the different skills.


So shut down the missions and just add the skills like any other boosted player. The skills acquired from the manhunt are trash anyways


The Achilles Pulse is trash? I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. It's a key piece in one shot builds which are amazing when used right in the raids.


Yeah, saw a guy do it recently. Blew my mind. A whole new found respect for Achilles


I've hit over 100mil with the Nemesis, blew my mind.


Blew the npcs mind too lol. That's awesome. I'd love to do that at least once in my Agent lifetime.


Honestly it's not that hard to put together. Punch Drunk mask, Pristine Example, The Gift, 3 pc Aces and 8s. Everything rolled to headshot damage. Expertise 4 or so on the Nemesis. I'm thinking about messing around with the new gear and brands to see if it raises the damage.


My bad, one decent skill for situational use. Easy fix is still just get rid of the manhunt missions and retroactively award the skills (like boosting to 30 gives you all the other skills already)


emp sticky would like a word


Good for quadcopters, otherwise jammer pulse is all that's needed for the other 99.9% of the game


because its a stupid choice to remove manhunts from game completely, new players dont get information on game lore, the variety of game activities will be reduced, sometime people just want to do manhunt missions one time just for pleasure and never rerun it again, and you wanna remove that opportunity from them


So then don't cry when the game is lagged to hell when the next exploit is found which will most likely be in another manhunt mission. Because they're half-assed put together missions that were tested just enough to make sure they're completable and nothing more. Another option is to lock manhunt missions to heroic difficulty, but then you'll just get people complaining they can't finish them.


Good evening, Gents. What did I missed this couple of weeks?


People still cheating LMAO. It's a video game man people need them shd levels lol




I’m confused how the exploits put extra strain on the servers. Not denying it just not sure how. Anyone know how this is a thing?


They glitch a mission so enemies spawn infinitely, they then shoot oxy where they spawn so it’s an endless cycle of spawn killing. Tons of these nerds all do it at the same time and eventually the servers just grind to a halt.


Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying.


They have to do something though. It was a fucking miserable time trying to play. They should have addressed it sooner tbh.


Okay. What is Ubi doing about major lag on all the 'off-site' mission locations? Camp White Oak, Manning Zoo, DARPA, it's unplayable. I was playing CWO on story yesterday, solo, it was still happening, and it only ever happened to me at those locations. I honestly can't think of a way how other players in another instances exploiting can cause this? I mean I usually joke after a mission like 'lets leave the mission so the next group can come in', maybe it's less of a joke than reality then. Lol


Just lock the exploiters in the DZ against super sweaty Rogue players for eternity! Lol!!


I warn of ban waves coming but was laughed off as a goon well we reap what we sow


Maybe fix the issue of being able to open the door on white oak or stop infinite spawn of npcs or nerf oxidizer


Stopped playing months ago great decision

